Charles Manson Follower Approved for Parole

if they killed someone do the old "eye for an eye" die the way you killed....
Mathew 5
38“You have heard that it was said, ‘AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.’ 39“But I say to you, do not resist him who is evil; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40“And if anyone wants to sue you, and take your shirt, let him have your coat also. 41“And whoever shall force you to go one mile, go with him two. 42“Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.
thats bullshit sure Jesus would have only turned his cheek so many times before he grabbed the guys wrist and said...."ENOUGH!".... he allowed himself to be tortured and killed, without raising a mighty finger to vanquish his foes...makes it rather tough for Christians I know...
moon i believe this what he said he had to do....for us.....
Well that certainly is a bummer..
think how he felt.....he could,apparently,with just a thought,blast those fuckers to hell......pretty good restraint if you ask me...
Jim Jones was a Jesuit on assignment from the Vatican. His role was to play the part of a protestant preacher - in order to bring disgrace on the name of fundamentalist Christians. That's another story for another time. This one is about Manson's followers getting paroled when they shouldn't be.

Be that as it may, if the 50 million blithering idiots who voted for obozo twice committed mass suicide, we would have paradise on earth.

Keep her worthless ass in prison. Her victims are still deceased.

And, didn't they all receive death sentences originally that were changed to life instead when CA outlawed executions, or something like that?
In California the drugs used to execute murderers has been determined to be cruel.
In California, they also promote giving you drugs if you want to kill yourself.

California is a haven for satanists and Witches. Which is why the police departments are so corrupt out there. Many of them are involved in it too.
really?.....all those years those cops i had coffee with every morning were satanists and warlocks? Spock would say....."fascinating".....
And witches...
well i call females witches,males warlocks....we never had a female cop there...
Mathew 5
38“You have heard that it was said, ‘AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.’ 39“But I say to you, do not resist him who is evil; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40“And if anyone wants to sue you, and take your shirt, let him have your coat also. 41“And whoever shall force you to go one mile, go with him two. 42“Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.
thats bullshit sure Jesus would have only turned his cheek so many times before he grabbed the guys wrist and said...."ENOUGH!".... he allowed himself to be tortured and killed, without raising a mighty finger to vanquish his foes...makes it rather tough for Christians I know...
moon i believe this what he said he had to do....for us.....
Well that certainly is a bummer..
think how he felt.....he could,apparently,with just a thought,blast those fuckers to hell......pretty good restraint if you ask me...
Well do worry many stories and occurrences of that period were repeated with other gods and mythology...
Keep her worthless ass in prison. Her victims are still deceased.

And, didn't they all receive death sentences originally that were changed to life instead when CA outlawed executions, or something like that?
In California the drugs used to execute murderers has been determined to be cruel.
In California, they also promote giving you drugs if you want to kill yourself.

California is a haven for satanists and Witches. Which is why the police departments are so corrupt out there. Many of them are involved in it too.
really?.....all those years those cops i had coffee with every morning were satanists and warlocks? Spock would say....."fascinating".....
And witches...
well i call females witches,males warlocks....we never had a female cop there...
That's something I just can't believe in..
I understand your anger, Pete. But keep in mind that a portion of that 50 million wouldn't vote for him if they had it to do over again. Hindsight is 20/20.
In California the drugs used to execute murderers has been determined to be cruel.
In California, they also promote giving you drugs if you want to kill yourself.

California is a haven for satanists and Witches. Which is why the police departments are so corrupt out there. Many of them are involved in it too.
really?.....all those years those cops i had coffee with every morning were satanists and warlocks? Spock would say....."fascinating".....
And witches...
well i call females witches,males warlocks....we never had a female cop there...
That's something I just can't believe in..
Spare me. You work harder to cover up the truth about what is going out there than anyone else on this board - Carla is working hard for the #2 slot.
California is a haven for satanists and Witches. Which is why the police departments are so corrupt out there. Many of them are involved in it too.
really?.....all those years those cops i had coffee with every morning were satanists and warlocks? Spock would say....."fascinating".....
And witches...
well i call females witches,males warlocks....we never had a female cop there...
That's something I just can't believe in..
Spare me. You work harder to cover up the truth about what is going out there than anyone else on this board - Carla is working hard for the #2 slot.
Keep her worthless ass in prison. Her victims are still deceased.

And, didn't they all receive death sentences originally that were changed to life instead when CA outlawed executions, or something like that?
In California the drugs used to execute murderers has been determined to be cruel.
In California, they also promote giving you drugs if you want to kill yourself.

California is a haven for satanists and Witches. Which is why the police departments are so corrupt out there. Many of them are involved in it too.
really?.....all those years those cops i had coffee with every morning were satanists and warlocks? Spock would say....."fascinating".....
Do you really think that they advertise to their fellow officers what they are doing? No. There are good police officers who have no idea what is going on in their own department. It shouldn't surprise you.
I don't care what Sharon Tate's husband did or does. He ain't dead. She is.
This bitch needs to stay in prison where she belongs.
In California the drugs used to execute murderers has been determined to be cruel.
In California, they also promote giving you drugs if you want to kill yourself.

California is a haven for satanists and Witches. Which is why the police departments are so corrupt out there. Many of them are involved in it too.
really?.....all those years those cops i had coffee with every morning were satanists and warlocks? Spock would say....."fascinating".....
And witches...
well i call females witches,males warlocks....we never had a female cop there...
That's something I just can't believe in..
its true an actual name is in the is my card....

California is a haven for satanists and Witches. Which is why the police departments are so corrupt out there. Many of them are involved in it too.
really?.....all those years those cops i had coffee with every morning were satanists and warlocks? Spock would say....."fascinating".....
And witches...
well i call females witches,males warlocks....we never had a female cop there...
That's something I just can't believe in..
its true an actual name is in the is my card....

It must be tiring doing the midnight orgies...
Keep her worthless ass in prison. Her victims are still deceased.

And, didn't they all receive death sentences originally that were changed to life instead when CA outlawed executions, or something like that?
In California the drugs used to execute murderers has been determined to be cruel.
In California, they also promote giving you drugs if you want to kill yourself.

California is a haven for satanists and Witches. Which is why the police departments are so corrupt out there. Many of them are involved in it too.
really?.....all those years those cops i had coffee with every morning were satanists and warlocks? Spock would say....."fascinating".....
Do you really think that they advertise to their fellow officers what they are doing? No. There are good police officers who have no idea what is going on in their own department. It shouldn't surprise you.
but im a wizard....i know who is who.....
Back to John Todd - he's probably the highest level insider in Satanism to expose the truth about what is going on. Here is another one by Todd :

really?.....all those years those cops i had coffee with every morning were satanists and warlocks? Spock would say....."fascinating".....
And witches...
well i call females witches,males warlocks....we never had a female cop there...
That's something I just can't believe in..
its true an actual name is in the is my card....

It must be tiring doing the midnight orgies...
its not about sex have me mixed up with the dark side...
really?.....all those years those cops i had coffee with every morning were satanists and warlocks? Spock would say....."fascinating".....
And witches...
well i call females witches,males warlocks....we never had a female cop there...
That's something I just can't believe in..
its true an actual name is in the is my card....

It must be tiring doing the midnight orgies...

You have a one track mind! :laugh:
And witches...
well i call females witches,males warlocks....we never had a female cop there...
That's something I just can't believe in..
its true an actual name is in the is my card....

It must be tiring doing the midnight orgies...
its not about sex have me mixed up with the dark side...
It is dark at night..
And witches...
well i call females witches,males warlocks....we never had a female cop there...
That's something I just can't believe in..
its true an actual name is in the is my card....

It must be tiring doing the midnight orgies...

You have a one track mind! :laugh:
It's easier to derail that whey...
In this video you see Sharon Tate was cast in occult films - this was during the time she was a member of the Church of the Final Process (satanist church). When she tried to get out there was a contract put out on her to have her killed - for 50,000 dollars - as I said in the earlier post here. Her murder was a contract killing.
California is a haven for satanists and Witches. Which is why the police departments are so corrupt out there. Many of them are involved in it too.
really?.....all those years those cops i had coffee with every morning were satanists and warlocks? Spock would say....."fascinating".....
And witches...
well i call females witches,males warlocks....we never had a female cop there...
That's something I just can't believe in..
its true an actual name is in the is my card....


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