Changing the World


Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
If you were given 9 free tickets to have unlimited loyalty from the congress, senate and president to pass 9 laws, what would they be? I am not going to give 9 of my own opinions but sarcastic laws from people I perceive to be retarded.

1. Outlaw all abortions by punishing the doctors performing abortions to pay a $10 fine and all the mothers seeking abortions to pay a $20 fine.

2. Outlaw gay marriage by fining the two married people $100 per year for remaining married and fining the person for performing the marriage a $7 fine.

3. Outlaw racism by fining people having racist thoughts $50 per thought. Furthermore all racist comments or jokes should be punished with an one year prison sentence but only if allowed under the first amendment of the constitution.

4. Outlaw excessive taxation by limiting the federal income tax to 15% of income, state income tax to 10%, state sales tax to 7%, county property tax to 55 cents per $100 of value, city property tax to 55 cents per $100 of value. Governments would have to rely on user fees for any additional revenues.

5. Outlaw violations of the right to bear arms. Any government official elected, appointed, or otherwise employed by a government entity violating the right to bear arms should be fined $1,000,000 for the first, second, and third offense. The fourth offense would be punished by hanging.

6. Outlaw trans gender behavior. Anyone publicly identifying as trans gender should pay a $50 fine or $150 fine if the incident occurs on a Monday. This is only forbidden if permissible under the 1st amendment of the constitution.

7. Outlaw homosexual behaviors. Each homosexual act should be punished with a $750 fine. This includes oral, anal, or other types of gratifying sexual acts with someone of the same gender.

8. Outlaw abortion. This law is super important so it must be mentioned twice. Doctors performing abortion should pay a $10 fine. Mothers requesting abortion should pay a $20 fine.

9. Outlaw Critical Race Theory. People teaching critical race theory should pay an one dollar fine per day for any day critical race theory is taught. The organization housing an individual must also pay a $365 fine per year per teacher in their organization teaching critical race theory. Critical Race Theory should be defined as "saying things I don't like either formally or informally". I must be consulted with for each individual incident to make sure it is ok or not.

What 9 laws would you make? What do you think of the 9 laws I would pass? Let's have some fun with this thread. The sky is the limit.
That was deliberate.

Well, I wondered. Thanks for clarifying. And I apologize if I knee-jerked at reading just the first few words of #8 before responding.

But outlawing certain thoughts as in #3? Just no. How do you plan on enforcing this? Behaviors are easily enough legislated, but thoughts are not so. And the rest of this is not stated very clearly.

Otherwise I pretty much agree with your choices and I would add public statements and legislative discrimination against any religion.


Well, I wondered. Thanks for clarifying.

But outlawing certain thoughts as in #3? Just no. How do you plan on enforcing this? Behaviors are easily enough legislated, but thoughts are not so. And the rest of this is not stated very clearly.

Otherwise I pretty much agree with your choices and I would add public statements against any religion.


This is my sarcastic list. My real list would only address taxing and spending of governments. I am not distracted by the shiny stuff Democrats force Republicans to discuss like abortion, gay stuff, and race stuff.

That's just a tactic by the left to preserve their spending projects. Republicans constantly take the bait.
This is my sarcastic list. My real list would only address taxing and spending of governments. I am not distracted by the shiny stuff Democrats force Republicans to discuss like abortion, gay stuff, and race stuff.

That's just a tactic by the left to preserve their spending projects. Republicans constantly take the bait.

So you admit this is a bait thread.

Ya got me.

In that case, I agree with kyzr.

1#Term limits for elected and non elected government employees
2#Government must run on a balanced budget . Exception in times of war or natural disasters.
3# Line Item Veto powers for the President.
4#All laws must be on one subject only no ''Riders''.
5#Trade deals must be a benefit to american workers and businesses.
6#A national plan to bring education levels to the best in the world.
7# A national plan to improve total health to all citizens both physical and mental
8#A national plan to end poverty and homelessness through good health , all around education including job training and life skills, and access to capital.
9#A independent citizens board to make sure all programs are being run efficiently and report ony to the Supreme Court.
My changes to the above list highlighted in red:

1#Term limits for elected and non-elected government employees ✅
2#Government must run on a balanced budget . Exception in times of war or natural disasters.✅
3# Transgender activism & its partner, pedophilia, would be outlawed & seriously punished.
4#All laws must be on one subject only no ''Riders''.✅
5#Trade deals must be a benefit to American workers and businesses.✅
6#A national plan to bring education levels to the best in the world.✅
7# Illegal invaders would be seriously punished for crossing the border illegally & corporations would be heavily fined for hiring illegal invaders.
8#Citizens would be encouraged to own guns and rewarded for participating in safety training and proper use of weapons.
9#A independent citizen's board to make sure all programs are being run efficiently and report only to the Supreme Court.✅

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