Chairman of federal election commission says he believes Election illegitimate


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
It keeps getting worse and worse for Biden every minute.LOL twitter hates the truth being told,they delete this stuff constantly not wanting the truth to get out so this probably wont stay up long. :auiqs.jpg:

Listen to THIS sIck disguasting monster call trump suppoters neo nazis.

other way around you evil sick monster.Thats what Biden supporters are. this sick fuck should be imprisoned for life.


Today’s PA court ruling is significant not because of the amount of ballots it affects but because it sets the legal precedent that PA’s Secretary of State did not have statutory authority to override election law. Neither did PA Supreme Court. Only legislature. :2up:
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it just got worse for the biden loving

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There are good reasons, then, why there should be at least two threads on this topic. One of them is to prevent the nazis from controlling the media.
The 2020 Presidential Election is definitely illegitimate. Joe Biden will never be elected our President.

The Democrats have been outwitted by our founding fathers and our constitutional safeguards against fraudulent elections of our term limited occupants of the White House.

The Democrat/Socialist/Communist Party is toast! It just doesn't know it yet.

The Trump administration has wisely not conceded the race based upon the liberal media proclamations (and the DNC's rush to get him into the transition stage that he doesn't deserve).

Read and weep, Chuckie Schumer!

You’re forgetting one thing though.the constituion has ot existed for decades,it’s even shit on by corrupt presidents going all the way back to Reagan all the way up to Obama and presidents have been illegally elected for decades now,bush was the most obvious illegally elected president till now and we got the most corrupt court system in the world,it’s already dismissed like three of his suits,it’s not looking good for trump.
You’re forgetting one thing though.the constituion has ot existed for decades,it’s even shit on by corrupt presidents going all the way back to Reagan all the way up to Obama and presidents have been illegally elected for decades now,bush was the most obvious illegally elected president till now and we got the most corrupt court system in the world,it’s already dismissed like three of his suits,it’s not looking good for trump.
The election is null and void. The Constitution places overly contested false voting into the Senate's hands for 1 vote per state rather than the obnoxiously rerouted overwhelming illegal ballots into caverns of suspicion all the way around since key states sent transparency to hell in a handbasket. The Senate's findings will be final, and local police will be free to do justice if paramilitary morons start something. It's just that simple.
The 2020 Presidential Election is definitely illegitimate. Joe Biden will never be elected our President.

The Democrats have been outwitted by our founding fathers and our constitutional safeguards against fraudulent elections of our term limited occupants of the White House.

The Democrat/Socialist/Communist Party is toast! It just doesn't know it yet.

The Trump administration has wisely not conceded the race based upon the liberal media proclamations (and the DNC's rush to get him into the transition stage that he doesn't deserve).

Read and weep, Chuckie Schumer!

who gives a shit what trump and his red neck reBOOBliCON party says because in January trump the con man liar will be booted out of the White House....and Biden will be the president..THAT'S A FACT
A thread on this topic has been running for days and as pointed out over and over, means nothing because your chairwoman is a Trump-appointed flunky with absolutely no credibility.
A thread on this topic has been running for days and as pointed out over and over, means nothing because your chairwoman is a Trump-appointed flunky with absolutely no credibility.
And you would compile lists of people to destroy their families.

Anyone doing this to me would have a Thanksgiving dinner together they would never forget.
A thread on this topic has been running for days and as pointed out over and over, means nothing because your chairwoman is a Trump-appointed flunky with absolutely no credibility.
And yet you helped keep it at the top by posting. :auiqs.jpg:
A thread on this topic has been running for days and as pointed out over and over, means nothing because your chairwoman is a Trump-appointed flunky with absolutely no credibility.
And you would compile lists of people to destroy their families.

Anyone doing this to me would have a Thanksgiving dinner together they would never forget.
Damn straight he would.
You’re forgetting one thing though.the constituion has ot existed for decades,it’s even shit on by corrupt presidents going all the way back to Reagan all the way up to Obama and presidents have been illegally elected for decades now,bush was the most obvious illegally elected president till now and we got the most corrupt court system in the world,it’s already dismissed like three of his suits,it’s not looking good for trump.
The election is null and void. The Constitution places overly contested false voting into the Senate's hands for 1 vote per state rather than the obnoxiously rerouted overwhelming illegal ballots into caverns of suspicion all the way around since key states sent transparency to hell in a handbasket. The Senate's findings will be final, and local police will be free to do justice if paramilitary morons start something. It's just that simple.
How come you refer to the constitution when corrupt politicians have disregarded and took a shit on it for decades now and never been held accountable for their actions? Why would the constituion all of a sudden start working now when courts have ignored it for decades niw

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