CDCs “confusing” messaging on vaccines.

So where the Prisoners halt their genetic modification is precisely at the point where Chinese communists are made to divulge the non-human biology of their virus. Otherwise their military gain-of-function experiments in deer will remain esoterica and continue unabated.


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Nope, just stating the facts. Tens of thousands are dying from this experimental injection. Hundreds of thousands are seriously being injured.

Bullshit! You posted this last Wednesday # 124 on another Covid thread
Here We Go - Biden's DOJ Declares COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Are Legal Stop lying!

New Evidence Suggests COVID Vaccine May *SPREAD* the Virus: NBC News Report Deleted from USA Today Article​

New Evidence Suggests COVID Vaccine May *SPREAD* the Virus: NBC News Report Deleted from USA Today Article

"CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said new data shows the delta variant, which accounts for more than 80% of the new infections"...

Translation provided in parentheses.

And the science(propaganda) continues to change, and while that is neither simple nor easy to convey(because its all lies), it is my responsibility to keep the American people safe. And as that science(propaganda) evolves, I evolve — with the CDC, the guidance.
We the American people empower No One with dictate authority to “keep us safe” from a nebulous virus.
I'm one who believes old sayings of wisdom are all true. One of those is you can't cure the common cold.

Well COVID is a cold, but if it helps you sleep nights it's a form of the flu. So you know those annual flu shots guys such as myself avoid? Well, welcome to the new "flu shot", we're going to call it COVID shots. COVID canceled out all kinds of things, including it's canceled out the flu (COUGH!)

I think what happened is, purposely or not this variant of common flu/cold was released from the lab. Humans fuck everything up, especially leftists. So at the end of the day blame them for its release, and blame humans, especially leftists for the 100% propaganda & lies surrounding everything said about it.

When everything is a lie it makes it easy to believe they can take their shots and shove them up their ass.
Bullshit! You posted this last Wednesday # 124 on another Covid thread
Here We Go - Biden's DOJ Declares COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Are Legal Stop lying!

New Evidence Suggests COVID Vaccine May *SPREAD* the Virus: NBC News Report Deleted from USA Today Article​

New Evidence Suggests COVID Vaccine May *SPREAD* the Virus: NBC News Report Deleted from USA Today Article

"CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said new data shows the delta variant, which accounts for more than 80% of the new infections"...

It was a typo from beckernews and scrubbed and the original source was scrubbed by USA today............not because of the the typo. You really aren't that bright are you.
A couple of months ago Fauci was on tv talking about how effective the vaccines were. He still wants to claim that. With the caveat that, oh yeah, you’ll have to wear masks even with the vaccine. Last week we had Biden telling us in a press conference that the vaccine will protect us from infection. Huh, well that didn’t last long.

What’s going on with the vaccine? Well, let me take you back to Biden’s COVID czar, Dr Micheal Olsterholm, on Joe Rogans podcast in March of 2020, before lockdowns. When Joe asked if we could develop a vaccine against COVID, Olsterholm responded in the negative stating that (paraphrase) by the time we create, test, and distribute a vaccine, we will be worried about COVID 2021, not COVID-19. Biden’s own COVID czar.

The numbers for this vaccine are abysmal. Israel, among the top 3 in vaccination rates in the world...huh, our state department has issued a travel advisory because cases are exploding in Israel. UK numbers are awful as well, also leading the world in vaccinations. Sweden, those barbarians that never locked down and rarely masked, whose vaccination rate is abysmal at 30%, a country of 10 million...they haven’t had a COVID death in a couple of weeks.

Here’s an excercise, try to look up the numbers on breakthrough infections youself, see how difficult it is to find that information. You’ll get “breakthroughs happen, but it’s rare and symptoms are mild” won’t get raw numbers though. Here’s the hoops I had to jump through to get just a little bit of an idea on the efficacy of these vaccines in Massachusetts, #2 overall in the US as far as vaccination rate over 60%.

I found this article
Subtracted the new breakthrough total from the last weeks listed in the article. Gave me 716 breakthroughs for the week 7/17. Then went onto the state website here
To to find new cases total for the week of 7/17, at 1472 (if I remember correctly you can check my math), which gave me a breakthrough infection rate of 48% out of all new cases. Mind you the alpha strain (the strain this vaccine supposedly is effective against) is still in circulation.
Very nice. At home we've been wrestling for days with the numbers as presented in various "news" articles and leaked reports, etc. --- wow, are people bad about giving us numbers we can make sense of. They know them better at the CDC and big research places, but they are so worried they are keeping them a deep secret, I think.

What a panic this country is in this week! This tells me that the population is a lot smarter than I realized. People are working out the numbers for themselves, and nobody likes the totals.
I still don't see much in the way of seasonality with COVID except that whenever we have traditional travel/big gathering holidays, we tend to see upticks in infections. What we really need is to come up with better drugs to treat the very serious cases and screw all this vaccines then booster shots mess.
It was a typo from beckernews and scrubbed and the original source was scrubbed by USA today............not because of the the typo.
Yeah, I saw that shocking headline when it came out. I figured it was a clickbait. Some of these fake news outlets have absolutely no morals at all.
I'm one who believes old sayings of wisdom are all true. One of those is you can't cure the common cold.

Well COVID is a cold, but if it helps you sleep nights it's a form of the flu. So you know those annual flu shots guys such as myself avoid? Well, welcome to the new "flu shot", we're going to call it COVID shots. COVID canceled out all kinds of things, including it's canceled out the flu (COUGH!)

I think what happened is, purposely or not this variant of common flu/cold was released from the lab. Humans fuck everything up, especially leftists. So at the end of the day blame them for its release, and blame humans, especially leftists for the 100% propaganda & lies surrounding everything said about it.

When everything is a lie it makes it easy to believe they can take their shots and shove them up their ass.
You probobly believe this too

This morning, a bovine connection to the human C-19 Lambda variant was found, so the task is to compare the deletion in Lambda to any deletions occurring during ivermectin treatment of cattle for BCoV.

May 2021 Turkey: Ivermectin / BCoV
’....inhibits replication of BCoV....’

The human deletion in Lambda occurs at positions 246 through 252. In SARS-CoV-2, these positions are R (arginine) and G (glycine), respectively. Though the clue lies in the disulfide bond of the bovine spike, because 246 is a threonine and 252 is a cysteine, which cysteine correlates with the end of the bovine disulfide bond. Cysteine contains one sulfur atom. Furthermore, the entire bovine disulfide bond is from position 172 (a cysteine) to 252 (cysteine), while in SARS-CoV-2, position 172 is a serine (S). Thus, the proposal is that in Lambda, SARS-CoV-2 is attempting an adaption mutation via deletion, comparable to its adaption to mink ACE2: Y453F.
Trout you are fucked in the head ! You lie even more than Trump and that is quite an accomplishment. There is nothing in the VAERS database to say anything about masmortality from the vaxx. NOTHING. Why do you think that you can post this shit and get away with it ?. Stop lying. You have blood on your hands

What is really bizarre is that you have consitently contradiced everything that the CDC has said, and now you are citing them as a source- and lying about what they say about deaths .

If the data that you claim supports what you are saying existed in VAERS, it seems to me that you would have provided a link. You are a mess!!
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OK Anti -Vaxxers.. I have a question. How many of you believe this:

Upon recovering from the infection and returning to his nightly “TruNews” program, Wiles naturally began to spread conspiracy theories about how he been infected and continues to do so, using his program Tuesday night to blame people who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 for his infection. The vaccines, he said, were “satanic serum.”

Or this:

Be honest
As I have pointed out many times, VAERS data is never verified. It is basically nothing but a collection of anecdotal information and should not be used for statistics. The web site itself even points this out for those capable of reading. I dismiss that as a source.

What else do you have?
Good grief! Are we allies on this topic?
As I have pointed out many times, VAERS data is never verified. It is basically nothing but a collection of anecdotal information and should not be used for statistics. The web site itself even points this out for those capable of reading. I dismiss that as a source.

What else do you have?

Those are official data points. When you sign off on an injury report, it is punishable by law for false reporting so I wouldn't be very quick to dismiss.

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