CDC says risk of coronavirus in schools is small...DUH! Meanwhile 27,799,100 age group contemplate suicide!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
A new report documents relatively low-risk of COVID-19 transmission in classrooms.

The rise in suicide cases, though, was most pronounced among the nation’s youths. While 11% of respondents to the CDC survey had “seriously considered” suicide in the past month, that same figure jumps to 25% for people aged 18 to 24—a deeply worrisome statistic to health officials across the country.
These 27,799,100 youths age 19-25 is considering suicide.
Think about it. if just 5% or 1,390,000 youths commit suicide...what are the costs to America?
Let alone the priceless value of these human lives consider these factors:
Assume these nearly 1,400,000 youths had jobs for 30 years @ average salary of $50,000 and paid Federal/FICA taxes
at 20%... what is the loss just in this aspect? $420 billion and nearly $1.7 TRILLION to our GDP!
All because the supposedly "educational" system couldn't figure out this statistic:
Total deaths since 2/1/20 of ages less than 1 to 24.. 643 deaths! Yet they closed the schools!
Who is primarily to blame? 1) The teachers. 2) Their union. 3) The BIASED MSM that note have stopped running the charts as they did during Trump! How biased was that? And these above people actually caused MORE Deaths including suicides!
Here’s how the media is misreporting COVID-19’s death toll in America
On Sept. 22, CNN triumphantly announced that 200,000 people had died from COVID-19 in the United States.

Here’s a less biased, but less catchy, comparison:
2020’s attributed COVID-19 deaths were equivalent to having another 2017-2018 flu and pneumonia season boosted by 13 percent.
The CDC estimated that about 177,000 Americans died during the 2017-2018 flu season, from either the flu itself or by complications of pneumonia. (The CDC never made a public announcement about this number, but you can count it yourself from data on its site, as I did in the chart below.)
Today? Where is the BIASED MSM's charts?
Today 1/27/21 ZERO! Nothing!
Screen Shot 2021-01-27 at 10.24.36 AM.png

Last year CNN boasting...

Screen Shot 2021-01-27 at 10.21.22 AM.png
A new report documents relatively low-risk of COVID-19 transmission in classrooms.

The rise in suicide cases, though, was most pronounced among the nation’s youths. While 11% of respondents to the CDC survey had “seriously considered” suicide in the past month, that same figure jumps to 25% for people aged 18 to 24—a deeply worrisome statistic to health officials across the country.
These 27,799,100 youths age 19-25 is considering suicide.
Think about it. if just 5% or 1,390,000 youths commit suicide...what are the costs to America?
Let alone the priceless value of these human lives consider these factors:
Assume these nearly 1,400,000 youths had jobs for 30 years @ average salary of $50,000 and paid Federal/FICA taxes
at 20%... what is the loss just in this aspect? $420 billion and nearly $1.7 TRILLION to our GDP!
All because the supposedly "educational" system couldn't figure out this statistic:
Total deaths since 2/1/20 of ages less than 1 to 24.. 643 deaths! Yet they closed the schools!
Who is primarily to blame? 1) The teachers. 2) Their union. 3) The BIASED MSM that note have stopped running the charts as they did during Trump! How biased was that? And these above people actually caused MORE Deaths including suicides!
Oh, pul-leaze. Can't get rid of Covid for them. Will have to learn to deal with it, as the rest of us. Survivors have a will to survive, mature, reproduce and pass on their genes. Sounds like a Darwinian genetic flaw to me.
I would have expected the suicide risk to be high among those 60 and over, since they seem to be the age group consuming the sky-is-falling MSM reports every day.
I would have expected the suicide risk to be high among those 60 and over, since they seem to be the age group consuming the sky-is-falling MSM reports every day.
No. We are survivors. How do you think we got to be over 60 if not resilient, adaptive and perhaps a bit more philophic by this point?
I would have expected the suicide risk to be high among those 60 and over, since they seem to be the age group consuming the sky-is-falling MSM reports every day.
No. We are survivors. How do you think we got to be over 60 if not resilient, adaptive and perhaps a bit more philophic by this point?
Some of us are. Many aren’t.
A new report documents relatively low-risk of COVID-19 transmission in classrooms.

The rise in suicide cases, though, was most pronounced among the nation’s youths. While 11% of respondents to the CDC survey had “seriously considered” suicide in the past month, that same figure jumps to 25% for people aged 18 to 24—a deeply worrisome statistic to health officials across the country.
These 27,799,100 youths age 19-25 is considering suicide.
Think about it. if just 5% or 1,390,000 youths commit suicide...what are the costs to America?
Let alone the priceless value of these human lives consider these factors:
Assume these nearly 1,400,000 youths had jobs for 30 years @ average salary of $50,000 and paid Federal/FICA taxes
at 20%... what is the loss just in this aspect? $420 billion and nearly $1.7 TRILLION to our GDP!
All because the supposedly "educational" system couldn't figure out this statistic:
Total deaths since 2/1/20 of ages less than 1 to 24.. 643 deaths! Yet they closed the schools!
Who is primarily to blame? 1) The teachers. 2) Their union. 3) The BIASED MSM that note have stopped running the charts as they did during Trump! How biased was that? And these above people actually caused MORE Deaths including suicides!

Further proof of the weaponization of COVID-19 lockdowns. Frankly, I cannot imagine how school age kids can tell if they are coming or going, what with school closures and online classes and hybrid classes. Add to that the 24/7 doom and gloom fear mongering coming out of the cable news media, and the fear of getting sick or their parents catching the 'Rona, and it must be living hell for lots of kids and young people.
A new report documents relatively low-risk of COVID-19 transmission in classrooms.

The rise in suicide cases, though, was most pronounced among the nation’s youths. While 11% of respondents to the CDC survey had “seriously considered” suicide in the past month, that same figure jumps to 25% for people aged 18 to 24—a deeply worrisome statistic to health officials across the country.
These 27,799,100 youths age 19-25 is considering suicide.
Think about it. if just 5% or 1,390,000 youths commit suicide...what are the costs to America?
Let alone the priceless value of these human lives consider these factors:
Assume these nearly 1,400,000 youths had jobs for 30 years @ average salary of $50,000 and paid Federal/FICA taxes
at 20%... what is the loss just in this aspect? $420 billion and nearly $1.7 TRILLION to our GDP!
All because the supposedly "educational" system couldn't figure out this statistic:
Total deaths since 2/1/20 of ages less than 1 to 24.. 643 deaths! Yet they closed the schools!
Who is primarily to blame? 1) The teachers. 2) Their union. 3) The BIASED MSM that note have stopped running the charts as they did during Trump! How biased was that? And these above people actually caused MORE Deaths including suicides!

Further proof of the weaponization of COVID-19 lockdowns. Frankly, I cannot imagine how school age kids can tell if they are coming or going, what with school closures and online classes and hybrid classes. Add to that the 24/7 doom and gloom fear mongering coming out of the cable news media, and the fear of getting sick or their parents catching the 'Rona, and it must be living hell for lots of kids and young people.
Weaponization my butt. My youngest grand daughter comes her to do zoom two way video classes from the kitchen with PJ and I to assist, monitor and handle technical glitches on alternate days between going to reduced classroom actual school, while our daughter works in healthcare (yes she has been vaccinated). Older grand daughter alternates between home zoom from their house and class room at high school, again I providing tech assistance as necessary. I used to write/approve/impliment training schedules and supervise training at somewhat far flung locactions with people rotating and moving between. No different, except not doing it for hundreds, just working in support of two (a second grader and a freshman), no sweat and no drama, this far into the school year.
Actully seeing and hearing the instruction, I am pleased and impressed with the level of instruction, quality, preparedness and content that I get to observe.
A new report documents relatively low-risk of COVID-19 transmission in classrooms.

The rise in suicide cases, though, was most pronounced among the nation’s youths. While 11% of respondents to the CDC survey had “seriously considered” suicide in the past month, that same figure jumps to 25% for people aged 18 to 24—a deeply worrisome statistic to health officials across the country.
These 27,799,100 youths age 19-25 is considering suicide.
Think about it. if just 5% or 1,390,000 youths commit suicide...what are the costs to America?
Let alone the priceless value of these human lives consider these factors:
Assume these nearly 1,400,000 youths had jobs for 30 years @ average salary of $50,000 and paid Federal/FICA taxes
at 20%... what is the loss just in this aspect? $420 billion and nearly $1.7 TRILLION to our GDP!
All because the supposedly "educational" system couldn't figure out this statistic:
Total deaths since 2/1/20 of ages less than 1 to 24.. 643 deaths! Yet they closed the schools!
Who is primarily to blame? 1) The teachers. 2) Their union. 3) The BIASED MSM that note have stopped running the charts as they did during Trump! How biased was that? And these above people actually caused MORE Deaths including suicides!

Further proof of the weaponization of COVID-19 lockdowns. Frankly, I cannot imagine how school age kids can tell if they are coming or going, what with school closures and online classes and hybrid classes. Add to that the 24/7 doom and gloom fear mongering coming out of the cable news media, and the fear of getting sick or their parents catching the 'Rona, and it must be living hell for lots of kids and young people.
Weaponization my butt. My youngest grand daughter comes her to do zoom two way video classes from the kitchen with PJ and I to assist, monitor and handle technical glitches on alternate days between going to reduced classroom actual school, while our daughter works in healthcare (yes she has been vaccinated). Older grand daughter alternates between home zoom from their house and class room at high school, again I providing tech assistance as necessary. I used to write/approve/impliment training schedules and supervise training at somewhat far flung locactions with people rotating and moving between. No different, except not doing it for hundreds, just working in support of two (a second grader and a freshman), no sweat and no drama, this far into the school year.
Actully seeing and hearing the instruction, I am pleased and impressed with the level of instruction, quality, preparedness and content that I get to observe.
And I'm sure there are many offspring like you mentioned that have had NO problems. Agree.
It's though the FACTS that the teachers union, the MSM blew this out of proportion that has created the
dark future for granted a minority of youths...but nevertheless a REALITY!
I'm confident your offspring have good role models. But there are more examples of youths having problems
adjusting to what your offspring have done. Congratulations on you as a role model. Now be an even better
role model and AGREE! There was NO CAUSE as the CDC is pointing out to have shut down the schools!
A new report documents relatively low-risk of COVID-19 transmission in classrooms.

The rise in suicide cases, though, was most pronounced among the nation’s youths. While 11% of respondents to the CDC survey had “seriously considered” suicide in the past month, that same figure jumps to 25% for people aged 18 to 24—a deeply worrisome statistic to health officials across the country.
These 27,799,100 youths age 19-25 is considering suicide.
Think about it. if just 5% or 1,390,000 youths commit suicide...what are the costs to America?
Let alone the priceless value of these human lives consider these factors:
Assume these nearly 1,400,000 youths had jobs for 30 years @ average salary of $50,000 and paid Federal/FICA taxes
at 20%... what is the loss just in this aspect? $420 billion and nearly $1.7 TRILLION to our GDP!
All because the supposedly "educational" system couldn't figure out this statistic:
Total deaths since 2/1/20 of ages less than 1 to 24.. 643 deaths! Yet they closed the schools!
Who is primarily to blame? 1) The teachers. 2) Their union. 3) The BIASED MSM that note have stopped running the charts as they did during Trump! How biased was that? And these above people actually caused MORE Deaths including suicides!

Further proof of the weaponization of COVID-19 lockdowns. Frankly, I cannot imagine how school age kids can tell if they are coming or going, what with school closures and online classes and hybrid classes. Add to that the 24/7 doom and gloom fear mongering coming out of the cable news media, and the fear of getting sick or their parents catching the 'Rona, and it must be living hell for lots of kids and young people.
Weaponization my butt. My youngest grand daughter comes her to do zoom two way video classes from the kitchen with PJ and I to assist, monitor and handle technical glitches on alternate days between going to reduced classroom actual school, while our daughter works in healthcare (yes she has been vaccinated). Older grand daughter alternates between home zoom from their house and class room at high school, again I providing tech assistance as necessary. I used to write/approve/impliment training schedules and supervise training at somewhat far flung locactions with people rotating and moving between. No different, except not doing it for hundreds, just working in support of two (a second grader and a freshman), no sweat and no drama, this far into the school year.
Actully seeing and hearing the instruction, I am pleased and impressed with the level of instruction, quality, preparedness and content that I get to observe.
And I'm sure there are many offspring like you mentioned that have had NO problems. Agree.
It's though the FACTS that the teachers union, the MSM blew this out of proportion that has created the
dark future for granted a minority of youths...but nevertheless a REALITY!
I'm confident your offspring have good role models. But there are more examples of youths having problems
adjusting to what your offspring have done. Congratulations on you as a role model. Now be an even better
role model and AGREE! There was NO CAUSE as the CDC is pointing out to have shut down the schools!
Could be right. I do not believe they were trying to panic anyone. I do not actually know anybody panicked, though pretty sure they are out there. In times of rapidly advancing pandemic and people dying after exposure to specific disease spread by close contact, it was logical to curtail gatherings such as schools until more known. Around here, we have had schools close locally in years past due to localized flu becoming epidemic in the schools.

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