CDC says people may need a 4th booster


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
You lefties mocked us when we said that BIG PHARMA, THE DEAD MEDIA, AND THE BIDEN ADMIN was going to keep making us take boosters.

This is what the left does…lie and move the goal posts.

The vaccine cards have 4 lines. Of course they are going to use them!


Fuck the CDC & it's never-ending vaccines and boosters.

The new COVID pill ends the need for anymore shots.

The theraputics these BIG PHARMA companies are about to push on us for big money is why the media is vilifying ivermecton.

Its so fucking obvious.

You lefties mocked us when we said that BIG PHARMA, THE DEAD MEDIA, AND THE BIDEN ADMIN was going to keep making us take boosters.

This is what the left does…lie and move the goal posts.

The vaccine cards have 4 lines. Of course they are going to use them!


Only four?
The CDC's rochelle says lots of things. Apparently there's a study she's found that proves experimental injections are better than natural immunity.


Dear Dr. Walensky and Ms. Cashman, Thank you for your response on September 17, 2021 to the petition filed on behalf of the Informed Consent Action Network1 (“Petitioner”), dated July 6, 2021. A copy of the petition, and the addendum, are appended as Appendix A (the “Petition”).2 A copy of your response is appended as Appendix B.

While your response is appreciated, it does not address any of the over 50 studies cited in the Petition which reflect that those previously infected with COVID-19 (the “naturally immune”) have superior protection from becoming infected with and transmitting SARS-CoV-2 than those vaccinated for COVID-19 (the “vaccine immune”). Critically:

1. Your response does not contest any of the studies cited and data which collectively reviewed hundreds of thousands of naturally immune versus vaccine immune individuals and found that the rate of infection among the naturally immune (“reinfections”) is far lower than the rate among the vaccinated (“breakthrough cases”). (Infra § I.)

2. Your response does not contest that, despite a world-wide hunt, there has never been a single documented case of reinfection resulting in further transmission, while, in contrast, there are numerous documented cases of breakthrough cases resulting in further transmission. (Infra § II.)

3. Your response does not contest any of the studies and data cited which reflect that, consistent with the foregoing real-word data, the naturally immune have more robust and durable T cell and B cell immunity. (Infra § III.)

These three facts alone should suffice to lift restrictions on those naturally immune at least to the same extent as those vaccine immune.

Why would rochelle pick a study that is disproven by the other 50+ studies?
ONCE a year flu shot is only needed.

Pneumonia shots are only every FIVE years.

The gov't, nor the medical community see the need for preventative shots of ANY kind for --

The Plague
Typhoid Fever
Lassa Fever
E Coli

and a myriad of hundreds/thousands of other deadly and communicable diseases that kill millions around the world every year.

But whats the difference between COVID and all these OTHER deadly diseases that have been known to kill instantly, or within 24 hours?

The treatment.

More infectious and deadly than COVID, many of these other diseases aren't treated until AFTER people get them. And even WITH their treatments, most treatments of the severest cases only take a week!!! Hell.......even the Bubonic Plague only takes one week of anti-biotics to kill it off.

So WHY all of these numerous "boosters" for COVID, if the FIRST injection was supposed to be your ONLY injection??

Now they are up to 4 or 5 "boosters", and that number is getting added onto every couple of months!!
And now they are claiming you need to take the "pills" for the rest of your life???

You Demwits REALLY don't see what's WRONG with this? Seriously???!!!

EVERY SINGLE disease on this planet now has a treatment that consists of one or two injections, or a one week treatment. But COVID needs continuous jabs and now pills???


From my observations over the past 2 years, and from what I've seen in my personal life so far...............

I've come to a hypothesis that COVID was killed off the first 6 months after it hit this country. The Dems allowed this disease to come over here, as they refused to allow Trump to shut off travel from China to the USA, as he wanted to do.

COVID ran it's course, and did what the Dems wanted it to do for them. Get people panicked enough to take their "vaccine". A "vaccine" which Gates, Fauci, and others developed to get rid of those citizens that have previous medical issues, or medical issues they were unaware of having, in order to "thin the herd" as Gates puts it.

Yes, you can put this in the conspiracy column, but anybody that does their due diligence on this, can see there is something sinister behind the entire COVID scaredemic.
Just how many of those damn shots are going to be necessary? According to them anyway. And new variants, more shots? Fuck it, I'll take my chances.


How many variants of the flu are out there? Countless numbers, as the flu virus is ALWAYS mutating.
Yet, the sheeples aren't panicking over THAT..........WHY???? There ALWAYS variants to any virus or's how they survive. This is nothing new. WHY is COVID being built up as something it's not?

Like all the other diseases and viruses on this planet..........we don't get shots and treatments until AFTER contracting the virus or disease. Even the most communicable of them, with the exception of Measles and Small Pox. But even at that, kids (and some adults) STILL contract them!!

WHY is COVID being treated differently? There are more contagious and deadly diseases that the medical community and the gov't don't see as being threats. Again, WHY COVID???
The CDC director couldn't even answer a simple question about how much of the CDC staff is vaccinated.
Why isn't it already 100%?
They are the ones pushing the shit.
This is the fucked up part.

They (big pharma and their .Gov lackees) are looking to put the annual flu 'vaccine' on one of these mRNA platforms as well.

By the time these assholes are complete each of us will be getting 12 shots per year.

What a scam.

Already in trials :D


Dr. Robert Malone discovered in-vitro and in-vivo RNA transfection and invented mRNA platform technology while he was at the Salk Institute in 1988. He is thus, the father of the modern mRNA vaccine technology, and he has spoken out against its recent misuse in the COVID-19 pandemic.

FYI post. Cases are being reported but they get no compensation ........Even the kangaroo vaccine court moved Covid complaints into a new section. You can't sue them if you die from the vaccine or get permanent damage.......And all complaints so far have been denied ANY MONETARY COMPENSATION.

Since 1988, the government has run a special, no-fault tribunal housed within the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (known colloquially as “vaccine court”), to handle injury claims for 16 common vaccines. Payouts (including attorneys’ fees) are funded by a 75-cent tax per vaccine.

But that’s not where COVID vaccine claims are being adjudicated. Instead, at least for the time being, they’ve been relegated to an even more obscure forum, the Countermeasure Injury Compensation Program, or CICP, run by the Health Resources and Services Administration.

Both Maglio and Gentry use the same phrase to describe the program: “A black hole.”

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