CBS Senior Corespondent just gave the nod to Romney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Who needs morning coffee when you wake up to witnessing a miracle?

I switch on the boob tube and CBS Morning Show is on and I see Bob Schiefer talking with an image of Obama and Romney behind him and is talking about how close the race is. Then one of the other corespondents asked him something I didn't quite make out (or the shock of Schiefers answer obliterates it from memory)...and Schiefer answers by saying (paraphrasing) "what is so important right now is someone who can get this government moving, the two houses are getting nothing done. We need someone who can break the gridlock in House and Senate, someone who can find common middle ground and make deals happen. --- HERE IS THE SHOCKER--- when Americans choose a candidate in November - it is important for them to choose a candidate that can break this gridlock". :eek: he did not come out and say "Vote for Romney"...but he misght as well have. It is no secret in Washington that Obama detests members of Congress/Senate - even his own party members complain about his unavailability. And it is also no secret that he has made no efforts to work with the other branches, he prefers to simply hand over those duties to underlings.

My God...CBS News Senior Corespondent just gave a nod to a
Camelot is imploding in on itself. Oh my.

For the record, I agree with his comment about getting someone who can break the current gridlock. Romney has a track record of bi-partisan working. He's not a DC insider. He's smarter than Obama - and his college record attests to that. He's got better credentials on economic issues than Obama.

Go Romney!

Naw..he didn't.

You'd have the same problem with Romney that you had with Obama. Democrats are not going to be keen on working with the guy..especially after the use of the record use of the filibuster over the last several years.

Republicans made that BAU.

And a Romney win would have the same effect.

They would however be able to pass more tax brute force.
oh no a journalists declaring his support for Mittens, boy what a country when a nobody influences elections so mush!
Believe it or not.,......some of these people think strategically. They know if Obama gets elected again and erases that Bush tax cuts and the economy TOTALLY tanks. the left wont get a sniff for decades. Alot of prominent Dems are seeing that too.......they are going to jump off before the armagheddon. Think about it......are these guys going to want to show up at these DC parties and say they supported the guy responsible for the second depression??:coffee: The k00ks on here think only idelogy.............which is ironic since they are posting in a POLITICS forum with the political IQ's of small soap dishes.
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Barry's swiftly becoming a joke. Which is the prelim to becoming an afterthought come Nov. 7.

Could I tell others never underestimate the FED's cooperation with Obama. They would clearly rather see Obama win than Romney. They KNOW Obama is willing to donate copious taxpayer money into their coffers - Romney is against the stimulus...but for the stimulus...ok..for it...but wait..
Point is - Obama is a sure thing for endless QE's...Romney - who knows.
Therefore - as I stated weeks ago - fully expect not only a QE3 here in America...but also our money given to foreign banks as well. The FED is on Obama's side, and $billions of taxpayer money wasted for a short term gain will absolutely help Obama win.
This is the one thing that Romney has no power to stop.
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