CBO: Biden $15 An Hour Minimum Wage Will Cost 1.4 Million American Jobs

If businesses can operate without those 1.4 million workers, doesn’t that suggest that they weren’t needed to begin with?
Exactly. Companies are only going to hire as many people as they need to operate the business. Only a very small business is going to not hire a second person because they would have to pay $15 instead of $10 hr.

And they always say consumers will pay for it. Not necessarily. Maybe the CEO, executives and shareholders won't make as much in dividends instead. I'd rather see the employees getting a piece of the profits too. If Walmart was unionized, the employees would make more.

I'd rather know there are 100 people making $20 hr at the Walmart instead of 200 making $10. Republicans would prefer 200 were making $10. More people working and paying taxes.
Since I am a Boomer I will use this statement:

"China Joe is fucking up like Hogan's Goat!"
Baby boomers ruined this country. They had it all and then told us we could no longer have it all. Pensions, high paying jobs, job security, social security, medicare, affordable school, 10% interest on your savings accounts. It was the best time in America. Now you old fucks are retired at age 62-65 and you're telling us we have to work till 67 and can't have pensions and we need to cut social security and medicare, but not for old people like you.

The greatest generation gave you the greatest life. Then you fucked it all up for us younger Americans. That makes you the worst generation.
....like sacrificing American jobs, American energy independence, and adding $2 trillion in new debt in 10 days...?!

Since I am a Boomer I will use this statement:

"China Joe is fucking up like Hogan's Goat!"
Baby boomers ruined this country. They had it all and then told us we could no longer have it all. Pensions, high paying jobs, job security, social security, medicare, affordable school, 10% interest on your savings accounts. It was the best time in America. Now you old fucks are retired at age 62-65 and you're telling us we have to work till 67 and can't have pensions and we need to cut social security and medicare, but not for old people like you.

The greatest generation gave you the greatest life. Then you fucked it all up for us younger Americans. That makes you the worst generation.
....like sacrificing American jobs, American energy independence, and adding $2 trillion in new debt in 10 days...?!

Coal mining jobs? Hey, you didn't mind sacrificing manufacturing jobs in the 2000's because they were high paying union jobs. They were good for America. Now your coal miner jobs aren't as good and should be sacrificed. Hopefully they build a battery or wind plant in Appalachia to replace your coal miner job.

We will be energy independent when solar panels are heating your roof or wind turbines. Then we will not give a fuck what the middle east does with their oil.

CBO: Biden’s $15 Minimum Wage Would
Result in a Loss of 1.4 Million Jobs

Why Do This? Because the Democrats know what's best for you...and because they CAN.

CBO: Biden's $15 Minimum Wage Would Result in a Loss of 1.4 Million Jobs
Only in the short term. Unemployment compensation could be improved to better pick up the slack and automatically stabilize our economy. In the long run, higher paid labor creates more in demand and generates more in tax revenue.
Only if you raise it gradually enough that the market can adjust. Double it overnight and impact 60% of the work force and things can get ugly.

CBO: Biden’s $15 Minimum Wage Would
Result in a Loss of 1.4 Million Jobs

Why Do This? Because the Democrats know what's best for you...and because they CAN.

CBO: Biden's $15 Minimum Wage Would Result in a Loss of 1.4 Million Jobs
Only in the short term. Unemployment compensation could be improved to better pick up the slack and automatically stabilize our economy. In the long run, higher paid labor creates more in demand and generates more in tax revenue.
Only if you raise it gradually enough that the market can adjust. Double it overnight and impact 60% of the work force and things can get ugly.
Coal mining jobs? Hey, you didn't mind sacrificing manufacturing jobs in the 2000's because they were high paying union jobs. They were good for America. Now your coal miner jobs aren't as good and should be sacrificed. Hopefully they build a battery or wind plant in Appalachia to replace your coal miner job.

We will be energy independent when solar panels are heating your roof or wind turbines. Then we will not give a fuck what the middle east does with their oil.
Green enrgy jobs for the thousands of Americans Biden put out of work in the middle of a democrat-made piss-poor economy and pandemic just to advance Socialist Democrat ideology and plans....any day now.
Yeah, that is what they said about a seven dollar an hour min wage.

You guys say this every time we raise the minimum wage.

And you say it’ll raise inflation. Well then the mw needs to go up and down with inflation

You guys say this every time we raise the minimum wage.

The last time the minimum wage was raised I said it would cost 1.4 million jobs?

I don't believe you.
I think you know what we mean. Are you new to politics? We aren't. We've been debating this stuff for decades. That argument is the lame old argument you've made in the past against raising minimum wage. It's going to cost jobs. Gosh when was that the 2000's or 2010's. I can't remember but I remember the argument. It's one issue you guys haven't flip flopped on yet. If Trump would have been for a minimum wage increase you'd be for it that's for sure.

That argument is the lame old argument you've made in the past against raising minimum wage. It's going to cost jobs.

Is your argument....it won't cost jobs?

If Trump would have been for a minimum wage increase you'd be for it that's for sure.

You're wrong, for sure.
I've never seen a business so busy they need to hire more people but they can't afford to because wages are too high.
Democrats wiped out more than 50% of minority-owned small businesses in the middle of a pandemic and Democrat mandated lockdowns....Biden fired more workers than the Democrat-hamstringed economy did in january. You're not going to see a business so busy they need to hire more people as long as Democrats keep the nation locked down.

CBO: Biden’s $15 Minimum Wage Would
Result in a Loss of 1.4 Million Jobs

Why Do This? Because the Democrats know what's best for you...and because they CAN.

CBO: Biden's $15 Minimum Wage Would Result in a Loss of 1.4 Million Jobs
Only in the short term. Unemployment compensation could be improved to better pick up the slack and automatically stabilize our economy. In the long run, higher paid labor creates more in demand and generates more in tax revenue.
Only if you raise it gradually enough that the market can adjust. Double it overnight and impact 60% of the work force and things can get ugly.
Raise it 'Gradually'? Biden wants to force it immediately with an EO, the same way he put thousands of Americans out of work - with a wave of his pen.
I've never seen a business so busy they need to hire more people but they can't afford to because wages are too high.
Democrats wiped out more than 50% of minority-owned small businesses in the middle of a pandemic and Democrat mandated lockdowns....Biden fired more workers than the Democrat-hamstringed economy did in january. You're not going to see a business so busy they need to hire more people as long as Democrats keep the nation locked down.
Things are opening up in Michigan. You know, the place where you wanted to lynch our governor because of her draconian lockdown mandate?

I thought even red states are locking down and making people wear masks too.

Here are the worst states

Here is a breakdown of COVID-19 cases per 100,000 population in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, as of 8 a.m. CST Feb. 3:

North Dakota — 12,837 per 100,000 population
Population: 762,062 residents

South Dakota — 12,257 per 100,000
Population: 884,659

Rhode Island — 10,968 per 100,000
Population: 1.1 million

Utah — 10,868 per 100,000
Population: 3.2 million

Arizona — 10,530 per 100,000
Population: 7.3 million

Tennessee — 10,506 per 100,000
Population: 6.8 million

You guys wanted to kill my governor here in Michigan but here are her numbers

Michigan — 6,135 per 100,000
Population: 10 million
Since I am a Boomer I will use this statement:

"China Joe is fucking up like Hogan's Goat!"
Baby boomers ruined this country. They had it all and then told us we could no longer have it all. Pensions, high paying jobs, job security, social security, medicare, affordable school, 10% interest on your savings accounts. It was the best time in America. Now you old fucks are retired at age 62-65 and you're telling us we have to work till 67 and can't have pensions and we need to cut social security and medicare, but not for old people like you.

The greatest generation gave you the greatest life. Then you fucked it all up for us younger Americans. That makes you the worst generation.

10% interest on your savings accounts. It was the best time in America.

Wow, the economic ignorance flows.

CBO: Biden’s $15 Minimum Wage Would
Result in a Loss of 1.4 Million Jobs

Why Do This? Because the Democrats know what's best for you...and because they CAN.

CBO: Biden's $15 Minimum Wage Would Result in a Loss of 1.4 Million Jobs
Only in the short term. Unemployment compensation could be improved to better pick up the slack and automatically stabilize our economy. In the long run, higher paid labor creates more in demand and generates more in tax revenue.
Only if you raise it gradually enough that the market can adjust. Double it overnight and impact 60% of the work force and things can get ugly.
Raise it 'Gradually'? Biden wants to force it immediately with an EO, the same way he put thousands of Americans out of work - with a wave of his pen.
Would those be federal government jobs or private jobs?

Maybe he is writing an EO that if you want to do work with the government you at least have to pay $15 hr. I'd be ok with that.

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