Cautious optimism over Iranian nuclear deal as talks resume in Geneva

RT News? Russian garbage propaganda mouthpiece. I don't think Sherri's ever posted a single article from a legitimate source. Ha ha ha.
'Jew must be kidding...

"IDF training exercises in villages and even in Palestinian civilians’ houses are 'a breach of the basic principles of international and humanitarian laws,' an Israeli NGO claims. The IDF’s lawyers claim that the drills are perfectly legal, however.

"Investigative reports by Israeli NGO Yesh Din have described scenes of military operations on civilian homes or in close proximity to a Palestinian cemetery that sound like they could be part of a Hollywood action movie. But the exercises are real, and are carried out by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on a regular basis. "

Duck and cover: Israeli army drills in populated Palestinian areas are ?legal? ? IDF ? RT News

RT News, The Bullshit Network

RT, previously known as Russia Today, is an international multilingual Russian-based television network. It is registered as a non-profit organization funded by the federal budget of Russia through the Federal Agency on Press and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

Russians also have been critical of RT. Former KGB officer Konstantin Preobrazhensky criticized RT as "a part of the Russian industry of misinformation and manipulation".Andrey Illarionov, former advisor to Vladimir Putin, has labeled the channel as "the best Russian propaganda machine targeted at the outside world. On the other hand, prominent Russian officials such as Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov are strong advocates of RT."

James Kirchick in The New Republic accused the network of "often virulent anti-Americanism, worshipful portrayal of Russian leaders."[134] Ed Lucas wrote in The Economist (quoted in Al Jazeera) that the core of RT was "anti-Westernism." Julia Ioffe wrote "Often, it seemed that Russia Today was just a way to stick it to the U.S. from behind the façade of legitimate newsgathering."[28] Shaun Walker wrote in The Independent that RT "has made a name for itself as a strident critic of US policy." David Weigel writes that RT goes further than merely creating distrust of the United States government, to saying, in effect: "You can trust the Russians more than you can trust those bastards."

Russian studies professor Stephen F. Cohen stated in 2012 that RT does a lot of stories that "reflect badly" on the United States and that they are "particularly aggrieved by American sermonizing abroad." Thus RT compares stories about Russia allowing mass protests of the 2011–2012 Russian election protests with those of U.S. authorities nationwide arresting members of the Occupy movement. Cohen states that despite the pro-Kremlin slant, "any intelligent viewer can sort this out. I doubt that many idiots find their way to RT."

RT has been accused of being anti-Israel by some Jewish and Israeli sources. The main claims are that it's too one sided and unbalanced in its reports (accusing Israel of using "Hitler methods", etc.) - which once led to a complaint made by Israel's foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman to Putin at their official meeting.
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Israel and many Israelis are rabid dogs, that is Truth about what Zionism turns a nation and human beings into in Fascist Apartheid Israel. So, Iran's leader simply spoke the Truth about Israel.

Lets look closer at what he actually said.

"Talks to rein in Iran's nuclear program resumed Wednesday in Geneva with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani saying he seeks a "win-win" for his nation and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei calling Israel the "rabid dog" of the Middle East."

Iran calls Israel 'rabid dog' amid nuclear talks

You are merely reinforcing my valid point that the Iranian Regime hate the West, the US and Israel so much that can not be trusted with any nuclear capability whatsoever.
While Khamenei was spewing out his lunatic propaganda which the mob eagerly consumes, they have all worked themselves up into a frenzy, screaming Death to USA!

How can the same lunatics sincerely want peace?

There can be no long term deal until Iran gives up all potential for nuclear weaponry.

They do not want peace they want the sanctions lifted.

Lifted so they can get one step closer to making a bomb.
Israel and many Israelis are rabid dogs, that is Truth about what Zionism turns a nation and human beings into in Fascist Apartheid Israel. So, Iran's leader simply spoke the Truth about Israel.

Lets look closer at what he actually said.

"Talks to rein in Iran's nuclear program resumed Wednesday in Geneva with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani saying he seeks a "win-win" for his nation and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei calling Israel the "rabid dog" of the Middle East."

Iran calls Israel 'rabid dog' amid nuclear talks

You are merely reinforcing my valid point that the Iranian Regime hate the West, the US and Israel so much that can not be trusted with any nuclear capability whatsoever.
While Khamenei was spewing out his lunatic propaganda which the mob eagerly consumes, they have all worked themselves up into a frenzy, screaming Death to USA!

How can the same lunatics sincerely want peace?

There can be no long term deal until Iran gives up all potential for nuclear weaponry.

They do not want peace they want the sanctions lifted.

That's correct, but the lifting of sanctions depends on Iran genuinely giving up nuclear weapons capability ... and even in the highly unlikely event that this could eventuate , Iran still doesn't want peace but wants to become the dominant Islamist State in the world at all costs, undertaking murderous aggression, criminal activity and terrorist acts.
You are merely reinforcing my valid point that the Iranian Regime hate the West, the US and Israel so much that can not be trusted with any nuclear capability whatsoever.
While Khamenei was spewing out his lunatic propaganda which the mob eagerly consumes, they have all worked themselves up into a frenzy, screaming Death to USA!

How can the same lunatics sincerely want peace?

There can be no long term deal until Iran gives up all potential for nuclear weaponry.

They do not want peace they want the sanctions lifted.

Lifted so they can get one step closer to making a bomb.

You are merely reinforcing my valid point that the Iranian Regime hate the West, the US and Israel so much that can not be trusted with any nuclear capability whatsoever.
While Khamenei was spewing out his lunatic propaganda which the mob eagerly consumes, they have all worked themselves up into a frenzy, screaming Death to USA!

How can the same lunatics sincerely want peace?

There can be no long term deal until Iran gives up all potential for nuclear weaponry.

They do not want peace they want the sanctions lifted.

That's correct, but the lifting of sanctions depends on Iran genuinely giving up nuclear weapons capability ... and even in the highly unlikely event that this could eventuate , Iran still doesn't want peace but wants to become the dominant Islamist State in the world at all costs, undertaking murderous aggression, criminal activity and terrorist acts.

That is a sticking point right now, I do not believe they will give in to this. There will be some watered down compromise, at best. Then they will start their games all over again.
As bad as Hillary was, Kerry is even worse.

Iran IS NOT about to give up its nuke program - and there's no reason it should. It's receiving secret support and help from European nations, many of which already have nuclear power plants. The only country to be able to stop Iran is Russian and it won't.

Just another desperate attempt to show the Obama administration as having the ability to do ANYTHING positive on the international front.
They do not want peace they want the sanctions lifted.

That's correct, but the lifting of sanctions depends on Iran genuinely giving up nuclear weapons capability ... and even in the highly unlikely event that this could eventuate , Iran still doesn't want peace but wants to become the dominant Islamist State in the world at all costs, undertaking murderous aggression, criminal activity and terrorist acts.

That is a sticking point right now, I do not believe they will give in to this. There will be some watered down compromise, at best. Then they will start their games all over again.

The mullocrats have played a bait & switch for three years now. They have pretended to negotiate in good faith while the West has pretended to accept their faithless claims.

It's a joke.
That's correct, but the lifting of sanctions depends on Iran genuinely giving up nuclear weapons capability ... and even in the highly unlikely event that this could eventuate , Iran still doesn't want peace but wants to become the dominant Islamist State in the world at all costs, undertaking murderous aggression, criminal activity and terrorist acts.

That is a sticking point right now, I do not believe they will give in to this. There will be some watered down compromise, at best. Then they will start their games all over again.

The mullocrats have played a bait & switch for three years now. They have pretended to negotiate in good faith while the West has pretended to accept their faithless claims.

It's a joke.

I was hopeful at first, but this is where my mindset is based on the slowdowns and obstacles.

Moreover, "In return for the temporary freeze, Iran would receive between $6 billion and $7 billion worth of sanctions relief, American officials say, including providing Iran with access to frozen assets. The limited sanctions relief could be accomplished by executive action, allowing the Obama administration to make the deal without having to appeal to Congress, where there is strong criticism of any deal that does not dismantle Iran’s nuclear program.

The fact that the accord only pauses the Iranian program has been seized on by critics who assert that it would reward Iran for institutionalizing the status quo."
That is a sticking point right now, I do not believe they will give in to this. There will be some watered down compromise, at best. Then they will start their games all over again.

The mullocrats have played a bait & switch for three years now. They have pretended to negotiate in good faith while the West has pretended to accept their faithless claims.

It's a joke.

I was hopeful at first, but this is where my mindset is based on the slowdowns and obstacles.

Moreover, "In return for the temporary freeze, Iran would receive between $6 billion and $7 billion worth of sanctions relief, American officials say, including providing Iran with access to frozen assets. The limited sanctions relief could be accomplished by executive action, allowing the Obama administration to make the deal without having to appeal to Congress, where there is strong criticism of any deal that does not dismantle Iran’s nuclear program.

The fact that the accord only pauses the Iranian program has been seized on by critics who assert that it would reward Iran for institutionalizing the status quo."
Anybody that is familiar with their mindset will tell you that they're going to continue their quest for a nuclear bomb with or without sanctions, and even if the sanctions are increased. Just as impoverished North Korea did, so will Iran. The only thing that will stop them is a regime change or a military strike or an overthrow by the people themselves. Increasing the sanctions might usher that. But don't bet on it.
I will only have cautious optimism when Israel is removed from the pages of history.

Don't budge on negotiations Iran! lol
RT News? Russian garbage propaganda mouthpiece. I don't think Sherri's ever posted a single article from a legitimate source. Ha ha ha.
'Jew must be kidding...

"IDF training exercises in villages and even in Palestinian civilians’ houses are 'a breach of the basic principles of international and humanitarian laws,' an Israeli NGO claims. The IDF’s lawyers claim that the drills are perfectly legal, however.

"Investigative reports by Israeli NGO Yesh Din have described scenes of military operations on civilian homes or in close proximity to a Palestinian cemetery that sound like they could be part of a Hollywood action movie. But the exercises are real, and are carried out by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on a regular basis. "

Duck and cover: Israeli army drills in populated Palestinian areas are ?legal? ? IDF ? RT News

RT News, The Bullshit Network

RT, previously known as Russia Today, is an international multilingual Russian-based television network. It is registered as a non-profit organization funded by the federal budget of Russia through the Federal Agency on Press and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

Russians also have been critical of RT. Former KGB officer Konstantin Preobrazhensky criticized RT as "a part of the Russian industry of misinformation and manipulation".Andrey Illarionov, former advisor to Vladimir Putin, has labeled the channel as "the best Russian propaganda machine targeted at the outside world. On the other hand, prominent Russian officials such as Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov are strong advocates of RT."

James Kirchick in The New Republic accused the network of "often virulent anti-Americanism, worshipful portrayal of Russian leaders."[134] Ed Lucas wrote in The Economist (quoted in Al Jazeera) that the core of RT was "anti-Westernism." Julia Ioffe wrote "Often, it seemed that Russia Today was just a way to stick it to the U.S. from behind the façade of legitimate newsgathering."[28] Shaun Walker wrote in The Independent that RT "has made a name for itself as a strident critic of US policy." David Weigel writes that RT goes further than merely creating distrust of the United States government, to saying, in effect: "You can trust the Russians more than you can trust those bastards."

Russian studies professor Stephen F. Cohen stated in 2012 that RT does a lot of stories that "reflect badly" on the United States and that they are "particularly aggrieved by American sermonizing abroad." Thus RT compares stories about Russia allowing mass protests of the 2011–2012 Russian election protests with those of U.S. authorities nationwide arresting members of the Occupy movement. Cohen states that despite the pro-Kremlin slant, "any intelligent viewer can sort this out. I doubt that many idiots find their way to RT."

RT has been accused of being anti-Israel by some Jewish and Israeli sources. The main claims are that it's too one sided and unbalanced in its reports (accusing Israel of using "Hitler methods", etc.) - which once led to a complaint made by Israel's foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman to Putin at their official meeting.
I would care to see Putin and Russia show some indication that they regret being tied so closely to Iran. We were out of sorts too long for too few reasons, and our two nations could shape up and help each other out a lot more than fighting, now that Russia is at least a little into free enterprise.

I've been to Russia. The people there convinced me that more Russians would benefit from our friendship than our wrath, and more so the other way around. We'd benefit too from friendship with these artistic, culturally rich, philosophical, dance- and musically-gifted people.

Why can't our cultures just lay down the hatchet and be friends again like we were briefly after the Berlin Wall fell and before the WTC was destroyed? I had enough of the Cold War. :evil:

But they have to get this: no matter who else their friends are, we signed on to Israel having its own homeland back because Europe turned out to be not the best place for them to live with Hitler being advised by extremists to eliminate the entire Hebrew population through genocide. What an awful bummer for the entire world to go through World War II and have all those nations taking advantage of nobody looking to kill other indigenous people the kingpins didn't like. :evil:
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Israel and many Israelis are rabid dogs, that is Truth about what Zionism turns a nation and human beings into in Fascist Apartheid Israel. So, Iran's leader simply spoke the Truth about Israel.

Lets look closer at what he actually said.

"Talks to rein in Iran's nuclear program resumed Wednesday in Geneva with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani saying he seeks a "win-win" for his nation and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei calling Israel the "rabid dog" of the Middle East."

Iran calls Israel 'rabid dog' amid nuclear talks

You are merely reinforcing my valid point that the Iranian Regime hate the West, the US and Israel so much that can not be trusted with any nuclear capability whatsoever.
While Khamenei was spewing out his lunatic propaganda which the mob eagerly consumes, they have all worked themselves up into a frenzy, screaming Death to USA!

How can the same lunatics sincerely want peace?

There can be no long term deal until Iran gives up all potential for nuclear weaponry.

They do not want peace they want the sanctions lifted.
Seems so. With all that hate blather being spewed by Iran. If they would stop acting like dogs, people wouldn't feel like they needed to be muzzled and sanctioned.
You are merely reinforcing my valid point that the Iranian Regime hate the West, the US and Israel so much that can not be trusted with any nuclear capability whatsoever.
While Khamenei was spewing out his lunatic propaganda which the mob eagerly consumes, they have all worked themselves up into a frenzy, screaming Death to USA!

How can the same lunatics sincerely want peace?

There can be no long term deal until Iran gives up all potential for nuclear weaponry.

They do not want peace they want the sanctions lifted.

Lifted so they can get one step closer to making a bomb.
Well, it forces Obama into Israel's corner if Iran doesn't cool it, so indeed they'd be toast if they did any fool thing, or he has zip legacy.
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"The concessions not only halt Iran’s nuclear advances but also make it virtually impossible for Tehran to build a nuclear weapon without being detected, the officials said. In return, Iran will receive modest relief of trade sanctions and access to some of its frozen currency accounts overseas, concessions said to be valued at less than $7 billion over the six-month term of the deal. The sanctions would be reinstated if Iran violates the agreement’s terms."

Now it's Israel's turn to make the necessary concessions for turning the entire Middle East into a nuclear weapons-free zone.

World powers reach nuclear deal with Iran to freeze its nuclear program - The Washington Post
Ya just gotta love the excitement around here, by the 'excite-ables' on this subject.

This is a six-month deal, with Iranian nuclear research and outputs and stockpiles supposedly being put under a microscrope, in return for some loosening of existing (and still operative) sanctions.

If the Iranians don't 'perform' according to the agreement, the sanctions are back on, and probably worsened.

I seriously doubt that the Iranians will 'perform' according to the agreement, but that's for the future to prove, beyond the realm of idle speculation.

It occurs to me that The West has granted these concessions in order to get the Russians and Chinese on-board with the idea of intervention against an Iranian nuclear weapons program.

This six-month Showcase Concessions period may very well be tantamount to The West saying...

"OK, Russia and China, we'll try it your way, for some modest but substantial period of time. If your boys in Tehran come through and actually behave themselves as promised, maybe the whole thing gets defused before it gets too far out of hand. But, if they don't behave, then, the shit is going to hit the fan, and we aren't going to want to hear any of your shit about second-chances then, because they'll already have had theirs. If that situation unfolds, we expect you to support effective intervention, alongside everyone else. Fair enough?"

...or not.
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Ya just gotta love the excitement around here, by the 'excite-ables' on this subject.

This is a six-month deal, with Iranian nuclear research and outputs and stockpiles supposedly being put under a microscrope, in return for some loosening of existing (and still operative) sanctions.

If the Iranians don't 'perform' according to the agreement, the sanctions are back on, and probably worsened.

I seriously doubt that the Iranians will 'perform' according to the agreement, but that's for the future to prove, beyond the realm of idle speculation.

It occurs to me that The West has granted these concessions in order to get the Russians and Chinese on-board with the idea of intervention against an Iranian nuclear weapons program.

This six-month Showcase Concessions period may very well be tantamount to The West saying...

"OK, Russia and China, we'll try it your way, for some modest but substantial period of time. If your boys in Tehran come through and actually behave themselves as promised, maybe the whole thing gets defused before it gets too far out of hand. But, if they don't behave, then, the shit is going to hit the fan, and we aren't going to want to hear any of your shit about second-chances then, because they'll already have had theirs. If that situation unfolds, we expect you to support effective intervention, alongside everyone else. Fair enough?"

...or not.
When will "your boys" in Israel match Iran's concessions?

"Iran has committed to halt enrichment above 5%:
• Halt all enrichment (above 5% and dismantle the technical connections required to enrich above 5%.
Iran has committed to neutralize its stockpile of near-20% uranium..."

Breaking down the Iran nuclear deal -
"...When will "your boys" in Israel match Iran's concessions?"
Never, probably.

Whatever-in-the-world for?

Nobody (who counts) is worried about the Jews nuking anybody else.

The same could not be said of the Iranian Theocracy.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Israel's possession of nukes does not represent a 'broken' situation.

A medieval, fundamentalist, martyrdom-encouraging, dogmatic, theocratic autocracy in possession of nukes would be a much more serious and 'broken' situation.

Apples and oranges.
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