Iran: no Nuclear deal = stronger atomic program for Iran.


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Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
Wow, an excellent, fabulous, fantastic move by Trump. LOL

Iran warns: If we leave nuke deal, our atomic program will be stronger 'than ever'

Iran Warns: If We Leave Nuke Deal, Our Atomic Program Will Be Stronger 'Than Ever'

Iran Nuclear Chief Ali Akbar Salehi says Iran withdrawing from the agreement will leave the country in a 'much, much higher position,' country could withstand economic pressure and restart uranium enrichment with far-more sophisticated equipment

The Associated Press
Sep 11, 2018 2:28 PM
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Head of the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization Ali Akbar Salehi, September 28, 2016. Leonhard Foeger/ REUTERS
Trump's pressure on Iran working better than expected, says Israeli intel[/paste:font]
Iran's nuclear chief told The Associated Press on Tuesday that he hopes the atomic deal between Tehran and world powers survives, but warns the program will be in a stronger position than ever if not.

The remarks by Ali Akbar Salehi, who also serves as a vice president to Iran's elected leader Hassan Rohani, come as Iran tries to salvage an accord now challenged by President Donald Trump.

The American withdrawal from the deal and the return of U.S. sanctions already has badly shaken Iran's anemic economy, crashing its rial currency. Further sanctions coming in November threaten Iran's oil industry, a major source of government funding, and will further pressure the relatively moderate Rouani.

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