Zone1 Catholics/others want to know how Francis' words contradict Scripture/Church Teaching


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2022

This was interesting to me, in part because I gave up following the "pope" ( :rolleyes: so called) a long time ago (was therefore basically ignorant of recent comments), since I could see he was saying nutty things. A blind person could see that.

So here, he speaks on capital punishment and other issues, and alongside F's comments are the teachings of past popes. The Catholic Church taught orthodox Christian dogmas/doctrines until Vatican II (and still does through its faithful, truth-loving, Jesus-loving adherents).

How about this from that site:

My words are in brackets [ ]

Address to the Diocese of Rome’s Pastoral Congress, Q&A... 2016: “They [fornicators] prefer to cohabitate, and this is a challenge.. Not to ask ‘why don’t you marry?’ No, to accompany, to wait, and to help them to mature, help fidelity to mature.”........ “I’ve seen a lot of fidelity in these cohabitations, and I am sure that this is a real marriage, they have the grace of a real marriage because of their fidelity.”


Yes, we are to be patient with sinners. Everyone is that. But statistically, those who live together "before" (more like instead of) marriage do not usually end up having solid marriages.

Look at Angelina Jole and Bratt Pitt, for one example. They lived together for quite awhile. Did they, as per "pope" Francis, stay togehter? Did they learn fidelity? Looks to me like the world and nearly all people in it, while waiting for this fidelity spoken of by Francis to happen in those 2's life were disappointed. I myself knew as soon as they got married that it would fall apart: end in divorce.

So why is Francis encouraging people to stay in sin?

Answer: He is not a real pope.. Few true Christians bother to listen to him at all, much less put into practice what he says

I just now re-read F's words. He is saying that fornication is equivalent to marriage
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Scripture is being revised out of necessity, on the excuse that it was never intended to be taken literally.

But unfortunately it has to be a long, bitter, and drawn out process due to hangers-on who will refuse to depart from the notion that their bible is the word of the god.

Scripture is under direct attack by the church itself and not by just Francis!

This was interesting to me, in part because I gave up following the "pope" ( :rolleyes: so called) a long time ago (was therefore basically ignorant of recent comments), since I could see he was saying nutty things. A blind person could see that.

So here, he speaks on capital punishment and other issues, and alongside F's comments are the teachings of past popes. The Catholic Church taught orthodox Christian dogmas/doctrines until Vatican II (and still does through its faithful, truth-loving, Jesus-loving adherents).

How about this from that site:

My words are in brackets [ ]

Address to the Diocese of Rome’s Pastoral Congress, Q&A... 2016: “They [fornicators] prefer to cohabitate, and this is a challenge.. Not to ask ‘why don’t you marry?’ No, to accompany, to wait, and to help them to mature, help fidelity to mature.”........ “I’ve seen a lot of fidelity in these cohabitations, and I am sure that this is a real marriage, they have the grace of a real marriage because of their fidelity.”


Yes, we are to be patient with sinners. Everyone is that. But statistically, those who live together "before" (more like instead of) marriage do not usually end up having solid marriages.

Look at Angelina Jole and Bratt Pitt, for one example. They lived together for quite awhile. Did they, as per "pope" Francis, stay togehter? Did they learn fidelity? Looks to me like the world and nearly all people in it, while waiting for this fidelity spoken of by Francis to happen in those 2's life were disappointed. I myself knew as soon as they got married that it would fall apart: end in divorce.

So why is Francis encouraging people to stay in sin?

Answer: He is not a real pope.. Few true Christians bother to listen to him at all, much less put into practice what he says

I just now re-read F's words. He is saying that fornication is equivalent to marriage
Change must not be resisted when credibility is at stake.

As only one example, people won't continue to believe that a man can live in the belly of a whale (fish) for a few days!
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Change must not be resisted when credibility is at stake.

As only one example, people won't continue to believe that a man can live in the belly of a whale (fish) for a few days!
shows what you know

In the 1860s a man was found alive in a whale

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