Carly Fiorina...What Do You Think?

Do you think she regrets signing on to the Cruz train wreck now that he's about to go down to a humiliating defeat?
I think she does regret it. Not only did she end her political career in what is an obvious act of desperation on Cruz's part and an obvious act of vengeance on her part, she also fell and busted her ass introducing Lyin' at his rally and Ted didn't even care. What a guy. You just know she's kicking herself in the ass for that stupid decision.
Fiorina is about the only one who could make Cruz look good by comparison. Anybody who could destroy HP has got to be some kind of master of incompetence.
I'm sure he thought everyone would think it was a brilliant political move and no one would see it as an act of desperation. He was wrong.
Cruel as it sounds, I have to agree with Trump about how ugly she is; even though she comes across as a reasonably nice person, she looks like she has a lot of either fish or amphibian DNA in her. I have nothing personal against Ms. Fiorina, but she ain't pleasant to look at.
It wasn't only a mistake on Carly's part, it was a mistake on Cruz's part too. Nobody likes a bitch and she's definitely a bitch. The scowl on her face doesn't help much either but that could be the botox.
Those two are like the Addams Family version of a political family. Weird doesn't begin to describe it. They both are just desperate to have power.

Fiorina drove Hewlett Packard into the dirt. Wow, what a resume.
Cruel as it sounds, I have to agree with Trump about how ugly she is; even though she comes across as a reasonably nice person, she looks like she has a lot of either fish or amphibian DNA in her. I have nothing personal against Ms. Fiorina, but she ain't pleasant to look at.


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