Carlson calls it right. Trump gets free pass that Obama would get crucified for


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
Okay Trump supporters,do you agree with this statement of Trumps on gun control?

Carlson said Obama would’ve been “denounced as a dictator” for making such a comment.

Tucker Carlson Turns On Trump: 'Imagine If Barack Obama Had Said That'

If you do,Carlson is right about you all. You give Trump a free pass on this yet you would have Obama crucified if HE said this and you WOULD have called HIM a dictater.fucking hypocrites.:mad:

I give Kudos to Carlson a Trump supporter for saying that.He is telling it like it is and whats impressive about him saying it is he is a trump supporter who seldom ever criticises him.Yet he speaks the truth on this issue that you let trump get by with this for something you would call Obama a dictater if HE said that.:rolleyes:
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Okay Trump supporters,do you agree with this statement of Trumps on gun control?

Carlson said Obama would’ve been “denounced as a dictator” for making such a comment.

Tucker Carlson Turns On Trump: 'Imagine If Barack Obama Had Said That'

If you do,Carlson is right about you all. You give Trump a free pass on this yet you would have Obama crucified if HE said this and you WOULD have called HIM a dictater.fucking hypocrites.:mad:

I give Kudos to Carlson a Trump supporter for saying that.He is telling it like it is and whats impressive about him saying it is he is a trump supporter who seldom ever criticises him.Yet he speaks the truth on this issue that you let trump get by with this for something you would call Obama a dictater if HE said that.:rolleyes:
snowflake melt.gif
I would normally have been outraged and stupified by those comments, and the OP is right, myself and others would have been calling for blood had Obama made the comments.

The thing is, had Obama said this, he would have meant it. With Trump, you don't know what the fuck is going to come out of his mouth, so I've learned to just wait and see what develops.
Obama didn't need to say that to convince people he was and is a would-be dictator. Worse, he convinced people early on that he is a rabid anti-American muslim.
The problem with Trump and Obama and indeed the Huffington post is one that comes up from time to time and is indeed a relic from over playing one of the finer points of it all.
Obama wouldn’t be crucified for anything and anyone suggesting he should would be crucified.
Huffington is Pravda.

You know the word pravda means "truth", right?
And Thinkprogress uses the term progress.

Evidently they do. But my reference was to your post.
And mine was to yours.
Hirohito's reign was called the Showa Era, Shōwa meaning peace/harmony.
You’re being obtuse. Dishonest.
Okay Trump supporters,do you agree with this statement of Trumps on gun control?

Carlson said Obama would’ve been “denounced as a dictator” for making such a comment.

Tucker Carlson Turns On Trump: 'Imagine If Barack Obama Had Said That'

If you do,Carlson is right about you all. You give Trump a free pass on this yet you would have Obama crucified if HE said this and you WOULD have called HIM a dictater.fucking hypocrites.:mad:

I give Kudos to Carlson a Trump supporter for saying that.He is telling it like it is and whats impressive about him saying it is he is a trump supporter who seldom ever criticises him.Yet he speaks the truth on this issue that you let trump get by with this for something you would call Obama a dictater if HE said that.:rolleyes:
We just had 17 children shot and killed and that horror is still at the forefront...Trump feels it and so do many of his supporters...

I know exactly what a round from an M16 or AR15 can do to the human's awful to think that children were taken down with that weapon...It will take time to work our way past this...

Trump had one open door meeting...don't confuse it with policy...
Until we have the proper safe guards in place and put the respect for life back into public education maybe an age limit should be enacted for certain weapons...

I stand by Trump 100% in this...he wants to fix it...part of the fix is him getting up to speed with the whole issue...
Okay Trump supporters,do you agree with this statement of Trumps on gun control?

Carlson said Obama would’ve been “denounced as a dictator” for making such a comment.

Tucker Carlson Turns On Trump: 'Imagine If Barack Obama Had Said That'

If you do,Carlson is right about you all. You give Trump a free pass on this yet you would have Obama crucified if HE said this and you WOULD have called HIM a dictater.fucking hypocrites.:mad:

I give Kudos to Carlson a Trump supporter for saying that.He is telling it like it is and whats impressive about him saying it is he is a trump supporter who seldom ever criticises him.Yet he speaks the truth on this issue that you let trump get by with this for something you would call Obama a dictater if HE said that.:rolleyes:
We just had 17 children shot and killed and that horror is still at the forefront...Trump feels it and so do many of his supporters...

I know exactly what a round from an M16 or AR15 can do to the human's awful to think that children were taken down with that weapon...It will take time to work our way past this...

Trump had one open door meeting...don't confuse it with policy...
Until we have the proper safe guards in place and put the respect for life back into public education maybe an age limit should be enacted for certain weapons...

I stand by Trump 100% in this...he wants to fix it...part of the fix is him getting up to speed with the whole issue...
The issue is why no one can protect schools.
Okay Trump supporters,do you agree with this statement of Trumps on gun control?

Carlson said Obama would’ve been “denounced as a dictator” for making such a comment.

Tucker Carlson Turns On Trump: 'Imagine If Barack Obama Had Said That'

If you do,Carlson is right about you all. You give Trump a free pass on this yet you would have Obama crucified if HE said this and you WOULD have called HIM a dictater.fucking hypocrites.:mad:

I give Kudos to Carlson a Trump supporter for saying that.He is telling it like it is and whats impressive about him saying it is he is a trump supporter who seldom ever criticises him.Yet he speaks the truth on this issue that you let trump get by with this for something you would call Obama a dictater if HE said that.:rolleyes:
We just had 17 children shot and killed and that horror is still at the forefront...Trump feels it and so do many of his supporters...

I know exactly what a round from an M16 or AR15 can do to the human's awful to think that children were taken down with that weapon...It will take time to work our way past this...

Trump had one open door meeting...don't confuse it with policy...
Until we have the proper safe guards in place and put the respect for life back into public education maybe an age limit should be enacted for certain weapons...

I stand by Trump 100% in this...he wants to fix it...part of the fix is him getting up to speed with the whole issue...

Dude if he WANTS to fix it then all he has got to do is abolish the freaking evil CIA and cut off aide to warmonger Israel like our last great president Kennedy did.He did do that with the latter which every president since LBJ all the way up to INCLUDING trump has given aide to.

How anybody can support a president who had the gall to cut off aide to the palestines who for DECADES now has had their women and children murdered by the zionists of Israel yet WONT cut off aide to that freaking country is an evil bastard monster is beyond me:rolleyes: Trump has close ties to the zioinists and this is the first step in serving his puppet masters as every president since LBJ has in their new world order plan to disarm us.

a lot of trolls on here such as godboy dont understand it that the CIA is behind all these false flag shootings.there is a lot of sheep on here that dont get that but I have seen enough of posts from you in the last that surely YOU understand all that to be true on these false flag operation school shootings being carried out by the CIA?

trolls who dont understand this factual post of mine,dont reply,you are hopeless and not worth my time.

again had Obama made this statement,just like he said,they would be calling HIM a dictater yet Trump gets a free pass on that statement.:rolleyes:
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Okay Trump supporters,do you agree with this statement of Trumps on gun control?

Carlson said Obama would’ve been “denounced as a dictator” for making such a comment.

Tucker Carlson Turns On Trump: 'Imagine If Barack Obama Had Said That'

If you do,Carlson is right about you all. You give Trump a free pass on this yet you would have Obama crucified if HE said this and you WOULD have called HIM a dictater.fucking hypocrites.:mad:

I give Kudos to Carlson a Trump supporter for saying that.He is telling it like it is and whats impressive about him saying it is he is a trump supporter who seldom ever criticises him.Yet he speaks the truth on this issue that you let trump get by with this for something you would call Obama a dictater if HE said that.:rolleyes:
We just had 17 children shot and killed and that horror is still at the forefront...Trump feels it and so do many of his supporters...

I know exactly what a round from an M16 or AR15 can do to the human's awful to think that children were taken down with that weapon...It will take time to work our way past this...

Trump had one open door meeting...don't confuse it with policy...
Until we have the proper safe guards in place and put the respect for life back into public education maybe an age limit should be enacted for certain weapons...

I stand by Trump 100% in this...he wants to fix it...part of the fix is him getting up to speed with the whole issue...
The issue is why no one can protect schools.

as i just got done saying,thats because no president has had the balls since Carter to stand up to the CIA and try and get rid of them.everyone of them since Reagan have tooted the horn of the CIA. You do realise that to be true dont you that like Kennedy,Carter ALSO tried to get rid of the CIA but he did not have enough time to implement the plan since he only started his last year in office and was only able to serve one term starting so late on it.

that is WHY the CIA controlled news has brainwashed the american sheep that carter was the worst president ever because he is the only president since kennedy who ALSO tried to do the right then and stood up to our corrupt government institutions so the sheep have fallen for the propaganda lies spread by them that he was the worst ever.

Until Trump gets rid of the CIA,FBI,the fed and all these other evil 3 letter alphabet institutions of the government ,as far as I am concerned,we might as well have the evil witch in office now. I give him three years to at LEAST try.if he doesnt,then he is just the latest stooge for Israel in the long line of puppet presidents of the NWO dating back to LBJ to serve their agenda to destroy america.
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Obama wouldn’t be crucified for anything and anyone suggesting he should would be crucified.
Huffington is Pravda.

You know the word pravda means "truth", right?
And Thinkprogress uses the term progress.

Evidently they do. But my reference was to your post.
And mine was to yours.
Hirohito's reign was called the Showa Era, Shōwa meaning peace/harmony.
You’re being obtuse. Dishonest.

Once again --- I didn't even bring up Hirohito. You did. You also dropped the word "pravda", which I then translated into English.

Prove me wrong about that translation and you'll begin to have a point.
Okay Trump supporters,do you agree with this statement of Trumps on gun control?

Carlson said Obama would’ve been “denounced as a dictator” for making such a comment.

Tucker Carlson Turns On Trump: 'Imagine If Barack Obama Had Said That'

If you do,Carlson is right about you all. You give Trump a free pass on this yet you would have Obama crucified if HE said this and you WOULD have called HIM a dictater.fucking hypocrites.:mad:

I give Kudos to Carlson a Trump supporter for saying that.He is telling it like it is and whats impressive about him saying it is he is a trump supporter who seldom ever criticises him.Yet he speaks the truth on this issue that you let trump get by with this for something you would call Obama a dictater if HE said that.:rolleyes:
We just had 17 children shot and killed and that horror is still at the forefront...Trump feels it and so do many of his supporters...

I know exactly what a round from an M16 or AR15 can do to the human's awful to think that children were taken down with that weapon...It will take time to work our way past this...

Trump had one open door meeting...don't confuse it with policy...
Until we have the proper safe guards in place and put the respect for life back into public education maybe an age limit should be enacted for certain weapons...

I stand by Trump 100% in this...he wants to fix it...part of the fix is him getting up to speed with the whole issue...
The issue is why no one can protect schools.

they cant because the CIA is the one behind all these shooting.till we get rid of this evil organization,the problem will never go away,they fund all these terrorists such as ISIS.
Think Trump is any different than warmonger traiters Obama or Bush? face it,you all have been had.

saying you are long time friends with mass murderer war monger kissinger,thats the same as being alive in the 50's and saying you have been long time pals with stalin.Trump has exposed himself right here in live color that he is a traiter same as Bush and Obama.
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He met with Bibi today. Big things happening.

yeah like all presidents since LBJ,he is kissing Israels ass.I do like his domestic policys.that is the ONLY thing that makes him different than Bush and Obama is he is the first president to stop the destruction of america of sending jobs overseas that Reagan got the ball rolling on for americas destruction that each president till now has expanded on. However i hate his foreign policys how the asshole kisses Israels ass. He cut off aideo the palestines who israel has murdered women and children for decades but he wont cut off aide to Israel.motherfucker.

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