Capitol Police plan to open field offices outside Washington to track threats to lawmakers.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 23, 2021
What a perfect example of a government response to a problem. Never waste one (even better, create one). They had the resources, the Capitol Police, they had the notice, and they mishandled the situation. Whether that was intentional or not, they created the issue and now the response is not to address the issues that would fix the problem, the answer is to grow the government and spread this shitshow of federal power into other states.

Six months after a mob of supporters of President Donald J. Trump stormed the Capitol, the United States Capitol Police is planning to expand operations outside Washington in an effort to better protect lawmakers, beginning with the opening of field offices in California and Florida.

Tim Barber, a spokesman, said the plan was to open several additional regional offices as the department charged with protecting Congress transforms itself in the aftermath of the attack, which exposed serious deficiencies in the Capitol Police’s gathering and dissemination of intelligence, preparedness and training.

Much like the Secret Service, which has field offices in multiple states and countries, the Capitol Police need to be able to monitor and quickly investigate threats against lawmakers wherever they occur, Mr. Barber said.

Yogananda D. Pittman, the acting chief of force, has testified before Congress that total threats against lawmakers have doubled since 2017, with an “overwhelming majority of suspects residing outside” the capital region.

The announcement came as Capitol Police presented a number of steps the agency has taken since the attack, which left dozens of officers from the department and the District of Columbia police force bloodied and injured. Lawmakers evacuated the Capitol and some cowered inside as the rioters, incensed by Mr. Trump’s lie of a stolen election, tried to stop Congress from formalizing President Biden’s victory.

Prior intel was not the problem. What they did with that intel was the, which was practically nothing.

This is such bullshit and a worrisome expansion of yet another federal police force. They are all for defunding police, except the ones they say are needed to protect them.
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In a Congressional First Pelosi Opens Satellite Field Offices

for DC Capitol Police in Florida and California to Deal with Regional Threats


1. 'CAPITOL' Police are named so because they defend the U.S. CAPITOL. If they are moved out of DC / the Capitol they are no longer 'CAPITOL' Police.

2. What REGIONAL THREAT to the US Capitol is there that needs the Keystone, Capitol Police in Fl and Ca? Isn't that what the FBI is for?

The FBI notified the Capitol in advance of the event on 1/6, and the bipartisan committee investigation report cited the Capitol Police for being poorly trained, having no policies / processes, no leadership before or during the riot, missing necessary equipment, lacking communication equipment needed to talk to the FBI, Local Police, and DC National guard, for failing to prepare, failing to prevent the Capitol breech, and failure to protect.

Usually professionals want to fix what is broken before 'taking their act on the road'.

"The U.S. Capitol Police on Tuesday announced that the agency was opening regional field offices in California and Florida to investigate threats to members of Congress in the wake of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol."

Again, investigating threats to members of Congress is the responsibility of the FBI, NOT the 'CAPITOL' Police.

This is a MASSIVE overreach of power / authority.


In a Congressional First Pelosi Opens Satellite Field Offices

for DC Capitol Police in Florida and California to Deal with Regional Threats


1. 'CAPITOL' Police are named so because they defend the U.S. CAPITOL. If they are moved out of DC / the Capitol they are no longer 'CAPITOL' Police.

2. What REGIONAL THREAT to the US Capitol is there that needs the Keystone, Capitol Police in Fl and Ca? Isn't that what the FBI is for?

The FBI notified the Capitol in advance of the event on 1/6, and the bipartisan committee investigation report cited the Capitol Police for being poorly trained, having no policies / processes, no leadership before or during the riot, missing necessary equipment, lacking communication equipment needed to talk to the FBI, Local Police, and DC National guard, for failing to prepare, failing to prevent the Capitol breech, and failure to protect.

Usually professionals want to fix what is broken before 'taking their act on the road'.

"The U.S. Capitol Police on Tuesday announced that the agency was opening regional field offices in California and Florida to investigate threats to members of Congress in the wake of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol."

Again, investigating threats to members of Congress is the responsibility of the FBI, NOT the 'CAPITOL' Police.

This is a MASSIVE overreach of power / authority.

These are the ᛋᛋ, the Schutzstaffel. Pelosi and the Nazi party need a secret police to hunt down political crimes, any opposition to the Reich. The Gestapo (formerly FBI) still has some ties to law enforcement and is not 100% loyal to the Nazi Reich. This gives the Reich a political secret police from coast to coast.

Standard Disclaimer: Any Capitol Police acting in an official capacity outside of Washington DC should be shot on sight as an enemy combatant waging war against the Constitution of the United States.
What a perfect example of a government response to a problem. Never waste one (even better, create one). They had the resources, the Capitol Police, they had the notice, and they mishandled the situation. Whether that was intentional or not, they created the issue and now the response is not to address the issues that would fix the problem, the answer is to grow the government and spread this shits how of federal power into other states.

Six months after a mob of supporters of President Donald J. Trump stormed the Capitol, the United States Capitol Police is planning to expand operations outside Washington in an effort to better protect lawmakers, beginning with the opening of field offices in California and Florida.

Tim Barber, a spokesman, said the plan was to open several additional regional offices as the department charged with protecting Congress transforms itself in the aftermath of the attack, which exposed serious deficiencies in the Capitol Police’s gathering and dissemination of intelligence, preparedness and training.

Much like the Secret Service, which has field offices in multiple states and countries, the Capitol Police need to be able to monitor and quickly investigate threats against lawmakers wherever they occur, Mr. Barber said.

Yogananda D. Pittman, the acting chief of force, has testified before Congress that total threats against lawmakers have doubled since 2017, with an “overwhelming majority of suspects residing outside” the capital region.

The announcement came as Capitol Police presented a number of steps the agency has taken since the attack, which left dozens of officers from the department and the District of Columbia police force bloodied and injured. Lawmakers evacuated the Capitol and some cowered inside as the rioters, incensed by Mr. Trump’s lie of a stolen election, tried to stop Congress from formalizing President Biden’s victory.

Prior intel was not the problem. What they did with that intel was the, which was practically nothing.

This is such bullshit and a worrisome expansion of yet another federal police force. They are all for defunding police, except the ones they say are needed to protect them.
When a Republican is in the White House, suddenly the left will realize the government holds too much power
I can see the capital police working out well in California where little attention is paid to laws or the constitution, but I wonder how well they will do in Florida.
What a perfect example of a government response to a problem. Never waste one (even better, create one). They had the resources, the Capitol Police, they had the notice, and they mishandled the situation. Whether that was intentional or not, they created the issue and now the response is not to address the issues that would fix the problem, the answer is to grow the government and spread this shitshow of federal power into other states.

Six months after a mob of supporters of President Donald J. Trump stormed the Capitol, the United States Capitol Police is planning to expand operations outside Washington in an effort to better protect lawmakers, beginning with the opening of field offices in California and Florida.

Tim Barber, a spokesman, said the plan was to open several additional regional offices as the department charged with protecting Congress transforms itself in the aftermath of the attack, which exposed serious deficiencies in the Capitol Police’s gathering and dissemination of intelligence, preparedness and training.

Much like the Secret Service, which has field offices in multiple states and countries, the Capitol Police need to be able to monitor and quickly investigate threats against lawmakers wherever they occur, Mr. Barber said.

Yogananda D. Pittman, the acting chief of force, has testified before Congress that total threats against lawmakers have doubled since 2017, with an “overwhelming majority of suspects residing outside” the capital region.

The announcement came as Capitol Police presented a number of steps the agency has taken since the attack, which left dozens of officers from the department and the District of Columbia police force bloodied and injured. Lawmakers evacuated the Capitol and some cowered inside as the rioters, incensed by Mr. Trump’s lie of a stolen election, tried to stop Congress from formalizing President Biden’s victory.

Prior intel was not the problem. What they did with that intel was the, which was practically nothing.

This is such bullshit and a worrisome expansion of yet another federal police force. They are all for defunding police, except the ones they say are needed to protect them.
Too late now. A democrat already shot up a bunch of people at a congressional baseball game.
What a perfect example of a government response to a problem. Never waste one (even better, create one). They had the resources, the Capitol Police, they had the notice, and they mishandled the situation. Whether that was intentional or not, they created the issue and now the response is not to address the issues that would fix the problem, the answer is to grow the government and spread this shitshow of federal power into other states.

Six months after a mob of supporters of President Donald J. Trump stormed the Capitol, the United States Capitol Police is planning to expand operations outside Washington in an effort to better protect lawmakers, beginning with the opening of field offices in California and Florida.

Tim Barber, a spokesman, said the plan was to open several additional regional offices as the department charged with protecting Congress transforms itself in the aftermath of the attack, which exposed serious deficiencies in the Capitol Police’s gathering and dissemination of intelligence, preparedness and training.

Much like the Secret Service, which has field offices in multiple states and countries, the Capitol Police need to be able to monitor and quickly investigate threats against lawmakers wherever they occur, Mr. Barber said.

Yogananda D. Pittman, the acting chief of force, has testified before Congress that total threats against lawmakers have doubled since 2017, with an “overwhelming majority of suspects residing outside” the capital region.

The announcement came as Capitol Police presented a number of steps the agency has taken since the attack, which left dozens of officers from the department and the District of Columbia police force bloodied and injured. Lawmakers evacuated the Capitol and some cowered inside as the rioters, incensed by Mr. Trump’s lie of a stolen election, tried to stop Congress from formalizing President Biden’s victory.

Prior intel was not the problem. What they did with that intel was the, which was practically nothing.

This is such bullshit and a worrisome expansion of yet another federal police force. They are all for defunding police, except the ones they say are needed to protect them.

There will be a federal police force in the United States to replace local police; that's what BLM and Defund are all about. Now the competition begins among the bureaucracies to see who will be that police. I expect to hear more from the Marshal Service, Capital Police, FBI, and more - even Department of Education Police. Big Federal power is coming and they all want a piece of it.
These are the ᛋᛋ, the Schutzstaffel. Pelosi and the Nazi party need a secret police to hunt down political crimes, any opposition to the Reich. The Gestapo (formerly FBI) still has some ties to law enforcement and is not 100% loyal to the Nazi Reich. This gives the Reich a political secret police from coast to coast.

Standard Disclaimer: Any Capitol Police acting in an official capacity outside of Washington DC should be shot on sight as an enemy combatant waging war against the Constitution of the United States.

I almost thanked your post until I read your last paragraph. We do not shoot cops - or at least we should not. We have other tools to fight abuses. We have elections and the courts. They're not completely useless to us yet.
Isn't the jurisdiction of the "Capitol Police" limited to the Capitol? In other words the Capital Police have no power to eves drop or subpoena or gather intelligence on American citizens any more than a private investigator.
Isn't that the job of the Federal Bureau of Investigation???

Exactly what I was thinking: Don't we already have people we're paying to do this?
Isn't that the job of the Federal Bureau of Investigation???

Apparently, when the British instituted taxation without representation in the 18th century, it was OK for the colonies to revolt in insurrection.

When the south didn't like the direction the North was going though and wanted a different path, they were denied that freedom and the North started the Civil War killing thousands.

So now that we have held an illegal and highly questionable "election" that millions and millions didn't like, the same people who insurrected against England are out to deny your right to revolt, protest or question it at all.

Doing so makes you an "enemy," but of WHAT?

America The Free: World capitol of police arrests and locked up imprisoned citizens.

Brought to you by the Biddum America For Fundamental Change. :smoke:
These are the ᛋᛋ, the Schutzstaffel. Pelosi and the Nazi party need a secret police to hunt down political crimes, any opposition to the Reich. The Gestapo (formerly FBI) still has some ties to law enforcement and is not 100% loyal to the Nazi Reich. This gives the Reich a political secret police from coast to coast.

Standard Disclaimer: Any Capitol Police acting in an official capacity outside of Washington DC should be shot on sight as an enemy combatant waging war against the Constitution of the United States.

I almost thanked your post until I read your last paragraph. We do not shoot cops - or at least we should not. We have other tools to fight abuses. We have elections and the courts. They're not completely useless to us yet.

Capitol Police in California or Florida are not cops - they have no jurisdiction. They are nothing but insurrectionists and revolutionaries, and should be treated as such.
When a Republican is in the White House, suddenly the left will realize the government holds too much power
I begin to believe that these fools don't think they are going to LOSE the power, ever again. If they manage to sign HR1 into law, they're probably right about that.
What a perfect example of a government response to a problem. Never waste one (even better, create one). They had the resources, the Capitol Police, they had the notice, and they mishandled the situation. Whether that was intentional or not, they created the issue and now the response is not to address the issues that would fix the problem, the answer is to grow the government and spread this shitshow of federal power into other states.

Prior intel was not the problem. What they did with that intel was the, which was practically nothing.

This is such bullshit and a worrisome expansion of yet another federal police force. They are all for defunding police, except the ones they say are needed to protect them.
sounds like the first stages of a local federal police force in every precinct .
I have to admit I'm not crazy about the precedent this sets—our law enforcement is already extremely fragmented in this country, and I don't think that having cops from all over the place embedded in each neighborhood will be doing anyone any favors.

That said, these are LEOs with a very specific mission, and I can understand why Congress would now want to be WAY more proactive about their own security. I assume they would be working in conjunction with local forces as a task force or something, so maybe this a mountain from a molehill.

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