Capitol Police Chief admits they knew Congress was the target DAYS IN ADVANCE!


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
W-O-W!!! Ladies and Gentlemen this goes beyond incompetence. There is NO WAY the Capitol Police leadership just sat on this information. Why didn't our intelligence agencies raise the threat level? Who in Congress Dem or Gop knew of this? They are all trying to let the Police Chief take the fall but there are bigger fish that need to fry on this one.

The guy that was the head of the army quit when they found out he was not letting NG deploy.
His departure comes amid questions about his role in readying National Guard troops to respond to the U.S. Capitol riot in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, and about whether delays contributed to the disastrous outcome. His responsibilities included overseeing the use of guard members in the District of Columbia.

He was placed in his position in November since the last guy was not a Trump stooge.
W-O-W!!! Ladies and Gentlemen this goes beyond incompetence. There is NO WAY the Capitol Police leadership just sat on this information. Why didn't our intelligence agencies raise the threat level? Who in Congress Dem or Gop knew of this? They are all trying to let the Police Chief take the fall but there are bigger fish that need to fry on this one.

Welcome to the party. Lol

This was such a scam now..................lololol.They planned this. Wait til the trial.lololol
W-O-W!!! Ladies and Gentlemen this goes beyond incompetence. There is NO WAY the Capitol Police leadership just sat on this information. Why didn't our intelligence agencies raise the threat level? Who in Congress Dem or Gop knew of this? They are all trying to let the Police Chief take the fall but there are bigger fish that need to fry on this one.

Worse, Mike, the commander of the National Guard two miles down the street said that the DOJ took away their ability to respond to capitol requests without now going through a lengthy and laborious series of permissions first which prevented them from coming to the aid of the capitol.

This is what people like myself have been saying since we saw the footage on the 6th.

You could see it from then.

That said, OP, what punishment do you want to see meted out?
W-O-W!!! Ladies and Gentlemen this goes beyond incompetence. There is NO WAY the Capitol Police leadership just sat on this information. Why didn't our intelligence agencies raise the threat level? Who in Congress Dem or Gop knew of this? They are all trying to let the Police Chief take the fall but there are bigger fish that need to fry on this one.

So it had nothing to do with Trumps speech where he told them to "peacefully let their voices be heard"?
W-O-W!!! Ladies and Gentlemen this goes beyond incompetence. There is NO WAY the Capitol Police leadership just sat on this information. Why didn't our intelligence agencies raise the threat level? Who in Congress Dem or Gop knew of this? They are all trying to let the Police Chief take the fall but there are bigger fish that need to fry on this one.

It's a cover story.
Total fabrication.

The only plans were those that were hatched by leftist infiltrators.
Oh cool, then you can stop blaming Trump.
Who's to blame?
That is the $64 thousand dollar question. That is why this needs a REAL investigation not some hand waive, foot dragging exercise where some low level flunkies take the fall for the big dogs.
Well you know what was found at the root cause of the fake Dacia and Russian collusion right ?? Wasn't it Hillary Clinton they said or rather her campaign ?? Not saying this has her finger prints on it, but one never knows. She was quite vocal in telling Biden "no matter what, don't concede the election", as if she knew something was in the works maybe ??

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