
Ownership isn't a defensive use of force, that's the libertarian fantasy. It's an aggressive use of force to keep others away from accessing those resources.
The funny thing is, socialists don't reject the Idea of property. And they also employee aggressive force to protect it. They just demand that it's all owned by the state.
The funny thing is, socialists don't reject the Idea of property. And they also employee aggressive force to protect it. They just demand that it's all owned by the state.
What's funny about it? That fact that Socialists accept the reality that the force used to create and maintain property comes from the State and so also uses the State to manage outcomes while emotionally frail Libertarians believe Sky Daddy gave them a right to use violence to keep other people away from the resources they want while divorcing themselves for the social consequences of their violent and selfish claim to those same resources under the guise and fantasy of a free market?:dunno:

Because I do find that funny. Especially since you fucktards like to laud yourselves as the rational ones. :lmao:
You're right. It's not funny. Just hypocritical and corrupt.
What's hypocritical or corrupt about acknowledging the reality of property and managing it so outcomes better benefit a greater number of people?
Whenever a socialist says "libertarians believe ... ", i generally skip the propaganda and go to the next paragraph. What else you got?
I get that you're too frail to address me but my argument stands. My argument isn't that we have a moral right to individual property from God, it's that property is a creation of society and if we're truly a society in the sense of a collection of people working towards a collective benefit then even non property owners should benefit from the creation of that property. When you can assail that point of view, let me know.
I think there are some genuine problems with corporate capitalism. The current norm re corporates charters amounts to special perks that aren't justified (eg limited liability, etc...). It creates entrenched corps with too much power.

The irony is that socialists want to replace a handful of corrupt, entrenched corporations with one entrenched corporation, run by the state, with all the coercive force of government at its disposal. They think that's a win.
I think there are some genuine problems with corporate capitalism. The current norm re corporates charters amounts to special perks that aren't justified (eg limited liability, etc...). It creates entrenched corps with too much power.

The irony is that socialists want to replace a handful of corrupt, entrenched corporations with one entrenched corporation, run by the state, with all the coercive force of government at its disposal. They think that's a win.
Is there some reason you couldn't address me directly? Are you that afraid of me and my skill? I would be too if I were you. But I didn't ask your opinion about corporate capitalism, I explained to you that ownership isn't defensive force, it's aggressive force. The question of socialism vs libertarianism is whether that force should be tempered by democracy or merely legitimized by it.
What's hypocritical or corrupt about acknowledging the reality of property and managing it so outcomes better benefit a greater number of people?

I get that you're too frail to address me but my argument stands. My argument isn't that we have a moral right to individual property from God, it's that property is a creation of society and if we're truly a society in the sense of a collection of people working towards a collective benefit then even non property owners should benefit from the creation of that property. When you can assail that point of view, let me know.
Collectivism doesn't work for the benefit of everyone. Capitalism and free enterprise does. It's a productivity thing. Under collectivism there is little incentive to produce. Capitalism is another term for productivity.
LOL, you couldn't be more wrong. Your main bitch seems to be against rich people, and it's true that a capitalist system creates a lot more rich people than any other economic model. But what you leave out or ignore is that capitalism also improves the standard of living BY FAR for everybody else.
It did, but now the opposite is occurring.
Hmm.. if you oppose capitalism… I suspect you should stop buying stuff…
I oppose ultra rich when many are living in the streets. Many of them have full time jobs and still cant afford a place to live. One does not need billions when there brothers are suffering.
They laughed at me a few years ago when i posted how capitalism works. It requires growth to work. Greed run capitalism requires big growth.
Prices double every 200 years
Prices double every 100 years
prices double every 50 years
prices double every 25 years
Prices double every 12-13 years--we are here
prices double every 6 years= disaster
prices double every 3 years- the ultra rich become slave masters of 99% on earth. They are rushing us to this.

So does one think capitalism is best for the human race?

Unfortunately, 'Capitalism' has been mistaken for 'Opportunism'.

True 'Capitalism' - investment - is a very good thing for the economy.

The 'Anything goes', 'free for all market' that has been the reality of American 'Capitalism' is what cannot sustain.

Especially when they use the picture-perfect theories of Capitalism and free market to justify their rampant Opportunism.
Macro Money is just the authority to activate resources.

When all the wealth has trickled up to the wealthiest 1%, they have no motive to activate resources on a large scale. The economy stagnates.

The entire economy exists to server the 1%, and anyone or anything that does not serve them is thrown to the gutter.
t is sickening to see how many have been brainwashed and indoctrinated when it comes to "capitalism" vs our free market, free enterprise system.

We don't have a 'free market, free enterprise system', we're ruled by monopolies and cartels, and they hate competition; we started doing away with enforcing free markets under JFK, and began repealing FDR's Federal anti-trust laws and banking regulations. The Democrats and GOP both advocate 'too big to fail', and the Watergate Babies finally killed off industrial capitalism in favor of financial conglomeration and corporate welfare .

There are different types of 'Capitalism', and not all of them are desirable, and certainly not 'good'.
They laughed at me a few years ago when i posted how capitalism works. It requires growth to work. Greed run capitalism requires big growth.
Prices double every 200 years
Prices double every 100 years
prices double every 50 years
prices double every 25 years
Prices double every 12-13 years--we are here
prices double every 6 years= disaster
prices double every 3 years- the ultra rich become slave masters of 99% on earth. They are rushing us to this.

So does one think capitalism is best for the human race?

Where did you get the idea that any of this is the result of Capitalism?
I oppose ultra rich when many are living in the streets. Many of them have full time jobs and still cant afford a place to live. One does not need billions when there brothers are suffering.
Most rich people give to charities you know…right?

I sympathize with the working poor..those who are really struggling, but, you have a lot of people who are in a bad situation of their own making. Living above their means.

Every night, the restaurants are packed, because people would rather spend $120+ a night eating at a restaurant than buying groceries and cooking at home. They live in a house that is above their income range, momma “needs” the Mercedes SUV with the leather seats and the moon roof, daddy “needs” the brand new Z71 LTZ High Country 4X4 with the 8” lift kit and the super swamped mud tires and a snorkel kit…which will never see any mud..

There will be a boat and 4 wheelers parked out front next to the wave runners..little Timmy just “has” to have the latest and greatest iPhone 15 pro max and little sally just “has” to have the newest Mac book pro

They “have” to have the 80” OLED with a cable package that has every channel!

Then they complain about how it’s just so hard to make ends meet!

Some people are hurting…some people hurt themselves..

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