Canadian man faces 2 years in prison for passing out Jesus saves pamphlets at gay pride parade

Ive never seen any lewd acts at Pride Parades. Maybe I have been going to the wrong ones ?

Remember- Silhouette has never been to a single gay pride parade.

I have gone to perhaps 12 over the last 30 years- and I have seen lots of partial nudity, and I have seen some pretty suggestive stuff- but not once have I seen any sex in public at a pride parade.

Silhouette though is convinced that is all that happens at Pride Parades.....that gays are forcing kids to attend and watch them have sex.

She needs to get away from her Gay porn searches and find another hobby.
Well I have been to a few and never seen anything disturbing. But I suppose if you are obsessed about it and hunt for it then you will find it. The good new is that her kind are a shrinking minority. In 10 years time people will be pointing at them and laughing.
Google is your friend...........check out Folsum Street Fair.............It is utterly insane.

I imagine you did spend a lot of time looking at those

Folsom Street Fair is not my cup of tea- but I have seen the streets many times- blocked off to prevent both the underage- and the uninformed- from attending.

I find it interesting that in a thread that decries Canada's restriction on freedom of speech- we have plenty of people who certainly want to restrict the freedom of speech of Americans- when it comes to parades.
Yawn............When called out on a BS Orgy you try to apply to those saying it's wrong and say we are the pervs........No's a public display of BS..........and it can only happen in California because if t were tried here they would be thrown in jail.

Now back to the Candian idiots who call it hate to give out religious pamphlets.......Insanity.

You are the one looking at the pictures of that 'orgy'- not me.

Like all of the censors who would spend hours and hours watching porn films just to tell everyone else that they did it protect everyone else.
No hate speech in Canada. Period.

If the guy was arrested, it means he’s an idiot who persisted after being told to stop...Yes he could go to jail but it’s unlikely for a first offence.
Do people in Canada who do sex crimes against kids, like exposing them via invitation to watch deviant lewd behavior, go to jail on the first offense?

If you know of any sex crimes against kids in Canada Silhouette- or the United States- you have an obligation to report those crimes to the police.

Why is it that you never do?

Why do you keep insisting that you know crimes are happening against children- but you never notify the police or the FBI or the Mounties or hell- the Park Service? Anybody in law enforcement?
Its evrybodies duy to report child abuse.

Exactly- Silhouette has claimed hundreds of times that she knows of child sex abuse happening- but never actually goes to the police.

Now if I knew- and claimed I knew of actual incidents of child sex abuse- I would be at the police right now- not typing a post here at USMB.

So is she lying? Or does she just not care about the kids?

Syriusly, sometimes you just have to give up on people. The right-wingers on USMB make up all sorts of fantasies about people they don't know.

I remember a while back somebody was posting about all the filthy women's clinics he had heard about that perform abortions. I asked him if anyone ever reported anything to the state health department. State health departments are supposed to receive complaints and perform inspections. Crickets. Asked him just to say what states they were in so that they could be reported to the proper authorities. Crickets. Just in the last day or so, I encountered perfect strangers telling tales about my life, but I've never laid eyes on them and they know nothing about me. I swear these people are on drugs.
Remember- Silhouette has never been to a single gay pride parade.

I have gone to perhaps 12 over the last 30 years- and I have seen lots of partial nudity, and I have seen some pretty suggestive stuff- but not once have I seen any sex in public at a pride parade.

Silhouette though is convinced that is all that happens at Pride Parades.....that gays are forcing kids to attend and watch them have sex.

She needs to get away from her Gay porn searches and find another hobby.
Well I have been to a few and never seen anything disturbing. But I suppose if you are obsessed about it and hunt for it then you will find it. The good new is that her kind are a shrinking minority. In 10 years time people will be pointing at them and laughing.
Google is your friend...........check out Folsum Street Fair.............It is utterly insane.

I imagine you did spend a lot of time looking at those

Folsom Street Fair is not my cup of tea- but I have seen the streets many times- blocked off to prevent both the underage- and the uninformed- from attending.

I find it interesting that in a thread that decries Canada's restriction on freedom of speech- we have plenty of people who certainly want to restrict the freedom of speech of Americans- when it comes to parades.
Yawn............When called out on a BS Orgy you try to apply to those saying it's wrong and say we are the pervs........No's a public display of BS..........and it can only happen in California because if t were tried here they would be thrown in jail.

Now back to the Candian idiots who call it hate to give out religious pamphlets.......Insanity.

You are the one looking at the pictures of that 'orgy'- not me.

Like all of the censors who would spend hours and hours watching porn films just to tell everyone else that they did it protect everyone else.
It's an old story and still continues.............So spare me your self righteous indignation..........It's a public orgy that you believe is perfectly fine.........tells me all I need to know about you.

And in Canada..........arresting a man for handing out religious INSANE.......They need to stay in Canada..........and libs in California need to stay their asses their as well.
No hate speech in Canada. Period.

If the guy was arrested, it means he’s an idiot who persisted after being told to stop...Yes he could go to jail but it’s unlikely for a first offence.
Do people in Canada who do sex crimes against kids, like exposing them via invitation to watch deviant lewd behavior, go to jail on the first offense?

If you know of any sex crimes against kids in Canada Silhouette- or the United States- you have an obligation to report those crimes to the police.

Why is it that you never do?

Why do you keep insisting that you know crimes are happening against children- but you never notify the police or the FBI or the Mounties or hell- the Park Service? Anybody in law enforcement?
Its evrybodies duy to report child abuse.

Exactly- Silhouette has claimed hundreds of times that she knows of child sex abuse happening- but never actually goes to the police.

Now if I knew- and claimed I knew of actual incidents of child sex abuse- I would be at the police right now- not typing a post here at USMB.

So is she lying? Or does she just not care about the kids?

Syriusly, sometimes you just have to give up on people. The right-wingers on USMB make up all sorts of fantasies about people they don't know.

I remember a while back somebody was posting about all the filthy women's clinics he had heard about that perform abortions. I asked him if anyone ever reported anything to the state health department. State health departments are supposed to receive complaints and perform inspections. Crickets. Asked him just to say what states they were in so that they could be reported to the proper authorities. Crickets. Just in the last day or so, I encountered perfect strangers telling tales about my life, but I've never laid eyes on them and they know nothing about me. I swear these people are on drugs.
They are just reiterating bollox. On another thread they are blaming tarrifs for damaging US business. But when asked they cant name a single tariff.
They are incapable of thought.
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Do people in Canada who do sex crimes against kids, like exposing them via invitation to watch deviant lewd behavior, go to jail on the first offense?

If you know of any sex crimes against kids in Canada Silhouette- or the United States- you have an obligation to report those crimes to the police.

Why is it that you never do?

Why do you keep insisting that you know crimes are happening against children- but you never notify the police or the FBI or the Mounties or hell- the Park Service? Anybody in law enforcement?
Its evrybodies duy to report child abuse.

Exactly- Silhouette has claimed hundreds of times that she knows of child sex abuse happening- but never actually goes to the police.

Now if I knew- and claimed I knew of actual incidents of child sex abuse- I would be at the police right now- not typing a post here at USMB.

So is she lying? Or does she just not care about the kids?

Syriusly, sometimes you just have to give up on people. The right-wingers on USMB make up all sorts of fantasies about people they don't know.

I remember a while back somebody was posting about all the filthy women's clinics he had heard about that perform abortions. I asked him if anyone ever reported anything to the state health department. State health departments are supposed to receive complaints and perform inspections. Crickets. Asked him just to say what states they were in so that they could be reported to the proper authorities. Crickets. Just in the last day or so, I encountered perfect strangers telling tales about my life, but I've never laid eyes on them and they know nothing about me. I swear these people are on drugs.
They are just reiterating bollox. On another they are blaming tarrifs for damaging USbusiness. But when asked they cant name a single tariff.
They are incapable of thought.

You are so right! Total bollox as you say. Please don't let these assholes loose in your country. Let this lowest common-denominator crap see its end in the U.S. and never be exported elsewhere. Good grief! This is so embarrassing!
Well I have been to a few and never seen anything disturbing. But I suppose if you are obsessed about it and hunt for it then you will find it. The good new is that her kind are a shrinking minority. In 10 years time people will be pointing at them and laughing.
Google is your friend...........check out Folsum Street Fair.............It is utterly insane.

I imagine you did spend a lot of time looking at those

Folsom Street Fair is not my cup of tea- but I have seen the streets many times- blocked off to prevent both the underage- and the uninformed- from attending.

I find it interesting that in a thread that decries Canada's restriction on freedom of speech- we have plenty of people who certainly want to restrict the freedom of speech of Americans- when it comes to parades.
Yawn............When called out on a BS Orgy you try to apply to those saying it's wrong and say we are the pervs........No's a public display of BS..........and it can only happen in California because if t were tried here they would be thrown in jail.

Now back to the Candian idiots who call it hate to give out religious pamphlets.......Insanity.

You are the one looking at the pictures of that 'orgy'- not me.

Like all of the censors who would spend hours and hours watching porn films just to tell everyone else that they did it protect everyone else.
It's an old story and still continues.............So spare me your self righteous indignation..........It's a public orgy that you believe is perfectly fine.........tells me all I need to know about you.

And in Canada..........arresting a man for handing out religious INSANE.......They need to stay in Canada..........and libs in California need to stay their asses their as well.

Please show the police reports and arrest records. Frankly I think this guy should be fined a few bucks and sent on his way with instructions to not be so rude the next time. Some people want everybody to join their variation of the Christian faith, but fail to recognize that they might be handing their pamphlets to people of other faiths, to atheists, and to people at the parade who are Christians already.
Ive never seen any lewd acts at Pride Parades. Maybe I have been going to the wrong ones ?

Remember- Silhouette has never been to a single gay pride parade.

I have gone to perhaps 12 over the last 30 years- and I have seen lots of partial nudity, and I have seen some pretty suggestive stuff- but not once have I seen any sex in public at a pride parade.

Silhouette though is convinced that is all that happens at Pride Parades.....that gays are forcing kids to attend and watch them have sex.

She needs to get away from her Gay porn searches and find another hobby.
Well I have been to a few and never seen anything disturbing. But I suppose if you are obsessed about it and hunt for it then you will find it. The good new is that her kind are a shrinking minority. In 10 years time people will be pointing at them and laughing.
Google is your friend...........check out Folsum Street Fair.............It is utterly insane.

I imagine you did spend a lot of time looking at those

Folsom Street Fair is not my cup of tea- but I have seen the streets many times- blocked off to prevent both the underage- and the uninformed- from attending.

I find it interesting that in a thread that decries Canada's restriction on freedom of speech- we have plenty of people who certainly want to restrict the freedom of speech of Americans- when it comes to parades.
Yawn............When called out on a BS Orgy you try to apply to those saying it's wrong and say we are the pervs........No's a public display of BS..........and it can only happen in California because if t were tried here they would be thrown in jail.

Now back to the Candian idiots who call it hate to give out religious pamphlets.......Insanity.

No they were hate pamphlets. They preached that homosexuality is wrong and suggested gay conversion therapy. They were no “Jesus loves you”, they were anti-gay propaganda.

And I repeat: you don’t get arrested for hate speech unless you are ordered to stop and you refuse.
Google is your friend...........check out Folsum Street Fair.............It is utterly insane.

I imagine you did spend a lot of time looking at those

Folsom Street Fair is not my cup of tea- but I have seen the streets many times- blocked off to prevent both the underage- and the uninformed- from attending.

I find it interesting that in a thread that decries Canada's restriction on freedom of speech- we have plenty of people who certainly want to restrict the freedom of speech of Americans- when it comes to parades.
Yawn............When called out on a BS Orgy you try to apply to those saying it's wrong and say we are the pervs........No's a public display of BS..........and it can only happen in California because if t were tried here they would be thrown in jail.

Now back to the Candian idiots who call it hate to give out religious pamphlets.......Insanity.

You are the one looking at the pictures of that 'orgy'- not me.

Like all of the censors who would spend hours and hours watching porn films just to tell everyone else that they did it protect everyone else.
It's an old story and still continues.............So spare me your self righteous indignation..........It's a public orgy that you believe is perfectly fine.........tells me all I need to know about you.

And in Canada..........arresting a man for handing out religious INSANE.......They need to stay in Canada..........and libs in California need to stay their asses their as well.

Please show the police reports and arrest records. Frankly I think this guy should be fined a few bucks and sent on his way with instructions to not be so rude the next time. Some people want everybody to join their variation of the Christian faith, but fail to recognize that they might be handing their pamphlets to people of other faiths, to atheists, and to people at the parade who are Christians already.
Toronto Police Service :: News Release #41431

Man, 51, charged with Wilful Promotion of Hate

Broadcast time: 18:23
Sunday, June 24, 2018

Intelligence Services

Case #: 2016-120931

The Toronto Police Service would like to make the public aware of an arrest made in a Hate Crime investigation.

In 2016, the Toronto Police Service received complaints regarding the distribution of anti-gay material at the Toronto Pride Parade.

The complaints were investigated by 51 Division and Intelligence Services – Hate Crime Unit.

It is alleged that:

- William Whatcott distributed anti-gay material which promoted hatred towards the gay community

On Friday, June 22, 2018, William Whatcott, 51, of Leduc, Alberta, was arrested in Calgary. He has been returned to Toronto and charged with:

1) Wilful Promotion of Hatred against an identifiable group, namely the gay community

He is scheduled to appear in court at College Park, on Monday, June 25, 2018, 10 a.m., room 501.

For more news, visit
Google is your friend...........check out Folsum Street Fair.............It is utterly insane.

I imagine you did spend a lot of time looking at those

Folsom Street Fair is not my cup of tea- but I have seen the streets many times- blocked off to prevent both the underage- and the uninformed- from attending.

I find it interesting that in a thread that decries Canada's restriction on freedom of speech- we have plenty of people who certainly want to restrict the freedom of speech of Americans- when it comes to parades.
Yawn............When called out on a BS Orgy you try to apply to those saying it's wrong and say we are the pervs........No's a public display of BS..........and it can only happen in California because if t were tried here they would be thrown in jail.

Now back to the Candian idiots who call it hate to give out religious pamphlets.......Insanity.

You are the one looking at the pictures of that 'orgy'- not me.

Like all of the censors who would spend hours and hours watching porn films just to tell everyone else that they did it protect everyone else.
It's an old story and still continues.............So spare me your self righteous indignation..........It's a public orgy that you believe is perfectly fine.........tells me all I need to know about you.

And in Canada..........arresting a man for handing out religious INSANE.......They need to stay in Canada..........and libs in California need to stay their asses their as well.

Please show the police reports and arrest records. Frankly I think this guy should be fined a few bucks and sent on his way with instructions to not be so rude the next time. Some people want everybody to join their variation of the Christian faith, but fail to recognize that they might be handing their pamphlets to people of other faiths, to atheists, and to people at the parade who are Christians already.

This is likely what will happen if he’s a first time offender. Two years is the maximum sentence.
Canadian Man Faces 2 Years in Prison for Passing Out Jesus Saves Pamphlets at Gay Pride Parade
A Christian bus driver in Toronto has been charged with a “hate crime” for distributing pamphlets saying homosexuality can lead to diseases and that Jesus can save gay people if they repent. Bill Whatcott “distributed anti-gay material which promoted hatred toward the gay community,” Toronto Police Service said in a statement, adding that he was arrested in Calgary and later returned to Toronto.

Well wonder how the leftards will handle it all when it blows back on themn.

It's time for homophobes to stop hiding behind Christianity.

We stopped the slave owners from using Christianity to justify their sickness, then we stopped the segregationists... now the homophobe should be called out.
No hate speech in Canada. Period.

If the guy was arrested, it means he’s an idiot who persisted after being told to stop...Yes he could go to jail but it’s unlikely for a first offence.
Do people in Canada who do sex crimes against kids, like exposing them via invitation to watch deviant lewd behavior, go to jail on the first offense?

If you know of any sex crimes against kids in Canada Silhouette- or the United States- you have an obligation to report those crimes to the police.

Why is it that you never do?

Why do you keep insisting that you know crimes are happening against children- but you never notify the police or the FBI or the Mounties or hell- the Park Service? Anybody in law enforcement?
Its evrybodies duy to report child abuse.

Exactly- Silhouette has claimed hundreds of times that she knows of child sex abuse happening- but never actually goes to the police.

Now if I knew- and claimed I knew of actual incidents of child sex abuse- I would be at the police right now- not typing a post here at USMB.

So is she lying? Or does she just not care about the kids?

Syriusly, sometimes you just have to give up on people. The right-wingers on USMB make up all sorts of fantasies about people they don't know.

I remember a while back somebody was posting about all the filthy women's clinics he had heard about that perform abortions. I asked him if anyone ever reported anything to the state health department. State health departments are supposed to receive complaints and perform inspections. Crickets. Asked him just to say what states they were in so that they could be reported to the proper authorities. Crickets. Just in the last day or so, I encountered perfect strangers telling tales about my life, but I've never laid eyes on them and they know nothing about me. I swear these people are on drugs.
It's like all those posters complaining about their state PA laws...I ask them what they are actively doing to get them repealed......anger and crickets.
It's time for homophobes to stop hiding behind Christianity.

We stopped the slave owners from using Christianity to justify their sickness, then we stopped the segregationists... now the homophobe should be called out.


It's time for the pedophiles to stop hiding behind the letters "LGBT" and their 5 decades long yearly burlesque-for-kids colorful rainbow "pride" parades...

The child sex offenders should be called out. Not hard to do since there are what, millions of photos as evidence proving the ongoing cultural crime...

B. The court found that Mr. Whatcott’s Charter s. 2(a) right to freedom of religion and s. 2(b) right to freedom of expression were infringed by s. 14(1)(b) of The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code:

14. (1) No person shall publish or display … any representation …

(b) that exposes or tends to expose to hatred, ridicules, belittle or otherwise affronts the dignity of any person or class of persons on the basis of a prohibited ground.
He is no stranger of the courts...........he appealed a case previously and here is the decision of the Supreme Court of Canada.........Toronto...
Well shit, he should've jumped in the parade, pulled down his pants and waved his dick in the face of a three year old so that he would be safe from arrest. Silly guy!
Seems he's already won in their Supreme Court before........from early 2001 or so................

Seems the Hateful commission wanted to take him on again.............Because he dared stand against the policies of Canada........and it's education.
Canadian Man Faces 2 Years in Prison for Passing Out Jesus Saves Pamphlets at Gay Pride Parade
A Christian bus driver in Toronto has been charged with a “hate crime” for distributing pamphlets saying homosexuality can lead to diseases and that Jesus can save gay people if they repent. Bill Whatcott “distributed anti-gay material which promoted hatred toward the gay community,” Toronto Police Service said in a statement, adding that he was arrested in Calgary and later returned to Toronto.

Well wonder how the leftards will handle it all when it blows back on themn.

Just 2 years? Offending filthy nasty faggots should be a death penalty case for sure.
Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission v. William Whatcott - and - Attorney General for Saskatchewan, 2013 SCC 11 . | Canadian Justice Review Board

The constitutional questions are answered as follows:

1. Does s. 14(1)(b) of The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code, S.S. 1979, c. S-24.1, infringe s. 2(a) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

Answer: Yes

2. If so, is the infringement a reasonable limit prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society under s. 1 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

Answer: A prohibition of any representation that "ridicules, belittles or otherwise affronts the dignity of" any person or class of persons on the basis of a prohibited ground is not a reasonable limit on freedom of religion. Those words are constitutionally invalid and are severed from the statutory provision. The remaining prohibition of any representation "that exposes or tends to expose to hatred" any person or class of persons on the basis of a prohibited ground is a reasonable limit and demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

3. Does s. 14(1)(b) of The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code, S.S. 1979, c. S-24.1, infringe s. 2(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

Answer: Yes

4. If so, is the infringement a reasonable limit prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society under s. 1 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

Answer: A prohibition of any representation that "ridicules, belittles or otherwise affronts the dignity of" any person or class of persons on the basis of a prohibited ground is not a reasonable limit on freedom of expression. Those words are constitutionally invalid and are severed from the statutory provision. The remaining prohibition of any representation "that exposes or tends to expose to hatred" any person or class of persons on the basis of a prohibited ground is a reasonable limit and demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

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