Canadian Court: Blacks are Less Culpable for Their Crimes and Deserve Lighter Sentences

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

Translation of Headline: Blacks are morally and intellectually inferior to white people and, therefore, lack the ability to form mens rea to commit criminal acts, and they are too dumb for deterrence. That is not ME talking; that is the leftist Canadian court talking.

As the author of the linked article correctly points out, if blacks are, indeed, inferior, and said inferiority leads them to commit more criminal acts (some very violent) than whitey, then logic would dictate that we ought to be punishing them more harshly for criminal acts than we punish whites. For example, if a snake slithers up to you and injects you with a fatal dose of venom, there is little chance that incarcerating the snake and providing it with job training will make it less likely to strike again in the future. What the Canadian Court is essentially saying is that blacks are like snakes (or any other wild animal) when it comes to punishment and deterrence. It's just not going to do them any good. But as the author says, if our regular system of justice is not going to work, then we need to get tougher with them. Perhaps incacerate them for their lives and recoup the costs by leasing them out for labor. The main point is that they need to be removed from society.

Now, I - Lord Long Rod - do not believe that negroes are inferior. Nor do I believe that they should be cut any slack. I am still all in for a color-blind society. The left abandoned this concept long ago. This is because leftists are horrible people who do not deserve to live as free men and women.
Blacks are morally and intellectually inferior to white people and, therefore, lack the ability to form mens rea to commit criminal acts, and they are too dumb for deterrence.

HEY--- when Arizona voting machines wouldn't even process a ballot in '22, they expected all those White Republicans to stand in line for four hours or spend all day going to another polling station! No harm, no foul. Meanwhile, if you just ask blacks to bring an ID or driver's license with them to vote, the same people scream that we are disenfranchising black voters from their sacred right to vote!

Translation of Headline: Blacks are morally and intellectually inferior to white people and, therefore, lack the ability to form mens rea to commit criminal acts, and they are too dumb for deterrence. That is not ME talking; that is the leftist Canadian court talking.

As the author of the linked article correctly points out, if blacks are, indeed, inferior, and said inferiority leads them to commit more criminal acts (some very violent) than whitey, then logic would dictate that we ought to be punishing them more harshly for criminal acts than we punish whites. For example, if a snake slithers up to you and injects you with a fatal dose of venom, there is little chance that incarcerating the snake and providing it with job training will make it less likely to strike again in the future. What the Canadian Court is essentially saying is that blacks are like snakes (or any other wild animal) when it comes to punishment and deterrence. It's just not going to do them any good. But as the author says, if our regular system of justice is not going to work, then we need to get tougher with them. Perhaps incacerate them for their lives and recoup the costs by leasing them out for labor. The main point is that they need to be removed from society.

Now, I - Lord Long Rod - do not believe that negroes are inferior. Nor do I believe that they should be cut any slack. I am still all in for a color-blind society. The left abandoned this concept long ago. This is because leftists are horrible people who do not deserve to live as free men and women.

See, we have people all the time saying that says blacks are inferior. But they won't ever say blacks are inferior.

They say they deserve lighter sentences. As you point out.

They say they deserve special admission into schools because they aren't as smart as whites and Asians.

They say they need affirmative action to get jobs because they aren't as talented and dumber than non blacks.

Schools should grade on a curve for blacks because they aren't keep up.

But no one will actually say blacks are inferior.

No one notices there has never been a first world black country. All almost all of man's achievements and advances are because of whites and Asians with very little from blacks. All the blacks that did contribute to man's advances did so while living in a white country. The majority of wealthy and famous blacks are actors, comedians, athletes, rappers meaning they are just entertainers and most blacks don't get rich by being good businessmen or inventors or investors or visionaries, no just basic entertainers.

There is nothing with being inferior. Donkeys are inferior to horses but they still serve a purpose. A car is superior a scooter but the scooter still has a use. But we really should stop pretending blacks are more than they are.

Sure there are some great ones but for every 1 Thomas sowell there are 10,000 George Floyd nwords.
At least the polite Canuks are honest about their agenda. It's another reminder of how backward our friends in the north are and that only America has guaranteed freedoms listed in the Bill of Rights.

Translation of Headline: Blacks are morally and intellectually inferior to white people and, therefore, lack the ability to form mens rea to commit criminal acts, and they are too dumb for deterrence. That is not ME talking; that is the leftist Canadian court talking.

As the author of the linked article correctly points out, if blacks are, indeed, inferior, and said inferiority leads them to commit more criminal acts (some very violent) than whitey, then logic would dictate that we ought to be punishing them more harshly for criminal acts than we punish whites. For example, if a snake slithers up to you and injects you with a fatal dose of venom, there is little chance that incarcerating the snake and providing it with job training will make it less likely to strike again in the future. What the Canadian Court is essentially saying is that blacks are like snakes (or any other wild animal) when it comes to punishment and deterrence. It's just not going to do them any good. But as the author says, if our regular system of justice is not going to work, then we need to get tougher with them. Perhaps incacerate them for their lives and recoup the costs by leasing them out for labor. The main point is that they need to be removed from society.

Now, I - Lord Long Rod - do not believe that negroes are inferior. Nor do I believe that they should be cut any slack. I am still all in for a color-blind society. The left abandoned this concept long ago. This is because leftists are horrible people who do not deserve to live as free men and women.
I bet you need a tweezer to find your damn pecker.

Translation of Headline: Blacks are morally and intellectually inferior to white people and, therefore, lack the ability to form mens rea to commit criminal acts, and they are too dumb for deterrence. That is not ME talking; that is the leftist Canadian court talking.

As the author of the linked article correctly points out, if blacks are, indeed, inferior, and said inferiority leads them to commit more criminal acts (some very violent) than whitey, then logic would dictate that we ought to be punishing them more harshly for criminal acts than we punish whites. For example, if a snake slithers up to you and injects you with a fatal dose of venom, there is little chance that incarcerating the snake and providing it with job training will make it less likely to strike again in the future. What the Canadian Court is essentially saying is that blacks are like snakes (or any other wild animal) when it comes to punishment and deterrence. It's just not going to do them any good. But as the author says, if our regular system of justice is not going to work, then we need to get tougher with them. Perhaps incacerate them for their lives and recoup the costs by leasing them out for labor. The main point is that they need to be removed from society.

Now, I - Lord Long Rod - do not believe that negroes are inferior. Nor do I believe that they should be cut any slack. I am still all in for a color-blind society. The left abandoned this concept long ago. This is because leftists are horrible people who do not deserve to live as free men and women.
Jesus. Why does Canada even try claiming they are a democracy. They are socialist to the core and getting more and more woke every day.

Translation of Headline: Blacks are morally and intellectually inferior to white people and, therefore, lack the ability to form mens rea to commit criminal acts, and they are too dumb for deterrence. That is not ME talking; that is the leftist Canadian court talking.

As the author of the linked article correctly points out, if blacks are, indeed, inferior, and said inferiority leads them to commit more criminal acts (some very violent) than whitey, then logic would dictate that we ought to be punishing them more harshly for criminal acts than we punish whites. For example, if a snake slithers up to you and injects you with a fatal dose of venom, there is little chance that incarcerating the snake and providing it with job training will make it less likely to strike again in the future. What the Canadian Court is essentially saying is that blacks are like snakes (or any other wild animal) when it comes to punishment and deterrence. It's just not going to do them any good. But as the author says, if our regular system of justice is not going to work, then we need to get tougher with them. Perhaps incacerate them for their lives and recoup the costs by leasing them out for labor. The main point is that they need to be removed from society.

Now, I - Lord Long Rod - do not believe that negroes are inferior. Nor do I believe that they should be cut any slack. I am still all in for a color-blind society. The left abandoned this concept long ago. This is because leftists are horrible people who do not deserve to live as free men and women.
Garbage assertion, garbage links, garbage thread.

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