Canadastan Starving Law Abiding Citizens

“Briane is a single mom from Chilliwack working a minimum wage job. She gave $50 to the convoy when it was 100% legal. She hasn’t participated in any other way. Her bank account has now been frozen. This is who Justin Trudeau is actually targeting with his Emergencies Act orders.”

“So far, 206 bank and corporate accounts have been frozen and one financial institution blocked a “payment processor” account holding C$3.8m ($2.98m), police said, adding that they were still collecting information on companies and people.”

No due process, no way of buying groceries or paying your utilities or rent.

Torches and pitchforks, eh
Never been asked my PARTY going to the Doc in my life................New things huh........How do you feel? Are you a member of the Republican Party? LOL
You know most of the unvaccinated are idiots who vote for Trump, or black people. The two main demographics.

As far as we know, all the high profile celebrity deaths have been all unvaccinated conservatives. If Bernie died, if AOC died, if Pelosi died, if Clinton died, if ANYONE we both know died after being vaccinated, you'd let me know right? But we can name a lot of anti vaxers who are dead today.

1 million Americans died. Most of them were Republican voters or blacks who don't vote.
Okay, that's a fallacy. You have absolutely no way to verify that completely unsubstantiated (that means totally made up, for the government school educated among us) opinion about Republicans. In fact, I would go so far as to call this a steaming pile.
It's like a stereotype. A lot of truth to stereotypes. This is just like that. You know who died. Because if vaccinated people were dropping dead like unvaxed were, you guys would have posted those deaths here like we were posting all the anti vax celebs who died during covid.

It was amazing. You guys were so stubborn even though cons were dropping like flies you were still arguing that a very small percentage of unvaxed were dying. I guess 1 in 100 wasn't a big deal to you guys. I thought it was great. If all that the virus was killing was unvaccinated conservatives, fuck it. Thin the herd.
It's like a stereotype. A lot of truth to stereotypes. This is just like that. You know who died. Because if vaccinated people were dropping dead like unvaxed were, you guys would have posted those deaths here like we were posting all the anti vax celebs who died during covid.

It was amazing. You guys were so stubborn even though cons were dropping like flies you were still arguing that a very small percentage of unvaxed were dying. I guess 1 in 100 wasn't a big deal to you guys. I thought it was great. If all that the virus was killing was unvaccinated conservatives, fuck it. Thin the herd.
You demand "proof"...then go on with your own assertions sans any evidence.
Hypocrite much?

Hint: Stop Yahoo, CNN, MSNBC etc etc etc.

You demand "proof"...then go on with your own assertions sans any evidence.

Hypocrite much?
1. We know who didn't get vaccinated and we know it was overwhelmingly the unvaccinated who died.

2. You don't believe the numbers the governments and hospitals are giving us so if I waste one second looking for proof you will scoff at, it would make me a fool not a hypocrite.
It's like a stereotype. A lot of truth to stereotypes. This is just like that. You know who died. Because if vaccinated people were dropping dead like unvaxed were, you guys would have posted those deaths here like we were posting all the anti vax celebs who died during covid.

It was amazing. You guys were so stubborn even though cons were dropping like flies you were still arguing that a very small percentage of unvaxed were dying. I guess 1 in 100 wasn't a big deal to you guys. I thought it was great. If all that the virus was killing was unvaccinated conservatives, fuck it. Thin the herd.
I'm very familiar with stereotypes. Heck, I see them being argued every day on this board. Where you went off the rails is where you said, "Every one of the 1 million Republicans who have died of covid because they weren't vaccinated voted. In fact they went to rallies and stood in line to vote." That's not a stereotype, that's presenting an opinion as fact. And, of course in your glee that people you don't like are dying, you ignore the democrats who didn't get vaccinated and died. What, are you naive enough to think that ANY county votes 100% for ANY party?
1. We know who didn't get vaccinated and we know it was overwhelmingly the unvaccinated who died.

2. You don't believe the numbers the governments and hospitals are giving us so if I waste one second looking for proof you will scoff at, it would make me a fool not a hypocrite.
We know a lot of democrats didn't get vaccinated and that some of them died too. Apparently, their deaths didn't register on your radar that was busy generating glee at the thought of people you don't like dying.
I'm very familiar with stereotypes. Heck, I see them being argued every day on this board. Where you went off the rails is where you said, "Every one of the 1 million Republicans who have died of covid because they weren't vaccinated voted. In fact they went to rallies and stood in line to vote." That's not a stereotype, that's presenting an opinion as fact. And, of course in your glee that people you don't like are dying, you ignore the democrats who didn't get vaccinated and died. What, are you naive enough to think that ANY county votes 100% for ANY party?
I just know that cons don't believe in science like global warming and evolution or getting vaccinated. I believe denying global warming harms us all. So you cons and your brainwashed heads are hurting us. And you're stubborn about common sense gun legislation. You're homophobic people. You're racists. But nothing we can do about those things. Usually you'll live a long healthy life despite your brainwashing. But here we have a vaccine you've politicized that is killing you guys.

Your denial of global warming is killing all of us. Maybe mother nature sent the pandemic to deal with people like you. You may call her GOD. Thinning the herd. But that's ok because when you die you go off to a better place right?
You know most of the unvaccinated are idiots who vote for Trump, or black people. The two main demographics.

As far as we know, all the high profile celebrity deaths have been all unvaccinated conservatives. If Bernie died, if AOC died, if Pelosi died, if Clinton died, if ANYONE we both know died after being vaccinated, you'd let me know right? But we can name a lot of anti vaxers who are dead today.

1 million Americans died. Most of them were Republican voters or blacks who don't vote.
It's like a stereotype. A lot of truth to stereotypes. This is just like that. You know who died. Because if vaccinated people were dropping dead like unvaxed were, you guys would have posted those deaths here like we were posting all the anti vax celebs who died during covid.

It was amazing. You guys were so stubborn even though cons were dropping like flies you were still arguing that a very small percentage of unvaxed were dying. I guess 1 in 100 wasn't a big deal to you guys. I thought it was great. If all that the virus was killing was unvaccinated conservatives, fuck it. Thin the herd.
We know a lot of democrats didn't get vaccinated and that some of them died too. Apparently, their deaths didn't register on your radar that was busy generating glee at the thought of people you don't like dying.
I told you a lot of blacks didn't take the vaccine and they died too. So they did register with me. Did they register for you? Or are you still denying they died of covid? Which argument are you making today?

Your comment just admitted some Democrats died of covid too. Sure but how many? There aren't that many blacks in America. And at least 75% of the dead were unvaccinated. So a huge percent of them clearly must be white con Republicans. Very few Herman Cain's.
Let me ask you this. Is it wrong to assume most of the blacks who died of covid were Democrats?

We’ve lost at least 73,462 Black lives to COVID-19 to date. Black people account for 15% of COVID-19 deaths where race is known.

Blacks only make up 15%. I'll accept white Democrats make up the other 15%. So 70% are you white cons.
1. We know who didn't get vaccinated and we know it was overwhelmingly the unvaccinated who died.

2. You don't believe the numbers the governments and hospitals are giving us so if I waste one second looking for proof you will scoff at, it would make me a fool not a hypocrite.
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I just know that cons don't believe in science like global warming and evolution or getting vaccinated. I believe denying global warming harms us all. So you cons and your brainwashed heads are hurting us. And you're stubborn about common sense gun legislation. You're homophobic people. You're racists. But nothing we can do about those things. Usually you'll live a long healthy life despite your brainwashing. But here we have a vaccine you've politicized that is killing you guys.

Your denial of global warming is killing all of us. Maybe mother nature sent the pandemic to deal with people like you. You may call her GOD. Thinning the herd. But that's ok because when you die you go off to a better place right?

Silly Bonobo.

Do men have periods?

Can anyone get pregnant?

How many genders are there?

WHO doesn't believe in science?

If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain​

We also know people tend to become more conservative the older they get. So Republicans might say "a lot of old people who died were Democrats but....

one of the biggest divides that did come to pass was between older voters and those aged under 30, who became even “less enamoured of President Trump than before”.

“The other age groups, 30-44, 45-64, 65 and over, it’s a pretty close divide between Biden and Trump. So it’s really young people who are overwhelmingly anti-Trump and that’s really noticeable.”
Silly Bonobo.

Do men have periods?

Can anyone get pregnant?

How many genders are there?

WHO doesn't believe in science?
You don't believe NASA. Too many of you don't even believe in evolution. How dumb are you?

No men don't have periods.

Only women can get pregnant

2 Genders

See? I believe in science. Do you? And don't put a spin on it. There is no alternative facts or science. Your scientific hypothesis' don't pass peer review.
I just know that cons don't believe in science like global warming and evolution or getting vaccinated. I believe denying global warming harms us all. So you cons and your brainwashed heads are hurting us. And you're stubborn about common sense gun legislation. You're homophobic people. You're racists. But nothing we can do about those things. Usually you'll live a long healthy life despite your brainwashing. But here we have a vaccine you've politicized that is killing you guys.

Your denial of global warming is killing all of us. Maybe mother nature sent the pandemic to deal with people like you. You may call her GOD. Thinning the herd. But that's ok because when you die you go off to a better place right?
See, here's where the wheels fall off your tricycle. I've been vaccinated since last year. I believe in medicine. I believe global warming is happening, but that our efforts would be put to better use in dealing with potential problems instead of foolishly trying to prevent them. You just love to point at a group and say, "That's you" when you have no basis for doing so. And you don't help your case AT ALL when you state your opinions in absolute terms like you think they are facts.
I told you a lot of blacks didn't take the vaccine and they died too. So they did register with me. Did they register for you? Or are you still denying they died of covid? Which argument are you making today?
Where have I ever said they weren't dying of Covid? Are you still going with that groupthink garbage, that no one has the freedom to think their own thoughts anymore?
Your comment just admitted some Democrats died of covid too. Sure but how many? There aren't that many blacks in America. And at least 75% of the dead were unvaccinated. So a huge percent of them clearly must be white con Republicans. Very few Herman Cain's.
Let me ask you this. Is it wrong to assume most of the blacks who died of covid were Democrats?

We’ve lost at least 73,462 Black lives to COVID-19 to date. Black people account for 15% of COVID-19 deaths where race is known.

Blacks only make up 15%. I'll accept white Democrats make up the other 15%. So 70% are you white cons.
Of which you have absolutely no idea how many vote, which was the whole point in the first place. I you're starting to back off your absolutes a little bit and that's a good thing. Now, are you going to back off your glee that people you don't like are dying?

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