Canadastan Starving Law Abiding Citizens

Do you believe it came from there or not? And where do you believe it came from if not?
I think Republicans spread it just like Chaney spread anthrax. Remember that?

In 2008, the FBI requested a review of the scientific methods used in their investigation from the National Academy of Sciences, which released their findings in the 2011 report Review of the Scientific Approaches Used During the FBI's Investigation of the 2001 Anthrax Letters. The report cast doubt on the government's conclusion that Ivins was the perpetrator. Some information is still sealed. The government settled lawsuits that were filed by the widow of the first anthrax victim Bob Stevens for $2.5 million with no admission of liability.

But all these years later, no one asks who sent the anthrax. I think anyone who asks questions ends up dead. So who knows years later if we will find out in fact this thing didn't come from China.

Just like you are waiting for us vaccinated people to get sick from the vaccine. I'm waiting for the day we find out this was developed in a lab not a wet market.

Oh, and birds aren't real. They are drones spying on us.
I think Republicans spread it just like Chaney spread anthrax. Remember that?

In 2008, the FBI requested a review of the scientific methods used in their investigation from the National Academy of Sciences, which released their findings in the 2011 report Review of the Scientific Approaches Used During the FBI's Investigation of the 2001 Anthrax Letters. The report cast doubt on the government's conclusion that Ivins was the perpetrator. Some information is still sealed. The government settled lawsuits that were filed by the widow of the first anthrax victim Bob Stevens for $2.5 million with no admission of liability.

But all these years later, no one asks who sent the anthrax. I think anyone who asks questions ends up dead. So who knows years later if we will find out in fact this thing didn't come from China.

Just like you are waiting for us vaccinated people to get sick from the vaccine. I'm waiting for the day we find out this was developed in a lab not a wet market.

Oh, and birds aren't real. They are drones spying on us.
Then you are a conspiracy nut and will not be taken seriously. If you have to go to anthrax to explain the WuFlu, you've already lost the argument.
Why because they were intimidated?

A U.S. labor board official is ordering a revote after an agency review found Amazon improperly pressured warehouse staff to vote against joining a union, tainting the original election enough to scrap its results.

"Today's decision confirms what we were saying all along that Amazon's intimidation and interference prevented workers from having a fair say in whether they wanted a union in their workplace."

It will be the first union ever formed at an Amazon warehouse
That just proves that you trust the media.

Nobody died of "COVID" until you prove it.

Doctors and demographers recently noticed another tragic example of how polarization shapes America: The pandemic has killed more people in the nation’s Republican enclaves than its Democratic strongholds. They explain the gap by pointing to Republican resistance to vaccines and the GOP’s more cavalier approach to combating the virus in general.

Those findings suggest many more Republicans — tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands — have died of COVID-19 than Democrats, leading some to wonder with some morbidity what the political impact will be. Will Democrats, facing the normal midterm election headwinds plus high inflation, do surprisingly well in 2022 for the simple, sad fact that there are fewer Republicans?

It will be the first union ever formed at an Amazon warehouse

Pizza Hut adds a $2.28 "California Tax" on all Pizzas sold in the state. They still use nationally advertised prices, but explain when you check out that you live in a state hostile to business and consumers and the extra is going to the rulers of the state.

Amazon should do the same for goods sold in New York. An extra $5 per item as the tax the Mafia and the state are imposing.

It will be the first union ever formed at an Amazon warehouse

Do you really think that they will be able to muscle anything out of Bezos?

Remember that the Amazon business seems particularly immune to strikes. They deliver their packages all over town , its tough for pickets to intimidate customers. Further, the actual work being done isn't of particularly high skill and can be learned fairly quickly by the replacement workers- unlike the skilled trades.
Pizza Hut adds a $2.28 "California Tax" on all Pizzas sold in the state. They still use nationally advertised prices, but explain when you check out that you live in a state hostile to business and consumers and the extra is going to the rulers of the state.

Amazon should do the same for goods sold in New York. An extra $5 per item as the tax the Mafia and the state are imposing.
New York already told Amazon to beat it. This is Staten Island. Apparently they caved and gave Amazon huge tax breaks because they wanted those jobs and thought it would improve the area but it hasn't.

Amazon is ruining America. It needs to be broken up. And it needs to be unionized. That's why it is being unionized. You refuse to listen to the workers who tell you it's a horrible place that treats it's employees badly? Who are you Jeff Bezos? LOL.

Amazon will charge as much as they can. As soon as they corner the market, prices go up. Like their prices now? Just wait. Don't think they are giving great prices now because they are nice dummy.
Do you really think that they will be able to muscle anything out of Bezos?

Remember that the Amazon business seems particularly immune to strikes. They deliver their packages all over town , its tough for pickets to intimidate customers. Further, the actual work being done isn't of particularly high skill and can be learned fairly quickly by the replacement workers- unlike the skilled trades.
All I can say is of course you are anti labor.
New York already told Amazon to beat it. This is Staten Island.


Is that in the state of Staten?

Apparently they caved and gave Amazon huge tax breaks because they wanted those jobs and thought it would improve the area but it hasn't.

Amazon is ruining America. It needs to be broken up. And it needs to be unionized. That's why it is being unionized. You refuse to listen to the workers who tell you it's a horrible place that treats it's employees badly? Who are you Jeff Bezos? LOL.

Amazon will charge as much as they can. As soon as they corner the market, prices go up. Like their prices now? Just wait. Don't think they are giving great prices now because they are nice dummy.

Amazon undercuts everyone.

Amazon has lowered prices paid by consumers about 15% across the board.

Is that in the state of Staten?

Amazon undercuts everyone.

Amazon has lowered prices paid by consumers about 15% across the board.
For now sure they have. Just wait. We've seen them do this on certain products. Once they corner the market, you'll see. Already happening but you won't acknowledge it so never mind.

Trust me, one day Amazon will be broken up. Anti trust laws are as American as apple pie and necessary.

Remember you guys said the same thing about Walmart? Today they are no cheaper. Just in the beginning. Luckily they still have competition but Amazon really doesn't.

You remember Amazon didn't go to NYC? I'm not talking about just a hub and I'm not talking about Staten Island

You remember


Is that in the state of Staten?

Amazon undercuts everyone.

Amazon has lowered prices paid by consumers about 15% across the board.
I say not paying taxes is the number one reason Amazon went to Virginia but it's actually a good state to go to

Governor: Ralph Northam, Democrat

The company still plans to limit its hiring in Virginia to 25,000 employees over 10 years. The other 25,000 that had been planned for New York will be spread among the company’s 17 existing tech hubs — a more manageable process.

25,000 shitty jobs. Oh well. Poor people need jobs too. And if Amazon treats them too badly, they can organize, which they are.
Pizza Hut adds a $2.28 "California Tax" on all Pizzas sold in the state. They still use nationally advertised prices, but explain when you check out that you live in a state hostile to business and consumers and the extra is going to the rulers of the state.

Amazon should do the same for goods sold in New York. An extra $5 per item as the tax the Mafia and the state are imposing.
Friend in Taxifornia sent me a pic of their restaurant menu. At the bottom in fine print it says 5% will be added to the bill for employee retention and recruitment.

Doctors and demographers recently noticed another tragic example of how polarization shapes America: The pandemic has killed more people in the nation’s Republican enclaves than its Democratic strongholds. They explain the gap by pointing to Republican resistance to vaccines and the GOP’s more cavalier approach to combating the virus in general.

Those findings suggest many more Republicans — tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands — have died of COVID-19 than Democrats, leading some to wonder with some morbidity what the political impact will be. Will Democrats, facing the normal midterm election headwinds plus high inflation, do surprisingly well in 2022 for the simple, sad fact that there are fewer Republicans?
I know a lot of black people didn't get vaccinated either but those people don't vote.

Every one of the 1 million Republicans who have died of covid because they weren't vaccinated voted. In fact they went to rallies and stood in line to vote. That's how they got covid and died.

Ok I know not all blacks don't vote. And not every death was a unvaccinated Democrat. I know there are a few exceptions to the rule.

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I know a lot of black people didn't get vaccinated either but those people don't vote.

Every one of the 1 million Republicans who have died of covid because they weren't vaccinated voted. In fact they went to rallies and stood in line to vote. That's how they got covid and died.

Ok I know not all blacks don't vote. And not every death was a unvaccinated Democrat. I know there are a few exceptions to the rule.

I know a lot of black people didn't get vaccinated either but those people don't vote.

Every one of the 1 million Republicans who have died of covid because they weren't vaccinated voted. In fact they went to rallies and stood in line to vote. That's how they got covid and died.

Ok I know not all blacks don't vote. And not every death was a unvaccinated Democrat. I know there are a few exceptions to the rule.

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Okay, that's a fallacy. You have absolutely no way to verify that completely unsubstantiated (that means totally made up, for the government school educated among us) opinion about Republicans. In fact, I would go so far as to call this a steaming pile.

Doctors and demographers recently noticed another tragic example of how polarization shapes America: The pandemic has killed more people in the nation’s Republican enclaves than its Democratic strongholds. They explain the gap by pointing to Republican resistance to vaccines and the GOP’s more cavalier approach to combating the virus in general.

Those findings suggest many more Republicans — tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands — have died of COVID-19 than Democrats, leading some to wonder with some morbidity what the political impact will be. Will Democrats, facing the normal midterm election headwinds plus high inflation, do surprisingly well in 2022 for the simple, sad fact that there are fewer Republicans?
Never been asked my PARTY going to the Doc in my life................New things huh........How do you feel? Are you a member of the Republican Party? LOL

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