Canada angry that Americans are taking our hockey television jobs when NHL restarts


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
A Canadian team hasn't won the Cup since 1993, the economy is in the tank, civil liberties don't exist, communist countries are kidnapping our citizens and this is what these muppets whine about. Even as we rely on U.S jobs and subsidies just to stay afloat.

SIMMONS: ‘NHL sold us out,’ Canadian broadcast worker says. ‘Government sold us out’

Hockey Night In Canada — brought to you, for the very first time, by Americans.

NBC will fly upwards of 50 broadcast people to Toronto — producers, directors, camera people, technicians and more — to serve as the world feed for all National Hockey League games played in this hub city, while many Canadian broadcast freelancers, out of work since March, are not at all happy about the snub.

“It’s a travesty,” said one longtime Canadian broadcast worker, who asked not to be identified for obvious reasons. “The NHL sold us out. Our own government sold us out. All we want to do is work and this is our job.

“I could understand (NBC) bringing people in if we couldn’t do the job, but it’s proven we can.”

Canadian hockey broadcasters have long been considered the best in the world. Virtually every Winter Olympics world feed in recent memory has been produced and directed by a Canadian. The majority, it not all, of the world feed staff at every Olympic hockey tournament of the past 25 years has been Canadian.

NBC told one Canadian inquiring about a job that it was bringing only NBC staff to Toronto to work on the world feed and wouldn’t consider anyone else. Under the strict conditions of COVID-19, only one broadcast crew — known as the world feed — will produce the pictures for all networks around the world televising the games. Those networks include Rogers Sportsnet in Canada and NBC, the American rights-holder for NHL games, in the U.S.

Sportsnet will produce the world feed for games played in the Western hub city of Edmonton, but the Stanley Cup final, slated for the Alberta city will have both Canadian and American feeds for the individual rights-holders.
A Canadian team hasn't won the Cup since 1993, the economy is in the tank, civil liberties don't exist, communist countries are kidnapping our citizens and this is what these muppets whine about. Even as we rely on U.S jobs and subsidies just to stay afloat.

SIMMONS: ‘NHL sold us out,’ Canadian broadcast worker says. ‘Government sold us out’

Hockey Night In Canada — brought to you, for the very first time, by Americans.

NBC will fly upwards of 50 broadcast people to Toronto — producers, directors, camera people, technicians and more — to serve as the world feed for all National Hockey League games played in this hub city, while many Canadian broadcast freelancers, out of work since March, are not at all happy about the snub.

“It’s a travesty,” said one longtime Canadian broadcast worker, who asked not to be identified for obvious reasons. “The NHL sold us out. Our own government sold us out. All we want to do is work and this is our job.

“I could understand (NBC) bringing people in if we couldn’t do the job, but it’s proven we can.”

Canadian hockey broadcasters have long been considered the best in the world. Virtually every Winter Olympics world feed in recent memory has been produced and directed by a Canadian. The majority, it not all, of the world feed staff at every Olympic hockey tournament of the past 25 years has been Canadian.

NBC told one Canadian inquiring about a job that it was bringing only NBC staff to Toronto to work on the world feed and wouldn’t consider anyone else. Under the strict conditions of COVID-19, only one broadcast crew — known as the world feed — will produce the pictures for all networks around the world televising the games. Those networks include Rogers Sportsnet in Canada and NBC, the American rights-holder for NHL games, in the U.S.

Sportsnet will produce the world feed for games played in the Western hub city of Edmonton, but the Stanley Cup final, slated for the Alberta city will have both Canadian and American feeds for the individual rights-holders.

And now the Keystone XL pipeline is shut down again....from Wiki:

  • July 6, 2020 In the US Army Corps of Engineers v. Northern Plains Resource Council case, the Supreme Court of the US ordered all Keystone XL work be halted[88][85]. The order, however, does not affect any other present or future pipeline construction in the United States, and will be in force until the circuit court, and then the Supreme Court deliver their final rulings[89]. In response, TC Energy stated that the US part of the project will be reassessed (but not abandoned); the Canadian part will proceed as before.[88]
A Canadian team hasn't won the Cup since 1993, the economy is in the tank, civil liberties don't exist, communist countries are kidnapping our citizens and this is what these muppets whine about. Even as we rely on U.S jobs and subsidies just to stay afloat.

SIMMONS: ‘NHL sold us out,’ Canadian broadcast worker says. ‘Government sold us out’

Hockey Night In Canada — brought to you, for the very first time, by Americans.

NBC will fly upwards of 50 broadcast people to Toronto — producers, directors, camera people, technicians and more — to serve as the world feed for all National Hockey League games played in this hub city, while many Canadian broadcast freelancers, out of work since March, are not at all happy about the snub.

“It’s a travesty,” said one longtime Canadian broadcast worker, who asked not to be identified for obvious reasons. “The NHL sold us out. Our own government sold us out. All we want to do is work and this is our job.

“I could understand (NBC) bringing people in if we couldn’t do the job, but it’s proven we can.”

Canadian hockey broadcasters have long been considered the best in the world. Virtually every Winter Olympics world feed in recent memory has been produced and directed by a Canadian. The majority, it not all, of the world feed staff at every Olympic hockey tournament of the past 25 years has been Canadian.

NBC told one Canadian inquiring about a job that it was bringing only NBC staff to Toronto to work on the world feed and wouldn’t consider anyone else. Under the strict conditions of COVID-19, only one broadcast crew — known as the world feed — will produce the pictures for all networks around the world televising the games. Those networks include Rogers Sportsnet in Canada and NBC, the American rights-holder for NHL games, in the U.S.

Sportsnet will produce the world feed for games played in the Western hub city of Edmonton, but the Stanley Cup final, slated for the Alberta city will have both Canadian and American feeds for the individual rights-holders.

As usual, the dumb conservative is fine with money going to American workers coming to Canada to steal OUR jobs, but is livid about Canada stealing American jobs. So much for HIS patriotism. He is the ONLY Canadian I've ever encountered who is completely unaware of all of the myriad ways that the USA has screwed over the Canadian economy and stolen our jobs.

And then he wonders why I don't think he's a real Canadian at all. Imagine if an American posted that the USA is screwing over Mexico and stealing Mexican jobs. That would be "shocked Canadian". He was probably dropped on his head as a baby - multiple times.
A Canadian team hasn't won the Cup since 1993, the economy is in the tank, civil liberties don't exist, communist countries are kidnapping our citizens and this is what these muppets whine about. Even as we rely on U.S jobs and subsidies just to stay afloat.

SIMMONS: ‘NHL sold us out,’ Canadian broadcast worker says. ‘Government sold us out’

Hockey Night In Canada — brought to you, for the very first time, by Americans.

NBC will fly upwards of 50 broadcast people to Toronto — producers, directors, camera people, technicians and more — to serve as the world feed for all National Hockey League games played in this hub city, while many Canadian broadcast freelancers, out of work since March, are not at all happy about the snub.

“It’s a travesty,” said one longtime Canadian broadcast worker, who asked not to be identified for obvious reasons. “The NHL sold us out. Our own government sold us out. All we want to do is work and this is our job.

“I could understand (NBC) bringing people in if we couldn’t do the job, but it’s proven we can.”

Canadian hockey broadcasters have long been considered the best in the world. Virtually every Winter Olympics world feed in recent memory has been produced and directed by a Canadian. The majority, it not all, of the world feed staff at every Olympic hockey tournament of the past 25 years has been Canadian.

NBC told one Canadian inquiring about a job that it was bringing only NBC staff to Toronto to work on the world feed and wouldn’t consider anyone else. Under the strict conditions of COVID-19, only one broadcast crew — known as the world feed — will produce the pictures for all networks around the world televising the games. Those networks include Rogers Sportsnet in Canada and NBC, the American rights-holder for NHL games, in the U.S.

Sportsnet will produce the world feed for games played in the Western hub city of Edmonton, but the Stanley Cup final, slated for the Alberta city will have both Canadian and American feeds for the individual rights-holders.

As usual, the dumb conservative is fine with money going to American workers coming to Canada to steal OUR jobs, but is livid about Canada stealing American jobs. So much for HIS patriotism. He is the ONLY Canadian I've ever encountered who is completely unaware of all of the myriad ways that the USA has screwed over the Canadian economy and stolen our jobs.

And then he wonders why I don't think he's a real Canadian at all. Imagine if an American posted that the USA is screwing over Mexico and stealing Mexican jobs. That would be "shocked Canadian". He was probably dropped on his head as a baby - multiple times.
well at least he aint afraid to criticize his govt......
A Canadian team hasn't won the Cup since 1993, the economy is in the tank, civil liberties don't exist, communist countries are kidnapping our citizens and this is what these muppets whine about. Even as we rely on U.S jobs and subsidies just to stay afloat.

SIMMONS: ‘NHL sold us out,’ Canadian broadcast worker says. ‘Government sold us out’

Hockey Night In Canada — brought to you, for the very first time, by Americans.

NBC will fly upwards of 50 broadcast people to Toronto — producers, directors, camera people, technicians and more — to serve as the world feed for all National Hockey League games played in this hub city, while many Canadian broadcast freelancers, out of work since March, are not at all happy about the snub.

“It’s a travesty,” said one longtime Canadian broadcast worker, who asked not to be identified for obvious reasons. “The NHL sold us out. Our own government sold us out. All we want to do is work and this is our job.

“I could understand (NBC) bringing people in if we couldn’t do the job, but it’s proven we can.”

Canadian hockey broadcasters have long been considered the best in the world. Virtually every Winter Olympics world feed in recent memory has been produced and directed by a Canadian. The majority, it not all, of the world feed staff at every Olympic hockey tournament of the past 25 years has been Canadian.

NBC told one Canadian inquiring about a job that it was bringing only NBC staff to Toronto to work on the world feed and wouldn’t consider anyone else. Under the strict conditions of COVID-19, only one broadcast crew — known as the world feed — will produce the pictures for all networks around the world televising the games. Those networks include Rogers Sportsnet in Canada and NBC, the American rights-holder for NHL games, in the U.S.

Sportsnet will produce the world feed for games played in the Western hub city of Edmonton, but the Stanley Cup final, slated for the Alberta city will have both Canadian and American feeds for the individual rights-holders.

As usual, the dumb conservative is fine with money going to American workers coming to Canada to steal OUR jobs, but is livid about Canada stealing American jobs. So much for HIS patriotism. He is the ONLY Canadian I've ever encountered who is completely unaware of all of the myriad ways that the USA has screwed over the Canadian economy and stolen our jobs.

And then he wonders why I don't think he's a real Canadian at all. Imagine if an American posted that the USA is screwing over Mexico and stealing Mexican jobs. That would be "shocked Canadian". He was probably dropped on his head as a baby - multiple times.

No one person in the American government, and in fact, not ONE American citizen has ever done me wrong. While the creepy covert Canadian police and their weak family members have. Not ONE American has threatened me, harassed me and my wife, interfered with my career or abused me in my childhood, or, in my lifetime in fact. All that have, have been Canadian covert police and their relations.

Maybe you missed the posting in which I applied to the military while in university (and decided to go back to school). On my own volition and desire to stand up for Canadian values, which ironically, don't exist. I was willing to risk my life for my country, for little pay and zero prestige, because I naively believed we were a just, free society like many of our allies.

My life has been stolen, my potential wiped out, my existence of little value while the stress and and depression of knowing this is happening with no recourse keeps me trapped in mediocrity while the least impressive among us milk the taxpayer with their lies and protection.

Yeah some country. F the Canadian abusers and their families. As I offered multiple, cowardly police chiefs in Ontario, "if you have a problem with me, come and charge me with a crime or arrest me, I will happily defend myself in court.". An open invitation to have myself arrested. Who would offer that to the police? A criminal? I also offered, "If you want to sit down and do a polygraph I will HAPPILY do one and pit my character against any of your organizations".

So, you tell me, under what conditions I should not call out the same whiners who wouldn't drop a dime for me if I needed them to? Believe me, I tried to get justice, with little help from my fellow citizen. In fact, many of them happily helped the abusers. You think I am supposed to get smacked around and apologize to the abuser for not letting them hit me harder?

My story is being told in multiple location, multiple governments, police agencies and forums. If people don't want to believe me, if they want to believe the abusers and their narrative. Do so. If I convince agencies (especially those who can do their own digging) to find the facts, I can rest in peace one day knowing I got my pound of flesh.
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A Canadian team hasn't won the Cup since 1993, the economy is in the tank, civil liberties don't exist, communist countries are kidnapping our citizens and this is what these muppets whine about. Even as we rely on U.S jobs and subsidies just to stay afloat.

SIMMONS: ‘NHL sold us out,’ Canadian broadcast worker says. ‘Government sold us out’

Hockey Night In Canada — brought to you, for the very first time, by Americans.

NBC will fly upwards of 50 broadcast people to Toronto — producers, directors, camera people, technicians and more — to serve as the world feed for all National Hockey League games played in this hub city, while many Canadian broadcast freelancers, out of work since March, are not at all happy about the snub.

“It’s a travesty,” said one longtime Canadian broadcast worker, who asked not to be identified for obvious reasons. “The NHL sold us out. Our own government sold us out. All we want to do is work and this is our job.

“I could understand (NBC) bringing people in if we couldn’t do the job, but it’s proven we can.”

Canadian hockey broadcasters have long been considered the best in the world. Virtually every Winter Olympics world feed in recent memory has been produced and directed by a Canadian. The majority, it not all, of the world feed staff at every Olympic hockey tournament of the past 25 years has been Canadian.

NBC told one Canadian inquiring about a job that it was bringing only NBC staff to Toronto to work on the world feed and wouldn’t consider anyone else. Under the strict conditions of COVID-19, only one broadcast crew — known as the world feed — will produce the pictures for all networks around the world televising the games. Those networks include Rogers Sportsnet in Canada and NBC, the American rights-holder for NHL games, in the U.S.

Sportsnet will produce the world feed for games played in the Western hub city of Edmonton, but the Stanley Cup final, slated for the Alberta city will have both Canadian and American feeds for the individual rights-holders.

As usual, the dumb conservative is fine with money going to American workers coming to Canada to steal OUR jobs, but is livid about Canada stealing American jobs. So much for HIS patriotism. He is the ONLY Canadian I've ever encountered who is completely unaware of all of the myriad ways that the USA has screwed over the Canadian economy and stolen our jobs.

And then he wonders why I don't think he's a real Canadian at all. Imagine if an American posted that the USA is screwing over Mexico and stealing Mexican jobs. That would be "shocked Canadian". He was probably dropped on his head as a baby - multiple times.
well at least he aint afraid to criticize his govt......

Neither am I. I criticize our government all of the time. But I have never suggested we should just hand over our jobs, our companies, and our health care to Americans. Nor would I suggest that Canada is "stealing" American jobs. My husband lost his entire livelihood after NAFTA came in. His entire industry moved to the Southern US, and overnight wages being offered for the remaining jobs were reduced to minimum wage.

From a 1993 Washington Post article:

The 53-year-old Canadian leader, who boldly revived his Progressive Conservative Party a decade ago and led it to impressive victories in 1984 and 1988, has tumbled in public opinion and now stands as the most unpopular prime minister in Canadian history. His policies, notably the 1989 free-trade agreement with the United States, are blamed for Canada's sour economy and double-digit unemployment rates.

Don't even get me started on the idea that the Hudson's Bay Company is now owned by Americans. HBC holds Canadian corporate charter #1. It was the first company in Canada, and it's charter was granted by the British government. The Hudson's Bay Company was granted rights to trapping in all of the lands whose rivers drain into Hudson's Bay.

The Company built trading posts throughout their territory, trading with the natives for furs. When settlers arrive in Canada, they didn't find a "wild west" needing to be tamed and made safe for families, they found the Hudsons Bay trading post, and law and order to protect the fur trade industry provided by the Northwest Mounted Police - the forerunner to the RCMP.

The history of the company is inextricably entwined with the history of our nation, and it is just wrong on every level to have foreign ownership of our history.

Wash, rinse, repeat for Molson's Brewery - Canadian Business Charter #2, founded in 1786 in Montreal, and maker of Molson's Canadian beer - our most popular brand. Now owned by Coors.
A Canadian team hasn't won the Cup since 1993, the economy is in the tank, civil liberties don't exist, communist countries are kidnapping our citizens and this is what these muppets whine about. Even as we rely on U.S jobs and subsidies just to stay afloat.

SIMMONS: ‘NHL sold us out,’ Canadian broadcast worker says. ‘Government sold us out’

Hockey Night In Canada — brought to you, for the very first time, by Americans.

NBC will fly upwards of 50 broadcast people to Toronto — producers, directors, camera people, technicians and more — to serve as the world feed for all National Hockey League games played in this hub city, while many Canadian broadcast freelancers, out of work since March, are not at all happy about the snub.

“It’s a travesty,” said one longtime Canadian broadcast worker, who asked not to be identified for obvious reasons. “The NHL sold us out. Our own government sold us out. All we want to do is work and this is our job.

“I could understand (NBC) bringing people in if we couldn’t do the job, but it’s proven we can.”

Canadian hockey broadcasters have long been considered the best in the world. Virtually every Winter Olympics world feed in recent memory has been produced and directed by a Canadian. The majority, it not all, of the world feed staff at every Olympic hockey tournament of the past 25 years has been Canadian.

NBC told one Canadian inquiring about a job that it was bringing only NBC staff to Toronto to work on the world feed and wouldn’t consider anyone else. Under the strict conditions of COVID-19, only one broadcast crew — known as the world feed — will produce the pictures for all networks around the world televising the games. Those networks include Rogers Sportsnet in Canada and NBC, the American rights-holder for NHL games, in the U.S.

Sportsnet will produce the world feed for games played in the Western hub city of Edmonton, but the Stanley Cup final, slated for the Alberta city will have both Canadian and American feeds for the individual rights-holders.
We'll give you back Alan Thicke and William Shatner. OK now?
A Canadian team hasn't won the Cup since 1993, the economy is in the tank, civil liberties don't exist, communist countries are kidnapping our citizens and this is what these muppets whine about. Even as we rely on U.S jobs and subsidies just to stay afloat.

SIMMONS: ‘NHL sold us out,’ Canadian broadcast worker says. ‘Government sold us out’

Hockey Night In Canada — brought to you, for the very first time, by Americans.

NBC will fly upwards of 50 broadcast people to Toronto — producers, directors, camera people, technicians and more — to serve as the world feed for all National Hockey League games played in this hub city, while many Canadian broadcast freelancers, out of work since March, are not at all happy about the snub.

“It’s a travesty,” said one longtime Canadian broadcast worker, who asked not to be identified for obvious reasons. “The NHL sold us out. Our own government sold us out. All we want to do is work and this is our job.

“I could understand (NBC) bringing people in if we couldn’t do the job, but it’s proven we can.”

Canadian hockey broadcasters have long been considered the best in the world. Virtually every Winter Olympics world feed in recent memory has been produced and directed by a Canadian. The majority, it not all, of the world feed staff at every Olympic hockey tournament of the past 25 years has been Canadian.

NBC told one Canadian inquiring about a job that it was bringing only NBC staff to Toronto to work on the world feed and wouldn’t consider anyone else. Under the strict conditions of COVID-19, only one broadcast crew — known as the world feed — will produce the pictures for all networks around the world televising the games. Those networks include Rogers Sportsnet in Canada and NBC, the American rights-holder for NHL games, in the U.S.

Sportsnet will produce the world feed for games played in the Western hub city of Edmonton, but the Stanley Cup final, slated for the Alberta city will have both Canadian and American feeds for the individual rights-holders.

As usual, the dumb conservative is fine with money going to American workers coming to Canada to steal OUR jobs, but is livid about Canada stealing American jobs. So much for HIS patriotism. He is the ONLY Canadian I've ever encountered who is completely unaware of all of the myriad ways that the USA has screwed over the Canadian economy and stolen our jobs.

And then he wonders why I don't think he's a real Canadian at all. Imagine if an American posted that the USA is screwing over Mexico and stealing Mexican jobs. That would be "shocked Canadian". He was probably dropped on his head as a baby - multiple times.

No one person in the American government, and in fact, not ONE American citizen has ever done me wrong. While the creepy covert Canadian police and their weak family members have. Not ONE American has threatened me, harassed me and my wife, interfered with my career or abused me in my childhood, or, in my lifetime in fact. All that have, have been Canadian covert police and their relations.

Maybe you missed the posting in which I applied to the military while in university (and decided to go back to school). On my own volition and desire to stand up for Canadian values, which ironically, don't exist. I was willing to risk my life for my country, for little pay and zero prestige, because I naively believed we were a just, free society like many of our allies.

My life has been stolen, my potential wiped out, my existence of little value while the stress and and depression of knowing this is happening with no recourse keeps me trapped in mediocrity while the least impressive among us milk the taxpayer with their lies and protection.

Yeah some country. F the Canadian abusers and their families. As I offered multiple, cowardly police chiefs in Ontario, "if you have a problem with me, come and charge me with a crime or arrest me, I will happily defend myself in court.". An open invitation to have myself arrested. Who would offer that to the police? A criminal? I also offered, "If you want to sit down and do a polygraph I will HAPPILY do one and pit my character against any of your organizations".

So, you tell me, under what conditions I should not call out the same whiners who wouldn't drop a dime for me if I needed them to? Believe me, I tried to get justice, with little help from my fellow citizen. In fact, many of them happily helped the abusers. You think I am supposed to get smacked around and apologize to the abuser for not letting them hit me harder?

My story is being told in multiple location, multiple governments, police agencies and forums. If people don't want to believe me, if they want to believe the abusers and their narrative. Do so. If I convince agencies (especially those who can do their own digging) to find the facts, I can rest in peace one day knowing I got my pound of flesh.
The problem that you Canadians have is that you let the frogs stay after you defeated them.
A Canadian team hasn't won the Cup since 1993, the economy is in the tank, civil liberties don't exist, communist countries are kidnapping our citizens and this is what these muppets whine about. Even as we rely on U.S jobs and subsidies just to stay afloat.

SIMMONS: ‘NHL sold us out,’ Canadian broadcast worker says. ‘Government sold us out’

Hockey Night In Canada — brought to you, for the very first time, by Americans.

NBC will fly upwards of 50 broadcast people to Toronto — producers, directors, camera people, technicians and more — to serve as the world feed for all National Hockey League games played in this hub city, while many Canadian broadcast freelancers, out of work since March, are not at all happy about the snub.

“It’s a travesty,” said one longtime Canadian broadcast worker, who asked not to be identified for obvious reasons. “The NHL sold us out. Our own government sold us out. All we want to do is work and this is our job.

“I could understand (NBC) bringing people in if we couldn’t do the job, but it’s proven we can.”

Canadian hockey broadcasters have long been considered the best in the world. Virtually every Winter Olympics world feed in recent memory has been produced and directed by a Canadian. The majority, it not all, of the world feed staff at every Olympic hockey tournament of the past 25 years has been Canadian.

NBC told one Canadian inquiring about a job that it was bringing only NBC staff to Toronto to work on the world feed and wouldn’t consider anyone else. Under the strict conditions of COVID-19, only one broadcast crew — known as the world feed — will produce the pictures for all networks around the world televising the games. Those networks include Rogers Sportsnet in Canada and NBC, the American rights-holder for NHL games, in the U.S.

Sportsnet will produce the world feed for games played in the Western hub city of Edmonton, but the Stanley Cup final, slated for the Alberta city will have both Canadian and American feeds for the individual rights-holders.

As usual, the dumb conservative is fine with money going to American workers coming to Canada to steal OUR jobs, but is livid about Canada stealing American jobs. So much for HIS patriotism. He is the ONLY Canadian I've ever encountered who is completely unaware of all of the myriad ways that the USA has screwed over the Canadian economy and stolen our jobs.

And then he wonders why I don't think he's a real Canadian at all. Imagine if an American posted that the USA is screwing over Mexico and stealing Mexican jobs. That would be "shocked Canadian". He was probably dropped on his head as a baby - multiple times.
well at least he aint afraid to criticize his govt......

Neither am I. I criticize our government all of the time. But I have never suggested we should just hand over our jobs, our companies, and our health care to Americans. Nor would I suggest that Canada is "stealing" American jobs. My husband lost his entire livelihood after NAFTA came in. His entire industry moved to the Southern US, and overnight wages being offered for the remaining jobs were reduced to minimum wage.

From a 1993 Washington Post article:

The 53-year-old Canadian leader, who boldly revived his Progressive Conservative Party a decade ago and led it to impressive victories in 1984 and 1988, has tumbled in public opinion and now stands as the most unpopular prime minister in Canadian history. His policies, notably the 1989 free-trade agreement with the United States, are blamed for Canada's sour economy and double-digit unemployment rates.

Don't even get me started on the idea that the Hudson's Bay Company is now owned by Americans. HBC holds Canadian corporate charter #1. It was the first company in Canada, and it's charter was granted by the British government. The Hudson's Bay Company was granted rights to trapping in all of the lands whose rivers drain into Hudson's Bay.

The Company built trading posts throughout their territory, trading with the natives for furs. When settlers arrive in Canada, they didn't find a "wild west" needing to be tamed and made safe for families, they found the Hudsons Bay trading post, and law and order to protect the fur trade industry provided by the Northwest Mounted Police - the forerunner to the RCMP.

The history of the company is inextricably entwined with the history of our nation, and it is just wrong on every level to have foreign ownership of our history.

Wash, rinse, repeat for Molson's Brewery - Canadian Business Charter #2, founded in 1786 in Montreal, and maker of Molson's Canadian beer - our most popular brand. Now owned by Coors.
you say you do, but i see you here bad mouthing America way more than you do your remind me of the UK guy tommy who is here bad mouthing America way more than he does were he lives.....and i know dam well Canada and the UK have to have enough problems of their own to keep you guys busy.....
A Canadian team hasn't won the Cup since 1993, the economy is in the tank, civil liberties don't exist, communist countries are kidnapping our citizens and this is what these muppets whine about. Even as we rely on U.S jobs and subsidies just to stay afloat.

SIMMONS: ‘NHL sold us out,’ Canadian broadcast worker says. ‘Government sold us out’

Hockey Night In Canada — brought to you, for the very first time, by Americans.

NBC will fly upwards of 50 broadcast people to Toronto — producers, directors, camera people, technicians and more — to serve as the world feed for all National Hockey League games played in this hub city, while many Canadian broadcast freelancers, out of work since March, are not at all happy about the snub.

“It’s a travesty,” said one longtime Canadian broadcast worker, who asked not to be identified for obvious reasons. “The NHL sold us out. Our own government sold us out. All we want to do is work and this is our job.

“I could understand (NBC) bringing people in if we couldn’t do the job, but it’s proven we can.”

Canadian hockey broadcasters have long been considered the best in the world. Virtually every Winter Olympics world feed in recent memory has been produced and directed by a Canadian. The majority, it not all, of the world feed staff at every Olympic hockey tournament of the past 25 years has been Canadian.

NBC told one Canadian inquiring about a job that it was bringing only NBC staff to Toronto to work on the world feed and wouldn’t consider anyone else. Under the strict conditions of COVID-19, only one broadcast crew — known as the world feed — will produce the pictures for all networks around the world televising the games. Those networks include Rogers Sportsnet in Canada and NBC, the American rights-holder for NHL games, in the U.S.

Sportsnet will produce the world feed for games played in the Western hub city of Edmonton, but the Stanley Cup final, slated for the Alberta city will have both Canadian and American feeds for the individual rights-holders.
We'll give you back Alan Thicke and William Shatner. OK now?

Alan Thicke is dead, and you can keep Shatner.

First off, why are we letting "unnecessary" Americans in at all? Unnecessary travel from the USA is banned.

Secondly, these crews should only be allowed in if there are no Canadians to do the work.
A Canadian team hasn't won the Cup since 1993, the economy is in the tank, civil liberties don't exist, communist countries are kidnapping our citizens and this is what these muppets whine about. Even as we rely on U.S jobs and subsidies just to stay afloat.

SIMMONS: ‘NHL sold us out,’ Canadian broadcast worker says. ‘Government sold us out’

Hockey Night In Canada — brought to you, for the very first time, by Americans.

NBC will fly upwards of 50 broadcast people to Toronto — producers, directors, camera people, technicians and more — to serve as the world feed for all National Hockey League games played in this hub city, while many Canadian broadcast freelancers, out of work since March, are not at all happy about the snub.

“It’s a travesty,” said one longtime Canadian broadcast worker, who asked not to be identified for obvious reasons. “The NHL sold us out. Our own government sold us out. All we want to do is work and this is our job.

“I could understand (NBC) bringing people in if we couldn’t do the job, but it’s proven we can.”

Canadian hockey broadcasters have long been considered the best in the world. Virtually every Winter Olympics world feed in recent memory has been produced and directed by a Canadian. The majority, it not all, of the world feed staff at every Olympic hockey tournament of the past 25 years has been Canadian.

NBC told one Canadian inquiring about a job that it was bringing only NBC staff to Toronto to work on the world feed and wouldn’t consider anyone else. Under the strict conditions of COVID-19, only one broadcast crew — known as the world feed — will produce the pictures for all networks around the world televising the games. Those networks include Rogers Sportsnet in Canada and NBC, the American rights-holder for NHL games, in the U.S.

Sportsnet will produce the world feed for games played in the Western hub city of Edmonton, but the Stanley Cup final, slated for the Alberta city will have both Canadian and American feeds for the individual rights-holders.

As usual, the dumb conservative is fine with money going to American workers coming to Canada to steal OUR jobs, but is livid about Canada stealing American jobs. So much for HIS patriotism. He is the ONLY Canadian I've ever encountered who is completely unaware of all of the myriad ways that the USA has screwed over the Canadian economy and stolen our jobs.

And then he wonders why I don't think he's a real Canadian at all. Imagine if an American posted that the USA is screwing over Mexico and stealing Mexican jobs. That would be "shocked Canadian". He was probably dropped on his head as a baby - multiple times.

No one person in the American government, and in fact, not ONE American citizen has ever done me wrong. While the creepy covert Canadian police and their weak family members have. Not ONE American has threatened me, harassed me and my wife, interfered with my career or abused me in my childhood, or, in my lifetime in fact. All that have, have been Canadian covert police and their relations.

Maybe you missed the posting in which I applied to the military while in university (and decided to go back to school). On my own volition and desire to stand up for Canadian values, which ironically, don't exist. I was willing to risk my life for my country, for little pay and zero prestige, because I naively believed we were a just, free society like many of our allies.

My life has been stolen, my potential wiped out, my existence of little value while the stress and and depression of knowing this is happening with no recourse keeps me trapped in mediocrity while the least impressive among us milk the taxpayer with their lies and protection.

Yeah some country. F the Canadian abusers and their families. As I offered multiple, cowardly police chiefs in Ontario, "if you have a problem with me, come and charge me with a crime or arrest me, I will happily defend myself in court.". An open invitation to have myself arrested. Who would offer that to the police? A criminal? I also offered, "If you want to sit down and do a polygraph I will HAPPILY do one and pit my character against any of your organizations".

So, you tell me, under what conditions I should not call out the same whiners who wouldn't drop a dime for me if I needed them to? Believe me, I tried to get justice, with little help from my fellow citizen. In fact, many of them happily helped the abusers. You think I am supposed to get smacked around and apologize to the abuser for not letting them hit me harder?

My story is being told in multiple location, multiple governments, police agencies and forums. If people don't want to believe me, if they want to believe the abusers and their narrative. Do so. If I convince agencies (especially those who can do their own digging) to find the facts, I can rest in peace one day knowing I got my pound of flesh.
The problem that you Canadians have is that you let the frogs stay after you defeated them.

"Frogs"??? Who the fuck are you calling a "frog"? My ancestor arrived in this country from France in 1741, , and built and entire town of Le Cedres.

A Canadian team hasn't won the Cup since 1993, the economy is in the tank, civil liberties don't exist, communist countries are kidnapping our citizens and this is what these muppets whine about. Even as we rely on U.S jobs and subsidies just to stay afloat.

SIMMONS: ‘NHL sold us out,’ Canadian broadcast worker says. ‘Government sold us out’

Hockey Night In Canada — brought to you, for the very first time, by Americans.

NBC will fly upwards of 50 broadcast people to Toronto — producers, directors, camera people, technicians and more — to serve as the world feed for all National Hockey League games played in this hub city, while many Canadian broadcast freelancers, out of work since March, are not at all happy about the snub.

“It’s a travesty,” said one longtime Canadian broadcast worker, who asked not to be identified for obvious reasons. “The NHL sold us out. Our own government sold us out. All we want to do is work and this is our job.

“I could understand (NBC) bringing people in if we couldn’t do the job, but it’s proven we can.”

Canadian hockey broadcasters have long been considered the best in the world. Virtually every Winter Olympics world feed in recent memory has been produced and directed by a Canadian. The majority, it not all, of the world feed staff at every Olympic hockey tournament of the past 25 years has been Canadian.

NBC told one Canadian inquiring about a job that it was bringing only NBC staff to Toronto to work on the world feed and wouldn’t consider anyone else. Under the strict conditions of COVID-19, only one broadcast crew — known as the world feed — will produce the pictures for all networks around the world televising the games. Those networks include Rogers Sportsnet in Canada and NBC, the American rights-holder for NHL games, in the U.S.

Sportsnet will produce the world feed for games played in the Western hub city of Edmonton, but the Stanley Cup final, slated for the Alberta city will have both Canadian and American feeds for the individual rights-holders.

As usual, the dumb conservative is fine with money going to American workers coming to Canada to steal OUR jobs, but is livid about Canada stealing American jobs. So much for HIS patriotism. He is the ONLY Canadian I've ever encountered who is completely unaware of all of the myriad ways that the USA has screwed over the Canadian economy and stolen our jobs.

And then he wonders why I don't think he's a real Canadian at all. Imagine if an American posted that the USA is screwing over Mexico and stealing Mexican jobs. That would be "shocked Canadian". He was probably dropped on his head as a baby - multiple times.

No one person in the American government, and in fact, not ONE American citizen has ever done me wrong. While the creepy covert Canadian police and their weak family members have. Not ONE American has threatened me, harassed me and my wife, interfered with my career or abused me in my childhood, or, in my lifetime in fact. All that have, have been Canadian covert police and their relations.

Maybe you missed the posting in which I applied to the military while in university (and decided to go back to school). On my own volition and desire to stand up for Canadian values, which ironically, don't exist. I was willing to risk my life for my country, for little pay and zero prestige, because I naively believed we were a just, free society like many of our allies.

My life has been stolen, my potential wiped out, my existence of little value while the stress and and depression of knowing this is happening with no recourse keeps me trapped in mediocrity while the least impressive among us milk the taxpayer with their lies and protection.

Yeah some country. F the Canadian abusers and their families. As I offered multiple, cowardly police chiefs in Ontario, "if you have a problem with me, come and charge me with a crime or arrest me, I will happily defend myself in court.". An open invitation to have myself arrested. Who would offer that to the police? A criminal? I also offered, "If you want to sit down and do a polygraph I will HAPPILY do one and pit my character against any of your organizations".

So, you tell me, under what conditions I should not call out the same whiners who wouldn't drop a dime for me if I needed them to? Believe me, I tried to get justice, with little help from my fellow citizen. In fact, many of them happily helped the abusers. You think I am supposed to get smacked around and apologize to the abuser for not letting them hit me harder?

My story is being told in multiple location, multiple governments, police agencies and forums. If people don't want to believe me, if they want to believe the abusers and their narrative. Do so. If I convince agencies (especially those who can do their own digging) to find the facts, I can rest in peace one day knowing I got my pound of flesh.

Post your lies, but they make no sense whatsoever, and you've never provided a lick of evidence to support your claims. You're just that crazy guy with the sandwich board outside the Supreme Court of Ontario, howling at the moon that you've been screwed.
A Canadian team hasn't won the Cup since 1993, the economy is in the tank, civil liberties don't exist, communist countries are kidnapping our citizens and this is what these muppets whine about. Even as we rely on U.S jobs and subsidies just to stay afloat.

SIMMONS: ‘NHL sold us out,’ Canadian broadcast worker says. ‘Government sold us out’

Hockey Night In Canada — brought to you, for the very first time, by Americans.

NBC will fly upwards of 50 broadcast people to Toronto — producers, directors, camera people, technicians and more — to serve as the world feed for all National Hockey League games played in this hub city, while many Canadian broadcast freelancers, out of work since March, are not at all happy about the snub.

“It’s a travesty,” said one longtime Canadian broadcast worker, who asked not to be identified for obvious reasons. “The NHL sold us out. Our own government sold us out. All we want to do is work and this is our job.

“I could understand (NBC) bringing people in if we couldn’t do the job, but it’s proven we can.”

Canadian hockey broadcasters have long been considered the best in the world. Virtually every Winter Olympics world feed in recent memory has been produced and directed by a Canadian. The majority, it not all, of the world feed staff at every Olympic hockey tournament of the past 25 years has been Canadian.

NBC told one Canadian inquiring about a job that it was bringing only NBC staff to Toronto to work on the world feed and wouldn’t consider anyone else. Under the strict conditions of COVID-19, only one broadcast crew — known as the world feed — will produce the pictures for all networks around the world televising the games. Those networks include Rogers Sportsnet in Canada and NBC, the American rights-holder for NHL games, in the U.S.

Sportsnet will produce the world feed for games played in the Western hub city of Edmonton, but the Stanley Cup final, slated for the Alberta city will have both Canadian and American feeds for the individual rights-holders.

As usual, the dumb conservative is fine with money going to American workers coming to Canada to steal OUR jobs, but is livid about Canada stealing American jobs. So much for HIS patriotism. He is the ONLY Canadian I've ever encountered who is completely unaware of all of the myriad ways that the USA has screwed over the Canadian economy and stolen our jobs.

And then he wonders why I don't think he's a real Canadian at all. Imagine if an American posted that the USA is screwing over Mexico and stealing Mexican jobs. That would be "shocked Canadian". He was probably dropped on his head as a baby - multiple times.

No one person in the American government, and in fact, not ONE American citizen has ever done me wrong. While the creepy covert Canadian police and their weak family members have. Not ONE American has threatened me, harassed me and my wife, interfered with my career or abused me in my childhood, or, in my lifetime in fact. All that have, have been Canadian covert police and their relations.

Maybe you missed the posting in which I applied to the military while in university (and decided to go back to school). On my own volition and desire to stand up for Canadian values, which ironically, don't exist. I was willing to risk my life for my country, for little pay and zero prestige, because I naively believed we were a just, free society like many of our allies.

My life has been stolen, my potential wiped out, my existence of little value while the stress and and depression of knowing this is happening with no recourse keeps me trapped in mediocrity while the least impressive among us milk the taxpayer with their lies and protection.

Yeah some country. F the Canadian abusers and their families. As I offered multiple, cowardly police chiefs in Ontario, "if you have a problem with me, come and charge me with a crime or arrest me, I will happily defend myself in court.". An open invitation to have myself arrested. Who would offer that to the police? A criminal? I also offered, "If you want to sit down and do a polygraph I will HAPPILY do one and pit my character against any of your organizations".

So, you tell me, under what conditions I should not call out the same whiners who wouldn't drop a dime for me if I needed them to? Believe me, I tried to get justice, with little help from my fellow citizen. In fact, many of them happily helped the abusers. You think I am supposed to get smacked around and apologize to the abuser for not letting them hit me harder?

My story is being told in multiple location, multiple governments, police agencies and forums. If people don't want to believe me, if they want to believe the abusers and their narrative. Do so. If I convince agencies (especially those who can do their own digging) to find the facts, I can rest in peace one day knowing I got my pound of flesh.
The problem that you Canadians have is that you let the frogs stay after you defeated them.

"Frogs"??? Who the fuck are you calling a "frog"? My ancestor arrived in this country from France in 1741, , and built and entire town of Le Cedres.

A Canadian team hasn't won the Cup since 1993, the economy is in the tank, civil liberties don't exist, communist countries are kidnapping our citizens and this is what these muppets whine about. Even as we rely on U.S jobs and subsidies just to stay afloat.

SIMMONS: ‘NHL sold us out,’ Canadian broadcast worker says. ‘Government sold us out’

Hockey Night In Canada — brought to you, for the very first time, by Americans.

NBC will fly upwards of 50 broadcast people to Toronto — producers, directors, camera people, technicians and more — to serve as the world feed for all National Hockey League games played in this hub city, while many Canadian broadcast freelancers, out of work since March, are not at all happy about the snub.

“It’s a travesty,” said one longtime Canadian broadcast worker, who asked not to be identified for obvious reasons. “The NHL sold us out. Our own government sold us out. All we want to do is work and this is our job.

“I could understand (NBC) bringing people in if we couldn’t do the job, but it’s proven we can.”

Canadian hockey broadcasters have long been considered the best in the world. Virtually every Winter Olympics world feed in recent memory has been produced and directed by a Canadian. The majority, it not all, of the world feed staff at every Olympic hockey tournament of the past 25 years has been Canadian.

NBC told one Canadian inquiring about a job that it was bringing only NBC staff to Toronto to work on the world feed and wouldn’t consider anyone else. Under the strict conditions of COVID-19, only one broadcast crew — known as the world feed — will produce the pictures for all networks around the world televising the games. Those networks include Rogers Sportsnet in Canada and NBC, the American rights-holder for NHL games, in the U.S.

Sportsnet will produce the world feed for games played in the Western hub city of Edmonton, but the Stanley Cup final, slated for the Alberta city will have both Canadian and American feeds for the individual rights-holders.

As usual, the dumb conservative is fine with money going to American workers coming to Canada to steal OUR jobs, but is livid about Canada stealing American jobs. So much for HIS patriotism. He is the ONLY Canadian I've ever encountered who is completely unaware of all of the myriad ways that the USA has screwed over the Canadian economy and stolen our jobs.

And then he wonders why I don't think he's a real Canadian at all. Imagine if an American posted that the USA is screwing over Mexico and stealing Mexican jobs. That would be "shocked Canadian". He was probably dropped on his head as a baby - multiple times.

No one person in the American government, and in fact, not ONE American citizen has ever done me wrong. While the creepy covert Canadian police and their weak family members have. Not ONE American has threatened me, harassed me and my wife, interfered with my career or abused me in my childhood, or, in my lifetime in fact. All that have, have been Canadian covert police and their relations.

Maybe you missed the posting in which I applied to the military while in university (and decided to go back to school). On my own volition and desire to stand up for Canadian values, which ironically, don't exist. I was willing to risk my life for my country, for little pay and zero prestige, because I naively believed we were a just, free society like many of our allies.

My life has been stolen, my potential wiped out, my existence of little value while the stress and and depression of knowing this is happening with no recourse keeps me trapped in mediocrity while the least impressive among us milk the taxpayer with their lies and protection.

Yeah some country. F the Canadian abusers and their families. As I offered multiple, cowardly police chiefs in Ontario, "if you have a problem with me, come and charge me with a crime or arrest me, I will happily defend myself in court.". An open invitation to have myself arrested. Who would offer that to the police? A criminal? I also offered, "If you want to sit down and do a polygraph I will HAPPILY do one and pit my character against any of your organizations".

So, you tell me, under what conditions I should not call out the same whiners who wouldn't drop a dime for me if I needed them to? Believe me, I tried to get justice, with little help from my fellow citizen. In fact, many of them happily helped the abusers. You think I am supposed to get smacked around and apologize to the abuser for not letting them hit me harder?

My story is being told in multiple location, multiple governments, police agencies and forums. If people don't want to believe me, if they want to believe the abusers and their narrative. Do so. If I convince agencies (especially those who can do their own digging) to find the facts, I can rest in peace one day knowing I got my pound of flesh.

Post your lies, but they make no sense whatsoever, and you've never provided a lick of evidence to support your claims. You're just that crazy guy with the sandwich board outside the Supreme Court of Ontario, howling at the moon that you've been screwed.

Remember that attitude when foreign governments, intelligence agencies and police agencies determine that Canada and it's police forces aren't trustworthy. I've not been shy in contacting them and giving them details. Some of these methods, actions and anti-American objectives, quite shocking when it's origin is supposed to be an ally.
Last edited:
A Canadian team hasn't won the Cup since 1993, the economy is in the tank, civil liberties don't exist, communist countries are kidnapping our citizens and this is what these muppets whine about. Even as we rely on U.S jobs and subsidies just to stay afloat.

SIMMONS: ‘NHL sold us out,’ Canadian broadcast worker says. ‘Government sold us out’

Hockey Night In Canada — brought to you, for the very first time, by Americans.

NBC will fly upwards of 50 broadcast people to Toronto — producers, directors, camera people, technicians and more — to serve as the world feed for all National Hockey League games played in this hub city, while many Canadian broadcast freelancers, out of work since March, are not at all happy about the snub.

“It’s a travesty,” said one longtime Canadian broadcast worker, who asked not to be identified for obvious reasons. “The NHL sold us out. Our own government sold us out. All we want to do is work and this is our job.

“I could understand (NBC) bringing people in if we couldn’t do the job, but it’s proven we can.”

Canadian hockey broadcasters have long been considered the best in the world. Virtually every Winter Olympics world feed in recent memory has been produced and directed by a Canadian. The majority, it not all, of the world feed staff at every Olympic hockey tournament of the past 25 years has been Canadian.

NBC told one Canadian inquiring about a job that it was bringing only NBC staff to Toronto to work on the world feed and wouldn’t consider anyone else. Under the strict conditions of COVID-19, only one broadcast crew — known as the world feed — will produce the pictures for all networks around the world televising the games. Those networks include Rogers Sportsnet in Canada and NBC, the American rights-holder for NHL games, in the U.S.

Sportsnet will produce the world feed for games played in the Western hub city of Edmonton, but the Stanley Cup final, slated for the Alberta city will have both Canadian and American feeds for the individual rights-holders.

As usual, the dumb conservative is fine with money going to American workers coming to Canada to steal OUR jobs, but is livid about Canada stealing American jobs. So much for HIS patriotism. He is the ONLY Canadian I've ever encountered who is completely unaware of all of the myriad ways that the USA has screwed over the Canadian economy and stolen our jobs.

And then he wonders why I don't think he's a real Canadian at all. Imagine if an American posted that the USA is screwing over Mexico and stealing Mexican jobs. That would be "shocked Canadian". He was probably dropped on his head as a baby - multiple times.

No one person in the American government, and in fact, not ONE American citizen has ever done me wrong. While the creepy covert Canadian police and their weak family members have. Not ONE American has threatened me, harassed me and my wife, interfered with my career or abused me in my childhood, or, in my lifetime in fact. All that have, have been Canadian covert police and their relations.

Maybe you missed the posting in which I applied to the military while in university (and decided to go back to school). On my own volition and desire to stand up for Canadian values, which ironically, don't exist. I was willing to risk my life for my country, for little pay and zero prestige, because I naively believed we were a just, free society like many of our allies.

My life has been stolen, my potential wiped out, my existence of little value while the stress and and depression of knowing this is happening with no recourse keeps me trapped in mediocrity while the least impressive among us milk the taxpayer with their lies and protection.

Yeah some country. F the Canadian abusers and their families. As I offered multiple, cowardly police chiefs in Ontario, "if you have a problem with me, come and charge me with a crime or arrest me, I will happily defend myself in court.". An open invitation to have myself arrested. Who would offer that to the police? A criminal? I also offered, "If you want to sit down and do a polygraph I will HAPPILY do one and pit my character against any of your organizations".

So, you tell me, under what conditions I should not call out the same whiners who wouldn't drop a dime for me if I needed them to? Believe me, I tried to get justice, with little help from my fellow citizen. In fact, many of them happily helped the abusers. You think I am supposed to get smacked around and apologize to the abuser for not letting them hit me harder?

My story is being told in multiple location, multiple governments, police agencies and forums. If people don't want to believe me, if they want to believe the abusers and their narrative. Do so. If I convince agencies (especially those who can do their own digging) to find the facts, I can rest in peace one day knowing I got my pound of flesh.
The problem that you Canadians have is that you let the frogs stay after you defeated them.

"Frogs"??? Who the fuck are you calling a "frog"? My ancestor arrived in this country from France in 1741, , and built and entire town of Le Cedres.

A Canadian team hasn't won the Cup since 1993, the economy is in the tank, civil liberties don't exist, communist countries are kidnapping our citizens and this is what these muppets whine about. Even as we rely on U.S jobs and subsidies just to stay afloat.

SIMMONS: ‘NHL sold us out,’ Canadian broadcast worker says. ‘Government sold us out’

Hockey Night In Canada — brought to you, for the very first time, by Americans.

NBC will fly upwards of 50 broadcast people to Toronto — producers, directors, camera people, technicians and more — to serve as the world feed for all National Hockey League games played in this hub city, while many Canadian broadcast freelancers, out of work since March, are not at all happy about the snub.

“It’s a travesty,” said one longtime Canadian broadcast worker, who asked not to be identified for obvious reasons. “The NHL sold us out. Our own government sold us out. All we want to do is work and this is our job.

“I could understand (NBC) bringing people in if we couldn’t do the job, but it’s proven we can.”

Canadian hockey broadcasters have long been considered the best in the world. Virtually every Winter Olympics world feed in recent memory has been produced and directed by a Canadian. The majority, it not all, of the world feed staff at every Olympic hockey tournament of the past 25 years has been Canadian.

NBC told one Canadian inquiring about a job that it was bringing only NBC staff to Toronto to work on the world feed and wouldn’t consider anyone else. Under the strict conditions of COVID-19, only one broadcast crew — known as the world feed — will produce the pictures for all networks around the world televising the games. Those networks include Rogers Sportsnet in Canada and NBC, the American rights-holder for NHL games, in the U.S.

Sportsnet will produce the world feed for games played in the Western hub city of Edmonton, but the Stanley Cup final, slated for the Alberta city will have both Canadian and American feeds for the individual rights-holders.

As usual, the dumb conservative is fine with money going to American workers coming to Canada to steal OUR jobs, but is livid about Canada stealing American jobs. So much for HIS patriotism. He is the ONLY Canadian I've ever encountered who is completely unaware of all of the myriad ways that the USA has screwed over the Canadian economy and stolen our jobs.

And then he wonders why I don't think he's a real Canadian at all. Imagine if an American posted that the USA is screwing over Mexico and stealing Mexican jobs. That would be "shocked Canadian". He was probably dropped on his head as a baby - multiple times.

No one person in the American government, and in fact, not ONE American citizen has ever done me wrong. While the creepy covert Canadian police and their weak family members have. Not ONE American has threatened me, harassed me and my wife, interfered with my career or abused me in my childhood, or, in my lifetime in fact. All that have, have been Canadian covert police and their relations.

Maybe you missed the posting in which I applied to the military while in university (and decided to go back to school). On my own volition and desire to stand up for Canadian values, which ironically, don't exist. I was willing to risk my life for my country, for little pay and zero prestige, because I naively believed we were a just, free society like many of our allies.

My life has been stolen, my potential wiped out, my existence of little value while the stress and and depression of knowing this is happening with no recourse keeps me trapped in mediocrity while the least impressive among us milk the taxpayer with their lies and protection.

Yeah some country. F the Canadian abusers and their families. As I offered multiple, cowardly police chiefs in Ontario, "if you have a problem with me, come and charge me with a crime or arrest me, I will happily defend myself in court.". An open invitation to have myself arrested. Who would offer that to the police? A criminal? I also offered, "If you want to sit down and do a polygraph I will HAPPILY do one and pit my character against any of your organizations".

So, you tell me, under what conditions I should not call out the same whiners who wouldn't drop a dime for me if I needed them to? Believe me, I tried to get justice, with little help from my fellow citizen. In fact, many of them happily helped the abusers. You think I am supposed to get smacked around and apologize to the abuser for not letting them hit me harder?

My story is being told in multiple location, multiple governments, police agencies and forums. If people don't want to believe me, if they want to believe the abusers and their narrative. Do so. If I convince agencies (especially those who can do their own digging) to find the facts, I can rest in peace one day knowing I got my pound of flesh.

Post your lies, but they make no sense whatsoever, and you've never provided a lick of evidence to support your claims. You're just that crazy guy with the sandwich board outside the Supreme Court of Ontario, howling at the moon that you've been screwed.

Remember that attitude when foreign governments, intelligence agencies and police agencies determine that Canada and it's police forces aren't trustworthy. I've not been shy in contacting them and giving them details. Some of these methods, actions and anti-American objectives, quite shocking when it's origin is supposed to be an ally.

Delusions of grandeur are nothing new to you or your bullshit. As I said, here you are posting bullshit that's long on generalities, short on details, and utterly lacking in proof or believability. You keep posting this shit without evidence, and none of it passes the smell test.
A Canadian team hasn't won the Cup since 1993, the economy is in the tank, civil liberties don't exist, communist countries are kidnapping our citizens and this is what these muppets whine about. Even as we rely on U.S jobs and subsidies just to stay afloat.

SIMMONS: ‘NHL sold us out,’ Canadian broadcast worker says. ‘Government sold us out’

Hockey Night In Canada — brought to you, for the very first time, by Americans.

NBC will fly upwards of 50 broadcast people to Toronto — producers, directors, camera people, technicians and more — to serve as the world feed for all National Hockey League games played in this hub city, while many Canadian broadcast freelancers, out of work since March, are not at all happy about the snub.

“It’s a travesty,” said one longtime Canadian broadcast worker, who asked not to be identified for obvious reasons. “The NHL sold us out. Our own government sold us out. All we want to do is work and this is our job.

“I could understand (NBC) bringing people in if we couldn’t do the job, but it’s proven we can.”

Canadian hockey broadcasters have long been considered the best in the world. Virtually every Winter Olympics world feed in recent memory has been produced and directed by a Canadian. The majority, it not all, of the world feed staff at every Olympic hockey tournament of the past 25 years has been Canadian.

NBC told one Canadian inquiring about a job that it was bringing only NBC staff to Toronto to work on the world feed and wouldn’t consider anyone else. Under the strict conditions of COVID-19, only one broadcast crew — known as the world feed — will produce the pictures for all networks around the world televising the games. Those networks include Rogers Sportsnet in Canada and NBC, the American rights-holder for NHL games, in the U.S.

Sportsnet will produce the world feed for games played in the Western hub city of Edmonton, but the Stanley Cup final, slated for the Alberta city will have both Canadian and American feeds for the individual rights-holders.
We'll give you back Alan Thicke and William Shatner. OK now?

Alan Thicke is dead, and you can keep Shatner.

First off, why are we letting "unnecessary" Americans in at all? Unnecessary travel from the USA is banned.

Secondly, these crews should only be allowed in if there are no Canadians to do the work.
Alright, Howie Mandel (he's weird) and no, you get Shatner.

You're letting us in to spend our money. US movie and television brings hundreds of billions into your economy. Until the smelly skidmark fucked it up.
A Canadian team hasn't won the Cup since 1993, the economy is in the tank, civil liberties don't exist, communist countries are kidnapping our citizens and this is what these muppets whine about. Even as we rely on U.S jobs and subsidies just to stay afloat.

SIMMONS: ‘NHL sold us out,’ Canadian broadcast worker says. ‘Government sold us out’

Hockey Night In Canada — brought to you, for the very first time, by Americans.

NBC will fly upwards of 50 broadcast people to Toronto — producers, directors, camera people, technicians and more — to serve as the world feed for all National Hockey League games played in this hub city, while many Canadian broadcast freelancers, out of work since March, are not at all happy about the snub.

“It’s a travesty,” said one longtime Canadian broadcast worker, who asked not to be identified for obvious reasons. “The NHL sold us out. Our own government sold us out. All we want to do is work and this is our job.

“I could understand (NBC) bringing people in if we couldn’t do the job, but it’s proven we can.”

Canadian hockey broadcasters have long been considered the best in the world. Virtually every Winter Olympics world feed in recent memory has been produced and directed by a Canadian. The majority, it not all, of the world feed staff at every Olympic hockey tournament of the past 25 years has been Canadian.

NBC told one Canadian inquiring about a job that it was bringing only NBC staff to Toronto to work on the world feed and wouldn’t consider anyone else. Under the strict conditions of COVID-19, only one broadcast crew — known as the world feed — will produce the pictures for all networks around the world televising the games. Those networks include Rogers Sportsnet in Canada and NBC, the American rights-holder for NHL games, in the U.S.

Sportsnet will produce the world feed for games played in the Western hub city of Edmonton, but the Stanley Cup final, slated for the Alberta city will have both Canadian and American feeds for the individual rights-holders.

As usual, the dumb conservative is fine with money going to American workers coming to Canada to steal OUR jobs, but is livid about Canada stealing American jobs. So much for HIS patriotism. He is the ONLY Canadian I've ever encountered who is completely unaware of all of the myriad ways that the USA has screwed over the Canadian economy and stolen our jobs.

And then he wonders why I don't think he's a real Canadian at all. Imagine if an American posted that the USA is screwing over Mexico and stealing Mexican jobs. That would be "shocked Canadian". He was probably dropped on his head as a baby - multiple times.

No one person in the American government, and in fact, not ONE American citizen has ever done me wrong. While the creepy covert Canadian police and their weak family members have. Not ONE American has threatened me, harassed me and my wife, interfered with my career or abused me in my childhood, or, in my lifetime in fact. All that have, have been Canadian covert police and their relations.

Maybe you missed the posting in which I applied to the military while in university (and decided to go back to school). On my own volition and desire to stand up for Canadian values, which ironically, don't exist. I was willing to risk my life for my country, for little pay and zero prestige, because I naively believed we were a just, free society like many of our allies.

My life has been stolen, my potential wiped out, my existence of little value while the stress and and depression of knowing this is happening with no recourse keeps me trapped in mediocrity while the least impressive among us milk the taxpayer with their lies and protection.

Yeah some country. F the Canadian abusers and their families. As I offered multiple, cowardly police chiefs in Ontario, "if you have a problem with me, come and charge me with a crime or arrest me, I will happily defend myself in court.". An open invitation to have myself arrested. Who would offer that to the police? A criminal? I also offered, "If you want to sit down and do a polygraph I will HAPPILY do one and pit my character against any of your organizations".

So, you tell me, under what conditions I should not call out the same whiners who wouldn't drop a dime for me if I needed them to? Believe me, I tried to get justice, with little help from my fellow citizen. In fact, many of them happily helped the abusers. You think I am supposed to get smacked around and apologize to the abuser for not letting them hit me harder?

My story is being told in multiple location, multiple governments, police agencies and forums. If people don't want to believe me, if they want to believe the abusers and their narrative. Do so. If I convince agencies (especially those who can do their own digging) to find the facts, I can rest in peace one day knowing I got my pound of flesh.
The problem that you Canadians have is that you let the frogs stay after you defeated them.

"Frogs"??? Who the fuck are you calling a "frog"? My ancestor arrived in this country from France in 1741, , and built and entire town of Le Cedres.

A Canadian team hasn't won the Cup since 1993, the economy is in the tank, civil liberties don't exist, communist countries are kidnapping our citizens and this is what these muppets whine about. Even as we rely on U.S jobs and subsidies just to stay afloat.

SIMMONS: ‘NHL sold us out,’ Canadian broadcast worker says. ‘Government sold us out’

Hockey Night In Canada — brought to you, for the very first time, by Americans.

NBC will fly upwards of 50 broadcast people to Toronto — producers, directors, camera people, technicians and more — to serve as the world feed for all National Hockey League games played in this hub city, while many Canadian broadcast freelancers, out of work since March, are not at all happy about the snub.

“It’s a travesty,” said one longtime Canadian broadcast worker, who asked not to be identified for obvious reasons. “The NHL sold us out. Our own government sold us out. All we want to do is work and this is our job.

“I could understand (NBC) bringing people in if we couldn’t do the job, but it’s proven we can.”

Canadian hockey broadcasters have long been considered the best in the world. Virtually every Winter Olympics world feed in recent memory has been produced and directed by a Canadian. The majority, it not all, of the world feed staff at every Olympic hockey tournament of the past 25 years has been Canadian.

NBC told one Canadian inquiring about a job that it was bringing only NBC staff to Toronto to work on the world feed and wouldn’t consider anyone else. Under the strict conditions of COVID-19, only one broadcast crew — known as the world feed — will produce the pictures for all networks around the world televising the games. Those networks include Rogers Sportsnet in Canada and NBC, the American rights-holder for NHL games, in the U.S.

Sportsnet will produce the world feed for games played in the Western hub city of Edmonton, but the Stanley Cup final, slated for the Alberta city will have both Canadian and American feeds for the individual rights-holders.

As usual, the dumb conservative is fine with money going to American workers coming to Canada to steal OUR jobs, but is livid about Canada stealing American jobs. So much for HIS patriotism. He is the ONLY Canadian I've ever encountered who is completely unaware of all of the myriad ways that the USA has screwed over the Canadian economy and stolen our jobs.

And then he wonders why I don't think he's a real Canadian at all. Imagine if an American posted that the USA is screwing over Mexico and stealing Mexican jobs. That would be "shocked Canadian". He was probably dropped on his head as a baby - multiple times.

No one person in the American government, and in fact, not ONE American citizen has ever done me wrong. While the creepy covert Canadian police and their weak family members have. Not ONE American has threatened me, harassed me and my wife, interfered with my career or abused me in my childhood, or, in my lifetime in fact. All that have, have been Canadian covert police and their relations.

Maybe you missed the posting in which I applied to the military while in university (and decided to go back to school). On my own volition and desire to stand up for Canadian values, which ironically, don't exist. I was willing to risk my life for my country, for little pay and zero prestige, because I naively believed we were a just, free society like many of our allies.

My life has been stolen, my potential wiped out, my existence of little value while the stress and and depression of knowing this is happening with no recourse keeps me trapped in mediocrity while the least impressive among us milk the taxpayer with their lies and protection.

Yeah some country. F the Canadian abusers and their families. As I offered multiple, cowardly police chiefs in Ontario, "if you have a problem with me, come and charge me with a crime or arrest me, I will happily defend myself in court.". An open invitation to have myself arrested. Who would offer that to the police? A criminal? I also offered, "If you want to sit down and do a polygraph I will HAPPILY do one and pit my character against any of your organizations".

So, you tell me, under what conditions I should not call out the same whiners who wouldn't drop a dime for me if I needed them to? Believe me, I tried to get justice, with little help from my fellow citizen. In fact, many of them happily helped the abusers. You think I am supposed to get smacked around and apologize to the abuser for not letting them hit me harder?

My story is being told in multiple location, multiple governments, police agencies and forums. If people don't want to believe me, if they want to believe the abusers and their narrative. Do so. If I convince agencies (especially those who can do their own digging) to find the facts, I can rest in peace one day knowing I got my pound of flesh.

Post your lies, but they make no sense whatsoever, and you've never provided a lick of evidence to support your claims. You're just that crazy guy with the sandwich board outside the Supreme Court of Ontario, howling at the moon that you've been screwed.

Remember that attitude when foreign governments, intelligence agencies and police agencies determine that Canada and it's police forces aren't trustworthy. I've not been shy in contacting them and giving them details. Some of these methods, actions and anti-American objectives, quite shocking when it's origin is supposed to be an ally.

Delusions of grandeur are nothing new to you or your bullshit. As I said, here you are posting bullshit that's long on generalities, short on details, and utterly lacking in proof or believability. You keep posting this shit without evidence, and none of it passes the smell test.

What evidence do you think you'll get from me? Names of Toronto Police who are plain clothed, some who I went to school with who are on the Sunshine List?

Don't ever get a job with the police, you'd be too easy to spot.
A Canadian team hasn't won the Cup since 1993, the economy is in the tank, civil liberties don't exist, communist countries are kidnapping our citizens and this is what these muppets whine about. Even as we rely on U.S jobs and subsidies just to stay afloat.

SIMMONS: ‘NHL sold us out,’ Canadian broadcast worker says. ‘Government sold us out’

Hockey Night In Canada — brought to you, for the very first time, by Americans.

NBC will fly upwards of 50 broadcast people to Toronto — producers, directors, camera people, technicians and more — to serve as the world feed for all National Hockey League games played in this hub city, while many Canadian broadcast freelancers, out of work since March, are not at all happy about the snub.

“It’s a travesty,” said one longtime Canadian broadcast worker, who asked not to be identified for obvious reasons. “The NHL sold us out. Our own government sold us out. All we want to do is work and this is our job.

“I could understand (NBC) bringing people in if we couldn’t do the job, but it’s proven we can.”

Canadian hockey broadcasters have long been considered the best in the world. Virtually every Winter Olympics world feed in recent memory has been produced and directed by a Canadian. The majority, it not all, of the world feed staff at every Olympic hockey tournament of the past 25 years has been Canadian.

NBC told one Canadian inquiring about a job that it was bringing only NBC staff to Toronto to work on the world feed and wouldn’t consider anyone else. Under the strict conditions of COVID-19, only one broadcast crew — known as the world feed — will produce the pictures for all networks around the world televising the games. Those networks include Rogers Sportsnet in Canada and NBC, the American rights-holder for NHL games, in the U.S.

Sportsnet will produce the world feed for games played in the Western hub city of Edmonton, but the Stanley Cup final, slated for the Alberta city will have both Canadian and American feeds for the individual rights-holders.

As usual, the dumb conservative is fine with money going to American workers coming to Canada to steal OUR jobs, but is livid about Canada stealing American jobs. So much for HIS patriotism. He is the ONLY Canadian I've ever encountered who is completely unaware of all of the myriad ways that the USA has screwed over the Canadian economy and stolen our jobs.

And then he wonders why I don't think he's a real Canadian at all. Imagine if an American posted that the USA is screwing over Mexico and stealing Mexican jobs. That would be "shocked Canadian". He was probably dropped on his head as a baby - multiple times.

No one person in the American government, and in fact, not ONE American citizen has ever done me wrong. While the creepy covert Canadian police and their weak family members have. Not ONE American has threatened me, harassed me and my wife, interfered with my career or abused me in my childhood, or, in my lifetime in fact. All that have, have been Canadian covert police and their relations.

Maybe you missed the posting in which I applied to the military while in university (and decided to go back to school). On my own volition and desire to stand up for Canadian values, which ironically, don't exist. I was willing to risk my life for my country, for little pay and zero prestige, because I naively believed we were a just, free society like many of our allies.

My life has been stolen, my potential wiped out, my existence of little value while the stress and and depression of knowing this is happening with no recourse keeps me trapped in mediocrity while the least impressive among us milk the taxpayer with their lies and protection.

Yeah some country. F the Canadian abusers and their families. As I offered multiple, cowardly police chiefs in Ontario, "if you have a problem with me, come and charge me with a crime or arrest me, I will happily defend myself in court.". An open invitation to have myself arrested. Who would offer that to the police? A criminal? I also offered, "If you want to sit down and do a polygraph I will HAPPILY do one and pit my character against any of your organizations".

So, you tell me, under what conditions I should not call out the same whiners who wouldn't drop a dime for me if I needed them to? Believe me, I tried to get justice, with little help from my fellow citizen. In fact, many of them happily helped the abusers. You think I am supposed to get smacked around and apologize to the abuser for not letting them hit me harder?

My story is being told in multiple location, multiple governments, police agencies and forums. If people don't want to believe me, if they want to believe the abusers and their narrative. Do so. If I convince agencies (especially those who can do their own digging) to find the facts, I can rest in peace one day knowing I got my pound of flesh.
The problem that you Canadians have is that you let the frogs stay after you defeated them.

"Frogs"??? Who the fuck are you calling a "frog"? My ancestor arrived in this country from France in 1741, , and built and entire town of Le Cedres.

A Canadian team hasn't won the Cup since 1993, the economy is in the tank, civil liberties don't exist, communist countries are kidnapping our citizens and this is what these muppets whine about. Even as we rely on U.S jobs and subsidies just to stay afloat.

SIMMONS: ‘NHL sold us out,’ Canadian broadcast worker says. ‘Government sold us out’

Hockey Night In Canada — brought to you, for the very first time, by Americans.

NBC will fly upwards of 50 broadcast people to Toronto — producers, directors, camera people, technicians and more — to serve as the world feed for all National Hockey League games played in this hub city, while many Canadian broadcast freelancers, out of work since March, are not at all happy about the snub.

“It’s a travesty,” said one longtime Canadian broadcast worker, who asked not to be identified for obvious reasons. “The NHL sold us out. Our own government sold us out. All we want to do is work and this is our job.

“I could understand (NBC) bringing people in if we couldn’t do the job, but it’s proven we can.”

Canadian hockey broadcasters have long been considered the best in the world. Virtually every Winter Olympics world feed in recent memory has been produced and directed by a Canadian. The majority, it not all, of the world feed staff at every Olympic hockey tournament of the past 25 years has been Canadian.

NBC told one Canadian inquiring about a job that it was bringing only NBC staff to Toronto to work on the world feed and wouldn’t consider anyone else. Under the strict conditions of COVID-19, only one broadcast crew — known as the world feed — will produce the pictures for all networks around the world televising the games. Those networks include Rogers Sportsnet in Canada and NBC, the American rights-holder for NHL games, in the U.S.

Sportsnet will produce the world feed for games played in the Western hub city of Edmonton, but the Stanley Cup final, slated for the Alberta city will have both Canadian and American feeds for the individual rights-holders.

As usual, the dumb conservative is fine with money going to American workers coming to Canada to steal OUR jobs, but is livid about Canada stealing American jobs. So much for HIS patriotism. He is the ONLY Canadian I've ever encountered who is completely unaware of all of the myriad ways that the USA has screwed over the Canadian economy and stolen our jobs.

And then he wonders why I don't think he's a real Canadian at all. Imagine if an American posted that the USA is screwing over Mexico and stealing Mexican jobs. That would be "shocked Canadian". He was probably dropped on his head as a baby - multiple times.

No one person in the American government, and in fact, not ONE American citizen has ever done me wrong. While the creepy covert Canadian police and their weak family members have. Not ONE American has threatened me, harassed me and my wife, interfered with my career or abused me in my childhood, or, in my lifetime in fact. All that have, have been Canadian covert police and their relations.

Maybe you missed the posting in which I applied to the military while in university (and decided to go back to school). On my own volition and desire to stand up for Canadian values, which ironically, don't exist. I was willing to risk my life for my country, for little pay and zero prestige, because I naively believed we were a just, free society like many of our allies.

My life has been stolen, my potential wiped out, my existence of little value while the stress and and depression of knowing this is happening with no recourse keeps me trapped in mediocrity while the least impressive among us milk the taxpayer with their lies and protection.

Yeah some country. F the Canadian abusers and their families. As I offered multiple, cowardly police chiefs in Ontario, "if you have a problem with me, come and charge me with a crime or arrest me, I will happily defend myself in court.". An open invitation to have myself arrested. Who would offer that to the police? A criminal? I also offered, "If you want to sit down and do a polygraph I will HAPPILY do one and pit my character against any of your organizations".

So, you tell me, under what conditions I should not call out the same whiners who wouldn't drop a dime for me if I needed them to? Believe me, I tried to get justice, with little help from my fellow citizen. In fact, many of them happily helped the abusers. You think I am supposed to get smacked around and apologize to the abuser for not letting them hit me harder?

My story is being told in multiple location, multiple governments, police agencies and forums. If people don't want to believe me, if they want to believe the abusers and their narrative. Do so. If I convince agencies (especially those who can do their own digging) to find the facts, I can rest in peace one day knowing I got my pound of flesh.

Post your lies, but they make no sense whatsoever, and you've never provided a lick of evidence to support your claims. You're just that crazy guy with the sandwich board outside the Supreme Court of Ontario, howling at the moon that you've been screwed.
I'm a Wop, you're a Frog, get over it.
A Canadian team hasn't won the Cup since 1993, the economy is in the tank, civil liberties don't exist, communist countries are kidnapping our citizens and this is what these muppets whine about. Even as we rely on U.S jobs and subsidies just to stay afloat.

SIMMONS: ‘NHL sold us out,’ Canadian broadcast worker says. ‘Government sold us out’

Hockey Night In Canada — brought to you, for the very first time, by Americans.

NBC will fly upwards of 50 broadcast people to Toronto — producers, directors, camera people, technicians and more — to serve as the world feed for all National Hockey League games played in this hub city, while many Canadian broadcast freelancers, out of work since March, are not at all happy about the snub.

“It’s a travesty,” said one longtime Canadian broadcast worker, who asked not to be identified for obvious reasons. “The NHL sold us out. Our own government sold us out. All we want to do is work and this is our job.

“I could understand (NBC) bringing people in if we couldn’t do the job, but it’s proven we can.”

Canadian hockey broadcasters have long been considered the best in the world. Virtually every Winter Olympics world feed in recent memory has been produced and directed by a Canadian. The majority, it not all, of the world feed staff at every Olympic hockey tournament of the past 25 years has been Canadian.

NBC told one Canadian inquiring about a job that it was bringing only NBC staff to Toronto to work on the world feed and wouldn’t consider anyone else. Under the strict conditions of COVID-19, only one broadcast crew — known as the world feed — will produce the pictures for all networks around the world televising the games. Those networks include Rogers Sportsnet in Canada and NBC, the American rights-holder for NHL games, in the U.S.

Sportsnet will produce the world feed for games played in the Western hub city of Edmonton, but the Stanley Cup final, slated for the Alberta city will have both Canadian and American feeds for the individual rights-holders.

As usual, the dumb conservative is fine with money going to American workers coming to Canada to steal OUR jobs, but is livid about Canada stealing American jobs. So much for HIS patriotism. He is the ONLY Canadian I've ever encountered who is completely unaware of all of the myriad ways that the USA has screwed over the Canadian economy and stolen our jobs.

And then he wonders why I don't think he's a real Canadian at all. Imagine if an American posted that the USA is screwing over Mexico and stealing Mexican jobs. That would be "shocked Canadian". He was probably dropped on his head as a baby - multiple times.

No one person in the American government, and in fact, not ONE American citizen has ever done me wrong. While the creepy covert Canadian police and their weak family members have. Not ONE American has threatened me, harassed me and my wife, interfered with my career or abused me in my childhood, or, in my lifetime in fact. All that have, have been Canadian covert police and their relations.

Maybe you missed the posting in which I applied to the military while in university (and decided to go back to school). On my own volition and desire to stand up for Canadian values, which ironically, don't exist. I was willing to risk my life for my country, for little pay and zero prestige, because I naively believed we were a just, free society like many of our allies.

My life has been stolen, my potential wiped out, my existence of little value while the stress and and depression of knowing this is happening with no recourse keeps me trapped in mediocrity while the least impressive among us milk the taxpayer with their lies and protection.

Yeah some country. F the Canadian abusers and their families. As I offered multiple, cowardly police chiefs in Ontario, "if you have a problem with me, come and charge me with a crime or arrest me, I will happily defend myself in court.". An open invitation to have myself arrested. Who would offer that to the police? A criminal? I also offered, "If you want to sit down and do a polygraph I will HAPPILY do one and pit my character against any of your organizations".

So, you tell me, under what conditions I should not call out the same whiners who wouldn't drop a dime for me if I needed them to? Believe me, I tried to get justice, with little help from my fellow citizen. In fact, many of them happily helped the abusers. You think I am supposed to get smacked around and apologize to the abuser for not letting them hit me harder?

My story is being told in multiple location, multiple governments, police agencies and forums. If people don't want to believe me, if they want to believe the abusers and their narrative. Do so. If I convince agencies (especially those who can do their own digging) to find the facts, I can rest in peace one day knowing I got my pound of flesh.
The problem that you Canadians have is that you let the frogs stay after you defeated them.

"Frogs"??? Who the fuck are you calling a "frog"? My ancestor arrived in this country from France in 1741, , and built and entire town of Le Cedres.

A Canadian team hasn't won the Cup since 1993, the economy is in the tank, civil liberties don't exist, communist countries are kidnapping our citizens and this is what these muppets whine about. Even as we rely on U.S jobs and subsidies just to stay afloat.

SIMMONS: ‘NHL sold us out,’ Canadian broadcast worker says. ‘Government sold us out’

Hockey Night In Canada — brought to you, for the very first time, by Americans.

NBC will fly upwards of 50 broadcast people to Toronto — producers, directors, camera people, technicians and more — to serve as the world feed for all National Hockey League games played in this hub city, while many Canadian broadcast freelancers, out of work since March, are not at all happy about the snub.

“It’s a travesty,” said one longtime Canadian broadcast worker, who asked not to be identified for obvious reasons. “The NHL sold us out. Our own government sold us out. All we want to do is work and this is our job.

“I could understand (NBC) bringing people in if we couldn’t do the job, but it’s proven we can.”

Canadian hockey broadcasters have long been considered the best in the world. Virtually every Winter Olympics world feed in recent memory has been produced and directed by a Canadian. The majority, it not all, of the world feed staff at every Olympic hockey tournament of the past 25 years has been Canadian.

NBC told one Canadian inquiring about a job that it was bringing only NBC staff to Toronto to work on the world feed and wouldn’t consider anyone else. Under the strict conditions of COVID-19, only one broadcast crew — known as the world feed — will produce the pictures for all networks around the world televising the games. Those networks include Rogers Sportsnet in Canada and NBC, the American rights-holder for NHL games, in the U.S.

Sportsnet will produce the world feed for games played in the Western hub city of Edmonton, but the Stanley Cup final, slated for the Alberta city will have both Canadian and American feeds for the individual rights-holders.

As usual, the dumb conservative is fine with money going to American workers coming to Canada to steal OUR jobs, but is livid about Canada stealing American jobs. So much for HIS patriotism. He is the ONLY Canadian I've ever encountered who is completely unaware of all of the myriad ways that the USA has screwed over the Canadian economy and stolen our jobs.

And then he wonders why I don't think he's a real Canadian at all. Imagine if an American posted that the USA is screwing over Mexico and stealing Mexican jobs. That would be "shocked Canadian". He was probably dropped on his head as a baby - multiple times.

No one person in the American government, and in fact, not ONE American citizen has ever done me wrong. While the creepy covert Canadian police and their weak family members have. Not ONE American has threatened me, harassed me and my wife, interfered with my career or abused me in my childhood, or, in my lifetime in fact. All that have, have been Canadian covert police and their relations.

Maybe you missed the posting in which I applied to the military while in university (and decided to go back to school). On my own volition and desire to stand up for Canadian values, which ironically, don't exist. I was willing to risk my life for my country, for little pay and zero prestige, because I naively believed we were a just, free society like many of our allies.

My life has been stolen, my potential wiped out, my existence of little value while the stress and and depression of knowing this is happening with no recourse keeps me trapped in mediocrity while the least impressive among us milk the taxpayer with their lies and protection.

Yeah some country. F the Canadian abusers and their families. As I offered multiple, cowardly police chiefs in Ontario, "if you have a problem with me, come and charge me with a crime or arrest me, I will happily defend myself in court.". An open invitation to have myself arrested. Who would offer that to the police? A criminal? I also offered, "If you want to sit down and do a polygraph I will HAPPILY do one and pit my character against any of your organizations".

So, you tell me, under what conditions I should not call out the same whiners who wouldn't drop a dime for me if I needed them to? Believe me, I tried to get justice, with little help from my fellow citizen. In fact, many of them happily helped the abusers. You think I am supposed to get smacked around and apologize to the abuser for not letting them hit me harder?

My story is being told in multiple location, multiple governments, police agencies and forums. If people don't want to believe me, if they want to believe the abusers and their narrative. Do so. If I convince agencies (especially those who can do their own digging) to find the facts, I can rest in peace one day knowing I got my pound of flesh.

Post your lies, but they make no sense whatsoever, and you've never provided a lick of evidence to support your claims. You're just that crazy guy with the sandwich board outside the Supreme Court of Ontario, howling at the moon that you've been screwed.
I'm a Wop, you're a Frog, get over it.

People are what they are, it was Gods decision. As it were, I view there being a difference between being Italian and being a w__. One is a nationality with a long history. The other is a slander to call someone out within that nationality; someone you view as being of low character. Sort of like calling someone a hillbilly. You'd never hear a wealthy yuppie called that, even if he was from deep red Missisippi.

I had a few Italian friends growing up and my best wrestling coach was Italian. A solid guy who was honourable and a good role model. He instilled faith in me that I always carried with me on the mat. I've known good Italians call another Italian a w__ as a manner in which to say "you're a POS to me"

That's how I see it anyways.

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