Can you trust him?


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
Can you trust him, if so, why?

[ame=]Still Voting For 'Mitt Romney'? - YouTube[/ame]
Romney can absolutely be relied upon to represent his segment of political persuasion.

Is that yours?
I think he can be trusted to represent the interests of the extremely wealthy and powerful.

If I were an American millionaire, a banker or broker, I'd vote for him.

Otherwise, not to much,
I know one thing is for sure you cannot trust obama.

That depends entirely on who you are.

Politicians don't do things randomly, and they aren't stupid. ALL politicians in ALL democracies work to better the lot of their citizenry, in particular the citizenry that votes for them and their party.

Romney will absolutely do his best by upper class white Christians, conservatives and business owners.

Obama will absolutely do his best by working class people, ethnic minorities and liberals.

They may not succeed, but that is what they are aiming at, anyway.

The question for voters is really only which group am I within, and do I think voting this way is for the betterment of ALL Americans, and not only me.
Yes. Completely. He has a history of service and doing what he think is right for everyone. He may get things wrong from time to time, but he isnt trying to fundamentally change our nation. He's trying to fix the problems, not use them to create new ones.
I know one thing is for sure you cannot trust obama.

That depends entirely on who you are.

Politicians don't do things randomly, and they aren't stupid. ALL politicians in ALL democracies work to better the lot of their citizenry, in particular the citizenry that votes for them and their party.

Romney will absolutely do his best by upper class white Christians, conservatives and business owners.

Obama will absolutely do his best by working class people, ethnic minorities and liberals.

They may not succeed, but that is what they are aiming at, anyway.

The question for voters is really only which group am I within, and do I think voting this way is for the betterment of ALL Americans, and not only me.

49% of people are on some form of government assistance, 8.2% unemployment is the "betterment" of this country

if that's your idea of betterment, than vote for Obama AGAIN..The people of this country FORGOT how to better thing for THEMSELVES
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49% of people are on some form of government assistance, 8.2% unemployment is the "betterment" of this country

The US has actually ridden out the global economic crisis better than many of your major trading partners, e.g. Spain, Italy, Greece.

I your reply, do keep in mind that the global economic crisis was sparked in part by the Bush administration.
49% of people are on some form of government assistance, 8.2% unemployment is the "betterment" of this country

The US has actually ridden out the global economic crisis better than many of your major trading partners, e.g. Spain, Italy, Greece.

I your reply, do keep in mind that the global economic crisis was sparked in part by the Bush administration.

good grief, how did Bush spark the global economic crisis? you people act like Bush caused every damn thing like there were NO DEMOCRATS involved.
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like we can TRUST this administration. they just unleashed up to a MILLION Illegal immigrants onto the job market with 8.2 UNEMPLOYMENT..

no lefty ideologies there...I guess that's what you all call for the "betterment" of us and our country

you are the ignorant and your lefty cult members who will still vote for this administration
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good grief, how did Bush spark the global economic crisis? you people act like Bush caused every damn thing like there were NO DEMOCRATS involved.

Firstly, I have absolutely no idea what you mean by "you people"

If you want to say things like that - name names.

Secondly, I am assuming your question about how Bush sparked the global economic crisis is rhetorical. Unless you lived in a cave during 2008, you know full well the events that led up to TARP.

Lastly, Democrats also share blame for the economic crisis through their actions in the Senate and Congress.
I agree. I think it's foolish to trust any politician in D.C. but certainly one should vote for the person they believe has more integrity.

Obama has none in my book. He has lied, abused his power, and divided this country more than any time in history. It makes me sad that people actually think that Romney represents only the rich, and Obama represents minorities. Shouldn't we be voting for a president who "cares" (I use that word loosely) for the entire country? But we've gotten to the point where we are all merely sub-groups.

I heartily accept the motto,—“That government is best which governs least;” and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Henry David Thoreau
I share this in this thread as well:

Romney has faith in an economic system which has brought you such things as the bank collapse of 1876, monopolies, 1929 and our most recent - whatever this mess is. It is a system that leads directly to things like the L.I.B.O.R. thievery. Those have demonstrated over and over to benefit very few, but benefit they do.
It is not all of what capitalism is. Capitalism works fine in certain ways at certain levels.
This makes sense. Humans are very adaptable animals, probably the most. One could almost say we were 'made' to adapt. We adapt the 'outside' world and can, occasionally, even change the 'interior world'. So, why do humans so often cling to one thing or idea to be 'true' and 'right' in all situations?
Technologically, politically, in religion and many other fields there is the tendency to constrain choice rather than amplify and enhance it.
Criticizing Romney is not defending his opponent. We need new 'camps' to replace the two-party-take-over that has occurred.
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Is there a question as to whether or not Romney can be trusted? That's a reason to vote for him. I won't vote for obama precisely because I can trust him. I trust him to do whatever is the most harmful to the people and to the nation.
" I won't vote for obama precisely because I can trust him. I trust him to do whatever is the most harmful to the people and to the nation."

Then you think he is virtually a traitor and you are obliged to demonstrate your disapproval in the most strenuous civil fashion possible.

Just as millions should do and should have done for Iraq.
" I won't vote for obama precisely because I can trust him. I trust him to do whatever is the most harmful to the people and to the nation."

Then you think he is virtually a traitor and you are obliged to demonstrate your disapproval in the most strenuous civil fashion possible.

Just as millions should do and should have done for Iraq.

Judging by the national security leaks coming from his white house, yes he is more than a virtual traitor, he IS a traitor.

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