Can You Spot The Difference?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Even the Bidenistas know that the charges for Jan 6th are bogus.
There was no insurrection at the Capitol, dunce.
The story is an attempt to hide the real riots and insurrections.

And 650 actually peaceful protesters.....not the 'mostly peaceful' arsonists we saw on CNN......are now political prisioners.

The Federalist drives the point home by providing two nearly identical photos, one of Trump folks, the other of Democrats.....and only one is called 'the worst insurrection since the Civil War.'


Can You Spot The Difference Between These Two Insurrection Photos?

Despite the media's disparate treatment, the most recent 'insurrection' mirrors the January one. Which Democrat is going to call for an Oct. 14 Commission?

Some activists vandalized a building, while others pinned police against a wall. This rebellion against authority was nothing short of sedition.

Oh, you thought I was talking about this image, where pro-Trump demonstrator Ashli Babbitt attempted to force her way into where police were holding the line?
I was actually talking about this scene, where a radical activist appears to try the same thing at a different federal building, even shouting “Let’s go!” for other demonstrators to follow her.

I’m talking about the rowdy protest outside the Department of the Interior on Thursday that turned violent as climate activists stormed the entrance — the Oct. 14 insurrection."
"....struggling with law enforcement officers as they reportedly tried to force their way in, shouting “Go inside! Go inside!” The ordeal resulted in a number of injuries, according to multiple sources.

“Multiple injuries were sustained by security personnel, and one officer has been transported to a nearby hospital. Medics representing both the Department and the protesters were present,” Interior Department spokeswoman Melissa Schwartz said in a statement. “It is also our obligation to keep everyone safe. We will continue to do everything we can to de-escalate the situation while honoring first amendment rights.”

Let's wait to see the, FBI do a nation-wide search for each and every participant.
"... back to the two pictures. There is no difference between them. The photos both depict young women, revved up about perceived political injustice, taking things a step too far in going after those they decided to hold responsible.

The only disparity is how they’ll be treated. One was shot, while the other walked away. One was blasted by the press, and one won’t ever make the news. The first led to the media complex berating an entire side of the political aisle for a violent insurrection and to Big Tech censoring swaths of dissidents for deadly misinformation, while the second will just be one of the nameless activists who hosted a sit-in barely worth mentioning.

Despite the media’s disparate treatment, the facts show that the most recent “insurrection” mirrors the January one. Which Democrat is going to call for an Oct. 14 Commission?"
The only disparity is how they’ll be treated. One was shot, while the other walked away.
You make a good case for arresting the bad actors of both sides, but it's not reasonable to expect either side advocating punishment for their own.

Ashli definitely had it coming. The police needed to demonstrate that they meant business and Ashli put herself in the best position to become the unfortunate example. And in my opinion it being a woman provided an even heavier impact on the rioters.

As you suggest, the only disparity is how each side will be treated. If there are equal crimes then there should be equal consequences. George Floyd was the equal consequences but was he guilty of an equal crime hon?
You make a good case for arresting the bad actors of both sides, but it's not reasonable to expect either side advocating punishment for their own.

Ashli definitely had it coming. The police needed to demonstrate that they meant business and Ashli put herself in the best position to become the unfortunate example. And in my opinion it being a woman provided an even heavier impact on the rioters.

As you suggest, the only disparity is how each side will be treated. If there are equal crimes then there should be equal consequences. George Floyd was the equal consequences but was he guilty of an equal crime hon?
1. The law should be applied equally, and it isn't.
2. Ashli was an unarmed "mostly" peaceful protester. The shooting was murder. The SWAT teams arrived seconds after she was shot, the party was over when SWAT and their ARs arrived.
3. George Floyd wasn't shot, he resisted arrest, Ashli wasn't resisting arrest.
You make a good case for arresting the bad actors of both sides, but it's not reasonable to expect either side advocating punishment for their own.

Ashli definitely had it coming. The police needed to demonstrate that they meant business and Ashli put herself in the best position to become the unfortunate example. And in my opinion it being a woman provided an even heavier impact on the rioters.

As you suggest, the only disparity is how each side will be treated. If there are equal crimes then there should be equal consequences. George Floyd was the equal consequences but was he guilty of an equal crime hon?
Floyd certainly was guilty of being stupid in the face of overwhelming legal authority to be arrested.
"....struggling with law enforcement officers as they reportedly tried to force their way in, shouting “Go inside! Go inside!” The ordeal resulted in a number of injuries, according to multiple sources.

“Multiple injuries were sustained by security personnel, and one officer has been transported to a nearby hospital. Medics representing both the Department and the protesters were present,” Interior Department spokeswoman Melissa Schwartz said in a statement. “It is also our obligation to keep everyone safe. We will continue to do everything we can to de-escalate the situation while honoring first amendment rights.”

Let's wait to see the, FBI do a nation-wide search for each and every participant.

How come none of the Progressive Insurrectionists were shot to death?
How come none of the Progressive Insurrectionists were shot to death?
We all want to know hon. Did their crimes fit the punishment of death?
Are there specific instances you can help us with?

With Ashli there was no doubt she was just asking to be shot. She obviously saw the officer's gun pointing in her face!
1. Even the Bidenistas know that the charges for Jan 6th are bogus.


The Insurrection of January 6, 2021, against the lawful authority of the United States, by traitorous Rumpian butt-sniffers, is self-evident.

Time to put as many of them as possible behind bars and throw away the key.

And as for those who incited the event?

Public crucifixion sounds like a grand idea.
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We all want to know hon. Did their crimes fit the punishment of death?
Are there specific instances you can help us with?

With Ashli there was no doubt she was just asking to be shot. She obviously saw the officer's gun pointing in her face!

They broke into the building, no?
Floyd certainly was guilty of being stupid in the face of overwhelming legal authority to be arrested.
Stupid for messing with Chauvin when he knew that Chauvin was carrying a chip on his shoulder and was out to set the acceptable standard for police behaviour.
They broke into the building, no?
Death is not the suitable punishment for that.
A direct challenge to a police officer who has his gun pointed at your face is.

Ashli would have continued on as hard core trouble and so she served as the example that was most needed at the time.
Those of her accomplices who were declaring they were intent on committing murder, cleared out in short order!!
Lefties never stopped complaining for half a century about the awful (sniff, sniff) treatment suspected communists endured at the hands of HUAC. Of course they conveniently forgot that HUAC was chaired by a democrat majority but they managed to blame the era on a single republican senator who didn't even chair a committee. Here we are in the 21st century and and we see the same type of hearing (complete with blacklisting) and democrats are in charge again.
Death is not the suitable punishment for that.
A direct challenge to a police officer who has his gun pointed at your face is.

Ashli would have continued on as hard core trouble and so she served as the example that was most needed at the time.
Those of her accomplices who were declaring they were intent on committing murder, cleared out in short order!!

You're all over the place.

So the police inside should have been pointing guns at the Progressive Insurrectionists?

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