Can You Imagine What The Republicans Would Do If Obama Did This...?

Lie to the American Public boldly to their face like Reagan did...

Ronald Reagan Speech about Iran-Contra (Part 1 of 2) - YouTube

Around 3:17 is where you get to the meat of it, where Reagan hit's them with this doozie...

"A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not."

This was during his television address on March 4th, 1987.

If Obama tried that stunt today the Republicans would demand his head on a silver platter, and would probably get it too.

Yet, they claim that Ronnie's the model of conservatism...a saint they say. They want him on Mt. Rushmore, and in their eyes he can do no wrong.

I mean...what can you say?

I can say you libs are getting desperate.
Bringing up a dead guy in an attempt to make obama look better is pathetic at best.

No it's not to make Obama look better, it's to show that you have no problems with HUGE ASS Lies.

But what you're doing is bringing up Obama to make Regans lies look better.

I'm not the one who started this crap thread. What a doof.
Lie to the American Public boldly to their face like Reagan did...

Around 3:17 is where you get to the meat of it, where Reagan hit's them with this doozie...

"A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not."

Is Reagan apologizing for what happened under his watch?

You do know the dead cant talk right?
You mean do something like claim the Benghazi attack was the result of a web video and then keep trying to sell that story for a couple of weeks even when it became clear that was not the case?
My heart tells me its true but reality...

Ollie North too...they have some affinity for those that break the law and outright lie

they reelect people who wear diapers to a prostitute.

Run snail molestors who use the peoples money to visit their mistress in argentina while lying to everyone including the mother of their children

yet want someone condemed for life for tweeting A undy junk shot

And you shit-stains re-elect someone busted smoking crack with a fucking hooker

Obama has done nothing BUT lie to us. Fast and Furious , Benghazi just to name a few big whoppers of a lie

We'll add the Boston Bombing to that list before it's done.

Yes....I'm sure you RWrs have your little slimy gremlins trying to find ways to make the Boston Marathon bombings all the President's fault.

You mean like you dembulbs blame Bush for a terrorist attack that happened on American soil, during his term?


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