Can you be a "non-Christian" and still go to heaven?


Gold Member
Mar 11, 2016
I have a question for the devout Christians in the house.

I grew up a Lutheran (which I call lazy Catholics) and attended church through High School and college. Once out on my own my wife and I (she did not grow up religious) looked for a church, and we just were not moved. I realized by that point that the reason I was looking for a church was more out of habit than anything. Eventually we gave up and we have not attended church for probably 20+ years. I think we live a pretty good life. We treat other people well and spend a lot of time trying to make our community better.

On the other hand, some of the most evil, spiteful people we have encountered are "Christians" who attend church every week. (side note - also some of the best people I know are Chrisitan).

So, my question is, what is better? Someone who lives a moral life without Church, or someone who is a terrible person but goes to church on a regular basis?
From what I hear nowadays, you can do whatever you want as long as you go around saying "jesus is awesome". If not, you are fucked.
I have a question for the devout Christians in the house.

I grew up a Lutheran (which I call lazy Catholics) and attended church through High School and college. Once out on my own my wife and I (she did not grow up religious) looked for a church, and we just were not moved. I realized by that point that the reason I was looking for a church was more out of habit than anything. Eventually we gave up and we have not attended church for probably 20+ years. I think we live a pretty good life. We treat other people well and spend a lot of time trying to make our community better.

On the other hand, some of the most evil, spiteful people we have encountered are "Christians" who attend church every week. (side note - also some of the best people I know are Chrisitan).

So, my question is, what is better? Someone who lives a moral life without Church, or someone who is a terrible person but goes to church on a regular basis?

Just believe in Jesus Christ and you're good to go.
I have a question for the devout Christians in the house.

I grew up a Lutheran (which I call lazy Catholics) and attended church through High School and college. Once out on my own my wife and I (she did not grow up religious) looked for a church, and we just were not moved. I realized by that point that the reason I was looking for a church was more out of habit than anything. Eventually we gave up and we have not attended church for probably 20+ years. I think we live a pretty good life. We treat other people well and spend a lot of time trying to make our community better.

On the other hand, some of the most evil, spiteful people we have encountered are "Christians" who attend church every week. (side note - also some of the best people I know are Chrisitan).

So, my question is, what is better? Someone who lives a moral life without Church, or someone who is a terrible person but goes to church on a regular basis?
It sounds to me that you and your wife are living in line with Jesus' teaching. Getting into heaven is about going through the narrow gate that is Jesus. That does not require church attendance.
I have a question for the devout Christians in the house.

I grew up a Lutheran (which I call lazy Catholics) and attended church through High School and college. Once out on my own my wife and I (she did not grow up religious) looked for a church, and we just were not moved. I realized by that point that the reason I was looking for a church was more out of habit than anything. Eventually we gave up and we have not attended church for probably 20+ years. I think we live a pretty good life. We treat other people well and spend a lot of time trying to make our community better.

On the other hand, some of the most evil, spiteful people we have encountered are "Christians" who attend church every week. (side note - also some of the best people I know are Chrisitan).

So, my question is, what is better? Someone who lives a moral life without Church, or someone who is a terrible person but goes to church on a regular basis?
Yes. Christians dont have a lock on going to heaven. Anyone claiming they do are idiots.
I have a question for the devout Christians in the house.

I grew up a Lutheran (which I call lazy Catholics) and attended church through High School and college. Once out on my own my wife and I (she did not grow up religious) looked for a church, and we just were not moved. I realized by that point that the reason I was looking for a church was more out of habit than anything. Eventually we gave up and we have not attended church for probably 20+ years. I think we live a pretty good life. We treat other people well and spend a lot of time trying to make our community better.

On the other hand, some of the most evil, spiteful people we have encountered are "Christians" who attend church every week. (side note - also some of the best people I know are Chrisitan).

So, my question is, what is better? Someone who lives a moral life without Church, or someone who is a terrible person but goes to church on a regular basis?

The Catholic Church is founded upon, and still follows Apostolic teachings that were given to the Apostles by Christ. As such it can point out the path that Christ promised leads to the Kingdom of God. That is to turn away (repent) from wrong-doing, to discern the will of God, and be obedient to it.

What if one is not Catholic? This is the way Christ and the Apostles taught, so the Church has no authority to teach any which way is fine. It does have the authority to say that while the Church itself knows of no other sure path, it entrusts everyone to the love and great mercy of God. The Holy Spirit blows where it wills. Further, Church teaching on hell is that some people choose evil over good, Satan over God. God doesn't "send" people to hell, they choose to go there.

Next, if one has been totally apathetic towards God and His ways in this life, what do you suppose will happen the instant following death to change that apathy? In Revelation, one Church received a rather stern warning from Christ for being lukewarm and apathetic.

Finally, Paul addressed the question of unbelievers in Romans. His thought was that unbelievers miss the opportunity to be judged by a loving and merciful God--and that they are judged by their own hearts. Our own hearts can be our harshest judge sometimes.
I have a question for the devout Christians in the house.

I grew up a Lutheran (which I call lazy Catholics) and attended church through High School and college. Once out on my own my wife and I (she did not grow up religious) looked for a church, and we just were not moved. I realized by that point that the reason I was looking for a church was more out of habit than anything. Eventually we gave up and we have not attended church for probably 20+ years. I think we live a pretty good life. We treat other people well and spend a lot of time trying to make our community better.

On the other hand, some of the most evil, spiteful people we have encountered are "Christians" who attend church every week. (side note - also some of the best people I know are Chrisitan).

So, my question is, what is better? Someone who lives a moral life without Church, or someone who is a terrible person but goes to church on a regular basis?
Can you make it to Heaven without Jesus? Not any more.

John 14:6: 6 - Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Apparently before Jesus there were no Christians but many (e.g., Adam, Moses, etc.) were favored by God and presumably went to Heaven but after he came you could not, at least according to John. Jesus' mission on Earth was to condemn people to Hell who a generation before him would have gone to Heaven. At least that is how I see it.
So, my question is, what is better? Someone who lives a moral life without Church, or someone who is a terrible person but goes to church on a regular basis?
Probably the former, but it is terribly risky and foolish to assume either one is in good standing.

Who is saying a "non-Christian" cannot go to heaven? Maybe the same ones who are saying all you have to do is believe and you are in.

The fact is, too many protestants think they have a lock on theology by their interpretation of the Bible. They also think the only verses that really matter are where Jesus says (paraphrase) "believe and be saved" and the other verses do not carry near as much weight.

Heaven, hell and purgatory are all real. Do not assume you are going to heaven because very few are that holy when they leave this earth and get a direct flight. Do not assume because Jesus died and paid for all your sins that you are made pure and holy. Do not assume you can ever be guaranteed immediate entrance into heaven, even worse, never assume who deserves hell. Judgement of that kind is forbidden. The good news is that all who go to purgatory to be made pure or to learn about the love of God are eventually allowed into heaven.
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I have a question for the devout Christians in the house.

I grew up a Lutheran (which I call lazy Catholics) and attended church through High School and college. Once out on my own my wife and I (she did not grow up religious) looked for a church, and we just were not moved. I realized by that point that the reason I was looking for a church was more out of habit than anything. Eventually we gave up and we have not attended church for probably 20+ years. I think we live a pretty good life. We treat other people well and spend a lot of time trying to make our community better.

On the other hand, some of the most evil, spiteful people we have encountered are "Christians" who attend church every week. (side note - also some of the best people I know are Chrisitan).

So, my question is, what is better? Someone who lives a moral life without Church, or someone who is a terrible person but goes to church on a regular basis?

Someone who lives a moral life without Church
I have a question for the devout Christians in the house.

I grew up a Lutheran (which I call lazy Catholics) and attended church through High School and college. Once out on my own my wife and I (she did not grow up religious) looked for a church, and we just were not moved. I realized by that point that the reason I was looking for a church was more out of habit than anything. Eventually we gave up and we have not attended church for probably 20+ years. I think we live a pretty good life. We treat other people well and spend a lot of time trying to make our community better.

On the other hand, some of the most evil, spiteful people we have encountered are "Christians" who attend church every week. (side note - also some of the best people I know are Chrisitan).

So, my question is, what is better? Someone who lives a moral life without Church, or someone who is a terrible person but goes to church on a regular basis?

The Catholic Church is founded upon, and still follows Apostolic teachings that were given to the Apostles by Christ. As such it can point out the path that Christ promised leads to the Kingdom of God. That is to turn away (repent) from wrong-doing, to discern the will of God, and be obedient to it.

What if one is not Catholic? This is the way Christ and the Apostles taught, so the Church has no authority to teach any which way is fine. It does have the authority to say that while the Church itself knows of no other sure path, it entrusts everyone to the love and great mercy of God. The Holy Spirit blows where it wills. Further, Church teaching on hell is that some people choose evil over good, Satan over God. God doesn't "send" people to hell, they choose to go there.

Next, if one has been totally apathetic towards God and His ways in this life, what do you suppose will happen the instant following death to change that apathy? In Revelation, one Church received a rather stern warning from Christ for being lukewarm and apathetic.

Finally, Paul addressed the question of unbelievers in Romans. His thought was that unbelievers miss the opportunity to be judged by a loving and merciful God--and that they are judged by their own hearts. Our own hearts can be our harshest judge sometimes.

Thank you for your response. I don't consider myself a non-believer. I do believe in God. I just am one of those people that thinks that religion is creation of man, not of God. Religion (all religion and spiritual belief) is man's attempt to put into earthly terms that which is really beyond our capability to understand (God).

I really think once we die every one of will have the thought:

I have a question for the devout Christians in the house.

I grew up a Lutheran (which I call lazy Catholics) and attended church through High School and college. Once out on my own my wife and I (she did not grow up religious) looked for a church, and we just were not moved. I realized by that point that the reason I was looking for a church was more out of habit than anything. Eventually we gave up and we have not attended church for probably 20+ years. I think we live a pretty good life. We treat other people well and spend a lot of time trying to make our community better.

On the other hand, some of the most evil, spiteful people we have encountered are "Christians" who attend church every week. (side note - also some of the best people I know are Chrisitan).

So, my question is, what is better? Someone who lives a moral life without Church, or someone who is a terrible person but goes to church on a regular basis?
Can you make it to Heaven without Jesus? Not any more.

John 14:6: 6 - Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Apparently before Jesus there were no Christians but many (e.g., Adam, Moses, etc.) were favored by God and presumably went to Heaven but after he came you could not, at least according to John. Jesus' mission on Earth was to condemn people to Hell who a generation before him would have gone to Heaven. At least that is how I see it.

What about people who live their life and are never exposed to the teaching?
Can you make it to Heaven without Jesus? Not any more.

John 14:6: 6 - Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Apparently before Jesus there were no Christians but many (e.g., Adam, Moses, etc.) were favored by God and presumably went to Heaven but after he came you could not, at least according to John. Jesus' mission on Earth was to condemn people to Hell who a generation before him would have gone to Heaven. At least that is how I see it.

What about people who live their life and are never exposed to the teaching?
Excellent question, one of the many in the theology of Christianity.
Can you be a "non-Christian" and still go to heaven?

Heaven hasn't been proven to exist, so even Christians can't go there.

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