Can you accept that Man is greater than God?

Our religious friends forget that Jesus said he came to serve, not be served, and they also forget that they are always saying Jesus is God and that God never changes his mind. They somehow go from that to us being the servant and slave.

Actually, he liked to be served as well. His point is that we should all serve each other. He had no problem with Mary point oil on his feet and "wasting" precious oils in that way.

Uh, no God does change the way he does things. He has granted requests of a few in the Bible, off the top of my head, Lot and one of the kings that asked for more years of life.

We are to be BOND (willing) servants to God. God wants no part of an unwilling follower

True. God only wants salves, I agree.

Why are you following a slave holding god?

Do you see slavery as a good thing?


God is a servant too. He was a servant to the people while he walked on earth as Jesus.

I don't think it's wrong for God to require from us anything. He could have made us robots just doing his bidding, but, instead, he created us to have a choice, and we have a choice to deny him or love him.

If you don't like God or his ways, you deny him. Not sure what your issue is.

My issue is his satanic morality of wanting slaves.

A choice of love me or burn in hell is only a free choice to a fool.

Our religious friends forget that Jesus said he came to serve, not be served, and they also forget that they are always saying Jesus is God and that God never changes his mind. They somehow go from that to us being the servant and slave.

Actually, he liked to be served as well. His point is that we should all serve each other. He had no problem with Mary point oil on his feet and "wasting" precious oils in that way.

Uh, no God does change the way he does things. He has granted requests of a few in the Bible, off the top of my head, Lot and one of the kings that asked for more years of life.

We are to be BOND (willing) servants to God. God wants no part of an unwilling follower

True. God only wants salves, I agree.

Why are you following a slave holding god?

Do you see slavery as a good thing?


God is a servant too. He was a servant to the people while he walked on earth as Jesus.

I don't think it's wrong for God to require from us anything. He could have made us robots just doing his bidding, but, instead, he created us to have a choice, and we have a choice to deny him or love him.

If you don't like God or his ways, you deny him. Not sure what your issue is.

My issue is his satanic morality of wanting slaves.

A choice of love me or burn in hell is only a free choice to a fool.


The question is... from me to you ... do you believe such a being exists; and, if so, is such a God imperfect? If imperfect, and even evil, how can he even be God by definition?
This shows you are lying to us ---- 1Peter 1:20 0 He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.---- as well as all the times Jesus says he is doing the fathers will.

Further, God can't die, fool. Every Christian knows God is eternal. That is a big part of the Christian lies.


Actually, Jesus was THERE for the creation of the world. Genesis clearly states "WE" meaning Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus clearly states he is God throughout new Testament scriptures. Even the Pharisees understood this as they wanted to kill him for it.

God can not die. Ultimately, Jesus did not die either, only his fleshly body.

Thanks for sharing a delusion that you cannot prove.

Have you looked at the moral aspects of what you believe?

Not likely or you would find a moral ideology to follow.

Why are you following an immoral policy?


God can not be or do anything immoral or, as some would say, sinful.
You can't hold God to man's standards.

Yes I can and do.

You are using the same standard of judgement as I to reach your conclusion that God is good, --- yet you would tell me not to use what you use.

That non-fair play is what shows how your morality has been corr4upted by your faith.

Wow, what a couple of worthless trolls. Just bugs the hell out of you guys to know that so many people find love and comfort in their religion.
Little children find comfort in teddy bears that doesn't make stuffed animals supreme beings.

Isn't funny how we tell kids to stop talking to their imaginary friends so they can grow up then we tell them to pray to another imaginary man in the sky?

It would be funny if it was not so sad.

Our religious friends forget that Jesus said he came to serve, not be served, and they also forget that they are always saying Jesus is God and that God never changes his mind. They somehow go from that to us being the servant and slave.

Actually, he liked to be served as well. His point is that we should all serve each other. He had no problem with Mary point oil on his feet and "wasting" precious oils in that way.

Uh, no God does change the way he does things. He has granted requests of a few in the Bible, off the top of my head, Lot and one of the kings that asked for more years of life.

We are to be BOND (willing) servants to God. God wants no part of an unwilling follower

True. God only wants salves, I agree.

Why are you following a slave holding god?

Do you see slavery as a good thing?


God is a servant too. He was a servant to the people while he walked on earth as Jesus.

I don't think it's wrong for God to require from us anything. He could have made us robots just doing his bidding, but, instead, he created us to have a choice, and we have a choice to deny him or love him.

If you don't like God or his ways, you deny him. Not sure what your issue is.

My issue is his satanic morality of wanting slaves.

A choice of love me or burn in hell is only a free choice to a fool.


The question is... from me to you ... do you believe such a being exists; and, if so, is such a God imperfect? If imperfect, and even evil, how can he even be God by definition?

If such an entity or person exists, he should be destroyed like all slave masters should.

The God on our mainstream menu are immoral thanks to their homophobic and misogynous religions and poor laws, so I would agree that they should not be called God's by definition. Yahweh and Allah are pricks of the highest caliber.

Both Christianity and Islam have basically developed into intolerant, homophobic and misogynous religions. Both religions have grown themselves by the sword instead of good deeds and continue with their immoral ways in spite of secular law showing them the moral ways.

Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds. That means Jesus would not recognize Christians and Muslims as his people, and neither do I. Jesus would call Christianity and Islam abominations.

Gnostic Christians did in the past, and I am proudly continuing that tradition and honest irrefutable evaluation based on morality.

Wow, what a couple of worthless trolls. Just bugs the hell out of you guys to know that so many people find love and comfort in their religion.
Little children find comfort in teddy bears that doesn't make stuffed animals supreme beings.

Isn't funny how we tell kids to stop talking to their imaginary friends so they can grow up then we tell them to pray to another imaginary man in the sky?

As long as they find comfort is the main thing. Which kinda throws all your BS out the window, doesn't it. Just cuz you think it's all imaginary doesn't make it fact, nor does it make it foolish or childish for them to decide for themselves what to believe in.
Wow, what a couple of worthless trolls. Just bugs the hell out of you guys to know that so many people find love and comfort in their religion.
Little children find comfort in teddy bears that doesn't make stuffed animals supreme beings.

Isn't funny how we tell kids to stop talking to their imaginary friends so they can grow up then we tell them to pray to another imaginary man in the sky?

As long as they find comfort is the main thing. Which kinda throws all your BS out the window, doesn't it. Just cuz you think it's all imaginary doesn't make it fact, nor does it make it foolish or childish for them to decide for themselves what to believe in.

To sit back and allow people to think poorly has always been condemned by the spiritual and intelligent. Correction is preached.

Not correcting is seen as a sign of hate.

Proverbs 3:12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.

Can you accept that Man is greater than God?

We can think. God cannot.

We can reproduce true. God cannot.

We can have many children. God cannot.

We place the lives of our wives and families above our own. God does not.

We would cure instead of kill. God kills.

We do not torture babies. God does.

We believe in freedom. God does not.

Jesus does which is why he took the judgement seat from His Father.

You can continue to adore a God inferior to you, both intellectually and morally, or become a Gnostic Christian or Karaite Jew like Jesus was. Jesus the Good as the Chrestians used to call him before Christianity reared it’s ugly head by reading their myths literally and embrace their God of War.

Islam would be a better religion today if that had not forced Mohammad to change from a loving God to a God or War so as to fight fire with fire. Thanks Christians for Islam. Pardon the digression.

Jesus shows the way with his advice to seek God by closeting yourself. Are you ready to follow Jesus or will you stick with your lying priests, preachers, Rabbi’s and Imams?

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.


I think they call this "mental masturbation into an old sock of egotism and perverted logic."

You choose to throw verbal grenades, without the least bit of validation, and then expect those of us who are comfortable in our beliefs to disprove your popcorn farts, rather than being responsible enough to present a viable, cohesive, and logical argument supporting your position so that it can be subjected to the rigors of those who disagree. Simply, you are afraid of honest dialogue - thus, the personal attacks on those who believe.

I would suggest that, deep down, you seek to be proven wrong, so that you can have the comfort of those who believe. Your incessant attacks beg for proof that you are wrong, that there really is a God, and that you can be eternally saved.

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt

I left a moral question just above. Give an answer or get lost with your attack on the messenger and not the message.

You posed no moral question - you made a strawman accusation, and then asked us to disprove it - the ultimate in temerity. Personal attacks is your forte - I merely responded in kind.

However, I would be more than happy to take on the "supposition" that man is greater than God. It is, of course, self-serving and egotistical to the extreme.

I find it interesting that the declaration that "man is greater than God" implies that you accept that there is, in fact, a God. If we wish to argue the presence of God, that is a different discussion for a different day - one I am excited to undertake. However, today, we will assume you recognize the existence of God - that you are, simply, questioning the hierarchy. Did God create man, or did man create God?

My father passed on many bits of wisdom, but the one that was most true was: "You can do anything you want in this world, as long as you're willing to pay the price." You can be president - if you're willing to pay the price. You can be a professional baseball player - if you're willing to pay the price. You can be a serial killer - if you're willing to pay the price.

The point? There is always a higher order who sits in judgement of your actions. You can claim this is the courts, or you can claim it is the government. You can even claim it is your fellow man. But, then, you have to ask the question: Who judges the judges? And, who judges those who judge the judges? Someone, somewhere, must sit in ultimate judgement.

Since we know that there is no single man who rules over all others, then it follows that God must be superior to man. Only He can judge the actions of man. Man does not have the ability to judge God.

Actually, it's pretty simple - who is the ultimate authority? Clearly, it can't be man - so just who the hell is it?
I have asked many believers what is heaven like. What will we do there?

I always get the same answer. Worship God 24/7

Sounds boring
"Mankind has worshipped the creation more than the Creator, and thus, God gave mankind over to vile affections and to a mind devoid of true judgment—his own natural mind. Since man's experiences shaped his judgment regarding conduct, his ability to judge truth became vague and led to the horrible perversions.
Today, the world groans with the weight of bearing the fruit of this idolatry."

pretty accurate
"Hearing the gospel with openness and confessing Christ with loyalty is the work and the gift of the Holy Spirit". Its almost impossible to intellectualize. One must confess Jesus Christ is Lord.
.believe it in their heart, repent and pray and have faith. I certainly don't understand everything and still have many questions but Ive come to know the fruits of the Holy Spirit and feel its work in my life.

"Where one quality, or opinion, might show itself in different individuals, its identified and called a spirit. Religious fervour might take a form quite antagonistic to the real will and law of God. For Christians there was but one standard by which to measure all claims on their religious allegiance: confession that the man Christ Jesus was the Word. All that demurred to that plain fact, and the loyalty implied by it, belonged to the spirit of antichrist. His hearers, however, if he understood them rightly, need not fear. By virtue of their adherence to the truth, God was in them. In Him they had conquered the spirits of the world, and had but to claim their victory. "

so no Mr OP....Man isn't greater than God.
The point? There is always a higher order who sits in judgement of your actions. You can claim this is the courts, or you can claim it is the government. You can even claim it is your fellow man. But, then, you have to ask the question: Who judges the judges? And, who judges those who judge the judges? Someone, somewhere, must sit in ultimate judgement.

Only if you choose to recognize such an entity. If not, you are the final arbiter. That is scripture.

1 Thessalonians 5:21 Test all things; hold fast what is good.

That there is a higher judgement is your judgement yet you do not know God at all. No one does.

Since we know that there is no single man who rules over all others, then it follows that God must be superior to man. Only He can judge the actions of man. Man does not have the ability to judge God.

Yet you have and have judged God to be good.

To judge man, God must be here to give his verdict. He is not.

Actually, it's pretty simple - who is the ultimate authority? Clearly, it can't be man - so just who the hell is it?

Not God as he is not here. man is here and like you, many have set God as good, even though he is shown to be a genocidal son murderer.

Do you think genocidal to be a good character trait?

"Hearing the gospel with openness and confessing Christ with loyalty is the work and the gift of the Holy Spirit". Its almost impossible to intellectualize. One must confess Jesus Christ is Lord.
.believe it in their heart, repent and pray and have faith. I certainly don't understand everything and still have many questions but Ive come to know the fruits of the Holy Spirit and feel its work in my life.

"Where one quality, or opinion, might show itself in different individuals, its identified and called a spirit. Religious fervour might take a form quite antagonistic to the real will and law of God. For Christians there was but one standard by which to measure all claims on their religious allegiance: confession that the man Christ Jesus was the Word. All that demurred to that plain fact, and the loyalty implied by it, belonged to the spirit of antichrist. His hearers, however, if he understood them rightly, need not fear. By virtue of their adherence to the truth, God was in them. In Him they had conquered the spirits of the world, and had but to claim their victory. "

so no Mr OP....Man isn't greater than God.

Let's test you view shall we.

You spoke of Jesus as a proof of good.

Tell us, who is more likely to see justice in the punishment of the innocent instead of the guilty?

Who is more likely to ask for us to accept that notion as good?

Satan or your God?


Can you accept that Man is greater than God?

Man greater than GOD? the physical, mortal, insignificant human being?

one second.....


ok....let me compose


Show us how your morals are superior to God's.

If you could cure as well as kill, which would you do?


My morals or human beings in general , are NOT superior to GOD'S. In my opinion, man can not be greater than his/her Creator. GOD is beyond good and evil.

That's what I meant.:)
Can you accept that Man is greater than God?

Man greater than GOD? the physical, mortal, insignificant human being?

one second.....


ok....let me compose


Show us how your morals are superior to God's.

If you could cure as well as kill, which would you do?


My morals or human beings in general , are NOT superior to GOD'S. In my opinion, man can not be greater than his/her Creator. GOD is beyond good and evil.

That's what I meant.:)

Yet you did not want to test your morals against god's as you know he would lose.

Go away till you can form an argument against your own morality and not just reiterate your foolish indoctrinated beliefs.


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