Can you accept that Man is greater than God?

Can you accept that Man is greater than God?

We can think. God cannot.

We can reproduce true. God cannot.

We can have many children. God cannot.

We place the lives of our wives and families above our own. God does not.

We would cure instead of kill. God kills.

We do not torture babies. God does.

We believe in freedom. God does not.

Jesus does which is why he took the judgement seat from His Father.

You can continue to adore a God inferior to you, both intellectually and morally, or become a Gnostic Christian or Karaite Jew like Jesus was. Jesus the Good as the Chrestians used to call him before Christianity reared it’s ugly head by reading their myths literally and embrace their God of War.

Islam would be a better religion today if that had not forced Mohammad to change from a loving God to a God or War so as to fight fire with fire. Thanks Christians for Islam. Pardon the digression.

Jesus shows the way with his advice to seek God by closeting yourself. Are you ready to follow Jesus or will you stick with your lying priests, preachers, Rabbi’s and Imams?

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

God wouldn't exist without Man.

Exactly. We give all the Gods their power and without us they would just do what our present batch of Gods are doing. Vanishing.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

All except my own Gnostic Christianity of course. It is almost the only worthy religion. It frees the mind. I does not enslave it to someone else's ideas of God.

You follow secular law and do not try to have your barbaric God's laws be the law of the land and that belief your view of your genocidal son murdering God's laws as being better than secular law.

Didn't say anything about me being a fan of Theocracy. Only govt I recognize IS a secular Govt. But I'm not willing to let them take my freedom or family sovereignty.

If you're all for stepping up to the greater good -- that's done ALL THE TIME without the force of man and the state. As in our volunteer military.. But I have no idea why you're all pissy about God testing Abraham with sacrificing his son. Govt USED to do that when the military was by draft. Testing families by TAKING their sons without the son's approval or the family consent.

THe 4 examples I pulled from your OP are just plain confused and wrong. And you ignore the bigger issue of which ARROGANT and IMPERFECT leaders do YOU trust to muck around in making MORAL/ETHICAL/FAMILY life decisions? Where's the competition to a simple ass Biblical Code? Name some names of the "annointed" that you trust to replace a Higher Authority. Be it as in God -- or simply as a belief in Natural Law that supercedes the faulty arrogant decisions of mere mortal men.

Following any living man, that can be argued or have discussions on his policy is better than following the dictates of an invisible guy in the sky.

That God is the lowest authority. Not the highest.

Mortal men, as Jesus said, are the light of the world.

Why do you fear to show your light and look for the light of an imaginary man made God?

If you recognize natural law, you might note that God goes against that with having Jesus needlessly murdered.


There you go again with the obvious FALSE generalizations. "Following ANY living man is better..... "???

You're not even getting out of the gate here. Why do you follow David Duke?? Or Charlie Manson? Or Chuckie Schumer? Is it because of their wisdom SURPASSES anything that religious belief has to offer?

I asked for a list of WISE, CONSISTENT infallible men to follow. You never suggested any... Not even an arrogant atheist from your crowd..

It bothers you that most men will not follow a genocidal son murdering prick eh.

So wise up and join the moral crowd.

Man is supreme and your throwing supremacist groups around has no bearing on what I say of all people. Not just the colors you do not like.

Pretty sad commentary that you have the audacity to say that someone like you is supreme ....
You follow secular law and do not try to have your barbaric God's laws be the law of the land and that belief your view of your genocidal son murdering God's laws as being better than secular law.

Didn't say anything about me being a fan of Theocracy. Only govt I recognize IS a secular Govt. But I'm not willing to let them take my freedom or family sovereignty.

If you're all for stepping up to the greater good -- that's done ALL THE TIME without the force of man and the state. As in our volunteer military.. But I have no idea why you're all pissy about God testing Abraham with sacrificing his son. Govt USED to do that when the military was by draft. Testing families by TAKING their sons without the son's approval or the family consent.

THe 4 examples I pulled from your OP are just plain confused and wrong. And you ignore the bigger issue of which ARROGANT and IMPERFECT leaders do YOU trust to muck around in making MORAL/ETHICAL/FAMILY life decisions? Where's the competition to a simple ass Biblical Code? Name some names of the "annointed" that you trust to replace a Higher Authority. Be it as in God -- or simply as a belief in Natural Law that supercedes the faulty arrogant decisions of mere mortal men.

Following any living man, that can be argued or have discussions on his policy is better than following the dictates of an invisible guy in the sky.

That God is the lowest authority. Not the highest.

Mortal men, as Jesus said, are the light of the world.

Why do you fear to show your light and look for the light of an imaginary man made God?

If you recognize natural law, you might note that God goes against that with having Jesus needlessly murdered.


There you go again with the obvious FALSE generalizations. "Following ANY living man is better..... "???

You're not even getting out of the gate here. Why do you follow David Duke?? Or Charlie Manson? Or Chuckie Schumer? Is it because of their wisdom SURPASSES anything that religious belief has to offer?

I asked for a list of WISE, CONSISTENT infallible men to follow. You never suggested any... Not even an arrogant atheist from your crowd..

It bothers you that most men will not follow a genocidal son murdering prick eh.

So wise up and join the moral crowd.

Man is supreme and your throwing supremacist groups around has no bearing on what I say of all people. Not just the colors you do not like.


Not just tossing extremist groups at you. I'll toss CONGRESS at you. You get extremist groups when Man follows Man. You get 535 meglomaniac arrogant, inept pricks in Congress as LEADERS AND LAW MAKERS because people just vote for and follow "winners".. It's all a completely INFERIOR (not superior) way of making rules and associations.

Your "man is supreme" bullshit shows how much of the arrogance you carry. You ARE a supremicist of some sort. With a very flawed following..
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God is just a team of moderators running this particular server of the Young Earth simulator. The reason you've got so many crazy stories throughout history, Jesus raising people from the dead and walking on water, Maui lassoing the sun to make the day longer. . . most of the old hero myths are pretty accurate representations of how that shit went down. Those were just players with good software hacks. You don't see much of that now, because over time the mods have patched up a lot of the programming loopholes that were exploited early on in the life of the game. You know how it goes, the longer an online game runs and the more popular it gets, the more they're able to crack down on the hacks. Well, once there were a billion plus players on any given Earth server, those guys got pretty state of the art about shutting down the cheaters. It's been many an update since we've seen a Hercules just annihilating game content and fucking up the PvP balance.
Our religious friends forget that Jesus said he came to serve, not be served, and they also forget that they are always saying Jesus is God and that God never changes his mind. They somehow go from that to us being the servant and slave.

Actually, he liked to be served as well. His point is that we should all serve each other. He had no problem with Mary point oil on his feet and "wasting" precious oils in that way.

Uh, no God does change the way he does things. He has granted requests of a few in the Bible, off the top of my head, Lot and one of the kings that asked for more years of life.

We are to be BOND (willing) servants to God. God wants no part of an unwilling follower
This shows you are lying to us ---- 1Peter 1:20 0 He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.---- as well as all the times Jesus says he is doing the fathers will.

Further, God can't die, fool. Every Christian knows God is eternal. That is a big part of the Christian lies.


Actually, Jesus was THERE for the creation of the world. Genesis clearly states "WE" meaning Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus clearly states he is God throughout new Testament scriptures. Even the Pharisees understood this as they wanted to kill him for it.

God can not die. Ultimately, Jesus did not die either, only his fleshly body.
You follow secular law and do not try to have your barbaric God's laws be the law of the land and that belief your view of your genocidal son murdering God's laws as being better than secular law.

Didn't say anything about me being a fan of Theocracy. Only govt I recognize IS a secular Govt. But I'm not willing to let them take my freedom or family sovereignty.

If you're all for stepping up to the greater good -- that's done ALL THE TIME without the force of man and the state. As in our volunteer military.. But I have no idea why you're all pissy about God testing Abraham with sacrificing his son. Govt USED to do that when the military was by draft. Testing families by TAKING their sons without the son's approval or the family consent.

THe 4 examples I pulled from your OP are just plain confused and wrong. And you ignore the bigger issue of which ARROGANT and IMPERFECT leaders do YOU trust to muck around in making MORAL/ETHICAL/FAMILY life decisions? Where's the competition to a simple ass Biblical Code? Name some names of the "annointed" that you trust to replace a Higher Authority. Be it as in God -- or simply as a belief in Natural Law that supercedes the faulty arrogant decisions of mere mortal men.

Following any living man, that can be argued or have discussions on his policy is better than following the dictates of an invisible guy in the sky.

That God is the lowest authority. Not the highest.

Mortal men, as Jesus said, are the light of the world.

Why do you fear to show your light and look for the light of an imaginary man made God?

If you recognize natural law, you might note that God goes against that with having Jesus needlessly murdered.


There you go again with the obvious FALSE generalizations. "Following ANY living man is better..... "???

You're not even getting out of the gate here. Why do you follow David Duke?? Or Charlie Manson? Or Chuckie Schumer? Is it because of their wisdom SURPASSES anything that religious belief has to offer?

I asked for a list of WISE, CONSISTENT infallible men to follow. You never suggested any... Not even an arrogant atheist from your crowd..

It bothers you that most men will not follow a genocidal son murdering prick eh.

So wise up and join the moral crowd.

Man is supreme and your throwing supremacist groups around has no bearing on what I say of all people. Not just the colors you do not like.

Pretty sad commentary that you have the audacity to say that someone like you is supreme ....

If you are not more morally worthy than a genocidal son murdering God, then you might wonder why?

You follow secular law and do not try to have your barbaric God's laws be the law of the land and that belief your view of your genocidal son murdering God's laws as being better than secular law.

Didn't say anything about me being a fan of Theocracy. Only govt I recognize IS a secular Govt. But I'm not willing to let them take my freedom or family sovereignty.

If you're all for stepping up to the greater good -- that's done ALL THE TIME without the force of man and the state. As in our volunteer military.. But I have no idea why you're all pissy about God testing Abraham with sacrificing his son. Govt USED to do that when the military was by draft. Testing families by TAKING their sons without the son's approval or the family consent.

THe 4 examples I pulled from your OP are just plain confused and wrong. And you ignore the bigger issue of which ARROGANT and IMPERFECT leaders do YOU trust to muck around in making MORAL/ETHICAL/FAMILY life decisions? Where's the competition to a simple ass Biblical Code? Name some names of the "annointed" that you trust to replace a Higher Authority. Be it as in God -- or simply as a belief in Natural Law that supercedes the faulty arrogant decisions of mere mortal men.

Following any living man, that can be argued or have discussions on his policy is better than following the dictates of an invisible guy in the sky.

That God is the lowest authority. Not the highest.

Mortal men, as Jesus said, are the light of the world.

Why do you fear to show your light and look for the light of an imaginary man made God?

If you recognize natural law, you might note that God goes against that with having Jesus needlessly murdered.


There you go again with the obvious FALSE generalizations. "Following ANY living man is better..... "???

You're not even getting out of the gate here. Why do you follow David Duke?? Or Charlie Manson? Or Chuckie Schumer? Is it because of their wisdom SURPASSES anything that religious belief has to offer?

I asked for a list of WISE, CONSISTENT infallible men to follow. You never suggested any... Not even an arrogant atheist from your crowd..

It bothers you that most men will not follow a genocidal son murdering prick eh.

So wise up and join the moral crowd.

Man is supreme and your throwing supremacist groups around has no bearing on what I say of all people. Not just the colors you do not like.


Not just tossing extremist groups at you. I'll toss CONGRESS at you. You get extremist groups when Man follows Man. You get 535 meglomaniac arrogant, inept pricks in Congress as LEADERS AND LAW MAKERS because people just vote for and follow "winners".. It's all a completely INFERIOR (not superior) way of making rules and associations.

Your "man is supreme" bullshit shows how much of the arrogance you carry. You ARE a supremicist of some sort. With a very flawed following..

You get the government you elect.

If people do not vote their conscience, they will not get leaders with conscience.

When Trumps voters voted him in, while holding their noses, they got the right wing fool they wanted in power.


Our religious friends forget that Jesus said he came to serve, not be served, and they also forget that they are always saying Jesus is God and that God never changes his mind. They somehow go from that to us being the servant and slave.

Actually, he liked to be served as well. His point is that we should all serve each other. He had no problem with Mary point oil on his feet and "wasting" precious oils in that way.

Uh, no God does change the way he does things. He has granted requests of a few in the Bible, off the top of my head, Lot and one of the kings that asked for more years of life.

We are to be BOND (willing) servants to God. God wants no part of an unwilling follower

True. God only wants salves, I agree.

Why are you following a slave holding god?

Do you see slavery as a good thing?

This shows you are lying to us ---- 1Peter 1:20 0 He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.---- as well as all the times Jesus says he is doing the fathers will.

Further, God can't die, fool. Every Christian knows God is eternal. That is a big part of the Christian lies.


Actually, Jesus was THERE for the creation of the world. Genesis clearly states "WE" meaning Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus clearly states he is God throughout new Testament scriptures. Even the Pharisees understood this as they wanted to kill him for it.

God can not die. Ultimately, Jesus did not die either, only his fleshly body.

Thanks for sharing a delusion that you cannot prove.

Have you looked at the moral aspects of what you believe?

Not likely or you would find a moral ideology to follow.

Why are you following an immoral policy?

Can you accept that Man is greater than God?

We can think. God cannot.

We can reproduce true. God cannot.

We can have many children. God cannot.

We place the lives of our wives and families above our own. God does not.

We would cure instead of kill. God kills.

We do not torture babies. God does.

We believe in freedom. God does not.

Jesus does which is why he took the judgement seat from His Father.

You can continue to adore a God inferior to you, both intellectually and morally, or become a Gnostic Christian or Karaite Jew like Jesus was. Jesus the Good as the Chrestians used to call him before Christianity reared it’s ugly head by reading their myths literally and embrace their God of War.

Islam would be a better religion today if that had not forced Mohammad to change from a loving God to a God or War so as to fight fire with fire. Thanks Christians for Islam. Pardon the digression.

Jesus shows the way with his advice to seek God by closeting yourself. Are you ready to follow Jesus or will you stick with your lying priests, preachers, Rabbi’s and Imams?

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

I do not believe mere mortals can be greater than a god.
God reproduced when he raped Jesus' mother

So the story goes, yes.

Note that the result was a half breed hybrid chimera and not a full blooded offspring.

Even you can reproduce better than Yahweh and even without the bestiality of his species raping our species.


You realize we are the same species as God don't you?
Can you accept that Man is greater than God?

We can think. God cannot.

We can reproduce true. God cannot.

We can have many children. God cannot.

We place the lives of our wives and families above our own. God does not.

We would cure instead of kill. God kills.

We do not torture babies. God does.

We believe in freedom. God does not.

Jesus does which is why he took the judgement seat from His Father.

You can continue to adore a God inferior to you, both intellectually and morally, or become a Gnostic Christian or Karaite Jew like Jesus was. Jesus the Good as the Chrestians used to call him before Christianity reared it’s ugly head by reading their myths literally and embrace their God of War.

Islam would be a better religion today if that had not forced Mohammad to change from a loving God to a God or War so as to fight fire with fire. Thanks Christians for Islam. Pardon the digression.

Jesus shows the way with his advice to seek God by closeting yourself. Are you ready to follow Jesus or will you stick with your lying priests, preachers, Rabbi’s and Imams?

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

I do not believe mere mortals can be greater than a god.

Well, that would be a logical conclusion.

Which is likely why he doesn't believe it
Didn't say anything about me being a fan of Theocracy. Only govt I recognize IS a secular Govt. But I'm not willing to let them take my freedom or family sovereignty.

If you're all for stepping up to the greater good -- that's done ALL THE TIME without the force of man and the state. As in our volunteer military.. But I have no idea why you're all pissy about God testing Abraham with sacrificing his son. Govt USED to do that when the military was by draft. Testing families by TAKING their sons without the son's approval or the family consent.

THe 4 examples I pulled from your OP are just plain confused and wrong. And you ignore the bigger issue of which ARROGANT and IMPERFECT leaders do YOU trust to muck around in making MORAL/ETHICAL/FAMILY life decisions? Where's the competition to a simple ass Biblical Code? Name some names of the "annointed" that you trust to replace a Higher Authority. Be it as in God -- or simply as a belief in Natural Law that supercedes the faulty arrogant decisions of mere mortal men.

Following any living man, that can be argued or have discussions on his policy is better than following the dictates of an invisible guy in the sky.

That God is the lowest authority. Not the highest.

Mortal men, as Jesus said, are the light of the world.

Why do you fear to show your light and look for the light of an imaginary man made God?

If you recognize natural law, you might note that God goes against that with having Jesus needlessly murdered.


There you go again with the obvious FALSE generalizations. "Following ANY living man is better..... "???

You're not even getting out of the gate here. Why do you follow David Duke?? Or Charlie Manson? Or Chuckie Schumer? Is it because of their wisdom SURPASSES anything that religious belief has to offer?

I asked for a list of WISE, CONSISTENT infallible men to follow. You never suggested any... Not even an arrogant atheist from your crowd..

It bothers you that most men will not follow a genocidal son murdering prick eh.

So wise up and join the moral crowd.

Man is supreme and your throwing supremacist groups around has no bearing on what I say of all people. Not just the colors you do not like.


Not just tossing extremist groups at you. I'll toss CONGRESS at you. You get extremist groups when Man follows Man. You get 535 meglomaniac arrogant, inept pricks in Congress as LEADERS AND LAW MAKERS because people just vote for and follow "winners".. It's all a completely INFERIOR (not superior) way of making rules and associations.

Your "man is supreme" bullshit shows how much of the arrogance you carry. You ARE a supremicist of some sort. With a very flawed following..

You get the government you elect.

If people do not vote their conscience, they will not get leaders with conscience.

When Trumps voters voted him in, while holding their noses, they got the right wing fool they wanted in power.



Not quite. In this HIGHEST institution of Law-Making and leadership in the "man follows man" design, the collection of arrogant pricks you end up with are NOT just "who you elect".. It is increasingly who is OFFERED by 2 out-of-touch parties to vote for. It's by NO MEANS a superior method of getting Law and Guidance. And increasingly --- fewer and fewer SUPERIOR choices choose to offer themselves up to the task. Almost GUARANTEEING mediocre "man created" Ethical/Moral/Legal guidance..

It's damaged design. That's what you get from "man follows man"....
Can you accept that Man is greater than God?

We can think. God cannot.

We can reproduce true. God cannot.

We can have many children. God cannot.

We place the lives of our wives and families above our own. God does not.

We would cure instead of kill. God kills.

We do not torture babies. God does.

We believe in freedom. God does not.

Jesus does which is why he took the judgement seat from His Father.

You can continue to adore a God inferior to you, both intellectually and morally, or become a Gnostic Christian or Karaite Jew like Jesus was. Jesus the Good as the Chrestians used to call him before Christianity reared it’s ugly head by reading their myths literally and embrace their God of War.

Islam would be a better religion today if that had not forced Mohammad to change from a loving God to a God or War so as to fight fire with fire. Thanks Christians for Islam. Pardon the digression.

Jesus shows the way with his advice to seek God by closeting yourself. Are you ready to follow Jesus or will you stick with your lying priests, preachers, Rabbi’s and Imams?

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

I do not believe mere mortals can be greater than a god.

Yet I show how we can do things that the imaginary Gods cannot do.

Without us, all the Gods are dead.

God reproduced when he raped Jesus' mother

So the story goes, yes.

Note that the result was a half breed hybrid chimera and not a full blooded offspring.

Even you can reproduce better than Yahweh and even without the bestiality of his species raping our species.


You realize we are the same species as God don't you?

Exactly why I wrote what I did. We have evolved and improved our thinking while the vile immoral Gods we follow have not done so which is what makes those Gods inferior to man.

Can you accept that Man is greater than God?

We can think. God cannot.

We can reproduce true. God cannot.

We can have many children. God cannot.

We place the lives of our wives and families above our own. God does not.

We would cure instead of kill. God kills.

We do not torture babies. God does.

We believe in freedom. God does not.

Jesus does which is why he took the judgement seat from His Father.

You can continue to adore a God inferior to you, both intellectually and morally, or become a Gnostic Christian or Karaite Jew like Jesus was. Jesus the Good as the Chrestians used to call him before Christianity reared it’s ugly head by reading their myths literally and embrace their God of War.

Islam would be a better religion today if that had not forced Mohammad to change from a loving God to a God or War so as to fight fire with fire. Thanks Christians for Islam. Pardon the digression.

Jesus shows the way with his advice to seek God by closeting yourself. Are you ready to follow Jesus or will you stick with your lying priests, preachers, Rabbi’s and Imams?

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

I do not believe mere mortals can be greater than a god.

Well, that would be a logical conclusion.

Which is likely why he doesn't believe it

Believing in supernatural B. S. is not logical so stop miss-using the word logical.

Doing so does not make you look intelligent.

Following any living man, that can be argued or have discussions on his policy is better than following the dictates of an invisible guy in the sky.

That God is the lowest authority. Not the highest.

Mortal men, as Jesus said, are the light of the world.

Why do you fear to show your light and look for the light of an imaginary man made God?

If you recognize natural law, you might note that God goes against that with having Jesus needlessly murdered.


There you go again with the obvious FALSE generalizations. "Following ANY living man is better..... "???

You're not even getting out of the gate here. Why do you follow David Duke?? Or Charlie Manson? Or Chuckie Schumer? Is it because of their wisdom SURPASSES anything that religious belief has to offer?

I asked for a list of WISE, CONSISTENT infallible men to follow. You never suggested any... Not even an arrogant atheist from your crowd..

It bothers you that most men will not follow a genocidal son murdering prick eh.

So wise up and join the moral crowd.

Man is supreme and your throwing supremacist groups around has no bearing on what I say of all people. Not just the colors you do not like.


Not just tossing extremist groups at you. I'll toss CONGRESS at you. You get extremist groups when Man follows Man. You get 535 meglomaniac arrogant, inept pricks in Congress as LEADERS AND LAW MAKERS because people just vote for and follow "winners".. It's all a completely INFERIOR (not superior) way of making rules and associations.

Your "man is supreme" bullshit shows how much of the arrogance you carry. You ARE a supremicist of some sort. With a very flawed following..

You get the government you elect.

If people do not vote their conscience, they will not get leaders with conscience.

When Trumps voters voted him in, while holding their noses, they got the right wing fool they wanted in power.



Not quite. In this HIGHEST institution of Law-Making and leadership in the "man follows man" design, the collection of arrogant pricks you end up with are NOT just "who you elect".. It is increasingly who is OFFERED by 2 out-of-touch parties to vote for. It's by NO MEANS a superior method of getting Law and Guidance. And increasingly --- fewer and fewer SUPERIOR choices choose to offer themselves up to the task. Almost GUARANTEEING mediocre "man created" Ethical/Moral/Legal guidance..

It's damaged design. That's what you get from "man follows man"....

Sure, but man following a God is the same as following a man since all Gods are man made.

You will not how man following man has created a legal framework that has bested all the systems of law offered by the homophobic and misogynous mainstream religions.

They are garbage while secular law is superior.

That is why no intelligent or moral person will advocate for God's laws.


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