Can We Reform a FBI that Behaves Like a Gestapo?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Can We Reform a FBI that Behaves Like a Gestapo?
Can We Reform a FBI that Behaves Like a Gestapo? (
25 Feb 2021 ~~ By Larry Johnson

Short answer–I doubt it. But it is a legitimate question to raise because there are still some patriots serving within the ranks of the FBI who are beyond distraught over the gross politicization of their once proud, respected organization. Some of the men and women with 20 years in are simply counting days and hours until they can punch out. There is genuine, deep seated hatred for Christopher Wray and his coterie of lackeys eager to suckle on the teat of the Deep State.
The final straw for many in the bureau is the dishonest response to the January 6 swarm at the U.S. Capitol. For starters, the FBI had intelligence about Antifa’s plans to infiltrate the crowds of Trump supporters and incite violence. But the FBI also was manipulating some of the very groups labeled as “white supremacists”, e.g. the Proud Boys.
While the FBI leadership is doing everything in their power to paint honest, law-abiding Trump supporters as nascent terrorists eager to impose Ku Klux Klan rule across the nation, the frontline agents who are doing the interviews of “persons” of interest are coming up with nothing from the Trump folks. No evidence of planning, coordinating or executing violence.
What some are finding is that Antifa people–more than several dozen–were paid to go to Washington, DC and incite violence. But there is an unanswered question–will this evidence see the light of day? If Christopher Wray, the FBI Director, has his way it will be buried and kept from the public. He will give it the Hunter Biden laptop treatment.
I return to the question I posed as the title of this piece–Can the FBI Stop Acting Like a Modern Day Gestapo? The Gestapo was a highly politicized “police” force.
The Gestapo had the authority to investigate cases of treason, espionage, sabotage and criminal attacks on the Nazi Party and Germany. The basic Gestapo law passed by the government in 1936 gave the Gestapo carte blanche to operate without judicial review—in effect, putting it above the law.[26] The Gestapo was specifically exempted from responsibility to administrative courts, where citizens normally could sue the state to conform to laws.​
I never imagined the day would come where I would be serious about comparing the FBI to the GESTAPO. But that day has come. We already have clear evidence of their criminal conduct in the cases of General Michael Flynn, Carter Page, George Papadopolous and Roger Stone. Now we learn that the FBI, without a court order, is seizing the phone records of private citizens and members of Congress without a court order. It is an organization out of control and must be reined-in.

It's my personal belief that it's the hierarchy of the FBI that has become politicized and corrupted. Many of those in the field are true to following Law and their oath of allegiance to uphold the Constitution of the U.S.A..
The Department of Justice was created by Congress in 1870 and it's incumbent on Congress to reshape and reform the DOJ and ultimately the FBI.
If anyone asks for evidence to the above statement, all you have to do is review the actions of people like Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Baker, Page, Priestap including Wray, conspirators all.
The article makes the usual reversal of Historical Reality. If the "gestapo" existed today, they would be Rounding UP their ENEMIES. They had the Same Enemies THEN which WE HAVE TODAY.
That is not At ALL to say we are "Fascists" - we are Nationalist MAGA-Policy Supporters. But the same group who was the Arch-enemy of the Germans then, is the Very Same Ethnic-Group, with the Same Attitudes, and Anti-European-Christian Policies which RULES Over us NOW.
Though less than 2% of the American population, they have over 70% of the Biden Administration, Control All our Media, Film, Tee-Vee 'programming', and Publishing - control our banks/money-supply - control every major corporation with stock-holding companies - and run the leading pro-LGBTXYZ, pro-mass-Immigration, anti-American private-organizations.
When you find out that this heredity (race) based cult literally believe that "we are closer to animals than they are to us" (aka "supremacist"), then their coordinated attack on our culture, mores, morals, civilization, homeland, and very-existence - makes perfect sense.
They are just "replacing us" with more easily enslaved "cattle", as any rancher would. Our Homeland is, to them, just another area of cattle and resources to exploit. Our Lives, Families, Freedom and Futures DO NOT MATTER to them.
A good example is the FBI's following actions after January 6, 2021. "Unfortunately, the FBI refuses to follow this evidence."
Looking at all of the evidence more and more, I think the FBI ran much of this thing.
The FBI claims they are looking for the perpetrators and organizers of violence on January 6th.
But are they really?

There is more and more evidence that Antifa-related groups and individuals were planning the violence on January 6th and now they are even bragging about it online.
Antifa organizer John Sullivan organized an Antifa rally across from the US Capitol on January 6th an hour before the violence started.



During the 2016 presidential campaign Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists framed Trump with a fake "Dossier" paid for by Hillary Clinton...
On January 6th, 2021 they framed Trump supporters with a false flag operation to further their Marxist aims and agenda.
Now they're calling for the "Cleansing" of Trump supporters and the FBI is apparently feeding the frenzy with biased lies and false investigations.
The FBI is a totally corrupt law enforcement cartel. But as anti American as they are, they may be better than the CIA-DOJ. Since they're all part of the DOJ, maybe we should just get rid of the whole thing and start over on a very small scale. The DOJ is not worth the money any more.
no. play baby's first insurrection, be tracked by the feds. that simple.

Can We Reform a FBI that Behaves Like a Gestapo?
Can We Reform a FBI that Behaves Like a Gestapo? (
25 Feb 2021 ~~ By Larry Johnson

Short answer–I doubt it. But it is a legitimate question to raise because there are still some patriots serving within the ranks of the FBI who are beyond distraught over the gross politicization of their once proud, respected organization. Some of the men and women with 20 years in are simply counting days and hours until they can punch out. There is genuine, deep seated hatred for Christopher Wray and his coterie of lackeys eager to suckle on the teat of the Deep State.
The final straw for many in the bureau is the dishonest response to the January 6 swarm at the U.S. Capitol. For starters, the FBI had intelligence about Antifa’s plans to infiltrate the crowds of Trump supporters and incite violence. But the FBI also was manipulating some of the very groups labeled as “white supremacists”, e.g. the Proud Boys.
While the FBI leadership is doing everything in their power to paint honest, law-abiding Trump supporters as nascent terrorists eager to impose Ku Klux Klan rule across the nation, the frontline agents who are doing the interviews of “persons” of interest are coming up with nothing from the Trump folks. No evidence of planning, coordinating or executing violence.
What some are finding is that Antifa people–more than several dozen–were paid to go to Washington, DC and incite violence. But there is an unanswered question–will this evidence see the light of day? If Christopher Wray, the FBI Director, has his way it will be buried and kept from the public. He will give it the Hunter Biden laptop treatment.
I return to the question I posed as the title of this piece–Can the FBI Stop Acting Like a Modern Day Gestapo? The Gestapo was a highly politicized “police” force.
The Gestapo had the authority to investigate cases of treason, espionage, sabotage and criminal attacks on the Nazi Party and Germany. The basic Gestapo law passed by the government in 1936 gave the Gestapo carte blanche to operate without judicial review—in effect, putting it above the law.[26] The Gestapo was specifically exempted from responsibility to administrative courts, where citizens normally could sue the state to conform to laws.​
I never imagined the day would come where I would be serious about comparing the FBI to the GESTAPO. But that day has come. We already have clear evidence of their criminal conduct in the cases of General Michael Flynn, Carter Page, George Papadopolous and Roger Stone. Now we learn that the FBI, without a court order, is seizing the phone records of private citizens and members of Congress without a court order. It is an organization out of control and must be reined-in.

It's my personal belief that it's the hierarchy of the FBI that has become politicized and corrupted. Many of those in the field are true to following Law and their oath of allegiance to uphold the Constitution of the U.S.A..
The Department of Justice was created by Congress in 1870 and it's incumbent on Congress to reshape and reform the DOJ and ultimately the FBI.
If anyone asks for evidence to the above statement, all you have to do is review the actions of people like Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Baker, Page, Priestap including Wray, conspirators all.
The article makes the usual reversal of Historical Reality. If the "gestapo" existed today, they would be Rounding UP their ENEMIES. They had the Same Enemies THEN which WE HAVE TODAY.
That is not At ALL to say we are "Fascists" - we are Nationalist MAGA-Policy Supporters. But the same group who was the Arch-enemy of the Germans then, is the Very Same Ethnic-Group, with the Same Attitudes, and Anti-European-Christian Policies which RULES Over us NOW.
Though less than 2% of the American population, they have over 70% of the Biden Administration, Control All our Media, Film, Tee-Vee 'programming', and Publishing - control our banks/money-supply - control every major corporation with stock-holding companies - and run the leading pro-LGBTXYZ, pro-mass-Immigration, anti-American private-organizations.
When you find out that this heredity (race) based cult literally believe that "we are closer to animals than they are to us" (aka "supremacist"), then their coordinated attack on our culture, mores, morals, civilization, homeland, and very-existence - makes perfect sense.
They are just "replacing us" with more easily enslaved "cattle", as any rancher would. Our Homeland is, to them, just another area of cattle and resources to exploit. Our Lives, Families, Freedom and Futures DO NOT MATTER to them.
The FBI is awaiting the arrival of their SS Badges
We need to either eliminate the FBI, or limit it's capacity to investigating corruption within the government and establish an independent office that ensures it is not abusing it's power or ignoring the corruption of favored political whores.

The FBI has absolutely no business being involved in prosecuting individual citizens.
Explain how the FBI is behaving like the Gestapo.

As to the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Congress, the bureau is working off of photos and videos to identify and arrest the attackers. So far, none of those arrested have had ties to this "Antifa." But they have had ties to other political groups, like the "Proud Boys" and the "Oath Keepers," groups that are far-right. Are you trying to protect these traitors?
The dems have bastardized our intelligence community to a point where reform is impossible...all of the agencies must be disbanded and rehired with new training and hiring practices...kick out the lawyers posing as agents and go back to hiring from the retired military like we use to....
The dems have bastardized our intelligence community to a point where reform is impossible...all of the agencies must be disbanded and rehired with new training and hiring practices...kick out the lawyers posing as agents and go back to hiring from the retired military like we use to....

It won't happen under the "Biden" administration. The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists are too embedded within the "17 Intelligence Agencies" and the FBI.
Remember how CNN was set up to video the FBI apprehension of Roger Stone?
Now there's the false investigation trying to prove that Jan 6th, was not a false flag operation perpetrated by Antifa/BLM...
Can We Reform a FBI that Behaves Like a Gestapo?
Can We Reform a FBI that Behaves Like a Gestapo? (
25 Feb 2021 ~~ By Larry Johnson

Short answer–I doubt it. But it is a legitimate question to raise because there are still some patriots serving within the ranks of the FBI who are beyond distraught over the gross politicization of their once proud, respected organization. Some of the men and women with 20 years in are simply counting days and hours until they can punch out. There is genuine, deep seated hatred for Christopher Wray and his coterie of lackeys eager to suckle on the teat of the Deep State.
The final straw for many in the bureau is the dishonest response to the January 6 swarm at the U.S. Capitol. For starters, the FBI had intelligence about Antifa’s plans to infiltrate the crowds of Trump supporters and incite violence. But the FBI also was manipulating some of the very groups labeled as “white supremacists”, e.g. the Proud Boys.
While the FBI leadership is doing everything in their power to paint honest, law-abiding Trump supporters as nascent terrorists eager to impose Ku Klux Klan rule across the nation, the frontline agents who are doing the interviews of “persons” of interest are coming up with nothing from the Trump folks. No evidence of planning, coordinating or executing violence.
What some are finding is that Antifa people–more than several dozen–were paid to go to Washington, DC and incite violence. But there is an unanswered question–will this evidence see the light of day? If Christopher Wray, the FBI Director, has his way it will be buried and kept from the public. He will give it the Hunter Biden laptop treatment.
I return to the question I posed as the title of this piece–Can the FBI Stop Acting Like a Modern Day Gestapo? The Gestapo was a highly politicized “police” force.
The Gestapo had the authority to investigate cases of treason, espionage, sabotage and criminal attacks on the Nazi Party and Germany. The basic Gestapo law passed by the government in 1936 gave the Gestapo carte blanche to operate without judicial review—in effect, putting it above the law.[26] The Gestapo was specifically exempted from responsibility to administrative courts, where citizens normally could sue the state to conform to laws.​
I never imagined the day would come where I would be serious about comparing the FBI to the GESTAPO. But that day has come. We already have clear evidence of their criminal conduct in the cases of General Michael Flynn, Carter Page, George Papadopolous and Roger Stone. Now we learn that the FBI, without a court order, is seizing the phone records of private citizens and members of Congress without a court order. It is an organization out of control and must be reined-in.

It's my personal belief that it's the hierarchy of the FBI that has become politicized and corrupted. Many of those in the field are true to following Law and their oath of allegiance to uphold the Constitution of the U.S.A..
The Department of Justice was created by Congress in 1870 and it's incumbent on Congress to reshape and reform the DOJ and ultimately the FBI.
If anyone asks for evidence to the above statement, all you have to do is review the actions of people like Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Baker, Page, Priestap including Wray, conspirators all.
The article makes the usual reversal of Historical Reality. If the "gestapo" existed today, they would be Rounding UP their ENEMIES. They had the Same Enemies THEN which WE HAVE TODAY.
That is not At ALL to say we are "Fascists" - we are Nationalist MAGA-Policy Supporters. But the same group who was the Arch-enemy of the Germans then, is the Very Same Ethnic-Group, with the Same Attitudes, and Anti-European-Christian Policies which RULES Over us NOW.
Though less than 2% of the American population, they have over 70% of the Biden Administration, Control All our Media, Film, Tee-Vee 'programming', and Publishing - control our banks/money-supply - control every major corporation with stock-holding companies - and run the leading pro-LGBTXYZ, pro-mass-Immigration, anti-American private-organizations.
When you find out that this heredity (race) based cult literally believe that "we are closer to animals than they are to us" (aka "supremacist"), then their coordinated attack on our culture, mores, morals, civilization, homeland, and very-existence - makes perfect sense.
They are just "replacing us" with more easily enslaved "cattle", as any rancher would. Our Homeland is, to them, just another area of cattle and resources to exploit. Our Lives, Families, Freedom and Futures DO NOT MATTER to them.

The KGB is a disgrace.

Mueller, Comey, Wray - scum - all of them. Traitors.
Can We Reform a FBI that Behaves Like a Gestapo?
Can We Reform a FBI that Behaves Like a Gestapo? (
25 Feb 2021 ~~ By Larry Johnson

Short answer–I doubt it. But it is a legitimate question to raise because there are still some patriots serving within the ranks of the FBI who are beyond distraught over the gross politicization of their once proud, respected organization. Some of the men and women with 20 years in are simply counting days and hours until they can punch out. There is genuine, deep seated hatred for Christopher Wray and his coterie of lackeys eager to suckle on the teat of the Deep State.
The final straw for many in the bureau is the dishonest response to the January 6 swarm at the U.S. Capitol. For starters, the FBI had intelligence about Antifa’s plans to infiltrate the crowds of Trump supporters and incite violence. But the FBI also was manipulating some of the very groups labeled as “white supremacists”, e.g. the Proud Boys.
While the FBI leadership is doing everything in their power to paint honest, law-abiding Trump supporters as nascent terrorists eager to impose Ku Klux Klan rule across the nation, the frontline agents who are doing the interviews of “persons” of interest are coming up with nothing from the Trump folks. No evidence of planning, coordinating or executing violence.
What some are finding is that Antifa people–more than several dozen–were paid to go to Washington, DC and incite violence. But there is an unanswered question–will this evidence see the light of day? If Christopher Wray, the FBI Director, has his way it will be buried and kept from the public. He will give it the Hunter Biden laptop treatment.
I return to the question I posed as the title of this piece–Can the FBI Stop Acting Like a Modern Day Gestapo? The Gestapo was a highly politicized “police” force.
The Gestapo had the authority to investigate cases of treason, espionage, sabotage and criminal attacks on the Nazi Party and Germany. The basic Gestapo law passed by the government in 1936 gave the Gestapo carte blanche to operate without judicial review—in effect, putting it above the law.[26] The Gestapo was specifically exempted from responsibility to administrative courts, where citizens normally could sue the state to conform to laws.​
I never imagined the day would come where I would be serious about comparing the FBI to the GESTAPO. But that day has come. We already have clear evidence of their criminal conduct in the cases of General Michael Flynn, Carter Page, George Papadopolous and Roger Stone. Now we learn that the FBI, without a court order, is seizing the phone records of private citizens and members of Congress without a court order. It is an organization out of control and must be reined-in.

It's my personal belief that it's the hierarchy of the FBI that has become politicized and corrupted. Many of those in the field are true to following Law and their oath of allegiance to uphold the Constitution of the U.S.A..
The Department of Justice was created by Congress in 1870 and it's incumbent on Congress to reshape and reform the DOJ and ultimately the FBI.
If anyone asks for evidence to the above statement, all you have to do is review the actions of people like Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Baker, Page, Priestap including Wray, conspirators all.
The article makes the usual reversal of Historical Reality. If the "gestapo" existed today, they would be Rounding UP their ENEMIES. They had the Same Enemies THEN which WE HAVE TODAY.
That is not At ALL to say we are "Fascists" - we are Nationalist MAGA-Policy Supporters. But the same group who was the Arch-enemy of the Germans then, is the Very Same Ethnic-Group, with the Same Attitudes, and Anti-European-Christian Policies which RULES Over us NOW.
Though less than 2% of the American population, they have over 70% of the Biden Administration, Control All our Media, Film, Tee-Vee 'programming', and Publishing - control our banks/money-supply - control every major corporation with stock-holding companies - and run the leading pro-LGBTXYZ, pro-mass-Immigration, anti-American private-organizations.
When you find out that this heredity (race) based cult literally believe that "we are closer to animals than they are to us" (aka "supremacist"), then their coordinated attack on our culture, mores, morals, civilization, homeland, and very-existence - makes perfect sense.
They are just "replacing us" with more easily enslaved "cattle", as any rancher would. Our Homeland is, to them, just another area of cattle and resources to exploit. Our Lives, Families, Freedom and Futures DO NOT MATTER to them.

The KGB is a disgrace.

Mueller, Comey, Wray - scum - all of them. Traitors.

Your right, Perhaps they should change the acronym FBI to FSB.... Please note the FBI's mission statement is similar to the FSB....
FBI Mission Statement 2021 | FBI Mission & Vision Analysis (
Federal Security Service - The Russian Government
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