Can we get Democrats to embrace ethnicity "choice" as well?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
If not, why not?
It can't make any sense to anyone that one should be entitled to choose gender and not ethnicity...right?
Imagine how cheap college would be for our children if they suddenly "felt like" Native Americans.
If not, why not?
It can't make any sense to anyone that one should be entitled to choose gender and not ethnicity...right?

Just imagine if you focused on shit that actually mattered and impacted your life.
Imagine how cheap college would be for our children if they suddenly "felt like" Native Americans.
/----/ I was born in America, making me Native American. So where are my handouts?
a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not.
"a native of Montreal"
associated with the country, region, or circumstances of a person's birth.
"he's a native New Yorker"
synonyms: mother, vernacular, first
"her native tongue"
Joking aside hasn't precedent been set?
Nobody sane could argue that one should have a gender option and not an ethnicity option....there's just no way.
If not, why not?
It can't make any sense to anyone that one should be entitled to choose gender and not ethnicity...right?

Just imagine if you focused on shit that actually mattered and impacted your life.

Haha...oh the irony.
Surely there's at least seven wackos in this nation that are white but "feel" Black and would prefer to "identify" as
Aren't the feelings of seven enough to warrant action among LefTards and a shit-show in congress?
It's threads like this that prove that the upper 1% in this country are using bullshit to keep the rest of us distracted while they pass tax reform that enriches themselves and fucks over the rest of us.

But that's ok, we have more important things to worry about.....Like what gender people identify as. You know, the stuff that really is going to impact my daily life.
Any reason not one Lefty has chimed to say...."Hell no!, no can not choose their ethnicity."
I'm thinking I know the answer...hahaha...fucking Loons

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