Can we finally make music great again also?

Todays music gutted and soulless?
Here is a modern alt rock group doing one of their songs at Abbey Road.
Watch and tell me this performance is soulless.

There are a lot of good newer groups. But you won't find them on the pathetic airwaves.

But I defy anybody listening to that, even after two or three listenings, to then hum even a few bars of the melody because there just isn't one. And I hate that about modern music.
But I defy anybody listening to that, even after two or three listenings, to then hum even a few bars of the melody because there just isn't one. And I hate that about modern music.
Who really hums Led Zeppelin's Whole Lotta Love?

It's just Robert Plant mimicking an orgasm.

Even the modern sounds exactly like their first album.

I like complex and rich music, experimental stuff.

Pink Floyd fit that bill.
I was huge on Zappa.
He had a twelve piece band when I saw him years ago.
The guitar solos were complex and mesmerizing.

I'm partial to Vinny Colaiuta and Arthur Barrow band. Even the "Guitar" CD the 2 songs I think are the best, System of Edges and Outside Now are the only 2 with Vinny and Arthur
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I grew up on all the classic rock, which is now considered oldies. But I am always looking at new music and have found a lot of good music in the alternative genre.

I am actually tired of the oldies, because the radio plays the same few songs over and over.

What I'm really talking about is popular music, rather than alternative. You have your music lovers, the people who do what you do. Then you have the people who listen to music because... music's there. They do it to fit in, to be cool, to have something to talk about. These are the sort that grow up on music and that's their music.

My father is the former, he loves folk music and the like. My mother is the second, she still listens to the Doors and things like that.
Plus we've had all these years to filter out the bad stuff ... after 50 years, we only remember the best of the best ...

Yeah, that is a big thing. 60s music isn't all 60s music, just the stuff good enough to make it this far and still be listened to by a lot of people. I got my other half to listen to "crazy horses" the other day and she was like "that's rubbish" and that's something that is remembered now.
Who really hums Led Zeppelin's Whole Lotta Love?

It's just Robert Plant mimicking an orgasm.

Even the modern sounds exactly like their first album.

I like complex and rich music, experimental stuff.

Pink Floyd fit that bill.
I was not that much of a Led Zeppelin fan myself though they did some good stuff. But the 1970's had some great music and the memorable melodies and lyrics continued into the 1980s and 1990s though heavy metal and deafening amps had also become popular. After the turn of the century, good music became harder to come by.

To me this represents some of the best of the best and these aren't really my favorites. I still miss Whitney terribly:

And Dolly's version was different but also wonderful:

And songs like this one get in your head and tell a story:
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I was not that much of a Led Zeppelin fan myself though they did some good stuff. But the 1970's had some great music and the memorable melodies and lyrics continued into the 1980s and 1990s though heavy metal and deafening amps had also become popular. After the turn of the century, good music became harder to come by.

To me this represents some of the best of the best and these aren't really my favorites. I still miss Whitney terribly:

And Dolly's version was different but also wonderful:

And songs like this one get in your head and tell a story:

Definitely not my preference.
One of the big factor contributing to the deterioration of today's music is Auto Tune, computer correction of sour notes. In years past singers had to be able to carry a tune and sing the correct notes. Nowadays a pretty face and a mediocre ability to sing can, with the proper promotion and auto tume, make one a singing star. This doesn't work for me.

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