Can They Possibly Get Any Dumber Than This?

And there are those who wonder why no peace between Israel & the Palestinians.
Let the Palestinians disappear in sickness along with their elderly if that is their choice.
Good for the Palestinians not accepting anything from the Israeli zionist pukes!! ... :thup:
HUH???? I had no idea you'd rather the Palestinians just die. You just might be right to let them do so. Way to go Suni.

What else would you expect from a moronic Muslim ?

Perhaps he would prefer Israel just treats the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers in surrounding Arab countries treat them. After all, Black September did result in a lasting peace.
Perhaps he would prefer Israel just treats the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers in surrounding Arab countries treat them. After all, Black September did result in a lasting peace.
You should know that refugee populations are a problem. But your lies are unnecessary. Most Arabs are sympathetic towards the Palestinians.
Most Arabs are sympathetic towards the Palestinians.

Sympathetic enough to allow them citizenship,
or rather use for as political bait from internal issues?

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Arafat admitted he knew the fake "refugees" in Chile and Kuwait would not "return",
but he only wants their money, because they're millionaires.

From the horse's mouth:

And there are those who wonder why no peace between Israel & the Palestinians.

If only China would have created a virus that only wipes out anti-semites. We could have gotten rid of the Palestinian Authority and the DemoKKKrat party at the same time! Win-win!

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