Can someone show me ONE liberal ideal that has actually worked?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I'm so baffled at all these liberals who are dropping at their knees at the feet of Obama. The last Democratic president we had a problem with ONE person dropping to their knees for Clinton, but now we have 100 million people doing it. So, that begs the question, why? Why are liberals who they are? Sifting through decades of liberal ideals, policies, and dreams, I don't think I can find ONE that actually works in the long run? A quick summary:

Appeasment? Failed vs Hitler. Failed vs Iran. Failed vs North Korea.:evil:
Welfare? The poor keep getting poorer, despite welfare. At least thats what liberals are saying. Welfare has caused MORE people to become or remain poor, not less.:(
Social Security? Bankrupt. Failed.:(
Medicare/Medicaid? Soon to be bankrupt. Failing.:(
Obamacare? Soon to be failure, just wait and see.:eek:
Higher taxes? Obviously, higher taxes hurt job and economic growth.:(
Housing? Greenspan finally admits what we've known for 2 years. The liberal practice of threatening racism allegation on banks who wouldn't loan to poor people is the root of this recession as it caused the housing bust.:lol:
Public education? Failed.:(
Public housing? Failed. Have you ever seen a pleasant gov't housing project? Ever?:eusa_eh:
Global Warming? Hoax.:lol:
Anit-civil rights? Yes, thats right, read your history, the Republicans were responsible for passing civil rights in the 60's, Democrats strongly opposed it. So, the DEMOCRAT anti-civil rights stance failed.:razz:
Pro-Slavery? Yes, again, it was the Republican Party that freed slaves, Democrats opposed, so they failed there again.

So, let me ask again, what is ONE liberal Democratic policy that had positive results? Just one!!??:eusa_pray:
I think I had this conversation with some one else before

So let us start with the requirement of a god idea.

Do you mean an idea that worked based on the reason it was supposed--or an idea that always worked.

If it is the former, your list contained some good liberal ideas. If it is the latter, then there are no good ideas. Not even conservative ones.
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I'm so baffled at all these liberals who are dropping at their knees at the feet of Obama. The last Democratic president we had a problem with ONE person dropping to their knees for Clinton, but now we have 100 million people doing it. So, that begs the question, why? Why are liberals who they are? Sifting through decades of liberal ideals, policies, and dreams, I don't think I can find ONE that actually works in the long run? A quick summary:

Appeasment? Failed vs Hitler. Failed vs Iran. Failed vs North Korea.:evil:
Welfare? The poor keep getting poorer, despite welfare. At least thats what liberals are saying. Welfare has caused MORE people to become or remain poor, not less.:(
Social Security? Bankrupt. Failed.:(
Medicare/Medicaid? Soon to be bankrupt. Failing.:(
Obamacare? Soon to be failure, just wait and see.:eek:
Higher taxes? Obviously, higher taxes hurt job and economic growth.:(
Housing? Greenspan finally admits what we've known for 2 years. The liberal practice of threatening racism allegation on banks who wouldn't loan to poor people is the root of this recession as it caused the housing bust.:lol:
Public education? Failed.:(
Public housing? Failed. Have you ever seen a pleasant gov't housing project? Ever?:eusa_eh:
Global Warming? Hoax.:lol:
Anit-civil rights? Yes, thats right, read your history, the Republicans were responsible for passing civil rights in the 60's, Democrats strongly opposed it. So, the DEMOCRAT anti-civil rights stance failed.:razz:
Pro-Slavery? Yes, again, it was the Republican Party that freed slaves, Democrats opposed, so they failed there again.

So, let me ask again, what is ONE liberal Democratic policy that had positive results? Just one!!??:eusa_pray:

Appeasement? Did Iran and North Korea destroy us?

Also, if Chamberlain never made the deal with Hitler, Hitler would of easily had destroyed Britain at the time since they were not ready for a war and the only one willing to go to war with them was France.

I'm not even going to bother with the rest of your bullshit. Epic fail of a thread.
Anit-civil rights? Yes, thats right, read your history, the Republicans were responsible for passing civil rights in the 60's, Democrats strongly opposed it. So, the DEMOCRAT anti-civil rights stance failed.:razz:
Pro-Slavery? Yes, again, it was the Republican Party that freed slaves, Democrats opposed, so they failed there again.

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  • S: (n) liberal, liberalist, progressive (a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties)
  • S: (n) liberal (a person who favors an economic theory of laissez-faire and self-regulating markets)

  • S: (adj) broad, large-minded, liberal, tolerant (showing or characterized by broad-mindedness) "a broad political stance"; "generous and broad sympathies"; "a liberal newspaper"; "tolerant of his opponent's opinions"
  • S: (adj) liberal (having political or social views favoring reform and progress)
  • S: (adj) liberal (tolerant of change; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or tradition)
  • S: (adj) big, bighearted, bounteous, bountiful, freehanded, handsome, giving, liberal, openhanded (given or giving freely) "was a big tipper"; "the bounteous goodness of God"; "bountiful compliments"; "a freehanded host"; "a handsome allowance"; "Saturday's child is loving and giving"; "a liberal backer of the arts"; "a munificent gift"; "her fond and openhanded grandfather"
  • S: (adj) free, loose, liberal (not literal) "a loose interpretation of what she had been told"; "a free translation of the poem"
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  • S: (n) Democratic Party (the older of two major political parties in the United States)
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If you still can't tell the two words apart, you should consider being silent and being merely thought a fool.
The Labor Movement which gave rise to the American middle class.
That's not Liberalism. That's Leftism.

Specifically, the labour movement was sprung from the communist/socialist Left and traces its roots to the First International Workingman's Association and the early communist thinkers who spawned it.

Such movements have long been at odds with Liberals of the classical doctrine, as the Liberals have opposed organized labour as the other side of the government-interference coin and claimed that such groups destroy the free market by forcing terms upon employment and labour as do not arise from the individual negotiations between employee and employee. The Left has always supported collective bargaining, strikes, and other means of Union action, while the Liberals (see: Bourgeois Liberalism) have ignored the fact that this is the natural progression of the free market and the forces thereof played out by Bourgeoisie and Proletariat.

Leftism, in truth, grew out of and is the natural evolution of Liberal thought.
☭proletarian☭;2195174 said:
Anit-civil rights? Yes, thats right, read your history, the Republicans were responsible for passing civil rights in the 60's, Democrats strongly opposed it. So, the DEMOCRAT anti-civil rights stance failed.:razz:
Pro-Slavery? Yes, again, it was the Republican Party that freed slaves, Democrats opposed, so they failed there again.

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  • S: (n) liberal, liberalist, progressive (a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties)
  • S: (n) liberal (a person who favors an economic theory of laissez-faire and self-regulating markets)

  • S: (adj) broad, large-minded, liberal, tolerant (showing or characterized by broad-mindedness) "a broad political stance"; "generous and broad sympathies"; "a liberal newspaper"; "tolerant of his opponent's opinions"
  • S: (adj) liberal (having political or social views favoring reform and progress)
  • S: (adj) liberal (tolerant of change; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or tradition)
  • S: (adj) big, bighearted, bounteous, bountiful, freehanded, handsome, giving, liberal, openhanded (given or giving freely) "was a big tipper"; "the bounteous goodness of God"; "bountiful compliments"; "a freehanded host"; "a handsome allowance"; "Saturday's child is loving and giving"; "a liberal backer of the arts"; "a munificent gift"; "her fond and openhanded grandfather"
  • S: (adj) free, loose, liberal (not literal) "a loose interpretation of what she had been told"; "a free translation of the poem"
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  • S: (n) Democratic Party (the older of two major political parties in the United States)
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If you still can't tell the two words apart, you should consider being silent and being merely thought a fool.

Ah yes. A dictionary definition of the word 'Liberal' which bears absolutely no resemblance to contemporary American liberals. But I always get a chuckle out of people who make that mistake.
I know, I know!!!! NAFTA! Oh..oops jobs taken away from Americans...My bad. :eusa_doh:
There is no such thing as 'contemporary American liberals' as you use the phrase. Either one is a Liberal (adhering to the ideology of Liberalism or any of its subcategories) or one is not.

☭proletarian☭;2161122 said:
A socialist calling himself a liberal becomes a liberal no more than an angel calling himself God becomes God, a conqueror calling himself a liberator becomes a liberator, or a lunatic calling himself the reincarnated Christ becomes the Messiah.
I'm so baffled at all these liberals who are dropping at their knees at the feet of Obama. The last Democratic president we had a problem with ONE person dropping to their knees for Clinton, but now we have 100 million people doing it. So, that begs the question, why? Why are liberals who they are? Sifting through decades of liberal ideals, policies, and dreams, I don't think I can find ONE that actually works in the long run? A quick summary:

Appeasment? Failed vs Hitler. Failed vs Iran. Failed vs North Korea.:evil:
Welfare? The poor keep getting poorer, despite welfare. At least thats what liberals are saying. Welfare has caused MORE people to become or remain poor, not less.:(
Social Security? Bankrupt. Failed.:(
Medicare/Medicaid? Soon to be bankrupt. Failing.:(
Obamacare? Soon to be failure, just wait and see.:eek:
Higher taxes? Obviously, higher taxes hurt job and economic growth.:(
Housing? Greenspan finally admits what we've known for 2 years. The liberal practice of threatening racism allegation on banks who wouldn't loan to poor people is the root of this recession as it caused the housing bust.:lol:
Public education? Failed.:(
Public housing? Failed. Have you ever seen a pleasant gov't housing project? Ever?:eusa_eh:
Global Warming? Hoax.:lol:
Anit-civil rights? Yes, thats right, read your history, the Republicans were responsible for passing civil rights in the 60's, Democrats strongly opposed it. So, the DEMOCRAT anti-civil rights stance failed.:razz:
Pro-Slavery? Yes, again, it was the Republican Party that freed slaves, Democrats opposed, so they failed there again.

So, let me ask again, what is ONE liberal Democratic policy that had positive results? Just one!!??:eusa_pray:

To sum it up, the failure of liberal ideals is big government.
To sum it up, the failure of liberal ideals is big government.

If you believe that Liberalism = big government, then you are clearly ignorant of what Liberalism is.
1. Abolition of slavery
2. Womans suffrage
3. Labor laws
4. Civil Rights
5. Environmental protections
6. Gay Rights
1. Abolition of slavery


As such, anyway

2. Womans suffrage

Leftism again... read Marx on feminism
3. Labor laws

That was the Leftists, not the Liberals. Liberals hold that market competition will lead to better work places if the workers want them badly enough, since the employers have no choice but to concede if they need the workers badly enough. See: International Workingman's Association
4. Civil Rights

5. Environmental protections

Environmental leftists and pseudo-hipppies, actually...

6. Gay Rights

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