Can someone define "Climate Justice" for me? How does it pertain to infrastructure?


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Dems are going to spend tens of billions on "climate justice', but none of them have defined WTF it is and how it relates to infrastructure.

Here are the things Democrats are claiming to be ‘infrastructure’ in spending debate
'Infrastructure' is defined as 'basic physical and organizational structures and facilities'

Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., proclaimed on Twitter last week that "climate action is infrastructure," arguing in a Washington Post op-ed that "a true infrastructure plan" will deliver "climate justice" and should include key elements of the Green New Deal.

I am guessing they are trying to refer to climate justice as a form of not using such a polluting form of energy.
Their messages are always heavily nuanced.... not meant to be understood by the productive half of the country. Most people call it "industrial-grade lying".

That's why the lying mother fuckers need their own country. We don't even speak the same language. The sooner we get this done, the better for all concerned. I can't stand another minute of these filthy fucking animals sponging off me.
Where is Gretta?

I miss seeing her cry

Someone poured water on her and she melted...

Dems are going to spend tens of billions on "climate justice', but none of them have defined WTF it is and how it relates to infrastructure.

Here are the things Democrats are claiming to be ‘infrastructure’ in spending debate
'Infrastructure' is defined as 'basic physical and organizational structures and facilities'

Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., proclaimed on Twitter last week that "climate action is infrastructure," arguing in a Washington Post op-ed that "a true infrastructure plan" will deliver "climate justice" and should include key elements of the Green New Deal.

The Corrupt Democrats use "Climate Change" spending to loot the taxpayers and line their pockets.
This is how dolts like Pelosi become multi millionaires while "serving the public".
Markey is a lying greedy corrupt left wing knuttjob.
I am guessing they are trying to refer to climate justice as a form of not using such a polluting form of energy.
Most pollution is separate from climate change. Discharges into the atmosphere can be improved though. Penalizing the United States while rising nations are producing most of the products without care of smokestack pollution is self suicide.
Their messages are always heavily nuanced.... not meant to be understood by the productive half of the country. Most people call it "industrial-grade lying".

That's why the lying mother fuckers need their own country. We don't even speak the same language. The sooner we get this done, the better for all concerned. I can't stand another minute of these filthy fucking animals sponging off me.
It's not nuanced in any way, if you understand the semantic dynamic in play.

Like "social justice", it's a way to try and frame those who oppose the silliness being proposed as racists.

As the narrative goes, the vicissitudes of various climate events -whether localized or global- are presumed to fall most heavily on POC and the sainted poooooor (many of whom are in fact white)...Ergo, if you oppose whatever silly-assed money and power grab being attempted by the "climate justice" warriors, you are a filthy fucking racist oppressor, who probably throws sacks of unwanted kittens in the river.

Far from nuanced, it is quite predictably ham-handed.
"Climate Justice" actually means Americans get punished for "crimes" that bed wetters have been indoctrinated to believe the country is guilty of. So they're going to burn off another $2,000,000,000,000 for "shovel ready jobs", and then in 4 years sound like Obozo when asked about why nothing got done.

the meat puppet faggot said:
Well.. uh.. the uhh.... shovel.... uhh.... ready jobs were ... uhh.... not quite as uhhh... "shovel ready" as uhhhh.. I .. uhh... we... uhh.. thought....

Of course I jest but the moonbat messiah did sound like that when the rare occasion arose and he faced a question that was not rehearsed and the teleprompter couldn't feed him with a bullshit response.

In the mean time the billionaire banking donor class gets to consume even more massive interest payments on the paper the treasury prints and the political whores wipe their asses with. Remember the "summer of recovery"? It took 8 years and a new president. Just like the "2 weeks of flattening the curve", wearing the bullshit masks, lockdowns and social terror has lasted over a year with no end in sight.

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Dems are going to spend tens of billions on "climate justice', but none of them have defined WTF it is and how it relates to infrastructure.

Here are the things Democrats are claiming to be ‘infrastructure’ in spending debate
'Infrastructure' is defined as 'basic physical and organizational structures and facilities'

Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., proclaimed on Twitter last week that "climate action is infrastructure," arguing in a Washington Post op-ed that "a true infrastructure plan" will deliver "climate justice" and should include key elements of the Green New Deal.

To answer your question, it is the idea that climate change will disproportionately impact certain groups like the poor who have less to do with the alleged cause What is 'climate justice'? » Yale Climate Connections

Flood controls, better storm drain systems could be related. Building more highways, however, will just exacerbate the problems.
Libs are classifying everything as "infrastructure" from dentures to hearing aids, to everything in between.

"infrastructure" has been stripped of its meaning, and is now just a code word to get it passed in a tremendous omnibus bill

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