Can Mueller make Manafort lie

EvilCat Breath

Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2016
The raid on Manafort's condo turned up nothing. There is only one avenue left for the prosecution, torment Manafort until he gives up the narrative they want to hear. This includes bankrupting him so that he can no longer afford an attorney. The plan is to bring the indictment just before Thanksgiving to traumatize the family. Charges will be brought and added to until he repeats what he's been told to say.

Andrew Weissmann torments Paul Manafort to snare big prosecution targets, observers say
The raid on Manafort's condo turned up nothing. There is only one avenue left for the prosecution, torment Manafort until he gives up the narrative they want to hear. This includes bankrupting him so that he can no longer afford an attorney. The plan is to bring the indictment just before Thanksgiving to traumatize the family. Charges will be brought and added to until he repeats what he's been told to say.

Andrew Weissmann torments Paul Manafort to snare big prosecution targets, observers say

And you're assuming it would be a lie because it's inconvenient for you?
It's hardly surprising these things turn up nothing when they've had months to destroy stuff.
The raid on Manafort's condo turned up nothing. There is only one avenue left for the prosecution, torment Manafort until he gives up the narrative they want to hear. This includes bankrupting him so that he can no longer afford an attorney. The plan is to bring the indictment just before Thanksgiving to traumatize the family. Charges will be brought and added to until he repeats what he's been told to say.

Andrew Weissmann torments Paul Manafort to snare big prosecution targets, observers say

You don't know what turned up --:badgrin: It's clear they've turned a lot up because Mueller has hired another criminal prosecutor familiar with Money Laundering like today.

Politico reports Kyle Freeny, a former Department of Justice lawyer who specializes in money laundering, has joined Mueller's team. She was reportedly present during the grand jury testimony on Friday from a spokesman of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort. Freeny was previously working on a DOJ case in its Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative, part of the DOJ's Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section, which aims to reclaim money from foreign corruption.
Former Justice Dept. official joins special counsel Russia probe: report

What the Trump campaign never realised is that they were being watched since 2015, and not by U.S. Intelligence sources.

"GCHQ-first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
British intelligence passed Trump associates' talks with Russian on to US counterparts - CNNPolitics

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't pull off a secret meeting in the Trump tower in June 2016.

Which is why Shep Smith knew in Feb. 2017 that Trump surrogates were not only on the phone with the Russian ambassador but also with Russian intelligence agents including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

Trump and his inner circle have denied any contact with any Russians during the campaign season 17 TIMES.
Kushner contradicts Trump team's denials of Russia contacts - CNNPolitics

Mueller has convened TWO GRAND JURY'S--loaded up on over 16 criminal prosecutors, money laundering experts, added the criminal division of the IRS and Trump is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller using grand jury in widening Russia probe
Mueller’s Dream Team Gears Up
Robert Mueller Employs Powerful Weapon In Trump-Russia Investigation: The IRS
Wash. Post: Mueller investigating Trump for obstruction - CNNPolitics

Democrat leader of the House intelligence committee member (Adam Schiff) stated last week that he is 99% certain that indictments will be coming on Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn.

And it didn't help Trump that he got on a NBC interview with Lestor Holt and admitted to firing Comey over the Russian investigation which is Obstruction of Justice.

It certainly doesn't help to know that Trump was planning a huge Trump Tower in Moscow while he was running for POTUS.
While Donald Trump was running for president in late 2015 and early 2016, his company was pursuing a plan to develop a massive Trump Tower in Moscow, according to several people familiar with the proposal and new records reviewed by Trump Organization lawyers.
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president

For older information on the Trump/Russia investigation go to this link--ignore the error message.
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

For the daily information on it, you'll have to turn the channel over to your Nemesis--MSNBC--Rachel Maddow who is covering the daily testimony--and using links from credible sources you can verify yourselves. Which is why her ratings and viewership have soared past FOX NEWS & CNN. She is reporting on every detail.
In Trump era, Rachel Maddow starts beating Fox News
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast
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who knows what was found at Manaforts crib? not a single idiot on this board thats for sure.

we'll know later down the road when indictments are passed out to the "winners".
The raid on Manafort's condo turned up nothing. There is only one avenue left for the prosecution, torment Manafort until he gives up the narrative they want to hear. This includes bankrupting him so that he can no longer afford an attorney. The plan is to bring the indictment just before Thanksgiving to traumatize the family. Charges will be brought and added to until he repeats what he's been told to say.

Andrew Weissmann torments Paul Manafort to snare big prosecution targets, observers say
I am curious. How do you know that "the raid on Manafort's condo turned up nothing"?
who knows what was found at Manaforts crib? not a single idiot on this board thats for sure.

we'll know later down the road when indictments are passed out to the "winners".
yep and so? what are you saying? that you know they found something? LOL, the stupid that is a libturd on display in your post. thanks for the laugh.
Mueller is padding his investigators with everyone who knows how to fabricate a case.

If he had anything, he would be discussing charges instead of how to pressure his family in order to force him to comply with the narrative.
The raid on Manafort's condo turned up nothing. There is only one avenue left for the prosecution, torment Manafort until he gives up the narrative they want to hear. This includes bankrupting him so that he can no longer afford an attorney. The plan is to bring the indictment just before Thanksgiving to traumatize the family. Charges will be brought and added to until he repeats what he's been told to say.

Andrew Weissmann torments Paul Manafort to snare big prosecution targets, observers say

...or he just may give them the truth.

WHAT? Too much for your little brain to even admit there is such possibility as far as you know?
who knows what was found at Manaforts crib? not a single idiot on this board thats for sure.

we'll know later down the road when indictments are passed out to the "winners".
yep and so? what are you saying? that you know they found something? LOL, the stupid that is a libturd on display in your post. thanks for the laugh.
We don't know whether or not they found's all part of an investigation we aren't privy to yet........
Mueller is padding his investigators with everyone who knows how to fabricate a case.

If he had anything, he would be discussing charges instead of how to pressure his family in order to force him to comply with the narrative.
How do you know that charges are not being discussed as we speak? Do you think prosecutors talk about this kind of stuff out there in the open?
In a way yes Mueller can. If Mueller gets desperate to arrest someone he will get Manafort or someone to "lie" by asking the same question a thousand different ways to make them slip up.

Make no mistake someone is getting in trouble even if Mueller has to entrap someone.

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