Can democrats lead a country they despise? And ppl they HATE

Obama sure did better than Trump.
At golf? Or destroying health care? Ha
Well he golfed less than trump. My healthcare didn’t change. The country is in shambles . No idea if my kids will be able
to even go to school in the fall. There is no question 4 years ago was better.
Trump is working when he golfs and exercise at the same time.. cops cut hundreds of deals on the golf course.. Obama wishes he had a golf course a beautiful one to bring world leaders to to negotiate deals

That's besides the fact Trump got more positive work done in one year of his term than DumBama did in both his terms.
November on 2016, after winning elections trump had Numerous industry bigwigs on his golf course and cut several deals to have them invest in America.

For example....

Maybe Foxconn?

Foxconn was a rip off from the start. It was crony capitalism practiced by conservatives and put into play by a willing fool scott walker.
It's totally loony to say that one of our two major political parties "hates" the country. Where did this sort of shit come from?
I’m sorry maybe you missed all the burning down black neighborhoods you white democrats are doing.. are you serious?

I'm very serious. How much burning down of black neighborhoods has there been. Moreover, why identify rioters with a political party? The republican track record is awfu anyway. Today's republicans are just garbage. They have absolutely nothing to offer the American People and they have shown that they can't govern. This is not my parents' republican party. Today it's just crap.

Did Republicans run major US cities into the ground?
Last edited:

Me and tucker can together to ask this question..
you actually hate us. How can you lead us?
The American Hating Democrats would lead America right into third world status

trump has already taken this country to banana republic status.
Obama sure did better than Trump.
At golf? Or destroying health care? Ha
Well he golfed less than trump. My healthcare didn’t change. The country is in shambles . No idea if my kids will be able
to even go to school in the fall. There is no question 4 years ago was better.
Trump is working when he golfs and exercise at the same time.. cops cut hundreds of deals on the golf course.. Obama wishes he had a golf course a beautiful one to bring world leaders to to negotiate deals
Is he? Working at destroying the country? We are in awful shape. Worst covid response in the world. When he going to work on that?
Bad response according to who? You? Lol
According to the facts. We are in poor shape while others are successfully opening. I can’t tell if you are more dumb or dishonest.
Do you have any names? We are all confused you know something we don’t
Who has the most covid deaths and new cases?
What country do you trust with this data? Mic drop
Well certainly all of Europe. Hard to hide deaths. So you are just in denial eh?
Lol Orlando democrats just lied .. Europe haha
So you are mostly dishonest then?
Are you calling the report a lie!? I can only imagine the lies in Boston,, NY, California.. etc.. WOW
I’m saying you are delusional or dishonest. You are ignoring facts.
I just posted facts.. YOU DEMOCRATS ARE LYING ANOUT NUMBERS.. why lie? Election? Want
To win being dishonest? Why?
You posted breitbart garbage. Even the republican governor isn’t denying the numbers.

Breibart is reporting on a local Fox story. If you even opened the link up, you would understand that.

According to the report, some labs were testing 100% positive, and others very near that number. The Florida health department stated those private labs were not reporting the negative results, just the positive. When others were confronted, they all admitted that the reported numbers were not only wrong, they were way off at least in the double digit rage.
So your saying all is good in FL? Surprised the repub governor isn’t saying that. You guys will believe anything...

It's not any good in any part of the country. But what is clear is that if they can convince people this is the end of the Fn world, it will completely destroy our economy thus giving confused Joe a slight chance at winning.
It already has. Economy a mess. Trump has given no leadership. Worst response.

While the EU's unemployment rate is rising, ours is lowering, and the last report (June) had some very positive numbers in it. Democrats know they need to stop that. While nobody with any common sense can say we will be back to where we were in the height of our employment rate come November, all people really want to see from an economic standpoint are improvements every month. That will be enough for Trump to easily take re-election even if the unemployment rate is 6% at the time.
Trump should lose based on the failed policy before the pandemic. The failed response to the pandemic should seal the deal. You are going to vote for a president that makes Obama look fiscally responsible?

Why do you think would happen if Creepy Joe got in? Free college, national healthcare, reparations, vastly increasing energy costs........

Yes, I'm taking my chances with Trump.

Trump had his chance. He blew it.

Right. Haven't you noticed? You people on the left have a very bad track record when it comes to making predictions.
Like when we predicted the coronavirus would just disappear?

He blew it.

Yeah, kind of like that, or kind of like millions of Americans can die of the virus.
Thank goodness we did things to prevent that.

OHHHHH, so now it's WE did things to prevent that and not President Trump. The standards by you leftists are so hypocritical that it's not even worth the time to point out. It was the same way during Hussien's first term:

He Fd up, it was Bush's fault. If things went well, it was DumBama's doing. And God forbid dementia Joe gets in, because it will be the same way as it was with DumBama during his first term. Everything will be Trump's fault according to the MSM.

The biggest fear that the Democrats could ever have to face is if all voters were educated on what's going on instead of just reading the headlines only. It would be devastating to the party.

Me and tucker can together to ask this question..
you actually hate us. How can you lead us?

People don't hate conservatives. They hate conservative policies and the effect they have on people.

People hate racism. They want liberty and justice FOR ALL. Why is it so hard for you to treat EVERYONE with the same respect you show to rich white men?
Have you seen the deaths in cites run by democrats this weekend?

You never disappoint. You always say the dumbest, most ignorant things that have no bearing on anything.

All large cities are run by Democrats, because Republican policies don't work. Nowhere is that more evident than in large cities. Republicans believe that poverty is a matter of bad choices. City governance is about picking up the garbage, and keeping the transit running. Republicans are very bad at running government, other than running it into the ground.

Republicans live in a bubble of mis-information and lies, built by the Billionaire Media, to keep the gullible voting against their own best interests. The same policies that have crashed the economy 3 times in the past 40 years, leading to the highest unemployment since the Great Depression.

Once white people have left the city, there is no one left to vote for Republicans. White people may be fooled into voting Republican, but minorities, women, and now the elderly are waking up to their corruption and lies too.

Nothing is dumber than working class white men voting for Republicans year in and year out. Republicans are now doing to the entire country, what they've done to the cities. Bled them white, and left them to die.

  • Detroit last elected a Republican mayor in 1957. It is now the model of urban failure -- it’s recognized more for its poverty, crime, rot and bankruptcy than the great cars that it turned out into the early 1970s. It is the poorest big city in the nation, with almost 40% of the population living below the poverty line. The website Law Street actually ranks Detroit ahead of Flint as the country's most dangerous city. Either way, it’s clear that both cities have institutionalized crime problems.
Detroit is also a pit of political corruption. Just in recent years, one mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick, was convicted of corruption and sent to federal prison for 28 years, while building inspectors have been indicted on federal felony bribery charges and a former city council member was investigated in a bribery and kickback scandal.

  • Chicago’s last GOP mayor was elected in 1927. The nation’s third-largest city is home to some of the worst inner-city violence imaginable. More than 2,300 people were shot there last year, and nearly 400 lost their lives to homicides.
Its finances are just as grim. "Chicago is so broke," IBD contributor Stephen Moore explained months ago, "that its bonds are junk status, and Mayor Rahm Emanuel had to go hat in hand last week to the state capital, Springfield, for bailout money to pay the bills." Things have been rotten enough, Moore said, to send "a record number of people ... fleeing Cook County, home to Chicago." Only a little more than half of the city's pension liabilities are funded.

  • St. Louis has been electing Democratic mayors since 1949. The Gateway to the West has become the gateway for crime. Law Street says that it’s the fourth most dangerous city in the country, Forbes says it’s the second. It had the sixth-highest poverty rate among big cities in 2014.
  • The last GOP mayor of Philadelphia left office in 1952. A few years ago, Moore identified it as a favorite to follow Detroit into bankruptcy.
  • Both Baltimore and Oakland had Republican mayors as late as the 1960s. In the era of Democratic rule, both are now more well known for their crime and poverty problems than for their charm and character.
  • Newark, N.J., hasn't had a GOP mayor in more than a century. It was ranked as the fifth-worst city to live in in 2015. Detroit, of course, was first.
When Democrats are in control, cities tend to go soft on crime, reward cronies with public funds, establish hostile business environments, heavily tax the most productive citizens and set up fat pensions for their union friends. Simply put, theirs is a Blue State blueprint for disaster.

Democratic Rule Ruins Some Of America's Finest Cities

Every one of these cities somehow point to Republicans for their failures. No accountability at all.

Of course they do, if conservatives didn't tell them how bad these shitholes were they wouldn't know.

Me and tucker can together to ask this question..
you actually hate us. How can you lead us?

That is a simple question to answer.....and we have seen how socialists answer it around the world.....

View attachment 363334

Those are Fascists from the right.
So wasnt Sam Adams, George Washington, Ben Franklin

It's totally loony to say that one of our two major political parties "hates" the country. Where did this sort of shit come from?
I’m sorry maybe you missed all the burning down black neighborhoods you white democrats are doing.. are you serious?

I'm very serious. How much burning down of black neighborhoods has there been. Moreover, why identify rioters with a political party? The republican track record is awfu anyway. Today's republicans are just garbage. They have absolutely nothing to offer the American People and they have shown that they can't govern. This is not my parents' republican party. Today it's just crap.

Republicans did run major US cities into the ground.
They did?
It's totally loony to say that one of our two major political parties "hates" the country. Where did this sort of shit come from?
I’m sorry maybe you missed all the burning down black neighborhoods you white democrats are doing.. are you serious?

I'm very serious. How much burning down of black neighborhoods has there been. Moreover, why identify rioters with a political party? The republican track record is awfu anyway. Today's republicans are just garbage. They have absolutely nothing to offer the American People and they have shown that they can't govern. This is not my parents' republican party. Today it's just crap.

Republicans did run major US cities into the ground.
They did?

Fixed it. Thanks.
It's totally loony to say that one of our two major political parties "hates" the country. Where did this sort of shit come from?
I’m sorry maybe you missed all the burning down black neighborhoods you white democrats are doing.. are you serious?

I'm very serious. How much burning down of black neighborhoods has there been. Moreover, why identify rioters with a political party? The republican track record is awfu anyway. Today's republicans are just garbage. They have absolutely nothing to offer the American People and they have shown that they can't govern. This is not my parents' republican party. Today it's just crap.

Republicans did run major US cities into the ground.
They did?

republic pols don't take cites down they do states. States like kansas and the laffer curve governor sam brownback.

Also, you never been to Mississippi or Alabama....
It's totally loony to say that one of our two major political parties "hates" the country. Where did this sort of shit come from?
I’m sorry maybe you missed all the burning down black neighborhoods you white democrats are doing.. are you serious?

I'm very serious. How much burning down of black neighborhoods has there been. Moreover, why identify rioters with a political party? The republican track record is awfu anyway. Today's republicans are just garbage. They have absolutely nothing to offer the American People and they have shown that they can't govern. This is not my parents' republican party. Today it's just crap.

Republicans did run major US cities into the ground.
They did?

republic pols don't take cites down they do states. States like kansas and the laffer curve governor sam brownback.

Also, you never been to Mississippi or Alabama....
The only thing that hurt these states is bad trade deals , osha And epa. Democrat Government bureaucracies
It's totally loony to say that one of our two major political parties "hates" the country. Where did this sort of shit come from?
I’m sorry maybe you missed all the burning down black neighborhoods you white democrats are doing.. are you serious?

I'm very serious. How much burning down of black neighborhoods has there been. Moreover, why identify rioters with a political party? The republican track record is awfu anyway. Today's republicans are just garbage. They have absolutely nothing to offer the American People and they have shown that they can't govern. This is not my parents' republican party. Today it's just crap.

Republicans did run major US cities into the ground.
They did?

republic pols don't take cites down they do states. States like kansas and the laffer curve governor sam brownback.

Also, you never been to Mississippi or Alabama....
The only thing that hurt these states is bad trade deals , osha And epa. Democrat Government bureaucracies

Nice try, but still a strike out.
Obama sure did better than Trump.
At golf? Or destroying health care? Ha
Well he golfed less than trump. My healthcare didn’t change. The country is in shambles . No idea if my kids will be able
to even go to school in the fall. There is no question 4 years ago was better.
Trump is working when he golfs and exercise at the same time.. cops cut hundreds of deals on the golf course.. Obama wishes he had a golf course a beautiful one to bring world leaders to to negotiate deals
Is he? Working at destroying the country? We are in awful shape. Worst covid response in the world. When he going to work on that?
Bad response according to who? You? Lol
According to the facts. We are in poor shape while others are successfully opening. I can’t tell if you are more dumb or dishonest.
Do you have any names? We are all confused you know something we don’t
Who has the most covid deaths and new cases?
What country do you trust with this data? Mic drop
Well certainly all of Europe. Hard to hide deaths. So you are just in denial eh?
Lol Orlando democrats just lied .. Europe haha
So you are mostly dishonest then?
Are you calling the report a lie!? I can only imagine the lies in Boston,, NY, California.. etc.. WOW
I’m saying you are delusional or dishonest. You are ignoring facts.
I just posted facts.. YOU DEMOCRATS ARE LYING ANOUT NUMBERS.. why lie? Election? Want
To win being dishonest? Why?
You posted breitbart garbage. Even the republican governor isn’t denying the numbers.

Breibart is reporting on a local Fox story. If you even opened the link up, you would understand that.

According to the report, some labs were testing 100% positive, and others very near that number. The Florida health department stated those private labs were not reporting the negative results, just the positive. When others were confronted, they all admitted that the reported numbers were not only wrong, they were way off at least in the double digit rage.
So your saying all is good in FL? Surprised the repub governor isn’t saying that. You guys will believe anything...

It's not any good in any part of the country. But what is clear is that if they can convince people this is the end of the Fn world, it will completely destroy our economy thus giving confused Joe a slight chance at winning.
It already has. Economy a mess. Trump has given no leadership. Worst response.

While the EU's unemployment rate is rising, ours is lowering, and the last report (June) had some very positive numbers in it. Democrats know they need to stop that. While nobody with any common sense can say we will be back to where we were in the height of our employment rate come November, all people really want to see from an economic standpoint are improvements every month. That will be enough for Trump to easily take re-election even if the unemployment rate is 6% at the time.
Trump should lose based on the failed policy before the pandemic. The failed response to the pandemic should seal the deal. You are going to vote for a president that makes Obama look fiscally responsible?

Why do you think would happen if Creepy Joe got in? Free college, national healthcare, reparations, vastly increasing energy costs........

Yes, I'm taking my chances with Trump.

Trump had his chance. He blew it.

Right. Haven't you noticed? You people on the left have a very bad track record when it comes to making predictions.
Like when we predicted the coronavirus would just disappear?

He blew it.

Yeah, kind of like that, or kind of like millions of Americans can die of the virus.
Thank goodness we did things to prevent that.

OHHHHH, so now it's WE did things to prevent that and not President Trump. The standards by you leftists are so hypocritical that it's not even worth the time to point out. It was the same way during Hussien's first term:

He Fd up, it was Bush's fault. If things went well, it was DumBama's doing. And God forbid dementia Joe gets in, because it will be the same way as it was with DumBama during his first term. Everything will be Trump's fault according to the MSM.

The biggest fear that the Democrats could ever have to face is if all voters were educated on what's going on instead of just reading the headlines only. It would be devastating to the party.
Yes, we. Are you triggered by me saying it was a national effort instead of giving exclusive credit to Trump?
It's totally loony to say that one of our two major political parties "hates" the country. Where did this sort of shit come from?
I’m sorry maybe you missed all the burning down black neighborhoods you white democrats are doing.. are you serious?

I'm very serious. How much burning down of black neighborhoods has there been. Moreover, why identify rioters with a political party? The republican track record is awfu anyway. Today's republicans are just garbage. They have absolutely nothing to offer the American People and they have shown that they can't govern. This is not my parents' republican party. Today it's just crap.

Republicans did run major US cities into the ground.
They did?

republic pols don't take cites down they do states. States like kansas and the laffer curve governor sam brownback.

Also, you never been to Mississippi or Alabama....
The only thing that hurt these states is bad trade deals , osha And epa. Democrat Government bureaucracies

Nice try, but still a strike out.
Just facts
They dont want to lead conservatives, they want to send us to the gulags.

They dont want to be elected to rule. They want to be dictators of the Soviet Union of American States.
QUOTE="elektra, post: 25083847, member: 46310"]
They dont want to lead conservatives, they want to send us to the gulags.

They dont want to be elected to rule. They want to be dictators of the Soviet Union of American States.

Obama sure did better than Trump.
At golf? Or destroying health care? Ha
Well he golfed less than trump. My healthcare didn’t change. The country is in shambles . No idea if my kids will be able
to even go to school in the fall. There is no question 4 years ago was better.
Trump is working when he golfs and exercise at the same time.. cops cut hundreds of deals on the golf course.. Obama wishes he had a golf course a beautiful one to bring world leaders to to negotiate deals
Is he? Working at destroying the country? We are in awful shape. Worst covid response in the world. When he going to work on that?
Bad response according to who? You? Lol
According to the facts. We are in poor shape while others are successfully opening. I can’t tell if you are more dumb or dishonest.
Do you have any names? We are all confused you know something we don’t
Who has the most covid deaths and new cases?
What country do you trust with this data? Mic drop
Well certainly all of Europe. Hard to hide deaths. So you are just in denial eh?
Lol Orlando democrats just lied .. Europe haha
So you are mostly dishonest then?
Are you calling the report a lie!? I can only imagine the lies in Boston,, NY, California.. etc.. WOW
I’m saying you are delusional or dishonest. You are ignoring facts.
I just posted facts.. YOU DEMOCRATS ARE LYING ANOUT NUMBERS.. why lie? Election? Want
To win being dishonest? Why?
You posted breitbart garbage. Even the republican governor isn’t denying the numbers.

Breibart is reporting on a local Fox story. If you even opened the link up, you would understand that.

According to the report, some labs were testing 100% positive, and others very near that number. The Florida health department stated those private labs were not reporting the negative results, just the positive. When others were confronted, they all admitted that the reported numbers were not only wrong, they were way off at least in the double digit rage.
So your saying all is good in FL? Surprised the repub governor isn’t saying that. You guys will believe anything...

It's not any good in any part of the country. But what is clear is that if they can convince people this is the end of the Fn world, it will completely destroy our economy thus giving confused Joe a slight chance at winning.
It already has. Economy a mess. Trump has given no leadership. Worst response.

While the EU's unemployment rate is rising, ours is lowering, and the last report (June) had some very positive numbers in it. Democrats know they need to stop that. While nobody with any common sense can say we will be back to where we were in the height of our employment rate come November, all people really want to see from an economic standpoint are improvements every month. That will be enough for Trump to easily take re-election even if the unemployment rate is 6% at the time.
Trump should lose based on the failed policy before the pandemic. The failed response to the pandemic should seal the deal. You are going to vote for a president that makes Obama look fiscally responsible?

Why do you think would happen if Creepy Joe got in? Free college, national healthcare, reparations, vastly increasing energy costs........

Yes, I'm taking my chances with Trump.

Trump had his chance. He blew it.

Right. Haven't you noticed? You people on the left have a very bad track record when it comes to making predictions.
Like when we predicted the coronavirus would just disappear?

He blew it.

Yeah, kind of like that, or kind of like millions of Americans can die of the virus.
Thank goodness we did things to prevent that.

OHHHHH, so now it's WE did things to prevent that and not President Trump. The standards by you leftists are so hypocritical that it's not even worth the time to point out. It was the same way during Hussien's first term:

He Fd up, it was Bush's fault. If things went well, it was DumBama's doing. And God forbid dementia Joe gets in, because it will be the same way as it was with DumBama during his first term. Everything will be Trump's fault according to the MSM.

The biggest fear that the Democrats could ever have to face is if all voters were educated on what's going on instead of just reading the headlines only. It would be devastating to the party.
Yes, we. Are you triggered by me saying it was a national effort instead of giving exclusive credit to Trump?

No, not if you use "we" to describe everything (good or bad) that took place during this crisis. But what you on the left do is use "we" when talking about our successes, and "Trump" when you feel something didn't go well.

That's the problem.
Obama sure did better than Trump.
At golf? Or destroying health care? Ha
Well he golfed less than trump. My healthcare didn’t change. The country is in shambles . No idea if my kids will be able
to even go to school in the fall. There is no question 4 years ago was better.
Trump is working when he golfs and exercise at the same time.. cops cut hundreds of deals on the golf course.. Obama wishes he had a golf course a beautiful one to bring world leaders to to negotiate deals
Is he? Working at destroying the country? We are in awful shape. Worst covid response in the world. When he going to work on that?
Bad response according to who? You? Lol
According to the facts. We are in poor shape while others are successfully opening. I can’t tell if you are more dumb or dishonest.
Do you have any names? We are all confused you know something we don’t
Who has the most covid deaths and new cases?
What country do you trust with this data? Mic drop
Well certainly all of Europe. Hard to hide deaths. So you are just in denial eh?
Lol Orlando democrats just lied .. Europe haha
So you are mostly dishonest then?
Are you calling the report a lie!? I can only imagine the lies in Boston,, NY, California.. etc.. WOW
I’m saying you are delusional or dishonest. You are ignoring facts.
I just posted facts.. YOU DEMOCRATS ARE LYING ANOUT NUMBERS.. why lie? Election? Want
To win being dishonest? Why?
You posted breitbart garbage. Even the republican governor isn’t denying the numbers.

Breibart is reporting on a local Fox story. If you even opened the link up, you would understand that.

According to the report, some labs were testing 100% positive, and others very near that number. The Florida health department stated those private labs were not reporting the negative results, just the positive. When others were confronted, they all admitted that the reported numbers were not only wrong, they were way off at least in the double digit rage.
So your saying all is good in FL? Surprised the repub governor isn’t saying that. You guys will believe anything...

It's not any good in any part of the country. But what is clear is that if they can convince people this is the end of the Fn world, it will completely destroy our economy thus giving confused Joe a slight chance at winning.
It already has. Economy a mess. Trump has given no leadership. Worst response.

While the EU's unemployment rate is rising, ours is lowering, and the last report (June) had some very positive numbers in it. Democrats know they need to stop that. While nobody with any common sense can say we will be back to where we were in the height of our employment rate come November, all people really want to see from an economic standpoint are improvements every month. That will be enough for Trump to easily take re-election even if the unemployment rate is 6% at the time.
Trump should lose based on the failed policy before the pandemic. The failed response to the pandemic should seal the deal. You are going to vote for a president that makes Obama look fiscally responsible?

Why do you think would happen if Creepy Joe got in? Free college, national healthcare, reparations, vastly increasing energy costs........

Yes, I'm taking my chances with Trump.

Trump had his chance. He blew it.

Right. Haven't you noticed? You people on the left have a very bad track record when it comes to making predictions.
Like when we predicted the coronavirus would just disappear?

He blew it.

Yeah, kind of like that, or kind of like millions of Americans can die of the virus.
Thank goodness we did things to prevent that.

OHHHHH, so now it's WE did things to prevent that and not President Trump. The standards by you leftists are so hypocritical that it's not even worth the time to point out. It was the same way during Hussien's first term:

He Fd up, it was Bush's fault. If things went well, it was DumBama's doing. And God forbid dementia Joe gets in, because it will be the same way as it was with DumBama during his first term. Everything will be Trump's fault according to the MSM.

The biggest fear that the Democrats could ever have to face is if all voters were educated on what's going on instead of just reading the headlines only. It would be devastating to the party.
Yes, we. Are you triggered by me saying it was a national effort instead of giving exclusive credit to Trump?

No, not if you use "we" to describe everything (good or bad) that took place during this crisis. But what you on the left do is use "we" when talking about our successes, and "Trump" when you feel something didn't go well.

That's the problem.

It’s not a real problem. It’s an imagined problem. There’s no problem with saying “we” did a lot of things to bend the curve so don’t get so triggered because you see it as some slight against Trump. You’re getting as paranoid as he is.

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