Can Bernie beat Trump?

I really don't think so! I welcome any credible views to the contrary. Here is what I think:

1. If Bernie wins the democratic primary - we'll likely have four more years of Trump*.

2. If Bernie loses the democratic primary - his supporters will likely not support the winner. Trump* wins.

3. Therefore, either way, it looks good for Trump*.

4. I'm watching Bloomberg very closely.

After last night, Bloomberg has a mountain to climb to get any support. He barely made it out of the debate alive. What a beat down.
It's like this...
Bloomberg - if he won I believe we would see an abysmal voter turnout. Minorities and Bernie supporters voting for a $billionaire old white guy who is at least as sexist/misogynist as the Orange Man?? Not happening. - Trump win.
Bernie - his greatest supporters are people who don't vote, either too young or too stoned. Turnout would be low again and Republican turnout to make sure a socialist isn't voted in would be high-high. - Trump Win
I asked what you asked. You're not very bright.

Do you drink like most American natives? It seems so

Both of you stop arguing and here is Bloomberg words:


It is clear what Bloomberg said and he is correct no one is going to waste money on a 95 year old with cancer that can not be cured...

Then if Bloomberg contracts cancer no treatment for him, or his supporters.

Thank you

Hold on!

So in your opinion a 95 year old with late stage cancer should have treatment that will do nothing to save their life?

Get real because only a fool would waste their money that way!

Now that may or may not be 'realistic' thinking, unless you are the 95 year old with late stage cancer (or his family)

Deciding who and who does not receive care based on (fill in the blank) criteria is socialism/communism at it's finest (cough, cough)

Thing is 1.) Most 95 year olds would not seek treatment...…...and even if they did?

2.) There is no treatment if 'late stage' such as stage 4, which has usually spread throughout the body

That is what Bloomber was talking about.

It would be wasted resources, so why is it impossible for people to understand this.

We already practice Socialized Medicine with the V.A. and somewhat with Medicare and Medicaid...

Thing is, he was just throwing out a number for age....but under his or anyone's single payer healthcare plan...…..what if that changes to become anyone 60 & over? Someone even younger but has a debilitating health issue (wheelchair bound, severe MS, name it) and because they are no longer considered treatable to be a productive member of society, they should be left to die and/or no treatment options.

As for us already practicing socialized medicine, we shouldn't. Under socialized, communist or even capitalistic all depends on the QUALITY of the care received and that's where they all fail, big time
I really don't think so! I welcome any credible views to the contrary. Here is what I think:

1. If Bernie wins the democratic primary - we'll likely have four more years of Trump*.

2. If Bernie loses the democratic primary - his supporters will likely not support the winner. Trump* wins.

3. Therefore, either way, it looks good for Trump*.

4. I'm watching Bloomberg very closely.

I think we have four more years of Trump no matter who wins the Dems nomination. What the Dems need is the candidate that will bring out the most voters to vote down ballot and take back the Senate.

The country is always far better off with the Senate and the White House in different parties hands. Which has which is almost meaningless.
I dunno that we're always better off with divided govt. Normally, it means compromise. But the gop stopped compromising. Mitch McConnell has one goal: the preservation of the plutocracy. And the gop does nothing on health care, which appears to be the issue of interest to most. The gop senators did reject Trump's call to repeal the Obamacare Medicaid expansion. But that was not compromise but rather a decision not to commit political suicide. Collins Murkowski Graham et al show no ability to get jack shit down beyond preserving their senate careers, and Collins and Gardner have probably failed even at that.

I'm not deluding myself that any of the dems are electable, beyond a small possibility that Bloomberg could pull it off with simple stubbornness and several billion dollars. But even so, as Chuck Todd said last night, nothing the dems talk about can be done so long as Moscow Mitch is the majority leader.

I'd agree that perhaps the status quo is better than either party. BUT Trump has increased the potus's executive power even beyond what the GOP supreme court said Obama could not do on immigration. So, there's no status quo anymore. While it pains me to say this, unless you're good with the gop's stance of decreasing the money going to healthcare by cutting Medicaid and Obamacare subsidies … not to mention Trump sniffing around soc sec, then you need to gird your loins and vote dem early and often
I really don't think so! I welcome any credible views to the contrary. Here is what I think:

1. If Bernie wins the democratic primary - we'll likely have four more years of Trump*.

2. If Bernie loses the democratic primary - his supporters will likely not support the winner. Trump* wins.

3. Therefore, either way, it looks good for Trump*.

4. I'm watching Bloomberg very closely.

After last night, Bloomberg has a mountain to climb to get any support. He barely made it out of the debate alive. What a beat down.
It's like this...
Bloomberg - if he won I believe we would see an abysmal voter turnout. Minorities and Bernie supporters voting for a $billionaire old white guy who is at least as sexist/misogynist as the Orange Man?? Not happening. - Trump win.
Bernie - his greatest supporters are people who don't vote, either too young or too stoned. Turnout would be low again and Republican turnout to make sure a socialist isn't voted in would be high-high. - Trump Win
Yet according to the polls MSNBC showed last night, he's tied or leading Sanders in Super Tues because of his tv ads
I don't think Bernie supporters could handle him losing......either the nomination or the election if he was nominated. Those that went along with Hillary already took a double punch. WTH would happen if they lost either or both AGAIN????
I don't think Bernie supporters could handle him losing......either the nomination or the election if he was nominated. Those that went along with Hillary already took a double punch. WTH would happen if they lost either or both AGAIN????
Jill Stein? Seriously, I dunno. Bernie is a socialist. He and his supporters don't agree with tradition left of center dem positions. Free college/eliminating private insurance.
I really don't think so! I welcome any credible views to the contrary. Here is what I think:

1. If Bernie wins the democratic primary - we'll likely have four more years of Trump*.

2. If Bernie loses the democratic primary - his supporters will likely not support the winner. Trump* wins.

3. Therefore, either way, it looks good for Trump*.

4. I'm watching Bloomberg very closely.

After last night, Bloomberg has a mountain to climb to get any support. He barely made it out of the debate alive. What a beat down.
It's like this...
Bloomberg - if he won I believe we would see an abysmal voter turnout. Minorities and Bernie supporters voting for a $billionaire old white guy who is at least as sexist/misogynist as the Orange Man?? Not happening. - Trump win.
Bernie - his greatest supporters are people who don't vote, either too young or too stoned. Turnout would be low again and Republican turnout to make sure a socialist isn't voted in would be high-high. - Trump Win
Yet according to the polls MSNBC showed last night, he's tied or leading Sanders in Super Tues because of his tv ads

WHo cares?
The same polls said, days before 2016 election Hillary was going to win in a landslide... 48 of 50 states.
I really don't think so! I welcome any credible views to the contrary. Here is what I think:

1. If Bernie wins the democratic primary - we'll likely have four more years of Trump*.

2. If Bernie loses the democratic primary - his supporters will likely not support the winner. Trump* wins.

3. Therefore, either way, it looks good for Trump*.

4. I'm watching Bloomberg very closely.

How old are you? It's came out Bloomberg supports denying healthcare for elderly with severe health issues.

You may vote for your death

Please provide a "credible" source where Bloomberg actually said this.

I don't know about "credible source" being necessary, given that he's actually on video saying it. Specifically, this is what he said: “If you show up with cancer & you’re 95 years old, we should say, Go & enjoy. There’s no cure, we can’t do anything. A young person, we should do something. Society’s not willing to do that yet.”

Now, in fairness to Bloomberg, he's actually right, in that no third-party payer is going to pay for cancer treatments for a 95-year-old, if only because no responsible doctor is going to recommend cancer treatments for a 95-year-old. The reality is that at that age, the treatments will kill you faster than the cancer will. I don't think he's advocating a generalized "fuck old people" attitude, so much as being realistic about what can and can't be done, and not breaking the bank trying to do the impossible.

And I say this as someone who thinks Bloomberg is an arrogant, high-handed elitist pig.
I really don't think so! I welcome any credible views to the contrary. Here is what I think:

1. If Bernie wins the democratic primary - we'll likely have four more years of Trump*.

2. If Bernie loses the democratic primary - his supporters will likely not support the winner. Trump* wins.

3. Therefore, either way, it looks good for Trump*.

4. I'm watching Bloomberg very closely.

How old are you? It's came out Bloomberg supports denying healthcare for elderly with severe health issues.

You may vote for your death

Please provide a "credible" source where Bloomberg actually said this.

It's all over the internet and our noon news today. Go look yourself and I doubt you'd find any source but far left as "credible"

You don't even know candidate's positions do you?

I've been watching CNN and MSNBC all day. I never heard what you claim.

Duuuuhhh. That's why THEY are not credible sources. How have you not realized by now that CNN and MSNBC routinely hide shit from you?

Seriously, Google it and you can watch and listen to the actual video of him saying it. Pick whatever site you're willing to watch it on. Won't make a difference.
I don't think Bernie supporters could handle him losing......either the nomination or the election if he was nominated. Those that went along with Hillary already took a double punch. WTH would happen if they lost either or both AGAIN????
Jill Stein? Seriously, I dunno. Bernie is a socialist. He and his supporters don't agree with tradition left of center dem positions. Free college/eliminating private insurance.

This being a 2 party system, anyone else already lost. If you're not R or D, you're wasting your time, money & effort. Which is unfortunate.

That's not to say it's not a shame that is how this country's voting system is, but there you have it. I'd love to see other parties duly represented and a more level playing field, but without being included in debates, or other circumstances to 'get to know the candidate & policies' ideas, they're lucky to get 'honorable mention' in publicity.
I really don't think so! I welcome any credible views to the contrary. Here is what I think:

1. If Bernie wins the democratic primary - we'll likely have four more years of Trump*.

2. If Bernie loses the democratic primary - his supporters will likely not support the winner. Trump* wins.

3. Therefore, either way, it looks good for Trump*.

4. I'm watching Bloomberg very closely.

How old are you? It's came out Bloomberg supports denying healthcare for elderly with severe health issues.

You may vote for your death

Please provide a "credible" source where Bloomberg actually said this.

It's all over the internet and our noon news today. Go look yourself and I doubt you'd find any source but far left as "credible"

You don't even know candidate's positions do you?
For fuck's sake, even Obama said that about his own mother. Does anyone in their right mind want to make an old person with fatal heart disease or dementia undergo a knee replacement or oxygen thereapy? Get a grip.

When you need a knee replacement none for you. Just die OK?

You'll change your mind

You don't die from needing a knee replacement.

And a knee replacement is a long way from, for example, cancer.
ah, she sold access to the DoS, and the email thing stank. There was a reason Obama and Biden were kicking themselves.

Seriously, do you have any "credible" proof of your claims?

What is your"credible proof"?

So, you want me to prove a negative? Funny...

I asked what you asked. You're not very bright.

Do you drink like most American natives? It seems so

Both of you stop arguing and here is Bloomberg words:


It is clear what Bloomberg said and he is correct no one is going to waste money on a 95 year old with cancer that can not be cured...

The ironic thing is that he's making an argument in favor of private sector, personal-responsibility healthcare, and I'm pretty sure he didn't mean to.
Seriously, do you have any "credible" proof of your claims?

What is your"credible proof"?

So, you want me to prove a negative? Funny...

I asked what you asked. You're not very bright.

Do you drink like most American natives? It seems so

Both of you stop arguing and here is Bloomberg words:


It is clear what Bloomberg said and he is correct no one is going to waste money on a 95 year old with cancer that can not be cured...

Then if Bloomberg contracts cancer no treatment for him, or his supporters.

Thank you

Bloomberg can afford to pay for whatever treatment he wants (although he's still going to have to track down a wackjob doctor who doesn't mind malpractice to do the treatments).
So, you want me to prove a negative? Funny...

I asked what you asked. You're not very bright.

Do you drink like most American natives? It seems so

Both of you stop arguing and here is Bloomberg words:


It is clear what Bloomberg said and he is correct no one is going to waste money on a 95 year old with cancer that can not be cured...

Then if Bloomberg contracts cancer no treatment for him, or his supporters.

Thank you

Hold on!

So in your opinion a 95 year old with late stage cancer should have treatment that will do nothing to save their life?

Get real because only a fool would waste their money that way!

Let the doctor and patient make the best decisions together. We don’t want the government rationing healthcare.

Agreed, but if the government is paying, the government gets to make those decisions. Meanwhile, it's silly for people on the right to be attacking Bloomberg for speaking the truth, instead of lying and pretending that the risk/reward calculation can be magically vanished, the way most Democrats do.
I asked what you asked. You're not very bright.

Do you drink like most American natives? It seems so

Both of you stop arguing and here is Bloomberg words:


It is clear what Bloomberg said and he is correct no one is going to waste money on a 95 year old with cancer that can not be cured...

Then if Bloomberg contracts cancer no treatment for him, or his supporters.

Thank you

Hold on!

So in your opinion a 95 year old with late stage cancer should have treatment that will do nothing to save their life?

Get real because only a fool would waste their money that way!

Let the doctor and patient make the best decisions together. We don’t want the government rationing healthcare.
Well like it or not, what your private insurance decides is medically necessary treatement tracks what Medicare decided.

And also in line with what your doctor is likely to say.
The debates changed...
First few were basically - contest of who was going to out-left everyone else - Bernie won.
The next couple was "Trump! Trump! Orange Man Bad!!!
Then this one was Bloomberg sucks, now that's settled let's have a cage match.

Through all of them, it was an exercise in futility. The moderators allowed all manner of half truths and have yet to challenge beyond token just how is all of this stuff going to be paid for.

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