Calm Thread: Does Trump/DeSantis 2024 Satisfy?

"History is the lie that everyone agrees upon" - Voltaire.

The reality is, the history was rewritten after the Civil War by the Lost Cause Mythology, which tried to downplay that the war was fought over slavery, lionize Confederate leaders, etc. Those monuments weren't put up in 1865. They were put up between 1890 and 1960 to let the Black people know what their place was.

Every last one of them needs to be torn down.

Oh, by the way, there is not a single monument in Germany to Hitler and the Nazis. Yet oddly, we all still know who the Nazis were and what they did.

So, to recap. Until you support tearing down every Confederate Monument and flag, I don't want to hear you whining about "Slave owning Democrats".

We aren't talking about the CIA. We are talking about how we imposed economic sanctions on Venezuela after they DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED Chavez in 1999.

It's like Tonya Harding mocking Nancy Kerrigan after breaking her kneecap.

Let's review, shall we. Bush wrecked the economy in 1990. Clinton rebuilt the economy, brought us down to 3% unemployment. Republicans impeached him over a blow job and stole the 2000 election.

Bush-43 really fucked up the economy. Obama was elected to fix it, got unemployment down to 4.7%. Then Republicans colluded with the Russians
How do you think Chavez got elected?
The same way Biden got elected. Media misinformation and rigged voting machines.

Clinton didn't rebuild the economy...Newt Gingrich did. Clinton just signed the bills. Clinton was enough of a pragmatist not to look a gift-horse in the mouth.
The Repugs went after Clinton because he committed a felony....not over a blowjob. He lied to a grand jury. That's perjury. Plus he committed jury tampering and obstruction of justice.

Bush is a globalist asshole just like Biden, Obama, Clinton, and Bush sr. And he got alot of help from Democrats in congress like Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi took over the speakership in 2007 and that's when the economy went to shit. But Chuck Schumer spent 2006, 2007, and 2008 sabotaging the economy by encouraging people to withdraw their money and walk away from their mortgages. Who was it that felt blacks with horrible credit scores should be allowed to get into mortgages they couldn't afford and could never pay back?
Obama stepped into the Oval Office and signed several excise taxes raising the prices of tobacco products, booze, and 9 other product classes in an attempt to drive up the cost of living....and then caused the price of gas to soar. Not as high as Biden....but high enough to double the costs of goods and services as well as fast-food and sugary foods like Hostess Cupcakes and other products.

Seems every time a God Damn Democrat gets into office the price of everything doubles.....and the poor suffers the most....even though the Dems claim their policies help them. Then they start screaming about increasing the a vain attempt to act like they give a shit about people who live from paycheck to paycheck.
How do you think Chavez got elected?
The same way Biden got elected. Media misinformation and rigged voting machines.

Right, because whenever people don't vote your way, it must be rigged.

Clinton didn't rebuild the economy...Newt Gingrich did. Clinton just signed the bills. Clinton was enough of a pragmatist not to look a gift-horse in the mouth.
The Repugs went after Clinton because he committed a felony....not over a blowjob. He lied to a grand jury. That's perjury. Plus he committed jury tampering and obstruction of justice.

Then why was Newt the guy who was chased out of office BY HIS OWN PARTY! You would think that if the fat phony had accomplished all these things, they'd be building statues to him.

Bush is a globalist asshole just like Biden, Obama, Clinton, and Bush sr.

Okay, when you use crazy talk like "Globalist", I just can't take you seriously.
Um, yeah. I'm sorry you are too dense to get the context. I'd explain it to you, but you are too stupid to understand.

Democrats today have NOTHING to do with Democrats of 150 years ago who supported slavery. Just like the Republicans of 150 years ago who abolished slavery have nothing to do with Republicans today who fly Confederate Flags and call Nazis protecting Confederate Statues "very fine people".

When you Republicans support teaching unvarnished history, treat flying a Confederate Flag like the hate crime it is, and take down every monument put up during Jim Crow, THEN I will take your mewling about "Democrats were slave owners" seriously...
It's just getting too difficult to catch up with your misinformation and hack narratives, so I'll go Cliffs Notes;

- Nobody said specifically people flying confederate flags and Nazis are "very fine people", you're reciting debunked leftist propaganda and disinformation. I feel sorry for you.
- "Unvarnished history" is a loaded, entirely subjective term, purposefully vague, to mean that anything attacking the USA as evil must be at the forefront, and any acknowledgement of context and positivity of the nation becomes somehow problematic. So, of course I caught that, and it means absolutely nothing.
- Flying a Confederate flag isn't a "hate" crime, not saying it can't be flown tastelessly. But it can also be flown in support of southern culture and for states rights... things radical leftists refuse to acknowledge. From what i can gather, leftist/BLM/CRT ideology says "SOUTH=RACIST" and "WHITE=SLAVERY".. that's the depth of the issue to them. Such shallowness is stupid, and you appear to well in this simplicity, again.. I feel sorry for you..
- IMO, the entire notion of a "hate crime" is to merely punish certain people more than others.. as a crime is a crime, regardless of who you commit it against.
Because the police themselves tolerate the exceptions.

Here in Chicago, we had a character named Jason van Dyke. Van Dyke put sixteen shots into a black teenager named Laquan McDonald. Most of them when he was already on the ground. Now, EVERY OTHER COP on that scene wrote a report claiming he lunged at Van Dyke with a knife. The FOP defended Van Dyke's actions in the press. The city of Chicago reached a quiet settlement with McDonald's family with an NDA. The State's Attorney refused to prosecute. The whole system treated this like it was a good shooting. Civilian witnesses were intimidated.

Until the video was released to the public a year later after the Cororner's office blew the whistle about the sixteen shots.

(Waiting for you response, which will be "fu fuh fuh.. Chicago is run by Democrats, fuh, fuh, fuh" )

Now, yeah, 99% of cops are good guys doing a difficult job. But they are WAY too tolerant of the exceptions. Van Dyke had 20 previous incidents where he violated people's civil rights, and still had a job. Chauvin had numerous previous incidents of using choke holds or shooting suspects. Loehmann (the guy who shot Tamir Rice for playing with a toy in a park) had been fired from a previous job for mental instability
Again, Cliffs notes, as you're just spewing misinformation:
- My FBI data stands, you've refused to refute it, and are now sprinting to the anecdotal, which is what defeated people do. You can't debate and justify the amount of fear, terrorization, and resources used on an issue that tragically effects 10-15 people per year. Until you address this, your few anecdotals mean near nothing... as it further proves how massively rare it occurs.
- And even in your anecdotals, you're purposefully spewing misinformation. Take Tamir Rice for example; you reveal yourself as a clear hack because you said he was just "Playing with a toy in a park"... what kind of toy? Was it a truck? An action figure? No, it was a toy gun. That makes things a bit different as far as the context and circumstances. I"m not saying it was a good or bad shoot, but the fact that you need to leave that out shows that you're not honest whatsoever in this issues, and thus cease to have any credibility.
Pretending a problem doesn't exist is far worse. WE ARE A RACIST SOCIETY. Period. Full stop. We need to fix that. The only thing that separated Trump from the other 16 bags of bad ideas in 2016 was that he was more open about his racism (Obama was born in Kenya, Mexicans are rapists, etc.)
Slow down, I know you like to barf out radical leftist talking points just to try to pad your "points", but let's clean up your misinformation.
- We aren't a "racist society", because if we were, our society's laws would point out different treatment for different races. You have to prove our entire society is racist, and you can't.. you're just mad at it, so you have throw things at it. Sorry that you're triggered by America, but it's arguably the least racist nation on earth. If you don't believe me, step outside of your gated community here in America and go to some 3rd world countries... see how "tolerant" they are.
- The whole "Obama was born in Kenya" was begun by Hillary Clinton the Democrat primaries in 2008, and while I won't say it's some factual statement, there were some odd circumstances surrounding Obama's citizenship that any honest observer would at least acknolwedge. Of course, we know you're not honest and have no credibility, so not only will you ignore that one of the Democrats you whole-heartedly supported (hillary) started the thing you're saying is so evil, but you'll write off that some of the paperwork and his lack of accessibly history was at least worth a look into.
- Of course, nobody said "Mexicans are rapists", that's a long-debunked left-wing Democrat talking point they lied about to attack Donald Trump. He didn't say that, so you have to connect dots and assume underlying evil motivations for your political opponent. What he said had some merit in who was coming into the country, as our problems at our border with drugs and human trafficking are well-documented, serious, and ignored by people like you and the MSM.
Nobody remembers the Civil Rights Acts of 57 and 60. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the big one, and Barry "Deep Down you Know He's Nuts" Goldwater opposed it. He also opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1968. When you say "the Civil Rights Act" everyone knows you are talking about the one in 64. That is the one that put the Democrats firmly on the side of civil rights and drove Southern Conservatives into the hands of the Republicans.
If nobody remembers it, how did I talk about it? Again, looking into what portions of a multi-pronged bill someone accepts and what they reject is entirely healthy and honest. You refuse to do as such, ignore context and detail, and employ the common left-wing bumper sticker talking points.
No double standards at all. BLM was restrained given the level of provocation. They could have just gone out and killed every white person they encountered. They didn't. They peaceful protested. They damaged some property. (Or people took advantage of the chaos to damage property.) It could have been a violent revolution. Let's fix the problems before we actually have one of those.
If you give credit to a group and applaud them for the restraint of "not killing every white person they encountered", that's probably the lowest bar one could hold. Hey, if America is so "racist", they COULD just "kill every black person that lives here"... but they don't! Look at the restraint, tolerance, and peaceful nature! Do you see how stupid you sound saying things like that?

Meanwhile, you keep saying vague platitudes but fail to point out which laws are racist and how to solve supposed "problems". When challenged, you rabidly repeat mythical claims and sprint to anecdotals. Thus far, as it always happens when a BLM/leftist/CRT advocate is challenged, you've offered no identification of the problem by law, thus no solution. You've just squawked out claims of religious-zeal to have faith in the notion that the boogeyman of racism exists under every rock, around every corner.. and I'm not sure if you guys pray to it or not, but it wouldn't suprise me.
Actually, the NFL blackballed him. They admitted as much and settled with him for eight figures.

Since he left the 49ers, no team has offered him a contract or brought him in for a tryout, even though quarterbacks with less impressive statistics were signed. In 2016, his last season in the league, Kaepernick earned $14.3 million. Through the grievance, he was seeking the compensation he might have earned had he been signed as a free agent in 2017. That theoretical amount, had he won the case, would have been doubled for damages.
The NFL has bowed to the woke like most mainstream sport leagues (and some have since changed because they realized it was a bad move)... But this line right here exposes that NYT writer and you as far as how out of your element you are;

"even though quarterbacks with less impressive statistics were signed."

So anyone who isn't a leftist political activist attempting to pretend to know what they're talking about here knows that there are players who have loads of talent that are avoided all the time due to baggage, drama, etc. Randy Moss, Tim Tebow, Terrell Owens, Baker Mayfield... all examples of players who had talent and stats of which they could say were better than others, but weren't worth the headache and either had to take gigs at far less pay and stature or not play at all. This is like elementary sports knowledge, and you clearly don't even know it. So, your points are funny if they weren't such proof of how successful leftist misinformation can latch on to the mainstream.
Yes, he was sprayed in the face with bear spray and beaten senseless by rioters (carrying thin blue line flags), but that had nothing to do with his death.
Looks like you've been reading more leftist sources of misinformation:
- CNN initially reported it was "bear spray", but that was corrected to be merely pepper spray. It's also a fact that Washington's chief medical examiner ruled that Sicknick had suffered strokes and died of natural causes a day after the attack.

Now, I know the leftist MSM immediately lied and said he was "sprayed with bear spray in a chemical attack that killed officer Sicknick"... but they lied, it was quickly corrected, and now you're spreading misinformation. And nowhere does it say he was severely beaten, you probably either read that at another leftist misinformation source or made that up.
Actually, a black person is FAR more likely to be shot by cops than a white person is. Kenosha cops shot Jacob Blake in the back seven times because he MIGHT be reaching for a knife. Kyle Rittenhouse gunned down three people in the street, and walked right past Kenosha cops carrying an assault rifle and wasn't even stopped.

Tamir Rice was gunned down for playing with a toy in a park. Dylan Roof gunned down nine people, and the police not only didn't shoot him, they took him out for Burger King because the poor dear looked absolutely peckish running from the police.

Black people see this shit and THEY SHOULD be outraged.
Of course, nobody is talking about the statistic "who is more likely to be shot by cops". Such a stat brings in whether or not the other person were armed, were they violent, etc. So if you're going to sprint from the discussion because your point is too weak, go ahead.. but the entire BLM movement with George Floyd had to do with the supposed notion that unarmed innocent black men were just routinely being murdered by police, when they weren't so says FBI data. And here you go again, listing off a few anecdotals to prove how weak your case is.
Nope, my statement stands. Voter purges were meant to suppress the black vote.
How do you know what they were meant to do? You said only blacks were purged, and when I called you out you bailed. Now you're back pedaling into the vague, mythical racist boogeyman that you know exists but can't prove. If you can prove the purges were specifically performed to suppress black voters, go ahead. If not, you're spreading misinformation, and just more anger and being emotionally triggered on your part.
Uh, no one denied that SOME of the emails on the laptop were authentic. Just not the ones that purport criminal activity or the photopshopped pictures of him snorting coke off a Chinese hooker's ass.
I could care less about Hunter Biden being a drug addict and abusing women. The issue with the laptop is the exposed corruption of the Biden family by foreign powers.
Nope, he lost by 3 million votes. And the Russians tampered with the election. That's a flawed system where you can lose by 3 million votes and Russian shennigans in three swing states can put you into office.
- He lost the popular vote by 3 million votes, he won the electoral college, thus the presidency. You're just having a prolonged temper tantrum over it. It's the same system that put all presidents in office.
- Russia "tampered" in the election? What does that even mean? I keep hearing a conveyer belt of terms.. Russia "meddled", Russia "interfered", Russia "tampered"... What did they do? They attempted to influence the election by posting Memes on facebook.. OH NO! But the USA tries all the time to influence foreign elections. Obama advocated against BREXIT.. did he "tamper", "interfered", or "meddle" in their elections?
Trump would be in prison right now awaiting execution for treason.
LMAO! Yes, he's THAT evil.. worse than the most ardent Nazi, murderer, terrorist... come on keep going.

In all seriousness.. I hope one day your temper tantrum will be over.
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I do NOT want Trump again
Nor do I, and I hope the GOP base joins together to kick Trump out.

However, I know Trump has his loyal followers... I don't know what percentage, and nobody knows how this will play out. All I did was start a thread assuming if Trump loses the GOP Primary he may run independent and drag even 10-15% of the Conservative base with him. It's a hypothetical.. but boy did it trigger a few leftists on here.
Right, because whenever people don't vote your way, it must be rigged.
Yep....just ask Stacy Abrams.
Then why was Newt the guy who was chased out of office BY HIS OWN PARTY! You would think that if the fat phony had accomplished all these things, they'd be building statues to him.
Newt was the only speaker to get a balanced budget in my lifetime....and Clinton took credit for it.
Okay, when you use crazy talk like "Globalist", I just can't take you seriously.
It's hard to take a person like you that spends so much of his time with his head up his ass seriously.
Nor do I, and I hope the GOP base joins together to kick Trump out.

However, I know Trump has his loyal followers... I don't know what percentage, and nobody knows how this will play out. All I did was start a thread assuming if Trump loses the GOP Primary he may run independent and drag even 10-15% of the Conservative base with him. It's a hypothetical.. but boy did it trigger a few leftists on here.
See, I don’t want him because we need someone who will orchestrate a Corleone Baptism on the WEF and remove their aides and bought and paid for Flying Monkeys nested throughout our Federal government. I mean Bill Fucking Barr??? Really?
Wow, if Hate Radio became a real person, it would be THIS guy.

- Nobody said specifically people flying confederate flags and Nazis are "very fine people", you're reciting debunked leftist propaganda and disinformation. I feel sorry for you.
Uh, Trump said that. Right after the Nazis at Charlottesburg ran over a woman at a protest to protect a statue of Robert E. Lee.

- "Unvarnished history" is a loaded, entirely subjective term, purposefully vague, to mean that anything attacking the USA as evil must be at the forefront, and any acknowledgement of context and positivity of the nation becomes somehow problematic. So, of course I caught that, and it means absolutely nothing.

Um, okay, here's the thing. If you are studying history to feel better about yourself, and you don't want to hear the icky parts that you should be ashamed of, then it's not history, it's propaganda.

- Flying a Confederate flag isn't a "hate" crime, not saying it can't be flown tastelessly. But it can also be flown in support of southern culture and for states rights... things radical leftists refuse to acknowledge. From what i can gather, leftist/BLM/CRT ideology says "SOUTH=RACIST" and "WHITE=SLAVERY".. that's the depth of the issue to them. Such shallowness is stupid, and you appear to well in this simplicity, again.. I feel sorry for you..

Hey, let's try it this way.

- Flying a Swastika isn't a "hate" crime, not saying it can't be flown tastelessly. But it can also be flown in support of German Culture and for Aryan rights... things radical leftists refuse to acknowledge.

- IMO, the entire notion of a "hate crime" is to merely punish certain people more than others.. as a crime is a crime, regardless of who you commit it against.

Um, yeah, we should punish certain crimes more if their motivations were vile enough.

- My FBI data stands, you've refused to refute it, and are now sprinting to the anecdotal, which is what defeated people do. You can't debate and justify the amount of fear, terrorization, and resources used on an issue that tragically effects 10-15 people per year. Until you address this, your few anecdotals mean near nothing... as it further proves how massively rare it occurs.

Actually, the only thing that it "proves" is that we can show that 10-15 cases a year of the 1000 Americans shot by police are truly egregious. The rest we take their word for it, but I don't know why we should. Especially since other industrialized nations rarely hit double digits in the number of their citizens killed by police.

- And even in your anecdotals, you're purposefully spewing misinformation. Take Tamir Rice for example; you reveal yourself as a clear hack because you said he was just "Playing with a toy in a park"... what kind of toy? Was it a truck? An action figure? No, it was a toy gun. That makes things a bit different as far as the context and circumstances. I"m not saying it was a good or bad shoot, but the fact that you need to leave that out shows that you're not honest whatsoever in this issues, and thus cease to have any credibility.

He was playing with a toy with other children nearby. There were not people running in terror from him. There was no context where that was a "good shoot", but it becomes even more suspicious when you find out that Timothy Loehmann was dismissed by the Independence, OH, Police Department because he had a mental breakdown on a gun range and had to be disarmed by the range officer. His training sergeant wrote that he lacked the maturity to be a police officer.

- We aren't a "racist society", because if we were, our society's laws would point out different treatment for different races. You have to prove our entire society is racist, and you can't.. you're just mad at it, so you have throw things at it. Sorry that you're triggered by America, but it's arguably the least racist nation on earth. If you don't believe me, step outside of your gated community here in America and go to some 3rd world countries... see how "tolerant" they are.

You mean other than Jim Crow? Slavery? Black Codes? Sundown ordinances? Debt Peonage?
I don't have to go to a third world country to see grinding poverty. I can drive 20 miles east to the West Side to see that.
Oh, I don't live in a gated community, but the very fact that we HAVE gated communities to protect the white people says a lot, doesn't it?

The whole "Obama was born in Kenya" was begun by Hillary Clinton
No, it wasn't. It was first said by a low-level Hillary volunteer in Iowa, but Hillary never said any such thing. It was the Republican RACISTS who amplified this claim. It was Trump who kept repeating it, even after he was shown the birth certificate.

the Democrat primaries in 2008, and while I won't say it's some factual statement, there were some odd circumstances surrounding Obama's citizenship that any honest observer would at least acknolwedge.

No, there really aren't. He was born in Hawaii. The state of Hawaii issued a birth certificate AND his birth was announced in a Hawaiian paper when it happened.
But even if that weren't the case, his mother was an American citizen, therefore he was by birth an American citizen, no matter where he was born.

- Of course, nobody said "Mexicans are rapists",
Again, Trump did.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. […] They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people”

If you give credit to a group and applaud them for the restraint of "not killing every white person they encountered", that's probably the lowest bar one could hold. Hey, if America is so "racist", they COULD just "kill every black person that lives here"... but they don't! Look at the restraint, tolerance, and peaceful nature! Do you see how stupid you sound saying things like that?

Naw, we wouldn't do that.. who would the rednecks with the MAGA hats have to feel better than?

Point is, we really have two choices. We can live like the Israelis do, with our boot perpetually on the neck of an oppressed minority out of fear. Or we can try to correct the inequities. There is going to be a point where white people are in the minority in this country... and turnabout is fair play.

The NFL has bowed to the woke like most mainstream sport leagues (and some have since changed because they realized it was a bad move)... But this line right here exposes that NYT writer and you as far as how out of your element you are;

"even though quarterbacks with less impressive statistics were signed."
And that last quote said it all. There were quarterbacks who were shit who still got signed. Heck, I don't think the Bears have had a good QB in years.
So anyone who isn't a leftist political activist attempting to pretend to know what they're talking about here knows that there are players who have loads of talent that are avoided all the time due to baggage, drama, etc. Randy Moss, Tim Tebow, Terrell Owens, Baker Mayfield... all examples of players who had talent and stats of which they could say were better than others, but weren't worth the headache and either had to take gigs at far less pay and stature or not play at all. This is like elementary sports knowledge, and you clearly don't even know it. So, your points are funny if they weren't such proof of how successful leftist misinformation can latch on to the mainstream.

Okay, I had to look some of these up, because usually I don't give a hoot about football.

Kapernaeck asked that cops stop killing black folks, that fiend!

Why, that's just the same as Randy Moss beating up his girlfriend (Still played 4 more seasons) or Terrell Owens overdosing on drugs and spitting in a fan's face (Still played five more seasons until his ACL blew out.) or Baker Mayfield (Still playing today despite a drunken assault). As for Bible Boy Tim Tebow, he was traded back and fourth between FIVE different teams, so he didn't have any problem finding a job despite his antics.

Looks like you've been reading more leftist sources of misinformation:
- CNN initially reported it was "bear spray", but that was corrected to be merely pepper spray. It's also a fact that Washington's chief medical examiner ruled that Sicknick had suffered strokes and died of natural causes a day after the attack.
Wow. Pepper spray instead of bear spray? Uh, bear spray is pepper spray.

I mean if Officer Sidnick was a bear, you might have a point here, but he was a middle aged human trying to protect Congres from a rabid mob screaming they wanted to kill the Vice-President.

Of course, nobody is talking about the statistic "who is more likely to be shot by cops". Such a stat brings in whether or not the other person were armed, were they violent, etc. So if you're going to sprint from the discussion because your point is too weak, go ahead.. but the entire BLM movement with George Floyd had to do with the supposed notion that unarmed innocent black men were just routinely being murdered by police, when they weren't so says FBI data. And here you go again, listing off a few anecdotals to prove how weak your case is.

It's like saying that black people shouldn't have bitched about Emmet Till being murdered because most black teens who didn't whistle at white women weren't killed. I mean, hey, Lynchings were relatively rare, and some of those guys lynched were bad people, so what are the blacks complaining about again.

The anecdotals are sounding pretty bad.
George Floyd passed a fake $20.00
Mike Brown stole some cheap cigars (or traded them for pot)
Sandra Bland didn't use her directional to pull over.
Laquan McDonald was trying to break into a truck to keep warm
Tamir Rice was playing with a toy.
Eric Gardner was killed for selling loose cigarettes.

These are all outrages, as much as Emmet Till's murder was an outrage.

How do you know what they were meant to do? You said only blacks were purged, and when I called you out you bailed. Now you're back pedaling into the vague, mythical racist boogeyman that you know exists but can't prove. If you can prove the purges were specifically performed to suppress black voters, go ahead. If not, you're spreading misinformation, and just more anger and being emotionally triggered on your part.
Oh, I'm sorry, "Hey, look we removed one dead white person from the rolls, that makes it okay that we removed tens of thousands of black people who were perfectly allowed to vote."
More recently, even though the people of Florida voted to restore voting rights to non-violent ex-convicts, DeSatan and the GOP came up with a convoluted scheme to keep them from voting.

I could care less about Hunter Biden being a drug addict and abusing women. The issue with the laptop is the exposed corruption of the Biden family by foreign powers.

Then why do you guys keep bringing it up? The issue with the laptop is that it's fake, and frankly, Congress already investigated and cleared Hunter's business dealings.

But an 87-page report summing up the findings, released jointly on Wednesday by the Senate Homeland Security and Finance Committees, contained no evidence that the elder Mr. Biden improperly manipulated American policy toward Ukraine or committed any other misdeed. In fact, investigators heard witness testimony that rebutted those charges.

- He lost the popular vote by 3 million votes, he won the electoral college, thus the presidency. You're just having a prolonged temper tantrum over it. It's the same system that put all presidents in office.

Except every other president also won the popular vote, with the exceptions of Bush in 2000, Hayes in 1876, and Harrison in 1888. So the electoral college was just a formality in those other cases. One that should have been gotten rid of a long time ago.

In fact, every time the EC ignored the will of the people, it's been kind of a disaster. Trump's incompetence is still being talked about two years later and litigated. Bush got us into a war based on lies. Hayes was the guy who decided to give away everything the North won in the Civil War, giving us 100 years of Jim Crow.
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Wow, if Hate Radio became a real person, it would be THIS guy.
Of the two of us, you're the one who often posts with angry tones and insulting terms. Stop the projecting and just own it.. you're not a happy guy here in the USA... which would be impressive if not tragic being that this is by far the most desired and best place to live in the world.

But, back to the Cliffs Notes to keep up with your rambling:
- Trump said the initial folks at Charlottesville before the ANTIFA counter-protesters and such escalated things were "very good people". Once the trash from both sides started fighting each other... Nobody condoned that. But, you're dishonest and lie to make it easier to hate your political opponents, so I don't expect you to understand.
Um, okay, here's the thing. If you are studying history to feel better about yourself, and you don't want to hear the icky parts that you should be ashamed of, then it's not history, it's propaganda.
I've never seen, nor have I ever heard of, any history book that doesn't teach the issues of slavery or other stains in their contents. Is that what you think? do you think that American history books leave out slavery, and teach it as a good thing? Like, what are you even talking about?
Hey, let's try it this way.
- Flying a Swastika isn't a "hate" crime, not saying it can't be flown tastelessly. But it can also be flown in support of German Culture and for Aryan rights... things radical leftists refuse to acknowledge.
The Confederate Flag and the Swastika have little in common... two entirely different cultures and purposes. However, I recall when the ACLU (before it became a woke leftist arm) supported the Nazis marching in Chicago... that's the ugly price of free speech, and while I disagree with what they say, they have the right to say it. Free speech isn't always pleasant, but it's better than what happens when you don't have it, which we've seen throughout history...
Actually, the only thing that it "proves" is that we can show that 10-15 cases a year of the 1000 Americans shot by police are truly egregious. The rest we take their word for it, but I don't know why we should. Especially since other industrialized nations rarely hit double digits in the number of their citizens killed by police.
Yep... you have to go into mythical boogeyman realm again. The FBI data still stands. In the future just save yourself the typing and give up.
He was playing with a toy with other children nearby. There were not people running in terror from him. There was no context where that was a "good shoot", but it becomes even more suspicious when you find out that Timothy Loehmann was dismissed by the Independence, OH, Police Department because he had a mental breakdown on a gun range and had to be disarmed by the range officer. His training sergeant wrote that he lacked the maturity to be a police officer.
LMAO.. you still can't admit it was a toy gun. You have to just say "toy".. and I've seen the video there aren't bunches of children near him.. he's all alone. So you're incapable of objective discussion and you're continuing to spread misinformation and trying to terrorize a group of millions of people about an issue that only effects 10-15 people a year, tragically.
You mean other than Jim Crow? Slavery? Black Codes? Sundown ordinances? Debt Peonage?
I'm talking about today, not all the racist stuff the Democrat party did in the past. You say this is a racist society... meaning present-day. Prove it. I don't want some "this one guy..." story or "this one town had a study".... I want you to prove that THIS SOCIETY is "racist". The entire thing. Buck up and own your charges or just apologize and sit down.
I don't have to go to a third world country to see grinding poverty. I can drive 20 miles east to the West Side to see that.
Yep, more vague unprovable anecdotes. No substance.
Oh, I don't live in a gated community, but the very fact that we HAVE gated communities to protect the white people says a lot, doesn't it?
The metaphor clearly went over your head.. *Face palm*
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. […] They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people”
Thank you for providing the quote that proves that he didn't say all Mexicans are rapists. He said there are some admidst who are coming over here, along with crime, drugs, and others who are good people. This isn't rocket science... perhaps you need a reading comprehension course.
Naw, we wouldn't do that.. who would the rednecks with the MAGA hats have to feel better than?
Racial slurs, nice.
Point is, we really have two choices. We can live like the Israelis do, with our boot perpetually on the neck of an oppressed minority out of fear. Or we can try to correct the inequities. There is going to be a point where white people are in the minority in this country... and turnabout is fair play.
The seething hatred for white people is bleeding through your pores. Yikes.

But that's not how the Israelis live.. they live in fear surrounded by terrorist-driven theocratic nations that want to wipe Israel off the map. That's why they have to build walls, spend so much money on defense to defend their civilians. Iran? Syria? etc... they don't do that, they use their civilians as cattle. Israel is a bright spot of morality amidst some dark, murderous, horrible regimes over there.
Okay, I had to look some of these up, because usually I don't give a hoot about football.
Which I knew, and tells me that you won't know what you're talking about.

But you still tried! Gosh that's cute... you're adorable.
Wow. Pepper spray instead of bear spray? Uh, bear spray is pepper spray.
Not true. Bear Mace has extra ingredients, is dispelled differently.. it's different than regular mace/pepper spray. Thus, it's identified differently, and the media got it wrong, probably just to make things sound worse... and even they corrected themselves, and you're still reciting their misinformation that was proven false.
It's like saying that black people shouldn't have bitched about Emmet Till being murdered because most black teens who didn't whistle at white women weren't killed. I mean, hey, Lynchings were relatively rare, and some of those guys lynched were bad people, so what are the blacks complaining about again.
No, that's not the same at all. Outrage over tragedies is expected... demonizing an entire nation and race of people over it is not. You're doing the latter.
The anecdotals are sounding pretty bad.
George Floyd passed a fake $20.00
Mike Brown stole some cheap cigars (or traded them for pot)
Sandra Bland didn't use her directional to pull over.
Laquan McDonald was trying to break into a truck to keep warm
Tamir Rice was playing with a toy.
Eric Gardner was killed for selling loose cigarettes.

These are all outrages, as much as Emmet Till's murder was an outrage.
Oh boy... more dishonesty and misinformation from you. Here, let me add what you left out:
- George Floyd: Violently refused arrest, kicking, punching, etc. for minutes.
- Mike Brown: Charged violently at police officers
- Tamir Rice: pointing and aiming a realistic looking toy gun around the park in the direction of others

The thing is, I don't expect a zero sum game.. the only people who do that are desperate ideologues like yourself. I've seen bad shoots by police. However, when you see one happen, you have to realize how many officers around the country are having run-ins with people, it gets into the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions... and you're going to take the 0.0001% of it and brand an entire nation with it. Nope, that's not how it works for the rest of us.
Oh, I'm sorry, "Hey, look we removed one dead white person from the rolls, that makes it okay that we removed tens of thousands of black people who were perfectly allowed to vote."
Is that what happened? No? Yeah, I thought not. Until you can prove otherwise, Abrams lost the election. You can be put into the same box as the most rabid pro-Trump conspiracy theorist... both election deniers.
More recently, even though the people of Florida voted to restore voting rights to non-violent ex-convicts, DeSatan and the GOP came up with a convoluted scheme to keep them from voting.
So now you're going to drop to a new low and use pet names for people? Dude, grow up.
Then why do you guys keep bringing it up? The issue with the laptop is that it's fake, and frankly, Congress already investigated and cleared Hunter's business dealings.

But an 87-page report summing up the findings, released jointly on Wednesday by the Senate Homeland Security and Finance Committees, contained no evidence that the elder Mr. Biden improperly manipulated American policy toward Ukraine or committed any other misdeed. In fact, investigators heard witness testimony that rebutted those charges.
That was in 2020... They've said they found new evidence that connects him as "Big Guy", which was on the laptop.

So, let's see what happens. If Biden did nothing wrong, he has nothing to worry about ;)
100 years of Jim Crow.
Given to us by the Democrats. Your party. Good thing there's a thing called history we have as a background check... I know you Democrats want your record expunged to hide your crimes... I get it.
How many people passed up on the VP slot under the blob in 2016?

DO you guys think DeSantis is yoked that way?

If I was Insantis, I would simply be the governor of Florida until 2028 and run against Harris or whomever the Democrats nominate. Why not? Easiest job in the world, your party rules the state coast to coast and there is no upper limit on the shit you can pull with complete impunity.

I think the GOP nomination is Trump's if he wants it in 2024 and DeSantis doesn't run. Either way, I think the Democrats win in 2024. He's in. He's announced. If he stays in, there are few other Republicans that immediately come to mind as having name recognition or can raise as much money. Of course, someone can be anointed...The governor of SD--Noem?--comes to mind. What it would require though is a DNC type of brokered primary that got rid of Bernie. Unlike Bernie, however, the blob isn't going to just say, "Oh well, you got me." He'lll go completely scorched earth; maybe even try a 3rd party/Independent bid to simply screw the GOP. If he makes it through the primary to the General...he loses to Biden. No contest. Of course this is predicated on Biden running. Does the blob win against Harris? I doubt that as well.
Of the two of us, you're the one who often posts with angry tones and insulting terms. Stop the projecting and just own it.. you're not a happy guy here in the USA... which would be impressive if not tragic being that this is by far the most desired and best place to live in the world.

I've probably done more for this country than you ever will... serving in the US Army for 11 years.

Sadly, the ugliness of this county has exposed itself in the last six years, and it's kind of sad. This isn't the America I served to defend.

But, back to the Cliffs Notes to keep up with your rambling:
- Trump said the initial folks at Charlottesville before the ANTIFA counter-protesters and such escalated things were "very good people". Once the trash from both sides started fighting each other... Nobody condoned that. But, you're dishonest and lie to make it easier to hate your political opponents, so I don't expect you to understand.

Ah, the Mantra of the Trump Supporter


Nobody who showed up to defend that statue was a good person. None of them were even from that community. The "Trash" were Trump's supporters on the Alt-Right.

I've never seen, nor have I ever heard of, any history book that doesn't teach the issues of slavery or other stains in their contents. Is that what you think? do you think that American history books leave out slavery, and teach it as a good thing? Like, what are you even talking about?

Actually, quite the contrary. I went to a very good Catholic School, and majored in history in College. And frankly, at best, the issue of slavery was whitewashed in HS. They barely covered Jim Crow at all. The discussions of the Civil War repeat the "Lost Cause" bullshit that it was over state's rights and tariffs, which it was not. Heck, I didn't even know that Debt Peonage was a thing until I watched a recent documentary.

Do you know when Debt Peonage ended? 1942.
Do you know why it ended? Because FDR realized that it was a bad look for America when we ripped on the Nazis and Japanese for their human rights abuses.

The Confederate Flag and the Swastika have little in common... two entirely different cultures and purposes. However, I recall when the ACLU (before it became a woke leftist arm) supported the Nazis marching in Chicago... that's the ugly price of free speech, and while I disagree with what they say, they have the right to say it. Free speech isn't always pleasant, but it's better than what happens when you don't have it, which we've seen throughout history...

Actually, they are pretty much the same thing. A symbol used by awful white people to tell them they are all awful.

The difference is, of course, is that Germans realize this. They are STILL apologizing for Hitler. They will throw your ass in jail if you march down the street with a Swastika flag.

The ACLU was stupid for supporting the Nazis in Skokie. Of course, the Nazis never wanted to march in Skokie, they wanted to march in Marquette Park, a neighborhood resisting integration. But the city wouldn't give them a permit. So when they threatened to march in Skokie, they quickly got their permit for Marquette park and 10 people showed up. We also found out that their leader, Frank Collins, was really named Frank Cohn and was a self-hating Jew. Eventually, he went to prison for child molestation.

The Blues Brothers movie satirized this moment..

Yep... you have to go into mythical boogeyman realm again. The FBI data still stands. In the future just save yourself the typing and give up.

You keep avoiding the point. Do the cops REALLY need to shoot 1000 suspects a year? Especially since British cops shoot 5 people a year. Hmmm.... The FBI figures are bullshit.

LMAO.. you still can't admit it was a toy gun. You have to just say "toy".. and I've seen the video there aren't bunches of children near him.. he's all alone. So you're incapable of objective discussion and you're continuing to spread misinformation and trying to terrorize a group of millions of people about an issue that only effects 10-15 people a year, tragically.

Dylan Roof had a real gun. He shot 9 people with it. The cops no only didn't shoot him on sight, they took him into custody peacefully and bought him Burger King. Poor boy looked a bit peckish.

I'm talking about today, not all the racist stuff the Democrat party did in the past. You say this is a racist society... meaning present-day. Prove it. I don't want some "this one guy..." story or "this one town had a study".... I want you to prove that THIS SOCIETY is "racist". The entire thing. Buck up and own your charges or just apologize and sit down.

You are so deep in denial what would be the point. Just hurry up and get to your Bund meeting.

Thank you for providing the quote that proves that he didn't say all Mexicans are rapists. He said there are some admidst who are coming over here, along with crime, drugs, and others who are good people. This isn't rocket science... perhaps you need a reading comprehension course.
Once again...


No one ever said he said "all". He said they were rapists. It was demonizing a whole group of people, including women and children.

The seething hatred for white people is bleeding through your pores. Yikes.

But that's not how the Israelis live.. they live in fear surrounded by terrorist-driven theocratic nations that want to wipe Israel off the map. That's why they have to build walls, spend so much money on defense to defend their civilians. Iran? Syria? etc... they don't do that, they use their civilians as cattle. Israel is a bright spot of morality amidst some dark, murderous, horrible regimes over there.

The Zionist Entity is a racist colonial apartheid state, and is hated throughout the entire world. Only because you have dumb American evangelicals who think we need Jews in Palestine for Jesus to come back does this farce continue.

There is nothing admirable about a racist group of religious fanatics stealing someone else's land and fighting a perpetual war against them.
Which I knew, and tells me that you won't know what you're talking about.

But you still tried! Gosh that's cute... you're adorable.

You mean you lied hoping I wouldn't catch you.

The guys you listed did MUCH worse thing that Kapernaeck did. Beating their wives, doing drugs, punching out people at bars, trying to shove their whackadoodle religion down our throats, and yet every last one of them kept their jobs. Some days I don't know if I am listening to the Sport Report or the Crime Blotter.

But Kapernaeck said, "I'm not standing for the National Anthem because police are murdering black children", and OH MY GOD, GET HIM. RUIN HIS CAREER. DESTROY HIM!

Then you wonder why black people can't protest peacefully. Because people like you only listen when they threaten to break your stuff.

Not true. Bear Mace has extra ingredients, is dispelled differently.. it's different than regular mace/pepper spray. Thus, it's identified differently, and the media got it wrong, probably just to make things sound worse... and even they corrected themselves, and you're still reciting their misinformation that was proven false.

Wow, really, this is what you are going with, these WHITE people attacked cops with Pepper spray while trying to overturn an election result and threatened public officials, and the best excuse you can come up with is, "Well, it was PEPPER SPRAY, not BEAR Spray!"

No, that's not the same at all. Outrage over tragedies is expected... demonizing an entire nation and race of people over it is not. You're doing the latter.

It's exactly the same. Heck, white people used to show up for lynching like it was a public event. It only became outrageous when Emmet Till's mother had an open casket funeral for her son and showed everyone what they had done.

The police use excessive force against people of color (and yes, poor white people) all the time. It only becomes outrageous when we catch it on videotape.

Oh boy... more dishonesty and misinformation from you. Here, let me add what you left out:
- George Floyd: Violently refused arrest, kicking, punching, etc. for minutes.
- Mike Brown: Charged violently at police officers
- Tamir Rice: pointing and aiming a realistic looking toy gun around the park in the direction of others

None of these justified excessive force. And none of these people would have been killed under the same circumstances if they were white.

Can you find me a case where a white child was shot for playing with a toy gun? We'll wait. Wait, no, you can't?

The thing is, I don't expect a zero sum game.. the only people who do that are desperate ideologues like yourself. I've seen bad shoots by police. However, when you see one happen, you have to realize how many officers around the country are having run-ins with people, it gets into the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions... and you're going to take the 0.0001% of it and brand an entire nation with it. Nope, that's not how it works for the rest of us.

Um, yeah, let's get real. Again, as I pointed out, cops like Chauvin and Van Dyke don't spring up spontaneously, they are nurtured in a culture of tolerance. Van Dyke had 20 previous complaints of excessive force, including one where he dislocated a black man's shoulder during a traffic stop. The city paid out $350,000.00. The city of Chicago paid out 118 MILLION dollars in settling police brutality claims. Nationally, that number is 3.2 BILLION in the last decade.

That the cops restrain themselves from murdering people MOST of the time isn't anything to be proud of.

Is that what happened? No? Yeah, I thought not. Until you can prove otherwise, Abrams lost the election. You can be put into the same box as the most rabid pro-Trump conspiracy theorist... both election deniers.

Um, yeah, okay, keep living in denial that there was massive abuse in Georgia. I mean, I get it, when your only constituency is "awful white people", you really don't want the rest of us voting.

So now you're going to drop to a new low and use pet names for people? Dude, grow up.

I use pet names for people all the time. I just haven't come up with a good one for you yet. You are just going to have to wait your turn.

That was in 2020... They've said they found new evidence that connects him as "Big Guy", which was on the laptop.

So, let's see what happens. If Biden did nothing wrong, he has nothing to worry about

I think we have bigger problems in this country than Fake Files on Hunter's laptop. If this is what the GOP wastes their time on, what is the point?

Given to us by the Democrats. Your party. Good thing there's a thing called history we have as a background check... I know you Democrats want your record expunged to hide your crimes... I get it.

Given to us by God-fearing, Bible Thumping White Southern Conservatives... who quit the Democrats and joined the Republicans.

And this is what you don't seem to understand. American political parties are coalitions. Coalitions change. Give FDR credit for keeping an uneasy alliance between liberals and Southern Conservatives to save the country from the Great Depression, creating a middle class and defeating fascism, but eventually, the Democratic party had crazy liberal ideas like "black people should be treated equally", and they flocked to the REpublicans.
Ah, the Mantra of the Trump Supporter

View attachment 728691

Nobody who showed up to defend that statue was a good person. None of them were even from that community. The "Trash" were Trump's supporters on the Alt-Right.
Multiple problems:
- You're talking about the trash that showed up from both "sides" after the initial gathering.
- You're clearly approaching from an a-historic, BLM/CRT "CONFEDERACY BAD EVIL ONLY SLAVERY" perspective.. it's sad to see you bit so hard on such propaganda. The Civil War was complex, with good men having to choose sides.. in which both sides had slaves.
Actually, quite the contrary. I went to a very good Catholic School, and majored in history in College. And frankly, at best, the issue of slavery was whitewashed in HS. They barely covered Jim Crow at all. The discussions of the Civil War repeat the "Lost Cause" bullshit that it was over state's rights and tariffs, which it was not. Heck, I didn't even know that Debt Peonage was a thing until I watched a recent documentary.

Do you know when Debt Peonage ended? 1942.
Do you know why it ended? Because FDR realized that it was a bad look for America when we ripped on the Nazis and Japanese for their human rights abuses.
- When you want to leave your bubble and address the overall issue, do let me know.
- The civil war was about multiple things. You're the radical who wants to simplify it to only one thing. People who simplify history into bumper stickers are pretty much always wrong, and just have an angry agenda, which you clearly do.
Actually, they are pretty much the same thing. A symbol used by awful white people to tell them they are all awful.
It's pretty clear you never evolved beyond 5th grade understanding of complexity and emotion. A hatred of white people is not a debate point.. it's just your inner hate.
The difference is, of course, is that Germans realize this. They are STILL apologizing for Hitler. They will throw your ass in jail if you march down the street with a Swastika flag.
They probably would.. it doesn't surprise me, they don't value free speech, and like most european countries have a long history of dictators and authoritarian fascists throwing people in jail for no reason other than disagreement... which is what your side continuously seems to attempt to employ a aspires to be. Such a practice is immoral.
The ACLU was stupid for supporting the Nazis in Skokie. Of course, the Nazis never wanted to march in Skokie, they wanted to march in Marquette Park, a neighborhood resisting integration. But the city wouldn't give them a permit. So when they threatened to march in Skokie, they quickly got their permit for Marquette park and 10 people showed up. We also found out that their leader, Frank Collins, was really named Frank Cohn and was a self-hating Jew. Eventually, he went to prison for child molestation.

The Blues Brothers movie satirized this moment..

The ACLU defended civil liberties back then. The problem for leftists such as yourself is that you're too hyper sensitive. You bail on free speech the moment they see/hear something that you disagree with or deem to be bad. You get massively triggered, start angrily cursing and accusing as many opponents as possible, and demand life be nothing but sunshine and rainbows or its some gigantic abuse of justice.

Basically, you're a powder puff. As a Christian, I see art that shows horrendous things done to Jesus to mock and desecrate him. Do I denounce it as offensive and tasteless? Yes. Do I demand it be banned and accuse your side of being hateful bigots?... responsible for an Christophobic culture that would allow such things? No.. I'm not that obtuse. But you are. It's a doozy to observe.
You keep avoiding the point. Do the cops REALLY need to shoot 1000 suspects a year?
I don't know, I'm not at every incident... are you? No. So why don't you stop your fan fiction and racist assumptions.
The FBI figures are bullshit.
Apply tin foil hat now.
Dylan Roof had a real gun. He shot 9 people with it. The cops no only didn't shoot him on sight, they took him into custody peacefully and bought him Burger King. Poor boy looked a bit peckish.
Another single anecdote to prove an entire system is bad. *Face palm*
No one ever said he said "all". He said they were rapists. It was demonizing a whole group of people, including women and children.
Re-read it and then get back to me. When you pass reading comprehension, let me know.
The Zionist Entity is a racist colonial apartheid state, and is hated throughout the entire world. Only because you have dumb American evangelicals who think we need Jews in Palestine for Jesus to come back does this farce continue.

There is nothing admirable about a racist group of religious fanatics stealing someone else's land and fighting a perpetual war against them.
- It's by definition not an apartheid state, Muslims live in Israel. Fact Check false. More misinformation.
- How can someone with allies be "hated throughout the entire world"? Fact Check false, misinformation. They are probably hated in your hateful bubble, yeah. But you clearly don't leave it.
- Nobody says we need Israel for Jesus to come back LMAO. Fact Check false; misinformation. Who told you that? You clearly didn't pay attention in school.
- Palestine doesn't exist, fact check false; misinformation.
- Israel clearly desires peace, they are consistently attacked by terrorist regimes surrounding them, that's a fact. Let me guess, you get your middle east info from like TYT LOL. Let me guess, THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE NEVER HAPPENED!
You mean you lied hoping I wouldn't catch you.

The guys you listed did MUCH worse thing that Kapernaeck did. Beating their wives, doing drugs, punching out people at bars, trying to shove their whackadoodle religion down our throats, and yet every last one of them kept their jobs. Some days I don't know if I am listening to the Sport Report or the Crime Blotter.

But Kapernaeck said, "I'm not standing for the National Anthem because police are murdering black children", and OH MY GOD, GET HIM. RUIN HIS CAREER. DESTROY HIM!
"Every one of them kept their jobs" Fact Check False: misinformation

Tim Tebow was not resigned after his breakout year for Denver. Teams avoided him because he wasn't good enough and drew too much attention, which NFL locker rooms avoid like the plague. I'm explaining this to you because you admittedly don't know what you're talking about, and are trying to sculpt some narrative when you don't know the norms and concepts at all.

The bottom line is, any non-BLM/CRT activist will tell you that if you're a major distraction, you have to have the most elite talent to be considered, or they just won't want to deal with the drama and headaches. DeShaun Watson being signed to the Browns after so many accusations of sexual assault is an example of someone who is good enough to overcome being a major distraction... Kaepernick and Tebow are examples of people who weren't good enough to be considered.
Then you wonder why black people can't protest peacefully. Because people like you only listen when they threaten to break your stuff.
You justifying violence more. So... you're the same as a J6 rioter, and a pro-Trump election denier. You are what you hate.
It's exactly the same. Heck, white people used to show up for lynching like it was a public event. It only became outrageous when Emmet Till's mother had an open casket funeral for her son and showed everyone what they had done.
Indeed, we've become a post-racist society after getting rid of the Democrat racism, and thankfully the GOP was there to support the Civil Rights Act. By any measure, as far as statistical significance is concerned, everyone denounces such horrible acts, and our laws don't allow them. So what is the point of bringing them up?
The police use excessive force against people of color (and yes, poor white people) all the time. It only becomes outrageous when we catch it on videotape.
"All the time".. how much is that? Sounds like you don't know, and are once again just making stuff up in an emotional tirade to support your point. If force is abused, it needs to be called out. However, your problem is you can't prove it, so you have to go to mythical boogeyman status and say "But we ALL KNOW it happens".. when no, we don't know. You just are again making things up to justify your hate.
None of these justified excessive force. And none of these people would have been killed under the same circumstances if they were white.
You can't prove a negative, so again, you're making things up, writing fan fiction to justify your hate.
Can you find me a case where a white child was shot for playing with a toy gun? We'll wait. Wait, no, you can't?
Can you name someone named Abraham who was born on a Tuesday and ate chicken and wild rice the previous night who was shot? WTF?
Um, yeah, let's get real. Again, as I pointed out, cops like Chauvin and Van Dyke don't spring up spontaneously, they are nurtured in a culture of tolerance. Van Dyke had 20 previous complaints of excessive force, including one where he dislocated a black man's shoulder during a traffic stop. The city paid out $350,000.00. The city of Chicago paid out 118 MILLION dollars in settling police brutality claims. Nationally, that number is 3.2 BILLION in the last decade.

That the cops restrain themselves from murdering people MOST of the time isn't anything to be proud of.
You certainly were proud that BLM didn't murder every white person they saw. So, it would only be using your own standard. And again, you're talking about 10-15 people per year... it's odd how these lives matter more than other issues... hell, even in the same issue, you don't care if white people are abused by police, or asians, etc. It's laughable, and anyone outside of your bubble realizes this fraud of virtue.
Um, yeah, okay, keep living in denial that there was massive abuse in Georgia. I mean, I get it, when your only constituency is "awful white people", you really don't want the rest of us voting.
Apply tin foil hat.

Oooh, Mr. Frisky uses more sophistry when he can't answer reality.

Multiple problems:
- You're talking about the trash that showed up from both "sides" after the initial gathering.
- You're clearly approaching from an a-historic, BLM/CRT "CONFEDERACY BAD EVIL ONLY SLAVERY" perspective.. it's sad to see you bit so hard on such propaganda. The Civil War was complex, with good men having to choose sides.. in which both sides had slaves.

Uh, guy the initial gathering was because of THIS.


There were no fine people protesting the removal of this statue... just these guys trying to provoke an incident.

- When you want to leave your bubble and address the overall issue, do let me know.
- The civil war was about multiple things. You're the radical who wants to simplify it to only one thing. People who simplify history into bumper stickers are pretty much always wrong, and just have an angry agenda, which you clearly do.

Nope. It was about slavery and only slavery. Everything else is later historical revisionism, by people who wanted to think they did something awful for a good reason.

It's pretty clear you never evolved beyond 5th grade understanding of complexity and emotion. A hatred of white people is not a debate point.. it's just your inner hate.

Um, I don't hate white people. I'm about as pasty white as you get.

A CHILD screams "Why do you hate me" when you criticize them. ADULTS look at the criticism and realize the validity. America is racist. We have a long way to go to reach racial equality, 170 years after the Civil War and 60 years after the Civil Rights movement. It plain old should not be taking this long.

They probably would.. it doesn't surprise me, they don't value free speech, and like most european countries have a long history of dictators and authoritarian fascists throwing people in jail for no reason other than disagreement... which is what your side continuously seems to attempt to employ a aspires to be. Such a practice is immoral.

Uh, no. Actually, they throw hate-mongers in prison because the whole continent was devastated by them and 30 million people died.

The ACLU defended civil liberties back then. The problem for leftists such as yourself is that you're too hyper sensitive. You bail on free speech the moment they see/hear something that you disagree with or deem to be bad. You get massively triggered, start angrily cursing and accusing as many opponents as possible, and demand life be nothing but sunshine and rainbows or its some gigantic abuse of justice.

Actually, I'm all for Free Speech. Let the Nazis march in Skokie. Let the Klan march on the South Side. Just don't send cops to protect them. Whoops.

ON a serious note, all rights need to be balanced against a public good. THere was no Good in letting some Nazis do bad performance art.

Basically, you're a powder puff. As a Christian, I see art that shows horrendous things done to Jesus to mock and desecrate him. Do I denounce it as offensive and tasteless? Yes. Do I demand it be banned and accuse your side of being hateful bigots?... responsible for an Christophobic culture that would allow such things? No.. I'm not that obtuse. But you are. It's a doozy to observe.

I'm curious how a religion that is 80% of the population can be oppressed by a phobic culture? Quite the contrary, we spend far too much time molly-coddling you.

I don't know, I'm not at every incident... are you? No. So why don't you stop your fan fiction and racist assumptions.

Yes, you seem to spend an awful lot of time justifying the murder of black people by rogue police... One can draw their own conclusions.

Another single anecdote to prove an entire system is bad. *Face palm*

But it shows the difference. Black kid playing with toy. Shot on sight. White kid who committed a mass shooting, every step taking to take him alive.

- It's by definition not an apartheid state, Muslims live in Israel. Fact Check false. More misinformation.

Blacks lived in South Africa, you obviously don't know what Apartheid means.

- How can someone with allies be "hated throughout the entire world"? Fact Check false, misinformation. They are probably hated in your hateful bubble, yeah. But you clearly don't leave it.
Here's a nice helpful Chart... Except for the US, the Zionist Entity is seen negatively in most of the world. In the US, it's different because 1) Pro-Israel people own our media and 2) you have those crazy Evangelicals waiting for Jesus to come back.


- Nobody says we need Israel for Jesus to come back LMAO. Fact Check false; misinformation. Who told you that? You clearly didn't pay attention in school.


This study considers the sources of evangelical support for Israel, utilizing an original survey of 1,000 evangelical and born-again respondents. The results show that the three strongest predictors of evangelical and born-again Christian support for Israel are (1) age (older respondents are more supportive); (2) opinion of Jews; and (3) socialization (frequency of hearing other evangelicals talking about Israel). Our results also show that evangelical support for Israel is driven by respondents' beliefs rooted in evangelical Christian theology on eschatology and Biblical literalism. Thus, the most significant ideological statements that were found in the research were that the “State of Israel is proof of the fulfillment of prophesy regarding the nearing of Jesus' Second Coming” and that “Jews are God's chosen people.”

Palestine doesn't exist, fact check false; misinformation.

Then by that logic, Kurds don't exist, Basque don't exist, a whole bunch of nationalities that have a state don't exist... except the Palestinians DO have a government that is internationally recognized.

- Israel clearly desires peace, they are consistently attacked by terrorist regimes surrounding them, that's a fact. Let me guess, you get your middle east info from like TYT LOL. Let me guess, THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE NEVER HAPPENED!

Um, what does the Armenian Genocide have to do with Israel? Nothing. The Squatters from Europe didn't show up until after WWI.
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Tim Tebow was not resigned after his breakout year for Denver. Teams avoided him because he wasn't good enough and drew too much attention, which NFL locker rooms avoid like the plague. I'm explaining this to you because you admittedly don't know what you're talking about, and are trying to sculpt some narrative when you don't know the norms and concepts at all.

Well, I'm glad you are limiting your argument to just Tebow and not the wife-beaters, dog-fighters, and drug-users who got to keep on working at the NFL Crime Blotter.

So let's review how he was avoided after Denver didn't resign him

Traded to the NY Jets in 2012.
Signed by the New England Patriots in 2013
Signed by the Philadelphia Eagles in 2013
Finished his career at the Jacksonville Jaguars.
Meanwhile, he also had a gig as a broadcaster starting in 2013 with ESPN.

This doesn't sound like the NFL was "avoiding" him.

The bottom line is, any non-BLM/CRT activist will tell you that if you're a major distraction, you have to have the most elite talent to be considered, or they just won't want to deal with the drama and headaches. DeShaun Watson being signed to the Browns after so many accusations of sexual assault is an example of someone who is good enough to overcome being a major distraction... Kaepernick and Tebow are examples of people who weren't good enough to be considered.

No, it just shows that the NFL is fine with actual criminals, but don't like it when someone actually embarrasses the team. Which is why they settled with him rather than release all the internal memos about how he was blackballed.

You justifying violence more. So... you're the same as a J6 rioter, and a pro-Trump election denier. You are what you hate.

Nope. What happened on J6 was inexcusable. They didn't have a legitimate grievance that was ignored for more than a decade. Trump knew the stolen election claim was a lie because his own people told him it was. He still instigated a riot.

Indeed, we've become a post-racist society after getting rid of the Democrat racism, and thankfully the GOP was there to support the Civil Rights Act. By any measure, as far as statistical significance is concerned, everyone denounces such horrible acts, and our laws don't allow them. So what is the point of bringing them up?

Wow, what a fantasy. When did this post racist society happen. What actually happened was the racists realized they had a welcoming home in the GOP, starting with Tricky Dick's "Southern Strategy" through Reagan's Welfare queens, Bush's Willie Horton Ad and Trump... well, just about everything that comes out of his mouth. And as much as I hate to sound like IM2 here, it's really our job to fix this as White people.

"All the time".. how much is that? Sounds like you don't know, and are once again just making stuff up in an emotional tirade to support your point. If force is abused, it needs to be called out. However, your problem is you can't prove it, so you have to go to mythical boogeyman status and say "But we ALL KNOW it happens".. when no, we don't know. You just are again making things up to justify your hate.

Quite the reverse. Usually, all we have to go on is police narratives, and the funny thing about cops is their ability to make whatever you did sound a lot worse than it actually was.

So going back to young Laquan McDonald, if you read the official police report, he lunged at Officer Van Dyke with a knife. Except when the videotape from the police cruiser was released, it shows him walking away from the officer at what can't even be called a leisurely pace. The police repeated the false information for nearly a year until the video was finally released to the media under the FOIA.

You can't prove a negative, so again, you're making things up, writing fan fiction to justify your hate.
It shouldn't be fiction if the cops aren't racist. They should be accidently shooting a proportionate number of white people in bad shoots.

Can you name someone named Abraham who was born on a Tuesday and ate chicken and wild rice the previous night who was shot? WTF?

Wow, talk about avoidance. We can assume a lot of white kids play with toy guns in public parks. How many of them are shot by police. If you are going to argue this is an accident that could happen to anyone, you should be able to find a lot of cases of it happening.

You certainly were proud that BLM didn't murder every white person they saw. So, it would only be using your own standard. And again, you're talking about 10-15 people per year... it's odd how these lives matter more than other issues... hell, even in the same issue, you don't care if white people are abused by police, or asians, etc. It's laughable, and anyone outside of your bubble realizes this fraud of virtue.

We aren't talking about 10-15 people a year. YOu don't get to 3.2 Billion in settlements with just 10-15 people.

So 10-15 people where we have videotape of police misconduct. Maybe one or two of them might even get put on trial and go to jail. Most just get fired.
Nope. It was about slavery and only slavery.
Ahistoric by any measure. A joke. Simple minds need to simplify things so they can better make sense of the world and not think as much.
America is racist.
You keep saying it, but you don't provide any proof. You bring up anecdotals in a nation of 340,000,000 people, 13% of which are black, so 50+ million. By all means, the floor is yours to describe how the nation as a whole is racist. Today it certainly is not.
Actually, I'm all for Free Speech. Let the Nazis march in Skokie. Let the Klan march on the South Side. Just don't send cops to protect them. Whoops.
Well then, I'm not sure what you're mad about. So are you mad at your side for constantly trying to censor people?
ON a serious note, all rights need to be balanced against a public good. THere was no Good in letting some Nazis do bad performance art.
See, here comes the Orwellian lingo... what is the "public good"? Who defines it? You?
I'm curious how a religion that is 80% of the population can be oppressed by a phobic culture? Quite the contrary, we spend far too much time molly-coddling you.
- You can attempt to say that 80% of America is Christian, but that would be rather short-sighted. Relying on that is like relying on a gym membership list that has 100 people, and saying there are 100 healthy gym goers. Half of them signed up on New Years and stopped going after 2 weeks, and many are out of shape. 100 people have memberships, but only 30-40 are healthy gym goers. The same applies here. Anyone can check a box, or be a C&E Christian, and plenty can be modernist cafeteria catholics. There's a difference between dedicated church goers who submit to church doctrine and someone who goes once a year with family on Christmas and openly advocates for things outside of the church.
- Christians are quite allowed to be openly mocked, ridiculed, and berated with no social consequences... and we can take it. We aren't powder puffs like other groups. However, I'm allowed to bring up the reality for a little perspective.
Yes, you seem to spend an awful lot of time justifying the murder of black people by rogue police... One can draw their own conclusions.
I've never done that. If you can point out where I did, supply it. If not, you're spreading misinformation.
Blacks lived in South Africa, you obviously don't know what Apartheid means.
The first records of the word apartheid in English come from the 1940s. It's an Afrikaans word in which the suffix -heid means -hood, as in a state or condition. In this way, apartheid basically means “apartness” or “the state of being apart.” It can be interpreted as meaning “separation” or “segregation.”

Muslims live freely in Israel. So I'm glad I could correct your misinformation.
Here's a nice helpful Chart... Except for the US, the Zionist Entity is seen negatively in most of the world.
Why should I, or Israel, care about a popularity contest that involves extremely immoral nations? If you spend your time overlooking murderous regimes such as Iran, Syria, etc. and denouncing Israel (who holds far greater morals and valueing of human rights)... that says a lot about you. I'd focus on the people who use their civilians/children as fodder while openly attacking innocents (the countries surrounding Israel) rather than the one that actively defends their civilians with resources and attempts to avoid civilians (Isreal).

Then by that logic, Kurds don't exist, Basque don't exist, a whole bunch of nationalities that have a state don't exist... except the Palestinians DO have a government that is internationally recognized.
The Jewish people also have a right to exist, as they are a clear group like others who have achieved nationhood. The Middle East is gigantic, and Israel is the size of New Jersey. Palestine and Muslims have routinely rejected a 2 state solution, and will only accept the destruction of Israel. That tells you who is mature and moral, and who are rabid barbarians.

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