Zone1 Calling God Father

If we were already there, why did God describe how he intended (in the future) to create man?
Genesis 1: 26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness, to rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it.”

Obviously, He hadn't done it yet. All of those things on earth were in place before God created man. We weren't transported here, we were created here:
Genesis 1:27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them
Genesis 2:7 The man called Adam was created when God “formed man of the dust of the ground.

The Bible describes the whole process right here on earth, with the very first one of us He created.

True, but didn't we all start out in Heaven though? I can't actually confirm that with scripture, I've only heard about that before.
Not unless God had some clay transported to Heaven for the operation. Because we are made of earth, and earth has 2 properties that are essential to life. It can store energy for thousands of years, and it can transfer energy.
From a scientific standpoint, it holds a key as to why God created vegetation before man. The energy in clay comes from radioactive decay, and it turned early clay into chemical factories that turned inorganic raw material into the complex molecules necessary to create life.
No longer does science believe that we slithered out of the ocean. They are discovering now, what Bible readers took literally when they read it.

God went into such great detail about the process, I don't think he would have done so if we were transports. It would kind of make God a liar, because He said Adam was the first man He made, and then walked us through how He did it and what material He used. Earth and breath. :)
Not unless God had some clay transported to Heaven for the operation. Because we are made of earth, and earth has 2 properties that are essential to life. It can store energy for thousands of years, and it can transfer energy.
From a scientific standpoint, it holds a key as to why God created vegetation before man. The energy in clay comes from radioactive decay, and it turned early clay into chemical factories that turned inorganic raw material into the complex molecules necessary to create life.

Why do you sound like a religious version of Bill Nye the science guy all of a sudden?
lol, Because they go together like hand and glove. Science and the Bible compliment each other. The smarter "science" gets, the closer to God they get. The laws they discover are the ones God used to create. It about killed Einstein to admit we had a beginning, but God started the whole Book out with, In the beginning. I love when they prove Him right!
lol, Because they go together like hand and glove. Science and the Bible compliment each other. The smarter "science" gets, the closer to God they get. The laws they discover are the ones God used to create. It about killed Einstein to admit we had a beginning, but God started the whole Book out with, In the beginning. I love when they prove Him right!

True, but all I keep hearing is Bill's voice in my head as I read your responses. Okay now you leave me absolutely no choice.

I am much prettier...:spinner:

That and I'm guessing that your name isn't Bill. Anyways, I'm all for science and religion going together because I don't see why they can't. God created science after all so what's wrong with believing in both? The only problem I have with science is that it tends to change and God's Word never does. However, since a young age I've always liked science. :)
That and I'm guessing that your name isn't Bill. Anyways, I'm all for science and religion going together because I don't see why they can't. God created science after all so what's wrong with believing in both? The only problem I have with science is that it tends to change and God's Word never does. However, since a young age I've always liked science. :)
God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness, to rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it.”
God said, “Let Us make all life on earth in Our image, after Our likeness, ... and all live together as equals.

the desert religions were politicized from the very beginning as societies based on servitude ... science if not just common sense - are far better religions than madeup forgeries and fallacies.
the desert religions were politicized from the very beginning as societies based on servitude ... science if not just common sense - are far better religions than madeup forgeries and fallacies.
You cross out His words and come up with the religion of BreezeWood. Yours is the made up forgery. And you are welcome to it. I prefer the one who proves who He is through prophesy. You can't even tell me who will win the World Cup. My Father gve me today's headlines 2,000 years ago.
You cross out His words and come up with the religion of BreezeWood. Yours is the made up forgery. And you are welcome to it. I prefer the one who proves who He is through prophesy. You can't even tell me who will win the World Cup. My Father gve me today's headlines 2,000 years ago.

it is you who can not recite the prescribed religion of antiquity, the triumph of good vs evil - the journey granted a&e by their choice for self determination as when the heavens guidance will bring them back to earth by their, humanities - fulfillment.

- the desert books are littered with forgeries and fallacies on nearly every one of their 10000 pages.
In the beginning, goes back as far as it goes. Finding ancient texts confirm the fact that forgeries and fallacies have not taken place over the years. Archeology proves the accuracy. So does science. Forgers can't predict the future. God made 1/4 of His Book future predictions to prove He is who He says He is. You can't predict shit. :dunno:
If we were already there, why did God describe how he intended (in the future) to create man?
Genesis 1: 26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness, to rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it.”
The Genesis account speaks of God's creation of man on this earth. That creation entailed creating Adam's body from the the dust of the earth and God's breathing into Adam the breath of life. I argue that the breath of life was when God allowed Adam's spirit to enter his body and the uniting of the body and the spirit are the creation of the soul of man.

Ecclesiastes 12:7
7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

This verse tells us that when we die, our bodies return to the earth as dust from which they were formed and that our spirits will RETURN unto God who gave it. How can a spirit return unto God if it was never there in the first place. The fact is that our spirits are immortal and will live on after our bodies die. Those spirits that inhabit our bodies will return unto God from where they came from in the first place.
Obviously, He hadn't done it yet. All of those things on earth were in place before God created man. We weren't transported here, we were created here:
Genesis 1:27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them
Genesis 2:7 The man called Adam was created when God “formed man of the dust of the ground.

The Bible describes the whole process right here on earth, with the very first one of us He created.
To say that God created man in his own image does not rule out that mankind's spirits existed prior to mankind's bodies being created on earth. Our spirits are also in the image of God's spirit. Uniting them with a body of flesh and bones that is also in the image of God does not contradict what is taught in Genesis.
You proved yourself wrong in your next quote:
And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents
^Not one mention of prior sinning in Heaven. You added that part. And your addition skewed your understanding.
Turns out the man was blind , so that God could heal him:
Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.”
So it is your opinion that everything Jesus ever taught was included in the Bible?

John 21:25
25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.

The fact is that the disciples, based on what they had learned about our premortal existence from Jesus, wondered if the blind man was born that way based on him sinning in the premortal life. Jesus did not teach his disciples that they errored in what they asked but simply taught that neither the man nor his parents sinned for the man to be born blind.
What Jesus didn't say was that the blind man also did nothing wrong while he resided in Heaven. Because man being premortal was never a condition of man, was never a theme in the Bible and is contrary to what God told us about the creation of man. Why would God tell those in Heaven how He intended to construct man, if man already existed?
If man was premortal, then no breath of life would have been necessary. If man was premortal, he would have already known all about Lucifer, about sin and there would have been no need for a Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. A premortal would know what the other inhabitants of Heaven knew.

Isaiah told us how we were created before science could prove we were actually clay:
Isaiah 64:8 But now, O Lord, You are our Father,
We are the clay, and You our potter;
And all of us are the work of Your hand

The creation of man took place here. From our earth. By a potter. And we are wonderfully made.
In the beginning, goes back as far as it goes. Finding ancient texts confirm the fact that forgeries and fallacies have not taken place over the years. Archeology proves the accuracy. So does science. Forgers can't predict the future. God made 1/4 of His Book future predictions to prove He is who He says He is. You can't predict shit. :dunno:

there was never darkness over earth ...


from the beginning, primordial earth.

the religion of antiquity culminates with the final judgement when all who remain become the same, the triumph of good vs evil - only one is found in the desert religions their demise is humanities best hope for success.
there was never darkness over earth ...

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from the beginning, primordial earth.

the religion of antiquity culminates with the final judgement when all who remain become the same, the triumph of good vs evil - only one is found in the desert religions their demise is humanities best hope for success.
So no Big Bang? There was always a sun and moon and stars and light?

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