Caligula Comes To Mind When We Look At Democrat Policies


Excellent. I love this. Caligula.

I've been wondering where you guys are going when you've used up Hitler. This is true out-of-the-box thinking!

Trump is Caligula. (a comparison chart) | by Gerald Weaver ...
Dec 05, 2017 · Caligula was the first Roman Emperor to demand that he, as a living Emperor, be worshipped as a god. Trump considers the free press, the Congress, the

Surah 9-11, it is the Nazi democrats who attack free speech, a free press, freedom of religion, etc.

The Nazis were Fascists.

What is your reference to Surah 9-11?

Surada is a town in India.
Thanks for admitting that when Trump was POTUS he did screw everything up!

Especially black employment. Y'all democrats have worked hard ever since the Republicans defeated you in the last civil war and forced you scum to give up your slaves, to keep blacks impoverished. Trump screwed everything up by creating the lowest unemployment for black people in American history - you democrats weren't going to stand for that. Luckily your allies/masters in Communist China had the handy Wuhan Designer Virus to take care of that...
Thanks for admitting that when Trump was POTUS he did screw everything up!

Especially black employment. Y'all democrats have worked hard ever since the Republicans defeated you in the last civil war and forced you scum to give up your slaves, to keep blacks impoverished. Trump screwed everything up by creating the lowest unemployment for black people in American history - you democrats weren't going to stand for that. Luckily your allies/masters in Communist China had the handy Wuhan Designer Virus to take care of that...

Trump didn't create anything.. He rode the rising tide of the Obama administration and some of that he stupidly screwed up like TPP and US soybean markets.
You are a very sick person.

As a follower of Black Liberation Theology, you've hated white devils your whole life. Is the the designation of whites as the new Juden, the official scapegoat, by the Reich an infringement of the long standing hatred and bigotry you already had?

I mean, you hated whites before it was cool, right?
Trump didn't create anything.. He rode the rising tide of the Obama administration and some of that he stupidly screwed up like TPP and US soybean markets.


Such absurdly stupid lies.

Stupid people running our country:

"It runs in the marriage, I suppose.

On Wednesday, first lady Jill Biden was in California, visiting a pop-up vaccination site for farmworkers. According to The New York Times, she was lending her support to agricultural workers who are pressing for priority access to COVID-19 inoculations.

Beyond that, she was there to try to rally the union base around President Joe Biden’s agenda, particularly the massive, $2 trillion infrastructure program he proposed on Wednesday. Her visit was meant to mark the birthday of César Chávez, the labor organizer who founded what would become the United Farm Workers.

Surprise of surprises, Biden wasn’t in Delano, California, to lend her support to Chávez’s opposition to illegal immigration. (Yes, that’s really a thing, kids. If you’ve just learned about him through your high school’s hyper-leftist pedagogy, perhaps you also don’t know that the patron saint of migrant farmworkers unionization was once tougher on illegal immigration than Jeff Sessions.)

Most media outlets reported the good pull-quotes from the speech, not the three words that undermined the whole message. We’ll get to that later, but there was plenty of lionization of field workers, factory workers and even retail workers in Biden’s remarks."

TRENDING: Republican Senator Who Voted to Convict Tru

"For those of you totally unfamiliar with the language, what Jill Biden is trying to say here (place a lot of emphasis on that trying part as you read this) is “sí, se puede,” the motto of the United Farm Workers. That roughly translates to “yes, we can.”

“Puede” is typically pronounced “pway-day;” it roughly rhymes with “payday.”

If you want a better example from a native speaker of the language, here’s Dolores Huerta — co-founder of the UFW and the woman who responsible for “sí, se puede” — explaining how it she coined it during Chávez’s 25-day water-only hunger strike in Arizona back in 1972:"

"Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places and under any circumstances to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake."
Yep. Caligula comes to mind when we look at the Rats policies, also Nero and fact the whole Roman Empire at its worst, comes to mind! :mad-61:

Excellent. I love this. Caligula.

I've been wondering where you guys are going when you've used up Hitler. This is true out-of-the-box thinking!
Your references to Hitler and Nazis is just a GD silly joke now jamokee.

How similar is Trump to Caligula, the Mad Emperor of Rome ...
Jul 23, 2019 · Even before Donald Trump was elected president of the United States he was being compared to Caligula, third emperor of Rome. Following Mr. Trump’s …
I did a piece on this;
History repeats so the signs are there if you remember your history and understand who was educated and influenced by certain historical figures and their screwed up teachings thus repeating through such influence and mindset.
Saul Alinsky for example was a nut case who influenced Obama and Hillary and their "social activist organizations"-so you can see his influence on how they perform their creation of a rival & demonization of that rival to gather and rally groups against with ends justifying the means being their borrowed failed evil logic from Alinsky.
So what part of History did they plagiarize to create their villain?
You might not see the pattern because the ancient villainization by the elites of that era which used fake news, became your historical teaching, so you would never guess that someone like Caligula might not have been as bad or crazy as history taught you. Caligula: Tyrant or hero – or both? | Christie's
The Elites and the Elites in the Roman Senate despised Caligula and assasinated him (Coup), because he was too popular with the working class and was a threat to their system of enslaving and benefitting from them being kept down.
They called Caligula crazy and helped demonize that image through a fake dossier about sleeping with his horse. They blamed the deaths of many elites on Caligula portraying him as paranoid.
It's quite clear the academics plagiarized their techniques like they plagiarize their speeches and political plans. Surely you can read up on Hillary's own collegiate essays and praise of Alinsky and Chicago Obama's own influence, but I bet you Hillary was taught about the Elites handling of Caligula, in classes as well.

There are some alarming parallels emerging while we watch what Democrats are attempting to do to this country. Their transformational laws and their reckless disregard for our economy are being panned by other countries as silly as well as humorous to watch. The stupidity of the Democrat Party, and the Biden Administration in particular....has turned America into a laughing-stock.

The Dems are far more like Pol Pot with their tin army of Jewish Bolsheviks
There are some alarming parallels emerging while we watch what Democrats are attempting to do to this country. Their transformational laws and their reckless disregard for our economy are being panned by other countries as silly as well as humorous to watch. The stupidity of the Democrat Party, and the Biden Administration in particular....has turned America into a laughing-stock.

Perhaps Biden will make his bitey German Shepard a Senator.

It would likely be less obstructionist than the repugs and smarter too.
The truth about Cesar Chavez, as censored by today's commie racist media.

Chavez, born in Arizona in 1927, stridently opposed illegal immigration during his career as a community organizer and activist battling for the rights of farm laborers and low-wage workers.

Chavez used the term “wetbacks” often to describe illegal immigrant workers from Mexico, whom he believed took jobs from union workers. With the help of United Farm Workers co-founder Dolores Huerta, Chavez started the “Illegals Campaign,” which organized volunteers to seek out illegal immigrants working on farms and report them to the authorities.

"If we can get the illegals out of California, we will win the strike overnight,” Chavez said about farmworker strikes in California.

When he was urged to tone down his anti-illegal immigrant rhetoric, he reportedly said, “'No, a spade's a spade. You guys get these hang-ups. Goddamn it. How do we build a union? They're wets, you know. They're wets, and let's go after them."

By the mid-1970s, Chavez expressed support for the plight of illegal immigrants, but he maintained that illegal immigrants negatively affected wages and conditions for U.S. workers.

"The illegal aliens are doubly exploited, first because they are farm workers, and second because they are powerless to defend their own interests," Chavez wrote in a letter to a newspaper in 1974. "But if there were no illegals being used to break our strikes, we could win those strikes overnight and then be in a position to improve the living and working conditions of all farm workers."

Biden’s stated positions on illegal immigration have stood in stark contrast to Chavez’s views on the matter.

Even many Republicans back in the day supported Chavez's grape boycotts and his battles with the Teamsters.

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