Democrat Voters are Among the Most Gullible People on Earth


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Considering the results of the Virginia Governor's race I can see that one glaring issue is still out there. Democrats are still gullible.

Even though the Democrats are attempting to institute measures that would have been called Draconian, abusive, and counter to everything we have been taught about liberty & justice in America, there are still plenty of idiots that feel the alternatives are too horrible to face. The fact that the vote was as close as it was only means we're going to have to continue to go thru this cycle till the Democrats are allowed to take full control of our country, and by that time it will be too late to do anything about it.

There just aren't enough people in this country that are willing to face up to the fact that Democrats are trying to destroy America. There is still a block of 30% that thinks massive inflation and government overreach is what they call going in the right direction. Some of them are silly enough to think that Socialism will solve all of our problems.

November 3, 2021​

Democrat Voters are Among the Most Gullible People on Earth​

The primary reason the United States finds itself in its current predicament is the vast number of credulous and mis-educated Americans who, over the past two decades, have blindly pledged their undying allegiance to the current iteration of Democrat party. They do so because they have been willingly duped into believing that the political opposition, conservatives and Republicans, are the personification of evil who are hellbent on transforming the nation into a dystopian nightmare.​

The philosophical underpinnings of the Democrat party or the falsehoods its elected members regurgitate are immaterial to their voters, as long as this dire threat, as personified by Donald Trump in 2020, is vanquished by any and all means possible, including unconstrained voter fraud and manipulation.​
It was this mindset that foisted upon the nation a senescent Joe Biden in the White House and left-wing ideologues in Congress.​
The landscape of America today is littered with innumerable crises that, taken together, have the potential to permanently marginalize and transform the country. Nearly all the current fiascos are deliberately and openly being fomented by the American left and its wholly owned subsidiary the Democrat party, secure in the knowledge that once the nation is permanently set on the track of a one-party fascist oligarchy there is no turning back.​

Yes, a fascist oligarchy. While mindlessly voting for Democrat candidates, the bulk of these easily exploitable voters do not comprehend that the philosophical underpinning of the American left, and thus the Democrat party, is a proprietary strain of fascism with its roots in Marxism.​
Fascism is socialism/Marxism with a veneer of capitalism. Whereas pure communism advocates the abolishment of all market relations outright, fascism leaves the appearance of market relations while planning all economic activities with favored state-sanctioned unions and corporations. Whereas communism essentially abolishes money and prices, fascism controls the monetary system and for all intents and purposes sets prices and wages politically.​
Under fascism, the state, through official agencies, controls all aspects of manufacturing, commerce, finance, and agriculture, even though ownership remains in private hands. For all practical purposes, near-universal government licensing exists, as essentially no economic activity can be undertaken without de facto government permission. Levels of consumption are dictated by the state, and “excess” income and wealth must be surrendered as taxes.​
If Democrats are anything, they're gullible. They believe anything that is said by Democrats, professors or the MSM. Maybe their gullibility has led to our opioid crisis or their willingness to kill, riot and destroy property in the name of whatever bullshit ideal their mentors are pushing. This younger generation needs to get their heads out of their asses and start thinking for themselves.
To be fair..........99.99% of politicians are an Oligarchy.

Guess who made them that way??? WE DID!!!

Regardless of party or neutrality, they are all millionaires and billionaires created from OUR tax dollars.
We the people have the rights to control THEM, yet we've refused to (as a whole society).
Instead of cutting their pay, abolishing their benefits, and even removing them from office........people just sit around and bitch and moan about it all, instead of DOING something about it.

Meanwhile, over the decades, the politicians vote themselves raises, changed laws to guarantee their raises, benefits, and perks. Open up mass numbers of bank accounts across the globe, hoarding our tax dollars........syphoning our tax dollars into THEIR personal accounts. Building up their physical wealth with mansions, vehicles, land, stock, bonds, etc.....

And is society.........still bitching and whining about it, and DOING NOTHING.

I've tried a few times to get something done, but one person can't fight the Oligarchy. And people are so soft and lazy and stupid now, pretty much all of the people in this country are just sheeples waiting for slaughter.

The Dems are all about political theater. Creating scenarios they can control to make the other guys look bad. Creating pain, suffering, panic, and destruction to detract the sheeples, while they meet in back rooms..........away from prying eyes, away from cameras, journalists, and photographers..........illegally and unconstitutionally changing laws to turn this country into a 50 state concentration camp.

I've tried to fight the system, but nobody was interested in getting off their fat asses and out of their recliners to help me. I'm stuck like everybody else that has tried and failed, because they didn't have the backing of all those others that constantly whine and complain and DO NOTHING.
I've tried to fight the system, but nobody was interested in getting off their fat asses and out of their recliners to help me. I'm stuck like everybody else that has tried and failed, because they didn't have the backing of all those others that constantly whine and complain and DO NOTHING.

Good to see you've committed yourself to doing something--bitching about your superiors on an obscure message board; that'll show em.
Watching from afar, my assessment is, if not for the education issue which consisted of a comment that parents shouldn't be involved, the sexual assault allegation by a creep that was swept under the rug, and, CRT; the GOP candidate probably doesn't win. This approach isn't exactly a recipe for success as a party if you have to rely on motivational issues based on mishaps by your competitor in order to win.

My point is that the GOP should listen to what voters want in order to succeed. Don't become ideologically frozen, deliver what citizens want. In essence "liberty and accountable government".

Considering how big of an issue education was, a GOP candidate should have won by 5%. Yes, the Dems called in all the big guns for support, but, I can't believe this winner has a long political career ahead of him, especially if he relies on the boogeyman of his opposition which will no longer exist as he is in control.

It's why the Dems will keep losing, they follow the narrative of "continue to blame Trump even as he is gone" instead of "win on policies" and govern accordingly. Voters are becoming more savvy.
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To be fair..........99.99% of politicians are an Oligarchy.

Guess who made them that way??? WE DID!!!

Regardless of party or neutrality, they are all millionaires and billionaires created from OUR tax dollars.
We the people have the rights to control THEM, yet we've refused to (as a whole society).
Instead of cutting their pay, abolishing their benefits, and even removing them from office........people just sit around and bitch and moan about it all, instead of DOING something about it.

Meanwhile, over the decades, the politicians vote themselves raises, changed laws to guarantee their raises, benefits, and perks. Open up mass numbers of bank accounts across the globe, hoarding our tax dollars........syphoning our tax dollars into THEIR personal accounts. Building up their physical wealth with mansions, vehicles, land, stock, bonds, etc.....

And is society.........still bitching and whining about it, and DOING NOTHING.

I've tried a few times to get something done, but one person can't fight the Oligarchy. And people are so soft and lazy and stupid now, pretty much all of the people in this country are just sheeples waiting for slaughter.

The Dems are all about political theater. Creating scenarios they can control to make the other guys look bad. Creating pain, suffering, panic, and destruction to detract the sheeples, while they meet in back rooms..........away from prying eyes, away from cameras, journalists, and photographers..........illegally and unconstitutionally changing laws to turn this country into a 50 state concentration camp.

I've tried to fight the system, but nobody was interested in getting off their fat asses and out of their recliners to help me. I'm stuck like everybody else that has tried and failed, because they didn't have the backing of all those others that constantly whine and complain and DO NOTHING.
Considering the results of the Virginia Governor's race I can see that one glaring issue is still out there. Democrats are still gullible.

Even though the Democrats are attempting to institute measures that would have been called Draconian, abusive, and counter to everything we have been taught about liberty & justice in America, there are still plenty of idiots that feel the alternatives are too horrible to face. The fact that the vote was as close as it was only means we're going to have to continue to go thru this cycle till the Democrats are allowed to take full control of our country, and by that time it will be too late to do anything about it.

There just aren't enough people in this country that are willing to face up to the fact that Democrats are trying to destroy America. There is still a block of 30% that thinks massive inflation and government overreach is what they call going in the right direction. Some of them are silly enough to think that Socialism will solve all of our problems.

November 3, 2021​

Democrat Voters are Among the Most Gullible People on Earth​

The primary reason the United States finds itself in its current predicament is the vast number of credulous and mis-educated Americans who, over the past two decades, have blindly pledged their undying allegiance to the current iteration of Democrat party. They do so because they have been willingly duped into believing that the political opposition, conservatives and Republicans, are the personification of evil who are hellbent on transforming the nation into a dystopian nightmare.​

The philosophical underpinnings of the Democrat party or the falsehoods its elected members regurgitate are immaterial to their voters, as long as this dire threat, as personified by Donald Trump in 2020, is vanquished by any and all means possible, including unconstrained voter fraud and manipulation.​
It was this mindset that foisted upon the nation a senescent Joe Biden in the White House and left-wing ideologues in Congress.​
The landscape of America today is littered with innumerable crises that, taken together, have the potential to permanently marginalize and transform the country. Nearly all the current fiascos are deliberately and openly being fomented by the American left and its wholly owned subsidiary the Democrat party, secure in the knowledge that once the nation is permanently set on the track of a one-party fascist oligarchy there is no turning back.​

Yes, a fascist oligarchy. While mindlessly voting for Democrat candidates, the bulk of these easily exploitable voters do not comprehend that the philosophical underpinning of the American left, and thus the Democrat party, is a proprietary strain of fascism with its roots in Marxism.​
Fascism is socialism/Marxism with a veneer of capitalism. Whereas pure communism advocates the abolishment of all market relations outright, fascism leaves the appearance of market relations while planning all economic activities with favored state-sanctioned unions and corporations. Whereas communism essentially abolishes money and prices, fascism controls the monetary system and for all intents and purposes sets prices and wages politically.​
Under fascism, the state, through official agencies, controls all aspects of manufacturing, commerce, finance, and agriculture, even though ownership remains in private hands. For all practical purposes, near-universal government licensing exists, as essentially no economic activity can be undertaken without de facto government permission. Levels of consumption are dictated by the state, and “excess” income and wealth must be surrendered as taxes.​
Wow, a complete lack of self awareness makes for massive amounts of irony.

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