California Senator Steven Bradford: "Where Is My Mule ???!"

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017

California Senator Steven Bradford said if freed slaves had gotten what was promised, theyā€™d ā€˜all be billionairesā€™

"If the 40 acres and a mule that was promised to free slaves were delivered to the descendants of those slaves today, we would all be billionaires,ā€ Democrat Senator Steven Bradford said, expressing support for the AB-3121 bill, which aims to develop reparation proposals.

ā€œI hear far too many people say, ā€˜Well, I didnā€™t own slaves, that was so long ago,ā€™" he said. "Well, you inherit wealth ā€” you can inherit the debt that you owe to African-Americans.ā€

California lawmakers are now setting up a task force to study and make recommendations for reparations to African Americans, particularly the descendants of slaves, the AP reported.

In the last two years, other states including Texas, New York, and Vermont have considered similar legislation.

It said reparations could take the form of cash, housing assistance, lower tuition, forgiving student loans, job training or community investments.

"African Americans continue to suffer debilitating economic, educational, and health hardships" because of continued discrimination, the bill states


Democratic State Senator Holly Mitchell of Los Angeles also noted that ā€œChattel slavery, both in California and across our nation, birthed a legacy of racial harm and inequity that continues to impact the conditions of black life in California.ā€

She cited disproportionate homelessness, unemployment, involvement in the criminal justice system, lower academic performance and higher health risks during the coronavirus pandemic.

This bill would establish the Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans who are descendants of persons enslaved Americans, with a Special Consideration for African Americans Who are Descendants of Persons Enslaved in the United States, consisting of 8 9 members, appointed as provided. The bill would require the Task Force to, among other things, identify, compile, and synthesize the relevant corpus of evidentiary documentation of the institution of slavery that existed within the United States and the colonies. The bill would require the Task Force to recommend, among other things, the form of compensation that should be awarded, the instrumentalities through which it should be awarded, and who should be eligible for this compensation. The bill would require the Task Force to submit a written report of its findings and recommendations to the Legislature. The bill would authorize reimbursement of the membersā€™ expenses only to the extent an appropriation therefor is made in the Budget Act. The bill would state that any state level reparations authorized under these provisions are not to be considered a replacement for any reparations enacted at the federal level. The bill would repeal these provisions on July 1, 2023.

From the author:

Human trafficking, without any doubt, was monstrous in its immorality and cruelty fact of US history.

But some questions arise:
- How can you compensate for the pain and suffering that black people have gone through using money?

- How are legislators from states that have "distinguished themselves" "with the massive use of slaves, going to compensate the heirs of those 10 million unfortunates who did not survive the bestial conditions of sea transportation and whose bodies were simply thrown into the ocean ???

- It is known that a certain social stratum really got rich in this business in America. But it is also known that in West Africa entire tribes were "in business" capturing and enslaving their own kind. WILL they be held accountable for their crimes against humanity ???

- WHO will compensate for the irreversible damage that the American civilization, represented by certain individuals who profited from the slave trade and the exploitation of slaves, inflicted on the African population?

- Will the compensation take into account the costs incurred by the states of police control of racial crime today and the maintenance of penal institutions?

- Will the compensation bill take into account the fact that the very significant portion of the black population lived and still lives exploiting Welfare and Social Security?

- Is it not worth, through careful analysis, to check the legend about the poor academic performance of high school students as a legacy of slavery and to check the influence of ordinary laziness and sexual promiscuity in the part that many ā€œkidsā€ used a thin plastic film in which school lunches were packed, "not on purpose", as a ā€œcondomā€?

- Will there be a comparative analysis of the MODERN average standard of living of the population of African countries from which the slaves were taken, and the average standard of living of their descendants in the United States?

- Will the current names of those ā€œfamiliesā€ from the ā€œwhites" that profited from slavery, as well as their possible, say, ethniс affiliation, be published?

But the BIGGEST STICK is that initially there were several THOUSANDS of the so-called "whites", who got rich in slavery and reparations WILL BE PAID from the STATE BUDGET by ALL the population of this or that State !!!

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View attachment 382916
California Senator Steven Bradford said if freed slaves had gotten what was promised, theyā€™d ā€˜all be billionairesā€™

"If the 40 acres and a mule that was promised to free slaves were delivered to the descendants of those slaves today, we would all be billionaires,ā€ Democrat Senator Steven Bradford said, expressing support for the AB-3121 bill, which aims to develop reparation proposals.

ā€œI hear far too many people say, ā€˜Well, I didnā€™t own slaves, that was so long ago,ā€™" he said. "Well, you inherit wealth ā€” you can inherit the debt that you owe to African-Americans.ā€

California lawmakers are now setting up a task force to study and make recommendations for reparations to African Americans, particularly the descendants of slaves, the AP reported.

In the last two years, other states including Texas, New York, and Vermont have considered similar legislation.

It said reparations could take the form of cash, housing assistance, lower tuition, forgiving student loans, job training or community investments.

"African Americans continue to suffer debilitating economic, educational, and health hardships" because of continued discrimination, the bill states

View attachment 382948

Democratic State Senator Holly Mitchell of Los Angeles also noted that ā€œChattel slavery, both in California and across our nation, birthed a legacy of racial harm and inequity that continues to impact the conditions of black life in California.ā€

She cited disproportionate homelessness, unemployment, involvement in the criminal justice system, lower academic performance and higher health risks during the coronavirus pandemic.

This bill would establish the Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans who are descendants of persons enslaved Americans, with a Special Consideration for African Americans Who are Descendants of Persons Enslaved in the United States, consisting of 8 9 members, appointed as provided. The bill would require the Task Force to, among other things, identify, compile, and synthesize the relevant corpus of evidentiary documentation of the institution of slavery that existed within the United States and the colonies. The bill would require the Task Force to recommend, among other things, the form of compensation that should be awarded, the instrumentalities through which it should be awarded, and who should be eligible for this compensation. The bill would require the Task Force to submit a written report of its findings and recommendations to the Legislature. The bill would authorize reimbursement of the membersā€™ expenses only to the extent an appropriation therefor is made in the Budget Act. The bill would state that any state level reparations authorized under these provisions are not to be considered a replacement for any reparations enacted at the federal level. The bill would repeal these provisions on July 1, 2023.

From the author:

Human trafficking, without any doubt, was monstrous in its immorality and cruelty fact of US history.

But some questions arise:
- How can you compensate for the pain and suffering that black people have gone through using money?

- How are legislators from states that have "distinguished themselves" "with the massive use of slaves, going to compensate the heirs of those 10 million unfortunates who did not survive the bestial conditions of sea transportation and whose bodies were simply thrown into the ocean ???

- It is known that a certain social stratum really got rich in this business in America. But it is also known that in West Africa entire tribes were "in business" capturing and enslaving their own kind. WILL they be held accountable for their crimes against humanity ???

- WHO will compensate for the irreversible damage that the American civilization, represented by certain individuals who profited from the slave trade and the exploitation of slaves, inflicted on the African population?

- Will the compensation take into account the costs incurred by the states of police control of racial crime today and the maintenance of penal institutions?

- Will the compensation bill take into account the fact that the very significant portion of the black population lived and still lives exploiting Welfare and Social Security?

- Is it not worth, through careful analysis, to check the legend about the poor academic performance of high school students as a legacy of slavery and to check the influence of ordinary laziness and sexual promiscuity in the part that many ā€œkidsā€ used a thin plastic film in which school lunches were packed, "not on purpose", as a ā€œcondomā€?

- Will there be a comparative analysis of the MODERN average standard of living of the population of African countries from which the slaves were taken, and the average standard of living of their descendants in the United States?

- Will the current names of those ā€œfamiliesā€ from the ā€œwhites" that profited from slavery, as well as their possible, say, ethniс affiliation, be published?

This guy really got into 1975 Parlament.
That g<iframe width="755" height="566" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>uy really g
The 40 acres was coastal land between South Carolina and northern Florida and the mules would be loaned by the US Army.

It wasn't a "promise" just a long defunct program which did indeed settle a lot of former slaves.

I don't think any who received the land or livestock became billionaires.


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