California Likely Solidly Democratic Due To Health Care Votes!

right, wait until they send you the bill dope. geezus, was that supposed to contribute something?
Former Governor Brown, Senator Barbara Boxer, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Famous Chiarman, Henry Waman--and the California delegation generally--have the wind at their backs, in the November elections. It is called, "The Health Care Reform vote," and California seems to adore it, overwhelmingly!

Californians take generally positive view of healthcare reform - Los Angeles Times

Since California tends to be in the vanguard of social issue trends, then this bodes exceptionally well for the House Speaker's job, generally, and the Senate Leader's job generally.

In California, all they have to do is show off their support for the Health Care Reform vote!

Nationwide, the people tend to follow.

This even works on Venice Beach, in California. We see lots of people from all over all the time. The English-Speaking people still step forward. Everyone else usually still follows.

Some have been seen to wander off, and nod off. . . .and a long time ago, Bob the Wino would even demonstrate his own special lack of water retention skills, on our famous beach walk in California. Now, even the drought is over, in California.

This fact has yet to catch up to the rich Republican lady, trying to be governor. Where she goes, the lambs are even embarrased. The money just goes, and goes, and goes, and goes--likely even trying get the attention of anything with four legs, going-going, in California.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Rich Squaw In Paradise Not Growing, But Only Even, At Great Cost--like GOP In Iraq and Afghanistan!)

So CA is still retarded. Nothing new here.:cuckoo:

No shit... why does any of the OP surprise anyone, when 51% of the state is illegal aliens expecting all those freebies?
No offense,but i'm always very skeptical of anything coming from the L.A. Times. They're not known for their balance and neutrality in news reporting. They generally have a Liberal slant to their reporting. They are also very big cheerleaders for the Democratic Party. That is certainly no secret. I'm pretty sure they're exaggerating on this one. Just more cheerleading in the end. We'll see how Californians really feel on election day.
When Revenue Growth reverses, then changes generally have to be made.

eBay revenue shrinks for first time in history ? The Register

E-bay finally got rid of Skype, some Harvard MBA's nightmare of an internet phone company.

Officially, Meg Whitman, had already left the company in early, early 2008: Leaving the impressive legacy behind.

Several banking CEO's would even later follow her impressive lead. Countrywide Financial was making money even: At at about the same pace as e-bay.

Health Care Insurance Reform will be leaving no bills to pay, in comparison.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(For the mommies and the daddies so loved their little spawn, that they sent to the school the teacher pay raises were computed at a fixed percentage every year!)
The Jolly Roger of GOP electioneering is more easily likely to become a campaign issue, even in Silicon Valley, then any Brown Campaign's timing of its own free media announcements.

"Tea Party" speeches, conventions, exhibitionism(?), and dresses of Sarah Palin are actually not being sought in California, so far.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The television ads of GOP primary candidate Whitman can already bring out the comments already posted, and even in this thread! By comparison, Her Majesty's PM has offered no similar extravagance in the announcement call of elections!)
By 3-4 points after $multi millions from Meg's bank account.

Not a bad feat in Blue State California against a Career Politician who has a great deal of name recognition.


She just got lucky....yeah......LUCKY?.......that's the ticket......some EVUL Corporations must be funding......yeah.........HALLIBURTON!!!!!



***The Preceeding Message has been brought to you by the Truthmatters Ad Campaign, and is not intended to reflect the Opinion of This Writer, or any of His Associates***
The Jolly Roger of GOP electioneering is more easily likely to become a campaign issue, even in Silicon Valley, then any Brown Campaign's timing of its own free media announcements.

"Tea Party" speeches, conventions, exhibitionism(?), and dresses of Sarah Palin are actually not being sought in California, so far.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The television ads of GOP primary candidate Whitman can already bring out the comments already posted, and even in this thread! By comparison, Her Majesty's PM has offered no similar extravagance in the announcement call of elections!)

Oh I get it.

English is your Second Language.
Apparently new to USA, boedicca-poster, clearly still hates the multi-lingual history and nature of the civilization.

There were languages of the Sioux, Iroquois, Blackfoot, Cheyenne, Mexican, Cherokee, and languges of the captured-level immigrants: That all made America!

Boedicca-poster would have been better to have put, "Oh, I get it: You're a multi-generation, native American!

As it is, the "English is your second language," post is asserted without any basis for it shown! That would probably explain any other posts, in any other thread, of boedicca-poster.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Send little kemosabes to the schools! Learn things, from teachers doing wrong things! Then go do them to other people! People of Great Half-Wit Father In Washington: Have funny concept of love of life!)
If the L.A. Times is reporting this then it's probably just an exaggeration. They are well known for their shallow Democrat cheerleading. These kinds of stories never surprise me when you consider the source. This is probably just more wishful thinking mixed with some more Democrat cheerleading. Par for the course for the L.A. Times. We'll see what Californians really want on election day.
Probably, there is no such thing as a "wishful thinking:" More noticeable than a GOP policy analysis.

Meg Whitman will likely change on issues, but so far wants to increase jobs with cuts in unspecified regulations, which includes making enviornmental regulations more consistent with jobs creation at any cost whatsover.

"At any cost whatsoever" appears to come to naturally, to some people.

After that, then parents will get grades on their schools. The resolution of any kinds of noticed difficulties will be to bloat teacher pay to more than it already is.

Anyone might think that George Bush actually knew how to read National Intelligence Estimates--when the GOP candidate can suggest that solving state fiscal problems requires increased pay and benefits, for public tax roll sustained employees, probably according to the computing methods now in place.

So According to Meg Whitman, that is how they get things done in business, before and after all the federal bailouts! Whitman understands about business for the rich in America!

It is even in the Biden Report of the anniversary of the Stimulus that most of that money, already spent, was preservative monies for state and local government jobs. Those got saved, and then the Federal Contractors were next on the trough-list.

Harvard MBA's know a thing or two about how business works in the United States of America!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(GOP maybe make treaty with California! Build Casinos! Hope that residents of Nevada cross state-lines! Anyone knows how they are about Harry Reid, and anyone knows that they know economics actually starts with the hedge fund speculations, like into the sub-prime mortgage businesses!)
Apparently new to USA, boedicca-poster, clearly still hates the multi-lingual history and nature of the civilization.

There were languages of the Sioux, Iroquois, Blackfoot, Cheyenne, Mexican, Cherokee, and languges of the captured-level immigrants: That all made America!

Boedicca-poster would have been better to have put, "Oh, I get it: You're a multi-generation, native American!

As it is, the "English is your second language," post is asserted without any basis for it shown! That would probably explain any other posts, in any other thread, of boedicca-poster.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Send little kemosabes to the schools! Learn things, from teachers doing wrong things! Then go do them to other people! People of Great Half-Wit Father In Washington: Have funny concept of love of life!)

Your posts are so incoherent, BabelFish cannot translate them into understandable English.

Just sayin'.
I take any L.A. Times report with a grain of salt at this point. They're not known for being unbiased & neutral. They have a very long history of Democrat cheerleading. Most people who are observant understand this. Like i said,probably just wishful thinking and more Democrat cheerleading coming from them. This really shouldn't surprise anyone. I guess we'll see on election day.
just because it's French, or German, or Polish, or Yiddish, or Italian, or Greek, or Portuguese, or relects a previous post in the very same thread: Does not mean that is's UnAmerican(?), or Northern UnAmerican(?), or North UnAmerican(?)!

So there!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Anyone observes that Her Majesty's Government, graciously sparred all of Canada: Any of that!)
You wanna know whats wrong with California? I can sum it up for you in two completely non-partisan words:

Mob Rule.
The famous intiative movements of California are usually described in terms more akin to populism, or progressive.

National Health Care reform, in fact, was not on the California ballot. The opening post began the expression that a GOP mantra of , "count On US To Get Your Children, Off of Your Health Insurance, Now!" Is a non-starter at best.

The Republicans are actually on record in support of repeal, to do just that!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Medicine Man Happy Plenty With Plan For Wampum beyond the Holy Smoking Dreams of the Great Spirit of the Nations!)

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