California governor blames Texas for California’s policies that caused the homeless crisis.


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

You have got to be kidding? No sane person could possibly make such an ignorant claim.

California’s authoritarian governor, Gavin Newsom, blamed the state of Texas for California’s homeless crisis. Rather than put the blame directly on the policies California has instituted that stifle free enterprise and punish heavily those who produce, Newsom said it’s the fault of Texas.

Newsom said many homeless people on the streets of San Francisco are from Texas in an attempt to shift the blame from himself and the polices of socialists (who get rich peddling socialism to the masses as everyone else becomes impoverished.)

No wonder I can never go home to the Flacky State.

@ California Governor Blames TEXAS For The Booming Homeless Crisis
Most of Texas is a shithole. California should build a border wall. And demand Texas pay for it.
Were I Texas, I'd have several weekly bus runs to Sacramento.

Well worth the cost.
California has been off the rails for many years. It just keeps getting worse.

It is the usual blame someone else for all the troubles we create. Too bad most don't believe that.
Hey folks give the kids on the left a break don't you know it is not nice to pick on those that rode the short bus.

Harry D. Shows you that he really understands geography. Just another one that comments with no clue.
California has been off the rails for many years. It just keeps getting worse.

It is the usual blame someone else for all the troubles we create. Too bad most don't believe that.
I don't suppose the nation's most generous welfare net and benefits would have anything to do with all the homeless people Clueless Gavin Newsom is whining about? The Biggest US Welfare States

At least California is number one is something. Newsom is an insufferable prick.
California has been off the rails for many years. It just keeps getting worse.

It is the usual blame someone else for all the troubles we create. Too bad most don't believe that.
I don't suppose the nation's most generous welfare net and benefits would have anything to do with all the homeless people Clueless Gavin Newsom is whining about? The Biggest US Welfare States

At least California is number one is something. Newsom is an insufferable prick.
Democrats flood California's homeless tent cities with needy homeless foreign nationals and force needy homeless Americans to compete with needy homeless foreign nationals for resources meant for needy homeless Americans.

You have got to be kidding? No sane person could possibly make such an ignorant claim.

California’s authoritarian governor, Gavin Newsom, blamed the state of Texas for California’s homeless crisis. Rather than put the blame directly on the policies California has instituted that stifle free enterprise and punish heavily those who produce, Newsom said it’s the fault of Texas.

Newsom said many homeless people on the streets of San Francisco are from Texas in an attempt to shift the blame from himself and the polices of socialists (who get rich peddling socialism to the masses as everyone else becomes impoverished.)

No wonder I can never go home to the Flacky State.

@ California Governor Blames TEXAS For The Booming Homeless Crisis

FBI Rap sheets I reviewed during my first few months in LE had an interesting word placed in the disposition column: Floater.

I asked a colleague, an old timer, what that meant. He had me look over the offense column and I noticed they were all low grade misdemeanors: drunk in public, vagrancy, petty larceny. He then pointed out the place where the offense occurred, and all were in the deep south. He then said that rather to detain the offender, they would give the defendant a one way ticket to California, and he was told the matter would be left open, and they would be jailed for one year if they returned. I have no doubt that sort of "justice" continues in the south.

You have got to be kidding? No sane person could possibly make such an ignorant claim.

California’s authoritarian governor, Gavin Newsom, blamed the state of Texas for California’s homeless crisis. Rather than put the blame directly on the policies California has instituted that stifle free enterprise and punish heavily those who produce, Newsom said it’s the fault of Texas.

Newsom said many homeless people on the streets of San Francisco are from Texas in an attempt to shift the blame from himself and the polices of socialists (who get rich peddling socialism to the masses as everyone else becomes impoverished.)

No wonder I can never go home to the Flacky State.

@ California Governor Blames TEXAS For The Booming Homeless Crisis

Well, it's pretty clear that this faggot ain't dealing with a full deck.

You have got to be kidding? No sane person could possibly make such an ignorant claim.

California’s authoritarian governor, Gavin Newsom, blamed the state of Texas for California’s homeless crisis. Rather than put the blame directly on the policies California has instituted that stifle free enterprise and punish heavily those who produce, Newsom said it’s the fault of Texas.

Newsom said many homeless people on the streets of San Francisco are from Texas in an attempt to shift the blame from himself and the polices of socialists (who get rich peddling socialism to the masses as everyone else becomes impoverished.)

No wonder I can never go home to the Flacky State.

@ California Governor Blames TEXAS For The Booming Homeless Crisis

No need to let the federal government slack. We have a naturalization clause and all foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified for civil purposes.

You have got to be kidding? No sane person could possibly make such an ignorant claim.

California’s authoritarian governor, Gavin Newsom, blamed the state of Texas for California’s homeless crisis. Rather than put the blame directly on the policies California has instituted that stifle free enterprise and punish heavily those who produce, Newsom said it’s the fault of Texas.

Newsom said many homeless people on the streets of San Francisco are from Texas in an attempt to shift the blame from himself and the polices of socialists (who get rich peddling socialism to the masses as everyone else becomes impoverished.)

No wonder I can never go home to the Flacky State.

@ California Governor Blames TEXAS For The Booming Homeless Crisis


San Francisco Needle Exchange Leaves Streets Littered With Toxic Syringes

Although needle exchange programs are still not legal in Texas, there are around 185 of these programs across the United States.
Make needle exchanges legal throughout Texas - The Daily Texan

California has been off the rails for many years. It just keeps getting worse.

It is the usual blame someone else for all the troubles we create. Too bad most don't believe that.
Cali is over regulated, over priced and over taxed but is still an amazing place to live and one of the most beautiful places in the world.
California has been off the rails for many years. It just keeps getting worse.

It is the usual blame someone else for all the troubles we create. Too bad most don't believe that.
Cali is over regulated, over priced and over taxed but is still an amazing place to live and one of the most beautiful places in the world.
You must be one of those Third-world countries fanatics.That loves seeing people living in squalor.Because it gets your adrenaline pumping.
California has been off the rails for many years. It just keeps getting worse.

It is the usual blame someone else for all the troubles we create. Too bad most don't believe that.
Cali is over regulated, over priced and over taxed but is still an amazing place to live and one of the most beautiful places in the world.
You must be one of those Third-world countries fanatics.That loves seeing people living in squalor.Because it gets your adrenaline pumping.
Not at all. You’re way off base

You have got to be kidding? No sane person could possibly make such an ignorant claim.

California’s authoritarian governor, Gavin Newsom, blamed the state of Texas for California’s homeless crisis. Rather than put the blame directly on the policies California has instituted that stifle free enterprise and punish heavily those who produce, Newsom said it’s the fault of Texas.

Newsom said many homeless people on the streets of San Francisco are from Texas in an attempt to shift the blame from himself and the polices of socialists (who get rich peddling socialism to the masses as everyone else becomes impoverished.)

No wonder I can never go home to the Flacky State.

@ California Governor Blames TEXAS For The Booming Homeless Crisis

That’s the thing with the Left. Every time their crap policies fail it’s always somebody made it fail.

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