California Attorney General Bans state-sponsored travel to Texas due to religious beliefs of Texans.

There is no reason that California cannot pass laws that apply in California and to the expenditure of state tax funds. The clowns in Texas have no say. They cannot compel anyone from another state to associate with them. Californians can have "sincerely held beliefs."

How can anyone respect them when they are deliberately aiding and abetting discrimination and using taxpayers' money in the process? The "religious liberty" argument is a sham. The rights of some religious group do not supersede the rights of the people whom they are targeting for attack, even if the group being targeted is defined by a characteristic other than religion. They are not lesser people or lesser citizens.

Moreover, the header makes it sound as if all Texans practice the same religion, which cannot be true. In the following article, some Texans who want to adopt discussed their worries about being blacklisted because they hold beliefs that are different from the state's official religion and all of the adoption agencies are run by organizations affiliated with the official religion.
The Texas AG fired back with a lawsuit. I'm not good at predicting what people will do when both have a complex list of complaints about the faults of the other's behaviors that are not in accordance with the United States Constitution.
Texas asks U.S. Supreme Court to end California law banning state-funded travel
The california guv is probably worried that the state employees wont come back

so many US citizen refugees (meaning taxpayers) are leaving california that depopulation is a real possibility
State-sponsored travel? Like communism?
Nancy gets American taxpayers to pay for her Air Force jet flights wherever she wishes to go and whoever she chooses to take with her, which they say is often a lot of people.
Unless Trump cancels her flight while she and a group hundred best friends are boarding the plane.
Their only purpose right now is to get rid of President Trump without using the means in place to do such a thing. That just so happens to be the interference in their access to all of the money taxpayers pay to weaken America by spending money on their own voters who like the freebies they get from other Americans without the approval of anybody but Democrats. I seldom see reports of how much tax money their welfare system have removed from every taxpayer's pocket. I don't resent funding sick people so long as we have doctors who are honest about their need for care, and means to track those who are double-dipping by creating false identifications or stealing other people's identifications in order to access the wealth that receiving multiple checks that rake in a fortune by one person for say, 30 people who do not exist except on paper. If one person receives food stamps, medicine, and money equivalent to $800.00 per month, getting 10 false identifications would rake in $8,800 tax-free income per month. If they had 20 false ids, that becomes $17,000. If they use 40 identifications, they rake in $35,000 per month. Welfare's a gold mine for criminals who never get caught. The same people with 41 identifications also get 41 vote game if they play the write-in game. See why Democrats are reluctant to have these fatcats found out? It's a national folly for hardworking people who figure it out.
The Texas AG fired back with a lawsuit. I'm not good at predicting what people will do when both have a complex list of complaints about the faults of the other's behaviors that are not in accordance with the United States Constitution.
Texas asks U.S. Supreme Court to end California law banning state-funded travel
CA violated the Freedom of Religion 1st amandment
In a society where the people are proud of being "atheists," they believe it's their God-given right to hate people of faith in God, and in particular, Christians who believe also in God's son who lit up what scriptures stand for. It suits the ambitions of godless people to hate everything Christian people do, starting with the founders of America, who had been dealing with godless Indian tribes who'd murder their families while they were away if they "felt like it." They had little tolerance for leadership that was 3 thousand miles away and took what little money they had by charging them high taxes on staples like tea and everything else, without allowing them to voice one single concern at lazy King Charles III's court, who hated poor people to start with and surrounded himself with yes men and pretty young courtesans who had no ills. Sound familiar? Californians worship beautiful people who collect a fortune from the movie industry. When they grow old or offend someone "important" California moves on to anybody else they can proffer as "beautiful" on film or the stage. It's a racket. They're teaching Washington how to look good while they're doing bad things.
State-sponsored travel? Like communism?
Nancy gets American taxpayers to pay for her Air Force jet flights wherever she wishes to go and whoever she chooses to take with her, which they say is often a lot of people.
She ran up a liquor bill of over $100,000 on those flights for only one year. She is a drunk, and we are paying for it.
The Texas AG fired back with a lawsuit. I'm not good at predicting what people will do when both have a complex list of complaints about the faults of the other's behaviors that are not in accordance with the United States Constitution.
Texas asks U.S. Supreme Court to end California law banning state-funded travel

More twisted, backwards LefTard Logic.

"Ban American's from traveling to American states....piss yourself over a ban to keep savage faggot killing, wife beating ragheads from traveling from their shithole nations to America."
Ain't that right resident Raggy Issa ?
The Texas AG fired back with a lawsuit. I'm not good at predicting what people will do when both have a complex list of complaints about the faults of the other's behaviors that are not in accordance with the United States Constitution.
Texas asks U.S. Supreme Court to end California law banning state-funded travel

More twisted, backwards LefTard Logic.

"Ban American's from traveling to American states....piss yourself over a ban to keep savage faggot killing, wife beating ragheads from traveling from their shithole nations to America."
Ain't that right resident Raggy Issa ?

Leave it to the poopagansist to create false narratives to help the whiny righties piss themselves some more.

Ban the ban bans.
If they would just ban these California ass-clowns from even moving to Texas---it would be a wonderful thing.

They're leaving California in droves because of Socialist/Marxist policies which they voted for---and they are too stupid to learn from their mistakes.

Texas should lobby Trump to change the course of the wall to keep out the Cali refugees.

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