Cain calls Clinton to task. He gets real life applications when it comes to the econ

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
This video is 17 years old. He is a man with experience. That's what we need. And don't give me some foreign policy clap trap. He's got as much knowledge as Obama did when he was elected. With one difference..... He knows who our enemies are and he's not afraid to say it.

[ame=]Herman Cain versus Bill Clinton.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]
And the economy during the Clinton administration was what?

Good or bad?

It seems to me at least, Sallowcrates, that it was good.

But, the seeds for the future crisis were planted by the GOP Congress and SecTreas Robert Rubin with the repeal of Glass-Steagal in 1999.
And the economy during the Clinton administration was what?

Good or bad?

Clinton was response for the mortgage meltdown, the outshoring movement to Mexico and China, the student loan crisis and the credit crisis in general.

OK the Newt run congress is also to blame (as was Bush for not reversing the damaging Acts Newt and Clinton passed)!
And the economy during the Clinton administration was what?

Good or bad?

It seems to me at least, Sallowcrates, that it was good.

But, the seeds for the future crisis were planted by the GOP Congress and SecTreas Robert Rubin with the repeal of Glass-Steagal in 1999.

Not to mention the renewing of the Carter Error Community Reivestment Act and Clinton granting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac the power to create a secondary mortgage market!
And the economy during the Clinton administration was what?

Good or bad?

Clinton was response for the mortgage meltdown, the outshoring movement to Mexico and China, the student loan crisis and the credit crisis in general.

OK the Newt run congress is also to blame (as was Bush for not reversing the damaging Acts Newt and Clinton passed)!


Well not exactly..but thanks for playing.

Glass Steagall had something to do with it..but after the Enron meltdown, Bush should have reinstated it.
And the economy during the Clinton administration was what?

Good or bad?

Clinton was response for the mortgage meltdown, the outshoring movement to Mexico and China, the student loan crisis and the credit crisis in general.

OK the Newt run congress is also to blame (as was Bush for not reversing the damaging Acts Newt and Clinton passed)!


Well not exactly..but thanks for playing.

Glass Steagall had something to do with it..but after the Enron meltdown, Bush should have reinstated it.

Your right. Glass-Steagall should have been reinstated.

It never should have been canned.
And the economy during the Clinton administration was what?

Good or bad?

It seems to me at least, Sallowcrates, that it was good.

But, the seeds for the future crisis were planted by the GOP Congress and SecTreas Robert Rubin with the repeal of Glass-Steagal in 1999.

Not to mention the renewing of the Carter Error Community Reivestment Act and Clinton granting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac the power to create a secondary mortgage market!

You make it sound as if Clinton created Fannie and Freddie. Fannie (FNMA) began in 1938 and until 1968 had a monopoly on the secondary mortgage market. The first MBS pass-through security was created in 1981. Securitization began under the GSEs, but way back when Clinton was trying to win back governor of Arkansas after losing to Frank White (and before serving 8 more years).

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