Cactus in cold climate gardens

Someone may have tossed it there or it came in with other stuff at some point. They are super tough plants. When I was in high school, a co-worker who had pretty much about a 75% cacti covering on his property gave me a bunch of cuttings I put in a 5 gallon bucket. I stuck the bucket under the back porch and completely forgot about them. About 4 or 5 years later I stumbled upon them and most were still alive. They were shaded and without water all that time. I was amazed.
Similar story; One of my good friends, collected some specimens in North Dakota, brought them home, put them in a corner in the in the garage and forgot about them all winter. In the spring he rediscovered them, they looked like they were all dead but he planted them anyway, they all grew. That's where I got my pink flowering ones from.
What color were the flowers ? Is the plant growing in size ? Or is it just hanging on ? Thanks, Stan.
It was the yellow flowers. Walked out back tonight with the dog and plant seems healthy and kind of spread out into new turf.
It was the yellow flowers. Walked out back tonight with the dog and plant seems healthy and kind of spread out into new turf.
Sounds good. You have a dog. I have turtles.

I love them, they tolerate me.
I leave all my opuntias, echinocereus, and several others outside in the winter here in Western Oregon, but keep them in a cold frame to prevent rotting.

I also leave out my rebutias and sulcorebutias, as well as various trichocereus, echinopsis, astrophytum, and other genera, but I watch them closely if it gets too cold.
Maybe its a Christmas cactus.


Schlumbergera is a tropical plant from Brazil, and would not survive in temperatures that cold. I have had it withstand temperatures in the +20s if dry, but it won't take much colder than that.

It is more likely an opuntia, a genus which includes many very hardy species.
I leave all my opuntias, echinocereus, and several others outside in the winter here in Western Oregon, but keep them in a cold frame to prevent rotting.

I also leave out my rebutias and sulcorebutias, as well as various trichocereus, echinopsis, astrophytum, and other genera, but I watch them closely if it gets too cold.
So if it gets too cold, do you add heat or do you bring them all in ? Sounds like a lot to bring in. I have to bring all my nonhardy cacti and succulents in, my front room with a big bay window looks like a jungle, there is enough room left for a path through the jungle other than that I freely give up the use of that room for half of the year. I have a white crown of thorns that continuously blooms throughout the year that's been blooming for the past 12 years. I especially love my Desert Rose rich is blooming right now.


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