CA I thought the little people were


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
going to get hurt by the removal of state and local deductions.
but wait....
California Considers Placing A Mileage Tax On Drivers

you guys want to tax miles.....
is there a more regressive tax???
jesus you guys don't ever stop at screwing people.
Isnt that one of the benefits of electric cars that you tout, cost of gas, so now you're going to tax people because you're losing revenue with more efficient cars......

WHO KNEW This would happen, what a shock!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only lefties find this as a shock and those they don't knew it was going to happy and lied to everyone about these topics.
going to get hurt by the removal of state and local deductions.
but wait....
California Considers Placing A Mileage Tax On Drivers

you guys want to tax miles.....
is there a more regressive tax???
jesus you guys don't ever stop at screwing people.
Isnt that one of the benefits of electric cars that you tout, cost of gas, so now you're going to tax people because you're losing revenue with more efficient cars......

WHO KNEW This would happen, what a shock!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only lefties find this as a shock and those they don't knew it was going to happy and lied to everyone about these topics.

Mileage taxes have been floated since about fifteen years ago when it was first proposed by Congress.

O'bama's Transportation Sec Ray LaHood tried to float it too a month into his first administration, and was immediately shot down.

Both that congress and that Secretary were Republican if you're scoring at home. Or even if you're alone.
More than several states are considering taxing Hybrid and electric cars, including the one I live in. Which is only right, because they don't pay their fair share of gas taxes.
going to get hurt by the removal of state and local deductions.
but wait....
California Considers Placing A Mileage Tax On Drivers

you guys want to tax miles.....
is there a more regressive tax???
jesus you guys don't ever stop at screwing people.
Isnt that one of the benefits of electric cars that you tout, cost of gas, so now you're going to tax people because you're losing revenue with more efficient cars......

WHO KNEW This would happen, what a shock!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only lefties find this as a shock and those they don't knew it was going to happy and lied to everyone about these topics.
We all know the rich are going to be hurt more by this tax on driving than Juan working at the grocery store will be. Really.
going to get hurt by the removal of state and local deductions.
but wait....
California Considers Placing A Mileage Tax On Drivers

you guys want to tax miles.....
is there a more regressive tax???
jesus you guys don't ever stop at screwing people.
Isnt that one of the benefits of electric cars that you tout, cost of gas, so now you're going to tax people because you're losing revenue with more efficient cars......

WHO KNEW This would happen, what a shock!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only lefties find this as a shock and those they don't knew it was going to happy and lied to everyone about these topics.
We all know the rich are going to be hurt more by this tax on driving than Juan working at the grocery store will be. Really.

Fer sure. How many illegals are driving new Priuses and fancy electric cars? Those are only for the rich elite liberal Illuminati.
Regressive ? It’s more of a use tax.

I’m not crazy about these taxes . It’s not like people have equal access to a mass transit alternative.
From that article, everyone would pay a mileage fee. This will kill the poor. They have to live far away in many cases. They can't afford Silicon Valley. They already get killed at ~$0.50/GAL state gas tax in big (often old) gas guzzlers. Gas is still $3.00/Gal out there. 100 Gallons used per month cost you $300.

No Tesla for poor landscaper Perez and crew you see riding 3 in the cab from 50 miles out up to the rich houses in Los Altos.

They said nothing about "only electric". Maybe electric will be forced to pay 2x?

Cost of living in CA is already going thru roof on utilities, trash, insurance, taxes etc. Rent is crazy too. I don't see how the poorly paid can do it?
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Oct 31, 2017 · The bill signed by Gov. Jerry Brown will raise the state excise tax on gasoline by 12 cents, from 29.7 cents per gallon to 41.7 cents per gallon. The excise tax on diesel fuel will increase by 20 cents, from 16 cents per gallon to 36 cents per gallon, and the sales tax rate on diesel will increase from 9% to 13%.

A tax on diesel......ends up costing you to buy the goods they haul into town. Thanks Brown for killing the lady buying milk and pablum for the litter.
More than several states are considering taxing Hybrid and electric cars, including the one I live in. Which is only right, because they don't pay their fair share of gas taxes.
It's a giant liberal circle of jerk off rules. Give tax credits to buy the stupid car because nobody could afford the piece of shit at full price then have them pay mileage taxes because the government doesn't have enough money for roads. With one hand they give away and with the other they steal.
going to get hurt by the removal of state and local deductions.
but wait....
California Considers Placing A Mileage Tax On Drivers

you guys want to tax miles.....
is there a more regressive tax???
jesus you guys don't ever stop at screwing people.
Isnt that one of the benefits of electric cars that you tout, cost of gas, so now you're going to tax people because you're losing revenue with more efficient cars......

WHO KNEW This would happen, what a shock!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only lefties find this as a shock and those they don't knew it was going to happy and lied to everyone about these topics.
The noted mileage tax is planned to be levied upon electric cars because they use disproportionately less gas to traverse the roads their drivers travel. It makes sense in that at the moment and in the past, gas consumption was treated as a proxy for road usage. As vehicles use less and less gas to travel between destinations, roads get used no less.

is there a more regressive tax???

The regressivity of a mileage tax depends on where it's enacted and how it's structured.

From the referenced article:

If you own an older vehicle that is fueled by gas, you’re paying gas tax to maintain the roads. Someone who has an electric vehicle or a dramatically more fuel efficient vehicle is paying much less than you are. But they are still using the roads.​

From the standpoint of the financial position of electric car buyers compared to internal combustion engine car buyers, I suspect that on the whole the former are wealthier. If that is indeed so, it's not likely that the mileage tax is regressive.

On the other hand, were the mileage tax imposed upon drivers/owners of internal combustion engine vehicles, if it's also the case that poorer people drive more than do wealthier people, the tax may well be regressive if it's not structured so that also captures the indirect road usage on which wealthy people depend even when they aren't themselves driving their own vehicle(s) on the roads.

For example:
  • I often use the road between my home and the airport, but almost never do I drive my own car to make that trip.
  • I've been to the Los Angeles area many times and spent many months there, yet I've never driven a car in the Los Angeles area.
  • Most of the goods and services -- even some of the basic ones like dry cleaning and groceries -- I procure are delivered to my home; thus I rarely drive to obtain them.
  • I live in downtown D.C. where it's a five or ten minute walk from my home to myriad places many people drive to -- the social clubs to which I belong, the restaurants I frequent, the barber, the aesthetician, my tailor, etc.
Given my lifestyle and the relatively high cost of living it, a mileage tax would have little impact on me in comparison to folks who lack the means to comfortably avail themselves of the same level of convenience that comes from living in the center of a cosmopolitan European-style city where a large share of "stuff" is within walking distance or where using taxis and car services is not prohibitively expensive. Thus, if it be so that the mileage tax would fairly well not be a tax people like me pay, it would be regressive because the fact of the matter is that I could not avail myself of all the things I do were there not good roads in place so that the people could get there to work and suppliers could not get their goods and services to those establishments. Even though I'm not as much a direct user of the roads as are others, I'm every bit as dependent on the very same roads that are folks who frequently drive on them.

Another thing to keep in mind about taxes like the gas tax is that often they are "special fund" taxes. Special fund taxes are taxes that governments can use for only a very limited set of purposes; such tax revenue is not part of the general fund, or general revenue, a jurisdiction receives. How tax revenue is used, of course, has nothing to do with the nature and extent of a tax's regressivity; it has only to do with whether the tax's stated purpose aligns with how the tax revenue indeed will be used. So, if a legislator asserts the mileage tax is for roads, yet the money goes into the state's general fund, it's certain that the money will get used for all sorts of things besides road construction and maintenance.
From that article, everyone would pay a mileage fee. This will kill the poor. They have to live far away in many cases. They can't afford Silicon Valley. They already get killed at ~$0.50/GAL state gas tax in big (often old) gas guzzlers. Gas is still $3.00/Gal out there. 100 Gallons used per month cost you $300.

No Tesla for poor landscaper Perez and crew you see riding 3 in the cab from 50 miles out up to the rich houses in Los Altos.

They said nothing about "only electric". Maybe electric will be forced to pay 2x?

Cost of living in CA is already going thru roof on utilities, trash, insurance, taxes etc. Rent is crazy too. I don't see how the poorly paid can do it?
This is a tax that has been discussed here for years. Partly because of the gas mileage on newer cars and trucks do not put enough money into road repair. Then toss in electrics and a change to mileage in maybe a better way to go than a gas tax.
As a Californian I have seen utilities rise and I chose to go solar and eliminate them. The people who have very little money do not buy vehicles but ride with others who have and give money to them for the rides. And when you have the wage base that we have nothing really costs that much to us but people who visit are shocked.
We all know the rich are going to be hurt more by this tax on driving than Juan working at the grocery store will be. Really.[/QUOTE]
Juan working at the grocery store will be paying the gas tax every time he puts gas in his gas powered car. Then, once a year, Juan will pay a mileage tax on every mile his gas powered car has traveled.
More than several states are considering taxing Hybrid and electric cars, including the one I live in. Which is only right, because they don't pay their fair share of gas taxes.

so you get people to buy non gas cars to "save money" then you say, nah we were just kidding......heres a tax
More than several states are considering taxing Hybrid and electric cars, including the one I live in. Which is only right, because they don't pay their fair share of gas taxes.

so you get people to buy non gas cars to "save money" then you say, nah we were just kidding......heres a tax

Shouldn't they pay their "fair share" of taxes? It is after all, the liberals who are always complaining about someone not paying their "far share."
It all comes back to that Jerry Brown pond-life and his single-minded obsession with giving illegals a free ride. He obviously wants to import even more and give them even more hand-outs. CA has droughts fairly often and these liberal cocksuckers want to import MORE people to consume the dwindling water supply. The well-being of fellow Americans means jack shit to these goblins on the Left. Treasonous, rotten, disloyal to the core, who haven't an ounce of integrity.
More than several states are considering taxing Hybrid and electric cars, including the one I live in. Which is only right, because they don't pay their fair share of gas taxes.

so you get people to buy non gas cars to "save money" then you say, nah we were just kidding......heres a tax

Shouldn't they pay their "fair share" of taxes? It is after all, the liberals who are always complaining about someone not paying their "far share."

very true, i just think its funny that they lie so.much and we tell people whats gonna happen, they just dont listen
Thank God for the low mortality fires due entirely to Brown looting the fire prevention funds. at least the citizens can take the insurance money and run to a state that is not an open air lunatic asylum. How long until CA can't rollover its debt is a big question mark and a huge market risk.

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