C-SPAN 2021 Presidential Rankings


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
Well C-SPAN’s annual rankings of Presidents is out. They seem pretty solid. I’d have Obama ahead of Reagan but below JFK but it’s in the ballpark. Maybe Jefferson gets a boost from pre Presidency accomplishments.

Top 10

1. Lincoln
2. Washington
3. FDR
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Ike
6. Truman
7. Jefferson
8. Kennedy
9. Reagan
10. Obama

Bottom 5

40. Harrison
41. Trump
42. Pierce
43. A. Johnson
44. Buchanan

(It’s 44 because Cleveland is twice, but ranked once together)

Full list:
(It’s 44 because Cleveland is twice, but ranked once together)
Well C-SPAN’s annual rankings of Presidents is out. They seem pretty solid. I’d have Obama ahead of Reagan but below JFK but it’s in the ballpark. Maybe Jefferson gets a boost from pre Presidency accomplishments.

Top 10

1. Lincoln
2. Washington
3. FDR
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Ike
6. Truman
7. Jefferson
8. Kennedy
9. Reagan
10. Obama

Bottom 5

40. Harrison
41. Trump
42. Pierce
43. A. Johnson
44. Buchanan

(It’s 44 because Cleveland is twice, but ranked once together)

Full list:
(It’s 44 because Cleveland is twice, but ranked once together)
at this point all of MSM has discredited itself and nothing coming from them should be taken seriously,, and that goes for the higher education system too,,
Well C-SPAN’s annual rankings of Presidents is out. They seem pretty solid. I’d have Obama ahead of Reagan but below JFK but it’s in the ballpark. Maybe Jefferson gets a boost from pre Presidency accomplishments.

Top 10

1. Lincoln
2. Washington
3. FDR
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Ike
6. Truman
7. Jefferson
8. Kennedy
9. Reagan
10. Obama

Bottom 5

40. Harrison
41. Trump
42. Pierce
43. A. Johnson
44. Buchanan

(It’s 44 because Cleveland is twice, but ranked once together)

Full list:
(It’s 44 because Cleveland is twice, but ranked once together)
Why post the swim suit competition only and not the rest of the competition?
Well C-SPAN’s annual rankings of Presidents is out. They seem pretty solid. I’d have Obama ahead of Reagan but below JFK but it’s in the ballpark. Maybe Jefferson gets a boost from pre Presidency accomplishments.

Top 10

1. Lincoln
2. Washington
3. FDR
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Ike
6. Truman
7. Jefferson
8. Kennedy
9. Reagan
10. Obama

Bottom 5

40. Harrison
41. Trump
42. Pierce
43. A. Johnson
44. Buchanan

(It’s 44 because Cleveland is twice, but ranked once together)

Full list:
(It’s 44 because Cleveland is twice, but ranked once together)
Dishonest Abe! What a joke. A country bumpkin lawyer who served only the wealthy, taking the nation to war when the entire western world ended slavery without firing a shot.

Further proof Americans have been duped by the establishment.
Well C-SPAN’s annual rankings of Presidents is out. They seem pretty solid. I’d have Obama ahead of Reagan but below JFK but it’s in the ballpark. Maybe Jefferson gets a boost from pre Presidency accomplishments.

Top 10

1. Lincoln
2. Washington
3. FDR
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Ike
6. Truman
7. Jefferson
8. Kennedy
9. Reagan
10. Obama

Bottom 5

40. Harrison
41. Trump
42. Pierce
43. A. Johnson
44. Buchanan

(It’s 44 because Cleveland is twice, but ranked once together)

Full list:
(It’s 44 because Cleveland is twice, but ranked once together)
Dishonest Abe! What a joke. A country bumpkin lawyer who served only the wealthy, taking the nation to war when the entire western world ended slavery without firing a shot.

Further proof Americans have been duped by the establishment.
when you say "entire western world" you mean all except the democrats in the south that seceded to keep their slaves right??
1. Washington. The antithesis of FDR. The man who could have been king because his troops wanted to march on Washington and make him king because they were not being paid, but turned Washington turned it down to give power back to Congress. As the king of England said, if Washington is able to do this, he will go down in history as one of the greatest men of all time. A real head scratcher in terms of being opposite all other men who crave power typically. Conversely, FDR made himself king. All other Presidents followed the example of Washington by choosing not to do more than two terms. Not FDR though, oh no, no, no. FDR gave the Grim Reaper and fight for his money cuz he wanted to be President forever.

2. Jefferson. Here is a man who fought the Alien and Sedition Acts. These acts made it illegal to speak out against government, and the country would have been a much darker place had he not doe so. As it was, the provisions left over that Jefferson could not do away with FDR used to lock up innocent Japanese Americans. Again, Jefferson was the antithesis of Jefferson as well. Jefferson's biggest flaw was he compromised with the Declaration of Independence and opted not to free the slaves. Having sex with his slaves probably did not help either.

3. Madison. Madison essentially wrote the Constitution. Although he had help, he was the brains of the Founding Fathers. Here is a man who whose Constitution Progressives trashed via his General Welfare clause. For you see, Progressives have used the General Welfare clause to justify expanding the government endlessly. In fact, here is what Madison wrote about his own General Welfare clause

“If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress... Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited Government established by the people of America.”​

~ James Madison

4. Monroe. Why Monroe? Because it goes down hill quickly from here, that's why. Pretty soon you get John Quincy Adams up there trying to expand government the way Progressive do today, then there is the train wreck Andrew Jackson and Indian killer, the first democrat and a real prick.

Reagan? Trump? These are just residue from conservatism. They were trapped in a system that pulled them in, chewed them up, and spat them out, just speed bumps on the road to the inevitable.
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Well C-SPAN’s annual rankings of Presidents is out. They seem pretty solid. I’d have Obama ahead of Reagan but below JFK but it’s in the ballpark. Maybe Jefferson gets a boost from pre Presidency accomplishments.

Top 10

1. Lincoln
2. Washington
3. FDR
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Ike
6. Truman
7. Jefferson
8. Kennedy
9. Reagan
10. Obama

Bottom 5

40. Harrison
41. Trump
42. Pierce
43. A. Johnson
44. Buchanan

(It’s 44 because Cleveland is twice, but ranked once together)

Full list:
(It’s 44 because Cleveland is twice, but ranked once together)
Dishonest Abe! What a joke. A country bumpkin lawyer who served only the wealthy, taking the nation to war when the entire western world ended slavery without firing a shot.

Further proof Americans have been duped by the establishment.
Do you really think the Democrats in the USA would have given up slavery very easily?

If so, you're nucking futs!

Democrats back then, and even continuous to this day, are nothing but evil racist psychopathic motherfuckers.

...Except for Tulsi Gabbard, from Hawaii. But then that posits the question.... is a Hawaiian really even an American?
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Well C-SPAN’s annual rankings of Presidents is out. They seem pretty solid. I’d have Obama ahead of Reagan but below JFK but it’s in the ballpark. Maybe Jefferson gets a boost from pre Presidency accomplishments.

Top 10

1. Lincoln
2. Washington
3. FDR
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Ike
6. Truman
7. Jefferson
8. Kennedy
9. Reagan
10. Obama

Bottom 5

40. Harrison
41. Trump
42. Pierce
43. A. Johnson
44. Buchanan

(It’s 44 because Cleveland is twice, but ranked once together)

Full list:
(It’s 44 because Cleveland is twice, but ranked once together)
Dishonest Abe! What a joke. A country bumpkin lawyer who served only the wealthy, taking the nation to war when the entire western world ended slavery without firing a shot.

Further proof Americans have been duped by the establishment.
Do you really think the Democrats in the USA would have given up slavery very easily?

If so, you're nucking futs!

Democrats back then and even today are nothing but racist psychopaths.

I wonder if you have ever studied Us History?

From this link: Democratic-Republican Party - Wikipedia

The Democratic-Republican Party, also referred to as the Jeffersonian Republican Party and known at the time under various other names,[a] was an American political party founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in the early 1790s that championed republicanism, political equality, and expansionism. The party became increasingly dominant after the 1800 elections as the opposing Federalist Party collapsed. The Democratic-Republicans later splintered during the 1824 presidential election. The majority faction of the Democratic-Republicans eventually coalesced into the modern Democratic Party, while the minority faction ultimately formed the core of what became the Whig Party.[9]
Well C-SPAN’s annual rankings of Presidents is out. They seem pretty solid. I’d have Obama ahead of Reagan but below JFK but it’s in the ballpark. Maybe Jefferson gets a boost from pre Presidency accomplishments.

Top 10

1. Lincoln
2. Washington
3. FDR
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Ike
6. Truman
7. Jefferson
8. Kennedy
9. Reagan
10. Obama

Bottom 5

40. Harrison
41. Trump
42. Pierce
43. A. Johnson
44. Buchanan

(It’s 44 because Cleveland is twice, but ranked once together)

Full list:
(It’s 44 because Cleveland is twice, but ranked once together)
Dishonest Abe! What a joke. A country bumpkin lawyer who served only the wealthy, taking the nation to war when the entire western world ended slavery without firing a shot.

Further proof Americans have been duped by the establishment.
Do you really think the Democrats in the USA would have given up slavery very easily?

If so, you're nucking futs!

Democrats back then and even today are nothing but racist psychopaths.

I wonder if you have ever studied Us History?

From this link: Democratic-Republican Party - Wikipedia

The Democratic-Republican Party, also referred to as the Jeffersonian Republican Party and known at the time under various other names,[a] was an American political party founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in the early 1790s that championed republicanism, political equality, and expansionism. The party became increasingly dominant after the 1800 elections as the opposing Federalist Party collapsed. The Democratic-Republicans later splintered during the 1824 presidential election. The majority faction of the Democratic-Republicans eventually coalesced into the modern Democratic Party, while the minority faction ultimately formed the core of what became the Whig Party.[9]
Unlike you, I am not a wikidiot.
Oh. I didn’t realize Trump was already ranked. Makes sense him being at the bottom though. He did pretty much suck.

He was dead last in:
Moral authority
Administrative skills

His highest rankings were 3 in the 30’s:
Lying to the public (public persuasion)
Riding Obama’s coattails (economy)
Bullshitting about paying for wall (Vision)

Dishonest Abe! What a joke. A country bumpkin lawyer who served only the wealthy, taking the nation to war when the entire western world ended slavery without firing a shot.

Further proof Americans have been duped by the establishment.

Why not just say - "I hate them all!" :confused-84:
Oh. I didn’t realize Trump was already ranked. Makes sense him being at the bottom though. He did pretty much suck.

He was dead last in:
Moral authority
Administrative skills

His highest rankings were 3 in the 30’s:
Lying to the public (public persuasion)
Riding Obama’s coattails (economy)
Bullshitting about paying for wall (Vision)

View attachment 507488
Administrative skills

It's obvious you're in a union...good for you.

In the private sector administrative skills means you fire everyone who doesn't get the job done.
Oh. I didn’t realize Trump was already ranked. Makes sense him being at the bottom though. He did pretty much suck.

He was dead last in:
Moral authority
Administrative skills

His highest rankings were 3 in the 30’s:
Lying to the public (public persuasion)
Riding Obama’s coattails (economy)
Bullshitting about paying for wall (Vision)

View attachment 507488
Administrative skills

It's obvious you're in a union...good for you.

In the private sector administrative skills means you fire everyone who doesn't get the job done.
and if you have poor administrative skills, like trump, then you have to fire a lot of people you had hired a short time previously deeming them to be the best.
Oh. I didn’t realize Trump was already ranked. Makes sense him being at the bottom though. He did pretty much suck.

He was dead last in:
Moral authority
Administrative skills

His highest rankings were 3 in the 30’s:
Lying to the public (public persuasion)
Riding Obama’s coattails (economy)
Bullshitting about paying for wall (Vision)

View attachment 507488
Administrative skills

It's obvious you're in a union...good for you.

In the private sector administrative skills means you fire everyone who doesn't get the job done.
and if you have poor administrative skills, like trump, then you have to fire a lot of people you had hired a short time previously deeming them to be the best.
I would probably fire you before I hired you.
It's nice to know you never worked on Wall Street.

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