JBeukema Rookie Apr 23, 2009 25,613 1,749 0 everywhere and nowhere Jun 24, 2009 Banned #1 What's on your list of things to do before you die?
strollingbones Diamond Member Sep 19, 2008 95,832 29,512 2,260 chicken farm Jun 24, 2009 #2 see my grandchild
editec Mr. Forgot-it-All Jun 5, 2008 41,421 5,672 48 Maine Jun 24, 2009 #3 "I don't want to live forever. I just want to live long enough to bury my children" Homer Simson You folks ever notice that the wanting is typically better than the getting? You want something so badly, you anticipate it so joyously, and then when it manifests it cannot possibly live up to your expectations? That's the Christmas afternoon blues, folks. Before I die, I want to get Rosetta on a firm enough footing that I can leave it to whomsoever succeeds me. As for myself? I'd like to get a glider pilot's license, I suppose. Wouldn't mind visiting Prague, and perhaps take a tour of Bohemian Breweries with my son.
"I don't want to live forever. I just want to live long enough to bury my children" Homer Simson You folks ever notice that the wanting is typically better than the getting? You want something so badly, you anticipate it so joyously, and then when it manifests it cannot possibly live up to your expectations? That's the Christmas afternoon blues, folks. Before I die, I want to get Rosetta on a firm enough footing that I can leave it to whomsoever succeeds me. As for myself? I'd like to get a glider pilot's license, I suppose. Wouldn't mind visiting Prague, and perhaps take a tour of Bohemian Breweries with my son.
Big Black Dog Platinum Member May 20, 2009 23,425 8,069 890 Jun 24, 2009 #5 Drive a AA Fuel Dragster, drive a Funny Car, have one of my photographs published in National Geographic, and go to Hawaii.
Drive a AA Fuel Dragster, drive a Funny Car, have one of my photographs published in National Geographic, and go to Hawaii.