By EO: Obama bans import select firearms

by your 'king obama' comment it would seem you don't believe he has the authority to do this - is that correct?

Prolly more that he does not do EO's with consent from the people but rather prospective that he knows how to live peoples lives better than they do.

so 'the people' weren't clamoring and calling for him to do something about the situation with russia in the ukraine?
by your 'king obama' comment it would seem you don't believe he has the authority to do this - is that correct?

Prolly more that he does not do EO's with consent from the people but rather prospective that he knows how to live peoples lives better than they do.

so 'the people' weren't clamoring and calling for him to do something about the situation with russia in the ukraine?

They were, they were overwhelmingly opposed to red lines and "action." The vast majority wanted Obama to stay out of it, just like they oppose him going back into Iraq. But Obama is a war president, more so than Bush so it's not shocking to me that he would just do what he wants.

The man who once claimed to be against the war powers act now loves the chit outa it.

So, we are doing sanctions on Russia, and now that includes guns. And you have your tail in a knot. Guess you want to support Putin by purchasing these guns and putting more money in the Russian treasury. You definition of patriotism is noted.:mad:

Sanctions is an act of war, plain and simple. Why is Obama trying to spark a war with Russia, why do you seem to support this?
How far the left has fallen, they have surpassed the Bush-bots. The new left is for war, bailouts, Guantanamo, Iraq war, war on terror, expansions of homeland security, massive deficits, and a never ending stimulus to the rich to prop up markets.

You will be remembered through history as one of the more ignorant hateful groups in US history.
Prolly more that he does not do EO's with consent from the people but rather prospective that he knows how to live peoples lives better than they do.

so 'the people' weren't clamoring and calling for him to do something about the situation with russia in the ukraine?

They were, they were overwhelmingly opposed to red lines and "action." The vast majority wanted Obama to stay out of it, just like they oppose him going back into Iraq. But Obama is a war president, more so than Bush so it's not shocking to me that he would just do what he wants.

The man who once claimed to be against the war powers act now loves the chit outa it.

How many invasions and occupation has President Obama proposed and led?

The war powers act limits the Presidents war making power.
so 'the people' weren't clamoring and calling for him to do something about the situation with russia in the ukraine?

They were, they were overwhelmingly opposed to red lines and "action." The vast majority wanted Obama to stay out of it, just like they oppose him going back into Iraq. But Obama is a war president, more so than Bush so it's not shocking to me that he would just do what he wants.

The man who once claimed to be against the war powers act now loves the chit outa it.

How many invasions and occupation has President Obama proposed and led?

The war powers act limits the Presidents war making power.

Syria, Egypt, Pakistan, going back into Iraq, expanding Afghanistan and now creating conflict with Russia.

See, Obama, and the moronic fanbois on the left found that if they avoid "boot's on the ground" that it's not a war. They can supply people with weapons and intel, they can do air strikes and drones... But if you just avoid "boots on the ground" all that killing, all that money spent somehow magically does not count.

You will be remembered as the idiot generation of Democrats, Sorry, just how things are working out for you.
They were, they were overwhelmingly opposed to red lines and "action." The vast majority wanted Obama to stay out of it, just like they oppose him going back into Iraq. But Obama is a war president, more so than Bush so it's not shocking to me that he would just do what he wants.

The man who once claimed to be against the war powers act now loves the chit outa it.

How many invasions and occupation has President Obama proposed and led?

The war powers act limits the Presidents war making power.

Syria, Egypt, Pakistan, going back into Iraq, expanding Afghanistan and now creating conflict with Russia.

See, Obama, and the moronic fanbois on the left found that if they avoid "boot's on the ground" that it's not a war. They can supply people with weapons and intel, they can do air strikes and drones... But if you just avoid "boots on the ground" all that killing, all that money spent somehow magically does not count.

You will be remembered as the idiot generation of Democrats, Sorry, just how things are working out for you.

so you're for isolationism?
Always a pattern with liberals.. First deny, question the source.. once it's proven, create a strawman- once that has been shot down, use the extreme side of the position to paint your adversary...

LIBERALISM is a house of mirrors. It cannot stand on anything thus the continuous propaganda.. from one lie to the next. Just as we saw with the many posters here claiming that Americans want these illegal children to stay here.. We know that's a lie.
How many invasions and occupation has President Obama proposed and led?

The war powers act limits the Presidents war making power.

Syria, Egypt, Pakistan, going back into Iraq, expanding Afghanistan and now creating conflict with Russia.

See, Obama, and the moronic fanbois on the left found that if they avoid "boot's on the ground" that it's not a war. They can supply people with weapons and intel, they can do air strikes and drones... But if you just avoid "boots on the ground" all that killing, all that money spent somehow magically does not count.

You will be remembered as the idiot generation of Democrats, Sorry, just how things are working out for you.

so you're for isolationism?

You're an idiot.

"Isolationism" is currently a somewhat controversial style of policy. Whether or not a country should be isolationist affects both its people's living standards and the ability of its political rulers to benefit favored firms and industries.

The policy or doctrine of trying to isolate one's country from the affairs of other nations by declining to enter into alliances, foreign economic commitments, international agreements, and generally attempting to make one's economy entirely self-reliant; seeking to devote the entire efforts of one's country to its own advancement, both diplomatically and economically, while remaining in a state of peace by avoiding foreign entanglements and responsibilities.

You see Libertarian and you think "isolationist." Very clever of you, but once again... you're an idiot.
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This is where the lil noobie gets it wrong. See, they have your error of thought on mother fuckin wiki, because people like you are predictable.

Two distinct and unrelated concepts that are occasionally erroneously categorized as Isolationism are:

Non-interventionism – is the belief that political rulers should avoid military alliances with other nations and to avoid interfering in wars bearing no direct impact on their nation. However, most non-interventionists are supporters of free trade, travel, and support certain international agreements, unlike isolationists.
Protectionism – Relates more often to economics, its proponents believe that there should be legal barriers in order to control trade and cultural exchange with people in other states.

Reagan Renews Limited Sanctions on South Africa

Despite pressure from Congress, President Reagan decided Thursday not to toughen U.S. sanctions against South Africa and instead extended a year-old executive order that his spokesman conceded has "not done what we intended for it to do."

The President ordered that a package of limited sanctions, which he imposed in September, 1985, be kept in place for another 12 months. The executive order restricts loans, computer sales and the export of nuclear technology to South Africa and bans the U.S. sale of South African gold Krugerrands.

King Reagan spoke.

The Lengthening List of Iran Sanctions

The Iran-Iraq Arms Nonproliferation Act (October 23, 1992) calls for sanctioning any person or entity that assists Tehran in weapons development or acquisition of "chemical, biological, nuclear, or destabilizing numbers and types of advanced conventional weapons." Subsequent nonproliferation orders include the Iran-Syria-North Korea Non-Proliferation Act, and Executive Order 13382 (PDF), signed by President Bush in June 2005.

Trade and investment. On April 30, 1995, President Bill Clinton announced a comprehensive ban on U.S. trade and investment in Iran, a move codified by Executive Order 12959 (PDF). In March 2010, President Barack Obama, like George W. Bush, renewed Clinton's executive order banning U.S. trade and investment with Iran.

Kings Clinton and Bush spoke.
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Reagan Renews Limited Sanctions on South Africa

Despite pressure from Congress, President Reagan decided Thursday not to toughen U.S. sanctions against South Africa and instead extended a year-old executive order that his spokesman conceded has "not done what we intended for it to do."

The President ordered that a package of limited sanctions, which he imposed in September, 1985, be kept in place for another 12 months. The executive order restricts loans, computer sales and the export of nuclear technology to South Africa and bans the U.S. sale of South African gold Krugerrands.

King Reagan spoke.

The Lengthening List of Iran Sanctions

The Iran-Iraq Arms Nonproliferation Act (October 23, 1992) calls for sanctioning any person or entity that assists Tehran in weapons development or acquisition of "chemical, biological, nuclear, or destabilizing numbers and types of advanced conventional weapons." Subsequent nonproliferation orders include the Iran-Syria-North Korea Non-Proliferation Act, and Executive Order 13382 (PDF), signed by President Bush in June 2005.

Trade and investment. On April 30, 1995, President Bill Clinton announced a comprehensive ban on U.S. trade and investment in Iran, a move codified by Executive Order 12959 (PDF). In March 2010, President Barack Obama, like George W. Bush, renewed Clinton's executive order banning U.S. trade and investment with Iran.

Kings Clinton and Bush spoke.

Typical leftist drool^^^ Whenever their boy king is shown to be a war mongerer or all around fucking idiot, throw up someone else.

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